Devolver E3 hype thread!
"Roll the garbage" edition.
Devolver E3 hype thread!
"Roll the garbage" edition.
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Her public speaking skills are 10/10, but why is she wasting her genes on a lesbian relationship? cringe.
Damn she's hot
have sex
>wasting time raising children to overpopulate this planet even more in hopes they do what you didn't instead of spending your time living an actual life
>lesbian relationship
well im doing unholy things tonight...
>Croteam won't be there so nothing about SS4
>reveal of probably more Ebin exclusives
Someone’s real jelly
I want two mommys
overpopulation is only a problem in third world shitholes where they are having unprotected sex and breeding like rabbits.
she lives in a third world shithole
was last year any good?
>muh Thanos
>muh disproved "overpopulation" scare
Its not wise for a progressive shilling gay shit to in turn use veiled eugenicist propaganda/moral panic.
Its not a problem there, its mainly eugenecists who are trying to take control of resources, that are shilling that.
enjoy living for someone else and buying extra shit for 18 years I guess
>Bringing life to this shithole of a slave planet
Fuck off
i don't think i've ever not had fun with a devolver-published game, even the ones i ended up not liking
she is retarded.
no sane person can perform good on scene
Let me guess, you think that because the human population could "technically" be 1000 times larger because of sheer landmass, that means there isn't a problem?
Unless you want everyone to live in mudhuts, it'd probably be best that we don't test the planet's resource capacity.
it's coming
fuck off, the series concluded anything more is pandering and garbage
No she's just confident you autistic fag
>Actually wanting revels in a fucking Devolver show
>Not realizing that Devolver e3 shows are literal E3 shitposts
not him but I'm looking forward a new HM too
doesn't have to be the same characters/setting, I just want the same gameplay and soundtrack style
>being hyped by a bunch of sellouts
Did they say they'd only publish on the EGS?
I don't get launcherwars, but at least they're fun to watch
>I don't get launcherwars
Do you exclusively play on consoles?
They said that all currently announced games will be on Steam and Observation was an exception that was a decision between them and the devs but they confirmed that some upcoming games may also end up on EGS.
>but they confirmed that some upcoming games may also end up on EGS.
Can you link me this? Does this imply that they could come exclusively to the EGS, or just launch on it with other platforms like GOG and Steam?
Australia narrowly survived the apocalypse and now you play as a bunch of post-apoc bogans warring with mutated kangaroos.
Not him but in all honesty, I see the EGS as a big opportunity for valve to get competition, and thus improve.
These lazy bastards are the most profitable per-employee company in the fucking USA and they managed to do fuckall.
I don't want the EGS chinkware to become the number one launcher, I just want to give a reason for Valve to move their fucking asses.
I only pay for games on consoles
It's not a problem there, government meddling with the economy is. The third world contains the least free countries.
Based. Steam used to be great, but Valve has continually made it and their games worse.
>I see the EGS as a big opportunity for valve to get competition, and thus improve.
What incentive does Epic provide for Valve to improve Steam when the only thing Epic is doing is buying out exclusivity of games? Increasing feature sets doesn't suddenly stop Epic from being able to do that
>but Valve has continually made it...worse
Weird I didn't know that continuously updating controller support, Proton and the new multiplayer API for all devs (including non-Steam) to use made Steam worse
The worst thing is, Valve has to do jack shit while Epic shoots itself in the head. It's only a matter of time when their business model comes crashing down.
I have a question. How do lesbians have sex? Neither has anything to stick into the other.
Human population will stabilize at around 10 billion
rub rub
I want valve to improve their platform and give reasons for both developers and players alike.
They could lower their cut on games, make more frequent sales etc.
Honestly epic is more of a dim light of hope in the dark wasteland that is my expectations in valve.
I have reached the point where I'll take anything that even barely resembles like an incentive for valve to improve.
The focus on marketplace bullshit, trading cards, and non-game features all while ensuring that Steam sales are fucking garbage did.
The Steam controller is ass, Proton is a meme, and I wouldn't trust Valve to make a proper multiplayer API since it took them so fucking long to do a goddamn thing about LMAObox.
Is it time, bros?
Didn't they recently make a joke about that on twatter?
Hot af
It's in their Discord Q&A section
>@Speckle Who decided to have Observation on epic over steam, Devolver or the devs? Can we expect future games to still come to steam, or will most start being epic exclusive?
