MegaTen thread

if you want to bitch about which is better like a faggot go to

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I want to fuck Jack Frost

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Give me the PQ2 DLC CIA

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Literally just started playing Nocturne for the first time, does Demi-fiend have a ‘canon’ name?

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do you think we'll ever get another Devil Survivor?

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did you get the jack frost nendo

apparently, if you count drama cds. "Naoki Kashima"
desu I'd just make a name for him

no I'm a poorfag neet

Yeah: Demi-fiend

i broke the tail on mine the day i got it

Got mine sitting in my walldrobe waiting on that Pyro Jack release

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his name is FUCK YOU

learn how to google

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I don't know why but the DDS2 mantra tree fucks with my head, am I a drooling troglodyte?

>playing SMT for the first time
>first demon I talk to calls me ugly and one shots me

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kek, which smt was it?

>between Jonathon and Walter, I agree with Walter the most
>end up getting locked in the Law path with Jonathon because I’m too nice or something
What does this say about me

post your demonbros

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I bet it was a Napaea in IV with Zan.

I just made one in PQ2 with Salome's Kiss and Bind Arts, I'm gonna be enjoying him for a while.

holy shit

Yes, Pyro Jack is on preorder and arrives next month.

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it's going to happen a lot, I still can't figure out girl demons and I've beaten the game twice

I fucking loved most of my demons, it got to be an issue where I wouldn't go and fuse them for something else.

but anys: Sukuna-Hikona, Black Frost, King Frost, Kikuri-hime, kushinada-hime, and motherfucking frost ace are still in my stock even after finishing SMTIVA

How do I cheese SMT if..? I can't damage Hazama at all.

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They left the cheese in SMT1 and 2
Fight like a man

why are jacku so adorable

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Gotta be honest, I don’t like that Quetzalcoatl design that much. I’m more fond of the earlier SMT designs because at least it’s a feathered serpent like the name literally translates to.

only the bro-est and most trustworthy for me

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They're cute but not in the generic way something furry with big, glossy eyes is. The fact they're naive assholes adds to the charm as well.

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Quetzalcoatl wasn't always depicted strictly as a serpent, though I get what you mean. My problem with the older design is that it doesn't reflect Aztec culture at all, it just looks liek a snake with wings. The Soul Hackers design is better I feel as it takes inspiration from Aztec culture and aesthetics.

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this nigga, is my nigga

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based, but smugly version is better

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You're in class just trying to look aloof when this mysterious transfer student transfers in and immediately grabs the attention of all the girls
What do?

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recruit him

Just wait until summer semester, he'll melt

>Atlus makes AoA generator
>but it looks like this

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I don't get it

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This but unironically

I'm gonna say it, the Devil Summoner designs were kinda crappy and tacky overall. Not that there weren't gems, but just look at this shit. The absolutely awful early digital coloring didn't help either.
The earlier designs were good, simple, gritty anime and the later ones were just gorgeous in their own right. This middle era was just eh...

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The original Devil Summoner art is pretty shoddy looking, sure, but the Soul Hackers art looks fine.

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Devil Summoner designs are the peak of Kaneko's creativity, not just in terms of the designs, but all the obscure mythologies they were taken from. It's why so many of them have been constantly reused ever since, while the games themselves had almost every design be brand new and even when they weren't they still got a new coat of paint.

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just started DDS2 and it seems worse than the previous one

Is there a site with the Dx2 renders like this?

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it lets me put best persona girls front and center so I like it!

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Simply not the case. Look at SMT1 Oberon, then look at DS:SH Oberon, and then look at Nocturne Oberon. Kaneko's choice to go back must've been one of the easiest choices in his entire life.

>blocks your phys attack

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Experimenting with new designs was cool to see from Kaneko. In your case I agree, the older Titania and Obereon were better, but it's still cool to see him try new things. Obviously it doesn't always work out, looking at Bael in SMTI and Bael in SMTII you see this, but it's fun none the less. In games like P5 you can sort of see what demons Atlus has determined are the "popular" ones, as the compendium of that game feels like it's made up of the most iconic designs in the series.

