Zombie game

>Zombie game
>It tries really hard to avoid the word zombie
>Walkers, infected, revenants, 'them'...

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>the virgin zombie vs the Chad Zeke
Every syllable counts in the zombie apocalypse, slang terms should be shorter than the generally accepted term.

What are some essential zombie games?


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>zombie game
>it tries really hard to avoid basic zombie themes
>heavy use of explosives, unsuppressed guns, bites don't matter, "special" infected etc


This is why Resident Evil is the best.

So that's why everyone will call you a fag instead of faggot.

>Zombie game
>You are the only remaining survivor through sheer luck/because you're special and unaffected by he virus

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Walkers and infected are the only acceptable alternatives desu.

>zombie apocalypse
>the humans are the real villains

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Better than calling me OP gay, boy.

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Are Volatiles from Dying Light Chads?

>zombie game
>authorities never use the word "zombie", only referring to them with other words like "infected" and "things"
>the main characters all call them zombies anyway

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>zombie game
>dawn of the dead never came out
>the concept of the living dead is unheard of

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The only time I've ever seen this was in the walking dead.

what game

>Zombie show
>Humans talking about how they should just give up and die so that zombies can take over
Z-nation had a really fucked up final season due to its' attempt to get political.
Also, how insulting was it that immigrants/brown people are symbolized by zombies and natives/white people who should just get over it or they're evil were the living? What the bloody fuck? In a situation where racism is almost gone because it's the living VS the dead, they throw in that crap.

Britbongs saying zed instead of zee is so fucking stupid. Nobody says ad for a, bed for b, dead for d, led for L and so on, so why the fuck do they go off the rails and insist that “z” is zed?

World war Z does this in a couple campaigns. I think some of the US military grunts call them zombies or Zeke, but the Japanese and Israeli government always refer to them as infected.


>game has magic
>only referred to as "magick' "magicka" "magica" or "mage"

>game has magic that anyone can learn to use
>setting is feudal and magic is rarely practically applied aside from very basic things like using fireballs to start fires


this is the worst
>everything is like regular medieval setting
>nevermind they have people who can break the laws of physics, create matter, control weather, manipulate time, etc

>Diverse cast of main characters
>Black guy is the "smart" or "engineer" type so it's not racist

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>political zombies
The Girl With All the Gifts is straight up 3rd world replacement propaganda.

>"it's not over, it's just not yours anymore"


>Monster type that screams
>It's called a screamer

It's the only "h-hey guys we're not left 4 dead" zombie type that games do anymore

Why do they release a new zombie game, like, every day of the week?
Don't people ever get tired of them?
Is enjoying zombie games after they have been milked dry for decades the video game equivalent of having no soul?

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That was the most pathetic comeback, get the fuck off the board retard.

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>>the concept of the living dead is unheard of
>what is mythology


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>former human

I'm still waiting for a zombie game that calls them or a variant "zoomers"

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reading comprehension, friend


Shut up nigger.

I don't understand what you're trying to say

>the plagued

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>zombies aren't undead
>authorities still call them "necrotics"

>Javo's, plagas, afflicted

>post-viral-outbreak setting
>in none of them do the infected people simply die than turn into zahmbeez

The only post-apocalyptic games that don't involve zombies or mutants that I could think of are I am Alive and A Plague Tale. Game devs can create interesting games without having to add zombies to the equation.

literally the division. the premise is that bio-terrorism fucked over a city and its been taken over by gangs and terrorists and militia with dead people all over the streets. and its a prime example as to why not many games use this setting because it doesnt really add much to the gameplay.

Crap, I forgot about this game ...because it's such a forgettable fucking game, who woulda thunk?

Ironically the zombies in RE never actually died. None of the viruses have the capability to revive truly dead organisms, they just mutate the shit out of things in order to prevent the host's death.

I need context on this webm.

second one got pretty good reviews and public reception, first game got decently playable by the end too after some updates

I still want a zombie MMOFPS with barricading, scavenging, and ideally player zombies.
Something like a multiplayer Urban Dead or a good, 3D, non-p2w Dead Frontier.

What you've suggested basically does nothing for the game other than provide a plot explanation as to why everyone's dead.

I suppose perhaps you could spin it into some kind of mechanic where you have to carefully avoid dead corpses and take precautions to avoid being infected yourself but it's still tricky to be believeable.

That said , that danish Netflix show The Rain might make an interesting gameplay mechanic in survival horror where you have to avoid getting caught in rain or falling into any water but still have to scavenge water and supplies to stay alive.

That will never work out. It will just end with people trying to dick each other over and people getting upset that others are not using team work while the zombies do massive co-ordinate raids using discord

>these people are feared like atom bombs and use of magic is heavily restricted


Pedo zombies sound horrifying.

>zombie game
>NPCs bitch about having yet another zombie invasion

Makes sense. Everyone has the ability to learn various sciences and advance humanity or create whatever they want, yet almost no one bothers. Same would go for magic, it's so hard to learn that no one cares enough.

