ITT: games literally no one here has ever played
ITT: games literally no one here has ever played
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My sister was addicted to that shit. At least if you're going to use obscure EA shit, post this one.
I actually, unironically played this piece of shit. Pic related. I remember the only fun thing being fucking up the assembly line job and making fart noises in peoples homes.
Guaranteed this game is older than all you fucking zoomers.
I've played everything ITT before or after this post
I always wanted to play this but I only had a 486 at the time. Was stuck playing pic instead, but it's not obscure at all.
I was aware it existed but I never saw it in any stores and assumed it had shut down earlier than it actually did.
Not that I would have played it I could find it.
Fucking ruined the series.
wonder if anyone played this game.
you could make a city in sim city 2000 and then be able to drive around a shoot shit
I played TSO yesterday
OP actually posted a good pic for once because I never heard of that game before until now.
i don't think i've seen anyone talking about this
jesus christ i'm an uneducated fuck, this is a series? This game was dope though
AHAHAHAHAHA I played the fuck out of that, even wrote the faq on how to always get a perfect score on the code machine
it filled an MMO niche after I got banned from World of Warcraft
Prince Naseem Boxing
Never won a fight in this fucking game
There was a top down vietnam shooter I remember i rented from blockbuster for ps2 that I did not like at all. Trying to remember what it was called. It may have been ww2 dunno
Not so fast
it came out before GTA3, seemed so awesome at the time
sadly fated to be the Duke Nukem 3D to Rockstar's Quake
A lot of people played that alien shit, Fuck off fag
Yes. There were three Commandos games before it, they were stealth-real time strategy games like Desperados or Shadow Tactics.
Actually, I think Commandos invented that genre.
I really enjoyed this game. I find the spin-offs with stories fun. I get bogged down in the sim builder parts of the mainline titles
Any boomer here has played Rainbow Studios' games. They peaked with ATV Offroad Fury on the PS2, which has roots in its engine back to Motocross Madness and even to this day, their modern games will still catapult you halfway across the map if you try going out of bounds.
Commandos series was an isometric thinking man's game where you controlled upwards of...6 special units I think it was on a given mission. The second game had a fantastic soundtrack also.
I am trying to remember this vietnam game where the tutorial was boot camp. you play as a black private and i remember you play football during the tutorial. Dont remember any more.
>Japan only sequel
Wish I was dead
only boomers remember this quake 3 mod, Yea Forums zoomers are too young to understand.
people should, its pretty good
I remember buying this game thinking it will be like DDR but with a controller. I was so so so disappointed as a kid
BID FOR POWER HOLY SHIT. I was fucking devistated when they got forced to remove all the dbz characters then it just kind of fizzled out.
Fuck that game and its loading screen hell.
Bet none of you guys ever played this.
My nigga. I love the stock sound effect when your car got fucked up.
I did, it had a weird storyline mode where you move out of your mum's house
this game was ahead of its time, before overwatch took off and the many overwatch clones took off.
Too bad their solution for mouse vs. controller cross-play was having mouse users get an innate bullet spread penalty while controllers have both more accurate weapons, and auto-aim assistance.
and despite all that PC was still superior because they could play at 100+ FPS instead of 30 FPS which affected aiming speed and jumping.
I played the shit out of this. I remembered you could stay at your moms house just reading books and your stats never went down
Man, that does sound weird. Could you imagine moving out of your mom's house? I mean who does that? Haha.
Bid for Power was the shit
I actually really liked this game. It wasnt great but it could have been really refined into a great great game.
Yes, I bought it because I have a BE fetish.
I played the shit out of ATV Offroad Fury 2, MX Unleashed, and MX VS ATV Unleashed when I was a kid. I didn't even do the races for the most part. I just explored the worlds.
This game was 10/10 so far ahead of its time
It was weird for a Sims game to have a storyline, ya big silly
funnily enough i finished replaying this the other day, enjoyed the retarded story more than i remember
I remember people were criticizing this game hard for having no story mode, online multiplayer only, etc.
but then you look at games today like fortnite or overwatch that have no story, online only, etc and people praise the shit outta it.
This game was cool. It was like a mix of counter strike and hero shooter.
Because multiplayer-only games typically weren't a full retail price back then, OR needing an online subscription to play (fuck GFWL Gold) in the non-MMO market.
Never seen a single person acknowledge this game's existence
Can we get a sims online game that's not 20 years old? Imagine the sims 3/4 with some kind of co op play
Have it installed on my pc
Because you're a clueless zoomer
It was fun, but Bustin' Out was better IMO
This came with some PC my parents got. Played the shit out of it because they wouldn't buy me anything else.
Did this ever actually exist or is it an internet creation?
dads friends kids had this and the south park game
internet creation
This and the second one are fucking great racing games.
Why did you get banned from wow?
It kind of sucks. The GBC game is the best.
It's an internet myth. Kind of like Slenderman.
first game on ps2 i owned nigga
The PC version didn't require a gold account. But the Xbox version did.
I played it. Mod support is nice.
I always wanted 2 though.
My dad had that. I don't know if he ever actually played that.
Just play FreeSO at this point
Nigga you crazy. What you gonna post next? Future Cop LAPD?
There's a mod in progress for online multiplayer in the Sims 4, I have no idea how long it'll take but some of the videos I've seen showing it partially in action were pretty neat, you basically controlled different Sims and it synchronized actions and stuff
You're kidding, right?