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Yes, because they're amazingly cheap to make and there's a lot of fans begging for one, plus the team is pretty passionate about the series. I played like 30 mins of PQ2 earlier today and the production value they put into a guaranteed bomb in the states and overseas surprised me. Honestly I would be shocked and pissed if we actually get a PQ3 over Desu3 or Raidou 3.

>they put into a guaranteed bomb in the states
Not sure why you think that. I imagine Q2 didn't cost too much since Q1 provided a lot of assets to reuse and P5fags are still a thing here, even with normalfags Joker in smash and the announcement of P5R probably brought some interest into it for them.

Nocturne Oberon is SMT1 Oberon, with art from the PS1 remake

>Not sure why you think that.
Look at the release date and platform m8. Predictably, it did bomb, even EO Nexus sold better
>P5fags are still a thing here, even with normalfags Joker in smash and the announcement of P5R
Very few of these people still have a 3DS and want to use it, plus it's a spinoff and not the real thing

Doesn't matter which. They're all great.

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what setting do you guys want from persona 6? and what kind of velvet room would it have?

personally I'd like an old timey 1800-something setting with a steam train's passenger car or conductor's seat as the velvet room
I just love the aesthetic of that era

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I don't know how anyone could like Kaneko's original or Doi's Odin. The SH Odin is the only good Odin design honestly.

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>personally I'd like an old timey 1800-something
Cool, then a lot of demons can't exist in the game as they haven't been created yet. Also why would a series about waifus use a older time period in the first place?

>Cool, then a lot of demons can't exist in the game as they haven't been created yet
oh no, you're THAT guy.
>why would a series about waifus
read the OP and fuck off

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I think all designs are good in their own right, but the SH design should definitely be used more often.

I think a casino styled velvet room would be cool, but that's just off the top of my head, maybe a bar or lounge if that doesn't overlap with p2/p4 too much.

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>oh no, you're THAT guy.
Yeah, I guess I am. Seeing shit like "Dude we need a megaten game in the 1500's" makes no sense, it logically can't happen.

you are too stuck on your metaperspective that those myths hadn't been created at that point in time by irl humans

Based and hee-hopilled


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what's this from?

smt synchronicity prologue which was a free computer-lab sidescroller made to advertise sj redux, i can put up a download link if you want


>put up a download link
sure, how though?

why are skellingtons after my boi pussy in nocturne.

Playing desu2. I can't believe everyone got killed by a cheese grater.

Lucifer wants to see who's the coolest skelton

They have a bone to pick with you.

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Demi-Fiend is Lucifer's bottom bitch

Oh Carlos!

mega DOT nz/#F!qjxGjYiZ!C3ymjRtOaZ6XSDGPpcj9Hw

english translation by some kid on twitter, "unpatched" folder is the original jp version (safe to delete)


My bro Cu Chulainn.

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Hopefully one day. These games were fun as fuck.

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thanks user, appreciated. I was needing some service to share files with online friends so you've given me two things

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How the fuck did you not know about MEGA before? Or Google Drive

I mean I knew about mega and google drive, but I don't trust these specific friends with my google account. about mega idk, i just never thought about it

Will SMTV be at E3, bros?

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unlikely. hold out for TGS friend

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I want an update at the very least but it’s hard to say if it’ll be unveiled yet.

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these always fuck me up

you better pick mothman, user

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Be my friend, you fucking moth.

My favorite jack frost variant

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>tfw no demihee

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>that one artwork from Devil Summoner where jack's eyes were actually holes

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Which artwork?

wtf that isn't Jack Frost's Solar Data

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Well damn.

I have absolutely no idea what she does in this game but man does she look cool.

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it makes sense for pyro's eyes, but frost looks not so good

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Honestly based.

pokemon is better than this garbage


I know you’re trying to start shit but the Pokémon games were getting so stale for me that I went for SMT and never looked back.