This. Digital natives can barely use Google, much less a glossary. I have no faith in people at large to learn magic.

>It's a zombie franchise
>Most people in America are dead
I could never take the walking dead seriously because the US owns half of the world's guns anyway. If the author wanted to actually have some agency to it and discuss his liberal bs, they could've had more competent people. That's why WWZ was better developed

>it's an exploding zombie
>it's a harmful fluid-spitting zombie
>it's a stun scream zombie

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>its a zombie that pretends to be human and infects you by fucking you

god you're fucking cringe, go back

>it's a zombie that repeatedly cums inside of you

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>zombie game
>"lets hold up in the old Romero House"

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Those 'things'!
They're out there!

Get trolled on epic style, liberal.

Overkill had a good soundtrack.

>Zombies game
>Lore gets overly complex with Lovecraft horrors, time travel, and multiple dimensions
I just want to shoot zombies in the fucking face.


>zombie game
>protag gets bit 2/3rd into the game

Plagas are explicitly stated to not be zombies though.

There needs to be nore LA noire reaction pics. That game sucked but so we need to get more milage out of it.

>That game sucked
Fuck you nigger

Is there a reason why they won't use the word "Zombie"? Is it because it sounds silly or is there some type of copyright shit?

fucking this

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>this zombie can't see
>runs directly towards you and vaults over obstacles


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Don't you mean Spook

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Trying to be unique I guess.

Because zombies are played out, but they think so little of the collective intelligence of gamers that they can get around that by just calling them something else.

I always love "Zeds". It sounds like something people would actually start saying.

I think the word is over used and it has become over saturated.

Like this user said
Theyre trying to be different and stand out.

>lowkey trying to shit on L4D
Weak bait

>"Dont use the "zed" word

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get some introspection, bug

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what game has the best zombies?

>zombie game
>zombies are running, shooting guns, swinging from ropes etc

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Re2 remake

dayz kinda scratched this itch for me. I just wish they had a bigger they let you barricade the houses and what not. more emphasis on the zombie stuff in general

>Chad Zombie
>knocks you down by bitch slapping you
>tire yourself out slapping his legs while he roars like a beast
>virgin infected chase you and knock you down again cause lol no cardio

I'm ok with the term "infected" if the zombies are still living people who've been *infected* by super rabies or cordyceps virus/fungus. That term makes perfect sense for those specific scenarios.

>zombie game
>protag isn't immune
>gets bit constantly the entire game




>"It's on Savini St."

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RE2 or Dying Light

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Dead Light called them "Shadows" because the zombies were mere "shadows" of their former selves. Get it? So deep. Actually, the saving grace was that the zombies in that hame actually did look like literal shadow people with red eyes so the name didn't come off as stupid symbolically, but was a bit on the nose visually.

Get pooped on kiddo

Pretty Based

Only if you're a Canuck

>magic breaks the laws of physics
Magic is the laws of physics you fucking dunce

one of them revived wesker

How pathetic are you, complaining about non-issues.

>racism is almost gone

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I like zombie games where the zombies at least look unique to some degree.
Like in resident evil how the zombies are greyed out and usually are missing their lips

cod zombies?

Obama go elected....racism is over.

It's pronounced Zedbra, not Zeebra


NEVER let players be the zombies in that kind of scenario. The zombies are supposed to be a hostile world threat with predictable behavior, not an intelligent opposing faction.
All zombies would be on the same side, able to communicate, and there would be tons of minmaxing and exploiting by zombie players to fuck over the living who are at an unsustainable disadvantage.
You can't sneak through a crowd that has player zombies, player zombies could and would act in unpredictable and unusual ways that would absolutely destroy anything resembling fun gameplay in an open world MMO style game


God i love Urban Dead

How can they even compete.

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>It's a zombie apocalyptic game
>Humans are the main villains, zombies are innocent

>game has magic
>uses a bunch of synonyms for wizard and calls them different classes/schools of magic.

>you actually side with the zombies and assist in destroying humanity
Any games that do this?

>can't sneak through player zombies
easy, change how characters look to zombie players. make it so they see things in vaguer colors and shapes, and when the player does something that the ai would count as "sneaking" they blend into the zombie horde to the player zombie's vision.

Stubbs the zombie

Does someone have the version of this pic with the dog?

>It sounds like something people would actually start saying.
They would just say "zombie," because in this world, we already have the word "zombie."

Is there anything more pretentious than making a piece of zombie media then going out of your way to point out they're not zombies?
>Hurr, they're not zombies, they're 'infected!' which are completely different from zombies because they're called something else
Also, obviously that's not a real question, there are loads more things more pretentious. It's still fucking stupid, though.

