Saves the genre

>saves the genre

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>Shill thead


so i'm a shill if i'm not spamming the same threads we see everyday instead of trying to talk about a new game?

what is IT?


Can anyone tell me the name of the new Doom Mod that has cool lighting and gunskins n shit? Not Brutal Doom but the other recent one

Fuck off shill nobody likes your dark souls wannabe.

>new doom mod
Never saw it but now I wanna see it.

stating the obvious for 500

>dark souls
you fuck off zoomer, if anything it's a sotn wannabe

lol what genre ?

Someone posted a thread about it yesterday but I forgot to save the name

Not even close. Not even by a single bit. The pseudo-design is the same too with a shitton of monsters copypasted. Again: fuck off shill.

is it project brutality?

what game is this?

Is this even out? and how is 'saving the genre'

If it's not a Nintendo thread it's a shill thread

I'm looking forward to it. I hope it's good. I had my doubts the game would even become functional, let alone get released. Looks like I was quite wrong.

even if it is partially inspired by dark souls, it still looks good. and i'm not a shill


The meme game genre.

durrrrrr meme


Literally the only thing coppied from Dark souls is the "souls" meter and thats it. It takes huge inspirations from gnosticism and SOTN

Yes! Thank you!

>Not even close.
Really? The Dark Souls inspirations are obvious, but the overall emphasis on platforming and movement (which will undoubtedly get expanded over the course of the game, I'm sure) are in line with Symphony of the Night. The level design from what we've seen does look disappointingly horizontal so far, but I'm hoping there's more variation in the overall game.
>shitton of monsters copypasted
Symphony of the Night does this too. It definitely had more visual variety in its enemies judging from what we've seen, though. That's another thing I hope Blasphemous is more varied with than the demo showed.

very big LOK feel to it.


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I’m really excited for this game as well as Wrath:

Hey, faggot

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It seems like the narrative is fucking the pace. I'd like if the Christian references were more obvious.

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>lol babby killing
edgy shit for teenagers

Yeah that was me also. It’s in relevant threads both times because I want to talk about it. Is this your first time here witnessing meta events that you need to comment on them?

IIRC, it's based on a painting, they just added some gore.
Fucking Church.

Jesus christ you fuckers. Name drop it in the thread.

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>nobody spoke a word about this game in the last 2 years
>ps4 trailer drops
>faggots pretending they cared about it since day1

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it looks great even if it is a dark souls 2d clone (it isn't), because dark souls is good

Literally the fifth fucking reply

see , faggot

>New trailer
>New gameplay
>Why are now people talking about this!

Based. Game looks amazing too bad it’ll come out like in 5 years

best indie. Powerful and scary as fuck. At the same time classy with a flair.

>rips off Miyazaki

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It looks but it also looks kind of floaty, that hits have no weight behind them. Of course I can’t be sure of that until O actually play it.

Console babbies are retarded and numerous on Yea Forums.

They prett obvious as they are already.

>rips off Jesus

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wasn't this made by the b team user? Don't be retarded.

a lot of the animations are choppy like a stop motion film. looks weird

Not enough for me. Like, instead of using the Berserk mark for it's religious symbol, they should use the Holy Trinity as the reference. They're kinda shy with it, which is sad becasue they're from Spain and they have a powerful christian imaginary in their city

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How the fuck is Wrath revelant? It isn't Christian at all.

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