In which megaten games is it viable to take your starting demons to the end?

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i got bored of p5 within the first hour

DDS :^)

>Persona 5
Well there’s your first mistake.

Try playing mainline then, Persona is mostly text boxes.

wanna get started on this series cause i love its character design, where do i begin?

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ok retard

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Nocturne, it's in 3D so you can appreciate them better

SMTIV, Nocturne, and Strange Journey are good places to start IMO.

Man, I would love for Atlus to port DDS (and the other SMT games) to modern consoles.

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Rider Chads where at?

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if persona was your introduction to megaten, and you hated it, you might like SMT

Nocturne on ps2, play it blind. The games are best enjoyed that way.

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him and pixie with pyro coming up soon

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Hee hell yeah nigger

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>playing Persona Q2
>the amount of dialogue and cutscenes in the opening hours
I don't remember the first one being this bad, good lord, I'm just fucking fast forwarding through most of it now. Doesn't help that the encounter rate in the dungeons are low.

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>that one NPC who deleted the email because he thought the demon summoner was a virus
How do you think he felt when it turned out his whole family got murdered by Pretas right in front of him?

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I’m really holding back the urge to start a flamewar but why do you boomers cling on to this inferior game

1 and 2 are the boomer games, zoomer

>I don't remember the first one being this bad
the first one was definitely this bad, especially after they introduced Coldsteel and Kirby

I don’t think you know what that means.

>playing a Persona spinoff that only exists for crossover fanservice reasons
>surprised at the amount of dialogue and cutscenes
hoo boy

It's a good game start with dumbass.

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>by the time of the post nuke segment only you, ozawa and the three gatekeeper summoners exist with working COMPs
>by the time of 2, you seem to be the only guy with an arc terminal that has a DSP
Man everyone got screwed in those games

compared to what, dumbass

I haven't even gotten to the part where you can interact or even use the 3 and 4 gang, it's literally the 5 people for 3 hours talking among themselves.

Look, I get it, you fucking hate nintendo, but let’s put that shit aside and come to an agreement that SMTIV is the best entry into the series

I really feel like Quetzalcoatl would be a great Chaos alignment representative. Maybe in an Aztec/Meso mythology centric game? Also obligatory post for Yosuga.

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>hate Nintendo
But I recommended Strange Journey and SMTIV alongside Nocturne.

It's really not. It's a fine game but tbe team's inexperience really shows. It's wasted potential umfortunately.

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You know Pokemon is in a desperate position when they feel the need to come into SMT threads, of all places to cope.
It's not a Nintendo issue. I just find Nocturne a better starting point, and it's an earlier title in the series. I always recommend Nocturne, and then IV afterwards.

I am an idort, and I didn't know this franchise existed until starting with SMTIV
Nocturne is better than it. Especially for this user who says he's interested in the series because of the designs, Nocturne has more to offer as a console game in full 3D while IV uses tweened sprites from 1997. Not to mention the horrible looking guest art

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Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei then SMT1 then 2 and so on

my personal favourite is SJ but I can see why people recommend nocturne as the first game. the actual 3d models really help enhance the already great atmosphere so it becomes much better at roping in new blood then the other traditional SMT games. of course once they've got a feel of nocturne they can branch out to the other games

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Cope, Ryan. I told you I'd be in every thread from now on.

Do not take the bait.

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>divide the fandom
Imagine being this delusional that you think that's your doing

Dude, P4 is second dungeon and P3 is third dungeon, you're gonna be there for a while.

There are much better demon dialogues.

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What does this prove exactly
This could be anyone

I wish I used my actual demons more to start negotiations, there are some unique ones apparently

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Based Momunofu

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Screenshot as much as you want. It doesn't mean anything, and it won't stop me. I'm just as easily going to enter Persona threads under the guise of an SMT elitist and derail those as well. I told you how things were going to go down from now on. Just accept it.

why was this tranny so mad again? he was told to fuck off back to discord?