This would be incredibly easy to cheat.
Takes longer to say zombie than Zeke or zed.
Zombies: dead bodies reanimated that have very limited use of their brain and muscles, making them slow
Infected: living bodies that have almost all bodily functions and can be killed like a normal human

They're different things gaylord.

>It's the cataclysm
>word is invaded by 3 dimensional entities all vying for control of earth
>a black slime known as the blob that infects human and brings them back as zombies with many different variants
>a plant race hoping to cover the planet in forest
>eldritch horrors that just wanted to go on a stroll through a portal
>a hivemind fungus that infects everything even the dead and eldritch horrors and is most likely to win the battle for the planet

>3 dimensional entities
>lists 4
One job, sseth.

Think about your idea again and try to realize how retarded it sounds and how it doesn't work at all.

You can't gimp the visual experience for zombie players hard enough to make a difference, and players are not AIs and would clearly notice one out of place asshole navigating a horde even if everything looked the same. Player zombies could and WOULD do all kinds of stupid shit to prevent it in the first place like forming walls or mazes or organizing some stupid shit like that. They would stand in swastikas outside of your survivor group's base while one guy streams his infiltration live on twitch where he skyrim horses himself straight up your asshole. You can't distract or redirect player zombies they will just beeline towards whatever they want, they will hang back and stubbornly refuse to be controlled by any of your defensive options short of a bullet to the head. They are straight up too intelligent to treat them like AI zombies, and at that point why even have zombies at fucking all?
Player zombies in an MMO would just be another faction with an inherent advantage and absolutely no infighting while the survivors fight over scraps and materials. It's a doomed game with a doomed economy and a doomed unbalanced faction vs faction system.

Fucking retarded idea.

Have sex

Well really the eldritch ones aren't really into invading and controlling the planet. You find stuff in the game that tell you the mi gos and shoggoths and krecks and shit just wandered through the portals be opened in the labs, and in game apart from the mi go when they die they just dissolve and disappear. Now the blob, mycus fungus and triffids are actively seeking to control

I'm a bong and I agreed with you until you posted this because you said it like a faggot

3-dimensional* entities, dipshit

If they don't know what a zombie is how can they use the word you fucking idiot?

I never understood the loud noise = horde meme. In a house that would make sense that a few would try to ascertain the location of a noise, but you're gonna tell me that 5 city blocks worth of zombies heard a generator and know exactly where it is.

I don’t give a shit whether you agree or not. I’m right in this case and your opinion doesn’t change that, go do british shit.

Any proper games out there where you're the zombie or a horde of zombies trying to kill all of humanity?

Maybe they would eventually if you’re the last fuckers alive in town

>freak chips

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Maybe they're following the noise that the other zombies are making

As opposed to 2d or 1d right, dumbfuck?

This trope has been in zombie movies since night of the living dead

As opposed to 4d, peabrain

ok retard

From what game is the Thad?

Wouldn't that just eventually lead to a never ending swirl of pissed off zombies chasing each other

Residen Evil games, Dead Rising saga and L4D. Cant play Scrubs the Zombie.

It's the same reason people put dashes through 7s when writing them, so there can be no mistake in what you see, or hear on this case. They say Zed so you don't mistake it for D or E etc. Good for radio communications and basic conversations. I'm American btw

Fund it

The one thing I hate about L4D
>Gun shots everywhere
>Exploding pipe bombs only attract the nearby zombies
>The sounds of a car alarm triggers the horde
>Or a crash
>Or even the radio

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i think you miss what i'm suggesting. in my vision for this hordes of zombies would look like amorphous red blobs to player-zombies without the possibility to discern the models from each other. human players would change color while sneaking in these groups to match

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Its explained pretty well in the world war z book. One zombie sees a human and moans, any zombie around(book said range was about 500 meters or more depending on weather) hears the mean and also moans before walking towards the moan they heard. It's called a chain horde.
Who even claimed they were 4d you fucking boogat?

>Americans pronounce C and Z almost the same
>The brits realizes that they are different letters
>Inb4 "b-but one has a slightly different s-sound at the start!!"

It just makes more sense, rather than to have two letters that sound almost identical.

i've never met anyone who mistook c for z, not once in my life.

Nigger what? C and Z sound nothing alike.

Yeah and that would be boring as shit and make it annoying to play zombie, as well as not even working because the human blobs would be obviously faster than the zombie blobs.
Obviously someone with government radio transmitters in their teeth was infected and now becomes enraged when it hears radio signals.

They rhyme, for starters. Background noice can skew what you hear. Also you have to picture a very English bloke saying it, the line is blurred even further then.

i made a game with zombies in it

>They rhyme, for starters.
Okay so are you gonna bitch about B, D, E, G, P, T, and V as well?