>A: Both. Yes, no but possibly some.
>@Simon_Verhoeven Why publish Observation as an Epic exclusive for a year whilst lambasting anti consumer practices the past couple of years?
>A: It made sense for the benefit of the developer. Not reeeeeally clear how publishing to one platform or another can be associated with "anti-consumer practices" but I am sorry that you're finding this so deeply upsetting.
devolver are epic shills now
no thanks
>They could lower their cut on games
Why do we always assume just increasing the cut is a viable move for a more feature-intensive platform like Steam? Clearly Epic's 12% isn't doing shit for them actually developing a decent storefront with continuously delaying multiple EGS features like cloud saves and the goddamn shopping cart. I mean shit where's the people up in arms about Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo with their highway robbery of a 30% take with not nearly as much provided for devs or customers?
>The focus on marketplace bullshit, trading cards, and non-game features
How do those make Steam worse when you can turn off notifications from them? Also I only used a Steam controller once at my brother's place but the built quality was excellent and he loves the damned thing
can't wait for robocop
I'll take the semi ironic shitposting over the bullshit "we love gamers and video games!! ;)))" shit any day of the week.
>hurr durr its a marketting ploy you redditard
no shit it is, e3 IS a fucking week long ad people pay to watch.
as always:
I fucking hope not, HM2 trully was a disappointment, it seemed like they misunderstood what made HM1 good.
Unironically hype as fuck for more Verhoeven and Nina's Revengeance
And a cape like when you go to the movies. Based for the win.
Excited for the show but all their games are ass.
Whatever happened to My Friend Pedro anyway?
Never ever.
Dennaton is making a different game. They put everything they wanted to put in HM2 and ended it with the definitive conclusion to the cycle of violence. There will never be a hotline miami 3. 2 was the perfect conclusion and sequel. Excpet for the Pig Butcher levels.
Also reminder that Biker (who mentions having moved into the desert) survived
Look up scissoring.
>How do those make Steam worse when you can turn off notifications from them?
The fact that they're there is the problem, retard. Valve spent development time on that shit instead of making video games and trying to improve Steam, which is what they used to fucking do before idiots like you made them the most powerful platform on PC.
I have heard that it isn't that much practiced by lesbians in IRL sex because it's poor stimulation
I feel the same but I hope for a Dark Souls-style redemption arc, where the 3rd one manages to recover after a mediocre 2. If they really make an HM3 I'm sure they'll acknowledge the complaints 2 got, especially regarding the level design.
Her public speaking skills are masculine, which is why she isn't gay enough to get it with a man. Duh. Does she seem like a faggot to you?
>she isn't gay enough to get it with a man.
Honestly I didn't believe neo Yea Forums existed till she came along. Years ago Yea Forums would call her cringey as fuck. Honestly the presentation reminds me of what Yea Forums use to hate. Jesus...Yea Forums.. has changed
>Years ago Yea Forums would call her cringey as fuck.
2000s Yea Forums woulda loved this ridiculous shit just as much you poser
2000's Yea Forums would have loved this even more.
Did he? Wasn't the entirety of America nuked?
You're trying too hard to fit in.
Yeah us oldfags h-haha.
If you're the least bit intelligent you'll realize they're at least better than all the other presentations filled to the brim with people with zero interest in video games pretending to love it.
I want Not A Hero 2.
Are they making that?
None of Devolver's E3 presentations have been funny. It's Borderlands-tier humor.
Shadow Warrior 3?
refer to
That's bullshit. The other presentations are better because they frequently fuck up and do embarrassing shit.
All presentations don't need to to the same.
I'd rather get a 20 minutes long chuckle worthy presentation rather than an entire hour of pure garbage with maybe one cringy moment.
I leave it up to crowbcat, jameskii or the likes to collect all of those in a neatly packed video.
theirs nothing chuckle-worthy in the devolver conferences.
it's a satire calling out all the other companies on their shitty presentations and monetization practices, you have to be genuinely retarded or completely unaware of E3 to not get it
I too, love fart sniffing humor and shoving my head up my own ass.
Imagine someone actually spending time of his life going on forums to say he doesn't find something funny
>watching capeshit
Why are all /pol/tards always under 18? is it the virgin-thing?
unironically this tho. if you do need kids, adopt or try discourage others from having EVEN MORE fucking humans. 1 billion is fucking plenty man. wont ever get bored with that many.
guy forgets abrica and south america. unless we dehuman that we will be at 30 billion at 21st century....