Why doesn't "Report for participating/instigating a flame war" ever work?

Shit, could demons abandon you if you did it like this?

>he doesn’t know

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Just remember that you do it for free and will not change a single thing

Most people don't. It's a shame as Nocturne's negotiation system actually is relatively complex. When two demons negotiate the game factors in a lot of information such as race, level, how much higher/lower the demon's level is to your demon, gender, age (child, adult, elderly), and some other crazy stuff. It's really interesting actually.
No, it was never that complex, demons never left you once recruited/fused.
Yea Forums needs flamewars I guess.

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Which area is this?

that's right when you exit shinjuku medical hospital at the start

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I hope SMTV brings back Raidou 2's unique dialogue between certain pairs of Demons.

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rasputin was so good in raidou

You think DeSu 3 would work well for the Switch? The 3DS is already dead, so it's kind of a miracle PQ2 even exists. Or do you it's still possible to get one more 3DS game out of them?

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Considering how PQ2 did it won't even be considered, I bet. If it comes out, it'll be on Switch.

If FE can make a new SRPG for the Switch, maybe Atlus can.

Based and fuckable pilled.

It's not as if SPRGs have not been made on home consoles before.
Fucking loads of them have.
It just won't be as cheap to make since you can't reuse sprites and do the bare minimum with that.
Just got to translate Yasuda's art to 3D to the point where it doesn't clash hard with the existing megaten demons if it's DeSu 3, or just make another spinoff SPRG game like how Ronde and Majin Tensei existed prior.

Me and my cute snek

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I think rather than pq2, they'll consider making a DeSu 3 based on DeSu port's sales (potential port)
if they won't even port it I don't think they'll even considering it

I think it can still work with 2d sprites. They just need to make them bigger and more detailed, like a NES to SNES type thing.

That could work.
Hell I wouldn't mind it using 3D and 2D, like say cinematics and battles use 3D but general map shit uses 2D

It'd be cool if the cutscenes were similar to the opening cinematic from record breaker. Or alternatively, like the 3d scenes from the new FE games.

Buy rasta candies from the casino.

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God I wish that were me.

Is nocturne really as hard as people make it out to be? The biggest trouble I had was the first dante battle but even then it was because of my own dumb mistakes that were making it harder for myself. I'm currently at Hell Biker now. Does it get tougher?

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no it's not that hard

>Is nocturne really as hard as people make it out to be?
not really. it has a few casual filters but there are harder megatens

It's most people's first, and it doesn't really hold your hand with tutorials. I thought it was impossible when I first played it, but in hindsight it's not very hard.

No. When it came out though it was different from the big console jrpgs like Final Fantasy though and really messed a lot of people up. Nocturne was the first mainline title released in America and Europe, players had never really played anything like it. Today bosses like Matador are famous but back then when players were completely blind and he showed up they had no idea that buffs and debuffs mattered, naturally he would kick people's ass repeatedly. It's reasons like that that I argue Nocturne should be played blind, it's most enjoyed that way.

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>but back then when players were completely blind and he showed up they had no idea that buffs and debuffs mattered
what? those people are just stupid or too young to put 2 and 2 together. the boss clearly demonstrates how important buffs are by buffing himself, that's how I learned

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Played persona 5 recently as my first and only MegaTen related game (unless Catherine counts), and enjoyed it, though I found it dragged near the end and would have been much better if it stuck to teenagers vs dick adults instead of the whole kill the demiurge bollocks. I enjoyed the VN-like side of it and though the combat was good I sometimes felt like it was getting in the way of what I was actually excited for.

Should I try out other MegaTen games or are they unlikely to be for me? I'm thinking maybe SMT3, SMT4, P3, or P4. Which if any, should I play, and how should I go about playing it on PC?

it sounds like you would really love Devil Survivor if you liked the vn side of it. it's an SRPG so not quite like the rest of the megaten series

Megaten is all about killing gods, if that was your least favorite part of p5 then I have doubts there's anything for you in these games.