Nothing is going to top necromorphs, literally worse than dealing with zombies in every conceivable way

>Yeah and that would be boring as shit
not any more than a regular zombie game
>not even working because the human blobs would be obviously faster than the zombie blobs
nice reading comprehension buddy
like i said the models in a group would be impossible to tell as separate entities visually by zombie players. imagine zombies are red and players are green in zombie vision, the zombies pile together into a horde chasing one guy and look like one large blob to player-zombies. if a green (human) snuck into that group he would become red and completely indiscernible from the rest of the group no matter how fast he moved.

>watching Z-Nation
Holy fucking cringe

Based and xbox live arcade pilled.


Any examples of a Thad?

Resident Evil 2
The Evil Within 2
Left 4 Dead 2

>zombie game.
>zombies are a literal non threat.
>humans are the real threat.
so tired of this meme.

That's fucking retarded, the horde the player was hiding in would tear them apart. Get the fuck out of here with your dumbass design ideas.
It was fun to watch after black summer, hope they continue that spin off without the goofy tone.

L4d could've had wild animals replace zombies and it wouldnt have affected the game at all

>That's fucking retarded, the horde the player was hiding in would tear them apart
learn to read, ESL
we already established that there are stealth mechanics for the ai that would also determine whether a human appeared to player-zombies as zombie or not
kill yourself unironically

>mfw some people are so retarded they can't differentiate between slanted "7" and vertical "1", so they have to put an extra dash in their "7"s

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L4d has fucking sale notification zombie replacements so I'm going to go with "no shot sherlock".

>In the end, the real monster was man

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I dont see whats wrong with making niggers feel good in vidya. Are you insecure of your own intelligence user?

>stealthing from zombies while standing within inches of a horde
You're a fuckong moron and I'm glad you will never have anything to do with any game I ever play. Dumbfuck.

keep on seething third worlder

>zombie game
>protag gets bit and its game over

Haha last of us is bad tho amirite guys haha

That's the dumbest insult I have ever heard you fucking sperg. Just because you cant into game design because you have ps3 games for a brain doesnt mean I'm from the UK.

it's so fucking stupid. as if we would call zombies anything else if there was an actual zombie apocalypse. just played days gone and they called them freaks or freakers or something instead of zombies there too.

>not "Shut up nig."


shit on me all you want but i really liked the clickers from TLoU.

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>XD ps3 no games le britbong 3rd world
i bet you giggled typing those tired memes out, didn't you incel?

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>Chad Zeke

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he didn't mention 3rd world anywhere in his post

I think "Zombs" would probably be what Zombie would be shortened too.
But given that we have all these terms in the real world now some of those would probably see use.
Walker for example started becoming really popular after the walking dead.

I still find it odd that there was clearly a swastika on the chips despite the nazis not appearing in the TV series.

Attached: freak chip.jpg (320x292, 7K)

Regional dialects and folklore would have a huge effect on what they're called if something happened that took down the grid and ways for people to communicate.

Literal brainlet
>"keep on seething third worlder"
>"doesn't mean I'm from the UK"

except everybody is aware of media in which they're referred to as zombies and would call them that.

but he still didn't type it out

I would say "have sex" but you clearly would have no idea how to get the mechanics to work right.

are you retarded?

He didn't type it out, as the post said.

why was it removed from steam ?

The fact that there are dozens of different variations of racial slurs for black people is all I need to prove to your dumb ass that people wouldn't all call them zombies. Fucking jungle bunny boogat.

What english-speaking region commonly calls them anything but zombies?


Like a spiral of ants?

Attached: ant death spiral.jpg (1200x676, 462K)

That's an average umarufag.


License issues I would assume. Just torrent, it's a timeless game because of the art style in my opinion.
Literally every person I have ever played l4d with from European countries calls them zed. I've heard Russians call them Zeke more often than not as well. If the grid went down and towns/cities/communities were isolated for long enough, they would almost certainly have their own name for them.

1. name one place that i used the term "crouch"
2. you're incredibly mad someone decided to talk about theoretical zombie game mechanics
who hurt you? do you want to talk about it?
learn english before you post, ESL

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>learn english before you post, ESL
You're an ignominious cretin, and my post was utterly devoid of any grammatical errors.

>natives/white people who should just get over it or they're evil
>white people
lofuckinl that is a very sad and shallow attempt at generating white sympathy, they should be the zombies.

>english-speaking region

stfu nigger

That's unironically how they explain herd migration in the walking dead. They just aimlessly wander toward the sound of humans or other zombies moaning.
Tell me how you would stealth yourself from zombies? Cover yourself in zombie guts? Enjoy getting infected from a micro cut you didnt know you had. The entire premise is fucking retarded because you're not going to fool zombies with whatever the fuck you think "stealth" is.

I wish I could shake your hand for that deliver, you lovable fuck.

I didnt claim they spoke english on the whole, I'm saying the ones I know who speak English prefer to call them Zeke or zack. People call common things different shit literally every day. Hardee's is fucking Carl's jr in some states, are you going to argue that they're different things because you have always known it as one name?

I'm assuming you made this thread because of WWZ

How you boys liking the infector?