>people actually fall for this meme
This. 2 was fucking aids.
HM2 was much better than the first game though
>tired meme
>im an oldfag guyze
>I hate things arent I cool guize?
checks out
Frist one was mildly amusing. Second cemented it as about as subversive as Hot Topic.
the futures futures future
They have hands
There's gonna be a pre-pre show right guys? guys?
oh cool, they called out what millions of people on reddit called out! it's daring and strange because they're indie on the big stage!
I like her.
oh sorry my bad
they called out what millions of people on reddit and Yea Forums called out
They dildo each other and eat each other out. It must be pretty lousy if you ask me.
if bannerlord doesn't have a release date i will cry
i'll also settle for cyberpunk, though bannerlord is far, far more important
they still get stimulation from their genits, it's just that they don't get stimulation from a man doing it.
I'm curious to see if Tobyfox will be there. Devolver said that they didn't mind helping him develop Deltarune.
Jon Carnage doesn't work for Twitch anymore, so no.
I imagine he doesn't need the help. he's probably a millionaire from all the sales undertale got
>even giving a shit about overpopulation as opposed to forcing your child to exist in this crappy timeline
Money doesn't exactly help speed up a game's development time.
Staying up for twelve hours watching nonstop shitposting with Yea Forums was fun.
i think he's taking his time with it, though. he's planning on releasing the next chapter in 2022 (I think?)
Longer than that unless he gets a team. He already has the story done and likely the sketches. But from what I'm getting based on his long tweet. What he wants to make is beyond what his current equipment is capable of doing.
That's literally the meaning of life
not to change goalposts, but I assumed he was already looking for his own team. I don't understand why he would go to devolver when he could just custom pick some people
ultimately, my argument is rooted in my ignorance about what Toby plans and what game development entails
Her wife looks pretty mannish here.
why do i love lesbians so much
did they fire him after that show?
mfw they ended the entire stream with a wavves music video
___ _ ____ ____ ____ __
Devolver is worse than EA, because at least EA don't pretend they're good guys before backstabbing gamers with shit worse than lootboxes.
I just want to see Serious Sam 4.
those are disgusting dykes.
Wow, these people are piece of shit. I'm pirating every single fucking devolver digital game from now on. They can go fuck themselves. I hope these piece of shit go bankrupt.
My favorite part was the random episode of Ninja Slayer.
It’s kind of ironic most women that are for abortion are also lesbians
No? Monkeys don't care about any reason and evolved monkeys capable of ascribing meaning can look beyond it.
Her and her wife could take turns getting inseminated.
You're grossly overestimating the lesbian population.
America is one of the last places on Earth where abortion is even a discussion.
No other developed country would be against something for purely religious reasons
Fuck off
Reminder that abortions are overwhelmingly gotten by minorities.
If someone wants to fuck around, they should have to suffer the consequences of carelessness.
>na dude it's ok if what we're doing is retarded 'cuz we're doing it for "justice"
>dude it's retarded to not encourage everyone to fuck everyone else
that's unfortunate. I remember him streaming with the ginger girl way back in the day. Those E3 shows were ridiculous.
>dude if we legalize abortion then we have to ban birth control and have mass orgies. it's the only way
>my body my choice
>kills an innocent baby
nice logic
When the fuck is Metal Wolf Chaos coming out, you hacks?
Why else would you need an abortion? That doesn't involve rape.
Lesbians are the most disgusting pathetic shit in the planet and deserve nothing but the cross.
>give examples why, just not this one
danger to the mother
birth control fails sometimes
retard babies
Birth control failing, medical problems and health risks, downs syndrome.
>danger to the mother
The mother should have been more responsible and accepted the risks
>birth control fails sometimes
Again, accept the risks and take responsibility.
>retard babies
Stop having shit genes.
What a great VIDEO GAME discussion
we're having.
Yeah but they dont nuke deserts unless a military base is there.
Can't wait to pirate this shit.
The problem with Devolver is they talk a lot of shit and hype themselves up, but then they show the trailers for thier games and it's just underwhelming Indie pixel shit or calarts games. And this is after seeing all the AAA announcement trailers from MS, Sony, and Nintendo. I mean, yeah, they're good at calling the AAA publishers out on their bullshit but then they act like they're god's gift to the games industry.