Based and Cutepilled

Don't listen to it's much more than "killing gods". It's about finding your way in the apocalypse

But they hated the apocalyptic part of p5

Yeah they hated the godkilling shit but you are paraphrasing for a lack of a better word

>nocturne is considered the best in the series
>stuck on the ps2
>ps2 emulators still suck
>no remake/remaster
well then

That sounds cool, I might look into that. Will I be able to emulate it? And I see it got a rerelease, would I want to play that or the original?

I'm always a little sceptical of godslaying as a plot point, but even so, I imagine I'd be more sympathetic to it if it didn't come out of nowhere and upend my comfy high school shenanigan simulator.

I don't mind the apocalypse in general (or even fighting gods provided it's done well), it was more that it felt out of place with everything else P5 had invested in. I spent the entire game doing relatively low-key personal missions against targets who didn't even realise they were being targeted, while also living a normal school life, doing confidants, etc. Maybe I just went in with the wrong expectations, but it felt like the emotional climax should have been stealing Shido's heart, saving Japan, and clearing your name - that would have flowed from the rest of the game more naturally than an 11th hour armageddon.

>Maybe I just went in with the wrong expectations
You did, Persona has always been about gods, most Megaten games in general are.

I can't really say. I've heard mixed things about the rerelease but never really played either. You should be able to emulate the original, considering its a ds game, and maybe the 3ds one. 3ds emulation is pretty hit or miss though

>combat was good I sometimes felt like it was getting in the way of what I was actually excited for.
>you would really love Devil Survivor
you're an idiot, that's the worst possible choice

>I've heard mixed things about the rerelease
??? There is not a single thing better in the ds version compared to the 3ds version

But in that case, why weren't they a more conspicuous presence for the first 90% of the game? It had developed a compelling and fleshed out story about how the asshole politician who framed you was using paranormal powers to murder his enemies and take over Japan - there wasn't really anything about gods at any point until after I reached the bottom of the prison dungeon, with only an hour or two left of the game. 75 hours spent developing Shido as the main antagonist was much more effective than 5 hours spent on yaldabaoth.

Alright then, I'll try getting DS emulation set up, not something I have much experience with but it's never too late to start.

Why's that user?

Idk man I guess it was some hot take I heard but

>there wasn't really anything about gods
All of your enemies and personas are gods

Devil survivor is mostly combat, it's a srpg. If you thought there was too much combat in persona there's no way you'll like a game that's composed of a long sequence of 30+ minute battles with brief text segments inbetween.

The 3ds version doesn't add much. Just voices and a little more story content. It was criticized when it came out for not having enough content for people who already own the DS version.

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And what would you rather reccomend? All other megami tensei games (besides persona) have much longer dungeon crawling segments than that

>why weren't they a more conspicuous presence for the first 90% of the game?
It's a bit more apparent if you've played the prior games, but Igor is suspicious throughout the game and although it may feel like Yaldabaoth only appears at the end because his true form only appears then, he's with you the whole time as Igor. The supernatural elements are made out to be the end goal pretty early on as one of the only concrete goals you're given beyond deal with people with Palaces as they come up is to find out what's going on at the bottom of Mementos, and ending things with a God of control is a natural escalation as you're progressively dealing with people in higher and higher positions of power with more and more capacity to control and oppress a larger and larger number of people, and a God who can do that to all people with an ability beyond any man's to do so is a logical place to finish that escalation.

You can buy it on PS3

>(besides persona)
It's not besides Persona, DeSu doesn't even have dungeon crawling, it can't have less than Persona when it doesn't have it at all and Persona does.

>>nocturne is considered the best in the series

Based on his posts I think it's very likely that he'll enjoy P4 or P3

Not true, Devil Survivor is a story heavy game
>a game that's composed of a long sequence of 30+ minute battles with brief text segments inbetween
This never happens

Uninterrupted combat segments* sorry you pedantic asshole

No need to get so upset over it.