Shut up fag.
Fucking annoying but I guess that's the point. The new level is fantastic though and it has thoroughly cemented Tokyo as both the best and most challenging campaign.

>2 other people played this game besides me

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>Enjoy getting infected from a micro cut you didnt know you had
it's a video game, retard
>you're not going to fool zombies with whatever the fuck you think "stealth" is
1. it's a video game
2. zombies aren't real
3. if you're trying to put logic first ahead of gameplay you're the cancer killing westernshit, and i don't mean only videogames
4. and you should probably stop samefagging, ESL

>Hardee's is fucking Carl's jr in some states
That's not equivalent in the slightest. That is because they were originally two different restaurants, and they kept the corresponding names so as to not confuse the public.

The word Zombie implies they've seen it before, in a movie or whatever. Meaning they should already know how to hard counter them.

Atleast thats what I think is why they dont call it that.

That's dayz in a nut shell. Although sometimes my playthroughs are based as fuck.

What fucking ESL uses words like "ignominious" and "cretin"? I am purposefully being verbose so as to prove that I am well-versed in the English language.

>NPC is too badass to use weapons and melees Zombies barehanded

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>zombies shoot at you

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inb4 "pretending to be retarded"

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So you're just retarded and don't want to have an actual discussion, great thanks.
Why would I samefag to argue with a retarded ideas guy that cant even into interesting and fun game design? Your entire idea is not only retarded when it comes to the mechanics not making sense, it sounds unenjoyable and boring.

gooks can't be badass or cool

Why is that even a thing? Like what's the reasoning for it happening so often.

I vaguely remember reading that the dude who made that actually sold thousands of copies. I remember most of my friends had it and for like a week we were really competitive trying to beat each others scores.

The funny thing is that I'm the one who you're arguing with in the first reply, and I am also the one who he is accusing of being you.

>I'm going to beat the slant out of your gook eyes
How did they get away with this?

>game about surviving the zombie apocalypse
>zombies somehow take a back seat to the douche that is humans and are almost treated as a nuisances then an actual threat

If the zombie apocalypse happened I’m pretty sure anyone who tried to pose as a big guy who should hold all authority would get tossed outside the fort immediately

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hoboguy is based

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Because what fucking government/news media is going to outright refer to something as a "zombie"? Governments have to do this thing called "keeping people from panicking" in a situation like the one we're discussing.

What's the most scariest or unnerving zombie you've seen in any media? For me it's the Rage Virus zombies. The fact that they can endlessly chase you and can infect you with just a drop of blood is scary to think about.

"Undead" is still the coolest name for them.

A group of us once tried to do a naming tier list like this based on male names by Chad-to-Virginness. We got as far as:

Most Chad:


Then we got bogged down in an argument over where Kieran, Tom, Calum, David and Gavin fit and moved on.

I blame Walking Dead and Pozert Cuckman.

How many people actually bother with the extra lines in a 1? Mine are just one line, anything more than that is unnecessary

You haven't realised that Zombies are just proxies for dangerous projectiles you need to shoot down yet?

>Most Chad:
Oh shit nigger what are you doing

>that fucking retarded forced ending

Fuck that ending, ruined the movie for me.
They cant endlessly chase you and that's literally a massive plot point to why it only took 28 weeks to re-settle that city. Did you even actually watch the movie? If you did you would probably also know that even trace saliva can transmit it because some cunt kisses his carrier wife and turns in like 12 seconds.

Fuck off Wesker

Kevin and Neville are low down that list

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>Mwahaha I'm a tyrant evil character and no consequences ever befall me
>Oh no I'm kind and benevolent and always take the brunt of things
>Goody moral guy dies and evil guy keeps doing fucked up shit that isn't even pragmatic just so you hate him
>Eventually some plan backfires on him and the remaining good guys escape toward the next wacky adventure having just enough resources for another dystopic critique with epic action sequences of mindless butchering ~Zombies~ in the most inhuman but COOL way possible

>"It's good because it's not a fairytale, it's real, it's about survival. And in surviving the real world, good guys don't always win."

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>aliens anything
>those things
>a character is tired of this vague shit and asks what the fuck is the matter
>t-these things... they're not from here...

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>most chad

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It's literally the second least Chad name on the fucking list, only Ashley is more Virgin than it.

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Then what would you consider to be scary?

>zombie apocalypse happens IRL
>a ragtag team from Yea Forums led by a furry BR manages to survive
>calls zombies "niggers"
>shortened to "nigs"
>special zombies are just noun-nig, like spitnig, jumpnig, bignig

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>Fucking years go by and people are STILL just scrounging off of pre-breakout canned food or whatever and still constantly on the run from zombies

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ashley is pretty chad, ever seen evil dead? and in real life i've never seen any virgin ashleys

I felt the high school characters were wasted. They were kinda just there, for the most part.

Ashley is the most effete name I think off the top of my head. Even Joshua is more chad than Ashley.