Think Suda51 will be back this year?
Lesbians have always been hot, I don't know why zoomers suddenly hate them. Seeing two hot girls for the first time making out in public at the beach in just their swimsuits and a towel is something I will never forget. Hot af. And there weren't any guys around either so I know they were dating. Literally the purest form of love.
He said he might return at his momocon conference
They are though.
This. You guys want to have kids to carry on your 'prefect' worldview and then suddenly they're rebelling against you and doing the exact opposite of what you wanted them to do. The harder you push them the harder they will push back. And then their goes your perfect future you had all planned out.
>It has been one year since they announced Metal Wolf Chaos XD
>It still isn't out
India's already "stablized". You should move to Mumbai and see the future today.
I agree with you. I don't buy their shit because it's just crap. But that fucking E3 presentation is pure gold.
Bought a fucking Lootbox Coin and told them "your games fucking suck but that presentation deserves compensation".
>Years ago Yea Forums would call her cringey as fuck
no one called anything 'cringey' back then
which /pol/ recruitment subreddit did you stumble out of?
>unironically crying about muh precious fetuses on Yea Forums
/pol/ is a fucking cancer
Pedro is releasing during their conference
Katana Zero, Observation and Gato Roboto are some good games they have released this year.
I just want a confirmed release date for Metal Wolf Chaos. and preferably a Switch port since my computer's too toaster to play it and I sure as fuck ain't giving snoy any money right now
You're in luck
yes it is a problem and they are going to run out of potable water since they are too stupid to infrastructure
>neo-malthusian delusions on my vidya board
enjoy failing your fitness test brah
imagine all of the struggles any human line has had to face over the generations and this one's was defeated by cheetoh's and dr who
can't wait for my yearly unfunny whining about the games industry from adult swim junior
What games do you enjoy?
Quite honestly I've played enough hack and slash or shooter platformers. I'm just done with platformers forever. I can pull any dozen number of solid platformers out of my ass and let's be real here, a lot of them play the same.
As for Observation, it's going to take a fucking lot of effort for me to pull out my wallet for a walking simulator. And I highly doubt it's SOMA or Edith Finch levels of good. You've got a shot to pull it back. Convince me Observation is any good. Spoil some shit if you have to.
not him, but on the topic of good games that devolver has published and i've played we've got shadow warrior, hotline miami, talos principle, downwell, gungeon, the messenger, ruiner, mother russia bleeds, and their latest two katana zero and gato robato
i'm eliding anything to do with serious sam because i would have to look what they're publishing there because i don't remember and i'm too lazy
How exactly is Observation a walking simulator?
>unironically this tho. if you do need kids, adopt or try discourage others from having EVEN MORE fucking humans
i think our generation will start adopting this thinking and pass it on to the next gen
this will never catch on, because humans implicitly care less about other people's children and childless people flock to things they can neglect like cats and dogs
you're right. but id like to believe we can at least do one thing right :(
the only good thing you antinatalists will do is stop contributing to the gene pool so fewer future humans will have your cognitive defects
For the same reason that SOMA's candy-ass puzzles and irrelevant stealth bits are so easy that the game may as well be a walking simulator; the game itself is held up and entirely redeemed by the fact that the story elements makes it worth my time.
So, given that Observation probably is full of some bitch-ass easy puzzles that I don't give a fuck about, exactly what story elements are going to make me give a fuck and ignore the fact that for all intents and purposes it's a walking simulator? Or is the "twist" going to be some stupid "it was fucking aliens!".
It's really good and made me feel good.
that is the sound of evolution discarding your genes
bigger yikes
Steam did try anything to stop Epic screwing over they're Proton Project by buying out the company making Easy Anti-Cheat and stopping updates for EAC Linux. That takes out a huge amount of multiplayer games being possible for Linux but VAC doesn't fucking work, LMAOBOX runs rampant.
if you act now you can save us tons of co2 emissions
do it for dem kids
It's easy enough to get, the fact is that it isn't funny except to rick and morty fans.
>epic exclusive
cringe and YIKES
fuck devolver
Everyone should be gay, imagine wanting a nagging wife when you can have one of these.
everyone in that room should have been shot
You have to go back.