No need to be pedantic. You knew exactly what I meant

They have the name and appearance of gods but the game says at every opportunity that they're actually people's shadows from the sea of souls. Storywise, there's nothing really about gods going on there, it's just people whose inner selves happen to take on appearances from mythology when you fight them - or at least that's how it's presented to the player.

Not knowing beforehand what was coming, the expectation the game set for me was that I was involved in the supernatural, but at a fairly low level and certainly not as a prospective godslayer. Going from someone who spends a couple weeks to use his supernatural powers to convince a dick to be less of a dick, to someone who kills the ruler of the physical universe on a few hours notice, definitely felt jarring.

I understand what you're getting at, but I still don't think it makes much sense without your expectations being shaped by metaknowledge of the series.
>ending things with a God of control is a natural escalation as you're progressively dealing with people in higher and higher positions of power with more and more capacity to control and oppress a larger and larger number of people, and a God who can do that to all people with an ability beyond any man's to do so is a logical place to finish that escalation
This makes perfect sense if you know megaten already and are aware that that's the sort of thing that happens in the series. Otherwise, though, I don't think that would ever occur to you as a natural subsequent step in the progression.
>corrupt gym teacher > corrupt artist > corrupt local criminal > corrupt businessman > corrupt prosecutor > corrupt politician > the demiurge
that last bit is a massive leap, and a complete odd-one-out, that I think you could only ever expect based on the precedent of other games.

I'll do some research. Thanks for the discussion.

I've heard QoL changes makes it hard to enjoy P3 after P4 - true?

Demiurge isn't a god either you know

>I don't think that would ever occur to you as a natural subsequent step in the progression.
I don't know that that specifically would be what occurs to you naturally, but when you beat Shido you still know that you haven't gotten to the bottom of Mementos, so you know that there's some supernatural element you haven't dealt with yet, and from there it's not hard to surmise that there's some supernatural enemy who you have to fight at the end, even if you can't predict that it's Yaldabaoth or a God specifically.

>I've heard QoL changes makes it hard to enjoy P3 after P4 - true?
it's true for every persona if you start with 5, really

>They have the name and appearance of gods but the game says at every opportunity that they're actually people's shadows from the sea of souls.
So's Yaldy, dummy. Mementos is a palace, like the others. Specifically, it's the palace for everyone who wants to give up control of their lives. Yaldy is their treasure, like the other treasures in the other palaces. Yaldy was built up from the moment you entered Mementos and Morgana kept talking about trying to figure out what was at the bottom.

Like seriously, did you just expect the Mementos plotline to go nowhere? What did you expect to find down there, a treasure chest with a note saying "good job you beat the game"? Did it never cross your mind what could be at the heart of a palace big enough to encompass literally millions of people instead of just one?

Post Ho's.

>to someone who kills the ruler of the physical universe on a few hours notice, definitely felt jarring.
You misunderstood the story if that's what you thought Yaldabaoth was. Yaldabaoth didn't create the universe in p5, he's a being from the collective unconscious created out of humanity's collective apathy. He's less of a god and more of a big shadow, like most "gods" in persona.

Where the fuck is 5? My switch is right next to me, better not pull some stupid vanishing trick and put it on the ps5 or some shit fatlus.

It's 3:30 and I have a job interview in 7 1/2 hours, I need to get to bed. Thanks for all the helpful replies, I'll check in the morning to read any more that come.

I guess not within the religion it comes from - but by the same standard that would admit thor or lucifer as "gods" then the being "responsible for fashioning and maintaining the physical universe" would definitely count.

That's fair. I guess I let mementos fly under my radar as something pivotal to the main story, because it seemed to just be for side quests, grinding whenever you want, and Morgana's backstory. I mostly just assumed that at the bottom we'd find out Morgana's real origin, and maybe get to fight shadow morgana as a secret boss or something - wasn't sure what to make of those weird dreams he kept having, they threw me off a bit.