Make your own thread alien fucker.
I do consider the rage virus scary, it's just not as scary as the virus from "I am legend" because those infected retain their drive to survive. The flood is fucking terrifying too, hell warhammer orcs are harder to exterminate than rage zombies because all it takes is a single spore surviving to kick off another infestation.
Most people on Yea Forums dont own firearms and if they do most dont practice with them often. I would take some guys from /k/ and /out/ over anyone from Yea Forums. Maybe one guy from /pol/ to be our mascot.

>post apocalyptic zombie game
>Everyone is healthy and diseases that would normally require vaccination just disappear
>Bodies magically disappear instead of creating piles upon piles of bodies that hinder any military movement and being the breeding ground for other diseases.
>No STDs since rape is somehow not rampant in a lawless society
>Water is somehow always available and clean to drink

t. onions zoomer

Is that you, Josh?

>Maybe one guy from /pol/ to be our mascot.
Why would you take incompetent retards over people who are just unskilled?

wait what the fuck I swear I typed onions

I'm just so fucking tired of the "-ers" shit. God damn think of something fucking original. Oh look this zombie screams really loud, boy I sure wonder what the fuck the game is going to call it.

Not that guy but
>What's the most scariest or unnerving zombie you've seen in any media? For me it's the Rage Virus zombies. The fact that they can endlessly chase you and can infect you with just a drop of blood is scary to think about.
>zombie movies
Try The Thing or The Thaw if the idea of some kind of fucked up contagious shit scares you.

Any decent open world game with just normal zombies?
The closest I had where dead island and dying light and both of them at some point start having fucking super zombies
I don't mind running zombies at night, but I don't like kamikazes, spitters or mutants

The bodies issue is actually present in WWZ. A lot of the military checkpoints fell because of zombies running on corpse ramps and the ones that didnt fall have massive piles of bodies around razor wire providing cover to zombies. Sadly none of the others are present but that's probably because of how the game is structured.

I was actually thinking they'd subvert him dying because it was so obvious due to his whole redeeming and becoming better person arc making it so obvious he would die, then he died in the most eh way possible.

Kinda yeah, I assumed it was aimed at guaranteeing a younger viewbase wouldn't feel alienated from the main characters being two dads with family.


But that's exactly what he does - he nigs.

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>zombie game discussion somewhere
>there are posts about how something is unrealistic about the zombies

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>complete newfags
>first to call others zoipois and zoomers
The internet never changes

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The Thing isn't scary either. No horror movie is inherently scary.

bro, how the fuck can i type onionslent, please help



Not this autist shit again

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>1. Zombies, as a label for anything walking undead-related, is overused
>2. At this point, the term is equated to left-leaning people and to be using it might "trigger"

People don't actually enjoy horror movies. It's like progressive rock, they pretend to to look smart.

Bait, pack mule, morale, tons of reasons. Also Yea Forums is filled with fat out of shape neckbeards. Any other board would be a better call except maybe Yea Forums.
S*y is filtered newfriend.

True. But if there was a real Zombie outbreak the zombies themselves or whatever cause them would be dwarfed by shit like TB,Yellow fever, Cholera etc..

Go play Dying Light. Humans blow big chunks, but the parkour is enjoyable, and the day/night cycle does some really fun stuff.

please work

>Also Yea Forums is filled with fat out of shape neckbeards.
So is /pol/, except Yea Forums is less brown and more likely to lift.

I'll check both out, even though I've seen The Thing at least 3 times. The Thaw looks interesting, don't know how I never watched it.

>Yellow fever
Nowhere near as bad as coalburning


Oh no, there are people who genuinely enjoy them do. Usually for incidental reasons not directly related to the product, like they're watching it to show how tough they are or whatever as a bonding exercise. However, those that are specifically into them actually like all the disgusting stuff, that's what they're in for. Horror is a byword for "you can show internal organ viscera and gruesome torture".

Well yeah that's common sense, but dealing with disease in games has never been enjoyable. Just rest easy knowing that if it ever comes down to it, you know to avoid corpse piles instead of looting them like a rube.
>Yea Forums more likely to lift
Dude stop you're gonna make me spit my water out. Also I dont care about their race, nigger.

>Dude stop you're gonna make me spit my water out.
A crummy pail?
Fucking waterfags

Fucking BASED

Nobody likes horror movies. There I said it. It's an attempt at looking like you have a personality

dont bully I'm nursing a hangover

Maybe it's one of those /pol/acks from the /SIG/-thread and he knows farming?

>zombie game
>they ate your neighbors

>Zombie stuff
>Somehow it's still relevant pass 2012

I mean come on, we're overloaded with zombie shit. It's been done (no pun intended) to death.
I think the worst shit is the game/movies that try to be "original" and they still fall into the same tropes over and over again.

I've re-watched Dawn of the dead remake a few days ago. It was peak zombie movie kino.