True, he's not the "real" demiurge - but he still was powerful enough to remake reality on a scale most actual gods wouldn't be capable of - regardless of the theological details, he represented the plot jumping from a personal, human threat that I cared about to an impersonal cosmic threat that didn't do nearly so much for me, which was what bothered me.

In that case, would you recommend I play P3 before P4 or shall I just keep working backwards?

5 is never coming out retard. EVER.

Fuck you

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I want Oliver back so much

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It actually isn't that big a deal to play 4 before 3 because a lot of 4's "QoL changes" just amount to simplifying what was in 3. Going from 4 to 3 will actually make it seem like 3 had more mechanical depth, at the tradeoff of not having direct control over your party members, which itself really isn't that big a deal and is removed by either using a mod or playing the PSP version.

Not a god in Persona universe

Who isn't? I'm not reading that fucking book you are quoting.

Jacked Frost, and he's dead wrong

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The gods (final bosses) in P5 are actually gods though. Hell 1's true boss was Nyx. I guess the only non god final boss was from the dualogy. This goes all the way back to iF.


They're not actual gods in the sense that they have the power of gods over the real world unless some weird shit is happening. They're shadows from the collective human consciousness representing a specific aspect of human emotion and behavior, taking the form of gods because that's typically how human mythology and folklore works. They only have power over the human world when some weird shit happens that causes the real world and the world of the collective consciousness to in some way merge or overlap.

The false immaterial god is P5's final boss. 4 was Izanami. 3 Had Nyx. 2 was Nyar and 1 was Nyx. (named Queen Asura)

user you are aware the gods that exist in SMT are also human constructs created subconsciously as well right?

What’s worse is when Melcoch tells you to grovel and you are given three choices saying submit for all them. Then he starts blabbering about how you have a fetish for grovelling and being weak.

Not in the way that Persona's are.

He’s gonna need a guide for kyuukaku

ok but why are you replying to me

>playing Nocturne for the first time
>mfw Tower of Kagutsuchi
this is so fucking bad
genuinely fucking terrible
other megten games are better right? IDGAF about story I just want the gameplay to be better than this

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Gotta have my unga bunga bling with me.

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I didn't particularly care for how the dual-screen UI was handled with the last 2. Convenient, sure, but not something I'd ultimately miss if it ever converts to a single, larger screen. Also wouldn't put it past Atlus to port OC/RB as an excuse to 'test the waters'.

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They are extremely similar. This goes all the way back to iF. Also Philemon is a literal god that helps you oppose other gods. (or used to)

4A has the best gameplay yes.

Philemon is just a spirit guide.

>Tower of Kagutsuchi
It's the last dungeon in the game, just finish it. It'snot even bad, if you think ToK is bad the Great Cathedral of SMTI would make you kill yourself.

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Philemon is a deity in the Persona universe.

if it has nearly as many warp puzzles as this fucking mess I think I would

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Never try Strange Journey Redux

He's a spirit guide. In a franchise where supernatural powers come from the strength of one's spirit as they fight against apparitions created by the collective spirits of mankind this makes him as close to a god as possible, but he doesn't actually have godlike power over the real world unless humans are fucking around with the collective consciousness for the dozenth time.

only Redux or the original too?

Both. Sector E is overrated but will drive you specifically up a wall.

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DDS2 and SJ are infinitely worse for teleport mazes, I don't even remember Nocturne's from how little trouble I had with them, the final dungeon in DDS2 and the sixth sector of SJ made me want to fucking die from their teleport mazes. They improved SJ's in SJR though so they're not that bad anymore.

Redpill me on Soul Hackers, why is there relatively little mention about it and should I play it regardless?