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Dying Light is the best zombie action game around. Sequel is not far away too. Great East European game with no cuckoldry like american shit.

>drinking ethanol
It's a solvent or a fuel, not something to put in your face

I would recommend to try getting laid.

please post

Even worse when they eat your plants

>he doesnt like mowing down endless waves of zombies
Theres just something about using a .50 cal to cut 200 zombies in half that doesnt get boring.

i never understood using this one for zombies
as far as i know "revenants" refer to ghosts/spirits/demons

>Zombie game
>they're on your lawn
>you don't want them to be

You're more likely to roll a multipurpose autist on Yea Forums.
/pol/ is Yea Forums, all the smart people there are trolls.

Did I miss something? Are zombies real?

Only thing I've enjoyed recently was the RE2 remake. And yet they had to make zombies super hard to kill to give a challenge to the player.

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Fuck off pedo/pedoboo

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whatever. I'd take my chances with /pol/ rather than Yea Forums. Atleast on /pol/ there's a chance you run into a prepper.

The Chad Fag Bagger
The Virgin Redditposter

>Zombie game
>character gets infected
>hides it for no reason and gets everyone killed

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Im a mid tier prepper and I would take 10 people from /pol/ before I took a single neo/v/agina.

>spiral of ants
this is fucked up

He was saying the concept of Zombies doesn't seem to exist in the universe of a zombie outbreak, you dense faggot

With nouveau-Yea Forums, you have a high chance of getting the less retarded /pol/tards anyway.
But if you want preppers, you're still better off with Yea Forums because then you have a chance of getting /k/ or even /g/ crossboarders, while /pol/ has an upper cap of about 105 IQ.

he was the best character in the movie desu

>zombie movie
>father hides bite trying to get into an evacuation shelter with his wife and kids
>family gets mad at the military when they refuse him access
I've never understood this, like how fucking selfish and retarded do you have to be?

The reddit migrant upboater/downboater

>Oh no, there are people who genuinely enjoy them do. Usually for incidental reasons not directly related to the product, like they're watching it to show how tough they are or whatever as a bonding exercise. However, those that are specifically into them actually like all the disgusting stuff, that's what they're in for. Horror is a byword for "you can show internal organ viscera and gruesome torture".
Imagine projecting this hard.

You honestly think there's a higher chance of getting preppers on Yea Forums than on /pol/? The worst Yea Forumsirgins worry about is SJW's in their videogames while /pol/acks largely belive the civilized world ends in a couple of years.

Planet of the Apes is the closest I can think of.
Plenty of games had the physical superiority aspect, but not sure if anything ever gave them intelligence.
RE Tyrant is perhaps the most intelligent, but still a mindless killing machine.

It's cause a movie studio coined Zombies and any product that uses it could possibly face a legal battle.

The walking Dead comic originally used the words zombies but after being threatened with legal action they had to change it to other things

This entire post is delusion. Yea Forums has the lowest amount of raw talent and skill when it comes to real world applications. I want a construction worker on my team before an IT guy. Not to mention Yea Forums is a board with tons of LARPers who dont own firearms or useful tools.
Dare I say _____ and _________?

Unironically pic related

Wasn't there an interview with the Days Gone devs where the dev was kinda getting annoyed that the interview kept calling them zombies instead of 'freaks'?

Playing videogames is something majority of people in civilized countries do. Yea Forums is considered pretty shit, but it's still statistically probable that someone who is on Yea Forums and plays vidya will go on Yea Forums.
While politics are also something many people engage in at some level, /pol/itics filter out all but the biggest, most incompetent of retards. /pol/ is like the /vg/ general of a game - even if you love the game, the sheer retardation of the general can easily scare you away from it.

Plus, Yea Forums has much greater self-awareness. If a Yea Forumsirgin tells you he can do something, there is maybe a 30% chance that it's true. For /pol/, it's closer to 10%.

because ''zed'' is the french pronunciation of the letter z.

Just call them what they really are, niggers

>zombies can use rocket launchers

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Regular niggers can't turn you into a nigger with a bite, though.
Nigger bite only transfers AIDS and you can still be a contributing member of society while pozed.

Urban dead is proof that you shouldn't let players be the zombies

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Got anything to back that up? I post on 5 different boards, want me to tell them to you so you can calculate if I'm telling the truth? When it comes down to it I personally find the people on /pol/ less insufferable and annoying than 90% of Yea Forums so I would prefer to be around them if I had to make a group composed only of Yea Forums posters. Yea Forums has the lowest skill pool of almost any board from what I've seen in the hobby/work threads.

What games have sexy zombies?

Do you consider the bubble nurses from silent hill to be zombies?

plants vs zombies

They barely speak the english language correctly to begin with.

Dawn of the dead: road to fiddlers green is unironic zombie kino and I will fistfight anyone who disagrees.

>When it comes down to it I personally find the people on /pol/ less insufferable and annoying than 90% of Yea Forums
Simple: you can't tolerate people disagreeing with you.
/pol/ is an echo chamber of diverse opinions like national socialists, social nationalists, extreme nationalists, free market nationalists, national nationalists and occasional trolls.

If they can be considered the living dead the I consider them zombies. Unless they are specifically stated otherwise.

That’s fine if the authorities are trying to make things seem less catastrophic

Yeah it's just so tired at this point, I think it's better when games are more stylized about it though. Left for dead did it right.

>Simple: you can't tolerate people disagreeing with you.
And you think Yea Forums can?

I have no problem with people disagreeing with me, I actually love real debate. /pol/ rarely agrees with me and that's fine. Its blatantly obvious you've never actually posted on /pol/. I dislike Yea Forums because the entire board is dedicated to drama, contrarianism, and shitposting.
He's a mono-board poster, he probably hasn't posted/read outside of Yea Forums.

Better than /pol/ for sure.
If you've been here in the last 2 months, the phrase "discord tranny" is an absolutely amazing example of delusions of persecution that /pol/ develops when faced with dissent.
They genuinely couldn't believe that Yea Forums is full of people who would rather support "the outsiders" than /pol/furs.

>Its blatantly obvious you've never actually posted on /pol/.
I've been posting on /pol/ before you heard about this board on reddit.
It had non-terrible quality before stormfront invaded and then again during 8gag exodus, then it turned to pure shit and never recovered.

Have sex.

How about The Dead?

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>it was good when it was a secret club you newfag!
I've probably been here longer than you but that doesn't give an argument more weight you dumb nigger. By your logic Yea Forums has become just as shit for the same reasons.

Lollipop Chainsaw I guess

"Discord tranny" is an applicable term to a lot of things, as it is very grounded in the reality we face. What is your problem with "discord tranny" as an insult?

>They genuinely couldn't believe that Yea Forums is full of people who would rather support "the outsiders" than /pol/furs.
Oh I see, you bemoan people calling anons with literal retard opinions "discord trannies" while at the same time you call anyone going against your beliefs for "/pol/furs" - or as is more common amongst your ilk: "/pol/tards".
Well that confirms it, you're in no position to talk about which board is what. nailed it.

Yea Forums has gotten shit too, you AIDSed sandnigger.
It's just that Yea Forums's potential for shittiness was never as high as /pol/'s because Yea Forums is about entertainment, not political beliefs. No amount of shitty wojaks can rival the sheer idiocy of being an unironic stormtard christian crusader.

>"Discord tranny" is an applicable term to a lot of things, as it is very grounded in the reality we face.
Oh so now it doesn't actually mean what it means, it only means "soiboi" and not an actual tranny like what everyone using it actually intends to.

You fucking retards can't even stand by your own words

Maybe it does maybe it doesn't faggot. When I call someone a nigger or a faggot or a tranny or a discord tranny I don't give a shit if it's actually applicable.
Do you have a room-temperature IQ? Or is it a hormone-imbalance?

It riles up faggots like you. And it was an "evolution" that occurred exactly because trannies are rampant on discord, you connect the dots, I'm sure you can do that much.

>he thinks /pol/ isnt about entertainment
/pol/ is one of the most entertaining board on this site and you're being willfully ignorant if you say otherwise.
Discord tranny has ALWAYS referred to those creepy fags in discords that try to convince people to get on HRT. They may not be trannies but they might as well be because they act the exact same. That's why they're DISCORD trannies and not just trannies, fag. How long have you even been here, dipshit?

>I was only pretending to be retarded!

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>Discord tranny has ALWAYS referred to those creepy fags in discords that try to convince people to get on HRT.
Holy fuck you dense retards can't even stay on the same page for more than 10 seconds.
When I mention that applying "discord tranny" label to everyone is retarded, you change the meaning to "just a soiboi, totally not 0.3% of the population but much more than that". When I point that out, you change it back to "that very specific group of baiters".

And the worst of all is that you don't even notice this even as I point it out. You'll find some cope around this to prevent the unpleasant realization that most of you don't even know what you're saying.

Okay fuck off discord tranny.

>a literal discord tranny
top fucking lel, this is why you're called discord trannies because you stick out like sore thumbs and you can't help but get triggered.

dead rising

>ignores B and P

Only because the writer was a fedoralord who thought "If they aren't caused by voodoo, they aren't zombies" and used ghoul to substitute for the flesh-eating undead.

he was shaunenait and everyone lapped it up
you've never seen a more blatant example of pandering to the audience's expectations of likability



Nope, he just experienced a massive mutation near death.

>world identical to ours in every fucking way
>except for that one piece of media relevant to their predicament
gtfo you cum gargling cuckold

Z-nation was never good you fucking scrub

bongs living in this retards head RENT FREE

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Fuck you I liked it.

Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead

All other answers are irrelevant