He is technically both you (jung philosophy) and a deity though.

just google it bro

>put Nocturne down for a few months
>can't remember what I fused Pixie into

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It's fucking old and most people got into the series at Nocturne or later so they didn't bother, even with the re-release. It's worth a play though.

it's always the top one
unless you sacrificed her, then gg

if you're close to the last kalpa, just bring some revival beads and some heals nbd. Apparently pixie is always your top demon on the list, that or second highest idr someone itt will know

>3DS port of a Saturn game from 1997
that's why people don't play it
play it it's good

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You need mag to use demons and they don't level up.

Thank god, she's a Makami then (I'm in Kabukicho).

>race, level, how much higher/lower the demon's level is to your demon, gender, age (child, adult, elderly)
but all of those exist in other games since the very first game, age, gender, and race aren't actually separate and are just grouped together as "personalities"

>why is there relatively little mention of it
megaten fans will have played it, but most people who play megaten aren't hardcore
It's got a strong 90s vibe, archaic gameplay but a cool cast

>finish nocturne for the first time
>normal demon ending
made as save earlier just in case this happened, time for True Demon

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>Assuming Yasuda will be on the art

>couldn't pass aradia's test

actually, is there any way to go back and change this or am I just fucked on this save
I'd like to at least fight the final boss and get a not terrible ending, then do TDE

In Nocturne they definitely are seperate, in case you were saying otherwise. Look up the recruitment skills

I survived Sector E but called it quits in Sector H in the original

I didn't realize a single dialogue option could fuck my entire ending

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Honestly SJ isn't as bad as Nocturne, since it's a grid-based dungeon crawler and you have a handy map to manage. It isn't as slow as Nocturne as well. Nocturne's warp dungeon is bad mostly because of encounters taking forever and map being horrible. These aren't issues in SJ.

see If you go neutral, but didn't tell Aradia you would follow your path no matter what, you're fucked

Womb of Grief shits all over Nocturne's warp dungeon.

I don't even remember answering any kind of answer like that
I guess that's what I get for being a fence sitting neutralfag though.

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I just realized If... was translated and I'm about to play it. Ive heard it's crap but I find that hard to believe since people were bitching about the translation for years.

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Doesn't the former's game let you know where the warps will take you so you don't have to memorize it yourself?
it was right after Yoyogi

Only if you have a specific sub app.

all personalities have set age, that's how it works
you can't have same personality for demons of varying age

Womb of Grief is exclusive to SJR.

Why would it be any better just because people wanted it translated? This logic is so backwards

How are you able to see warps on your map when you have to step on them in order for them to register on said map?

iF is fucking dated af. The dying at the right time mechanic to power up is fucking retarded as well.

obviously you won't know. not the first time

Where are you getting these renders?

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I just thought it'd be good since people wanted it translated. Why would people want something bad translated?

>The Raidou manga still hasn't been translated
Chief.. this isn't it.

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The official novel will never be translated either, it sucks.

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But Redux has an app which tells you where does a warp take you after you use it once.

Kept him around quite a bit in SMTIV, homie was so fuckin stronk,

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That's only after you step on the warp, though. I love Strange Journey, but it's going to be another couple years before I go back and play it, honestly. A lot of the later dungeons are overly filled with trial, and error mess. The Womb of Grief has good design, but it's quite possibly one of the more tedious dungeons. I wish Atlus wasn't so stuck on abusing teleportation puzzles for dungeons. It's like, one of the only gimmicks they use when I'm sure there's more things available.

i enter the thread and this is the first fucking thing i read

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I hate how low leveled Baldr is in the IV duology. He's like, in the level 40 ~ 50's and I never really use him because of how mediocre his move pool is. Having Hama, and Physical affinity is nice, though.

Yes, it was the first thing everyone saw since it was the first post user.

it's from the gacha game

I meant where he was finding the images of the renders, I'm aware they're from Dx2?

it's just something i didn't expect.

I think they have a bundle of said HD models on Google drive, or something. I'm surprised that such a shitty Gacha game had models like that to begin with, honestly. They have got to be there for SMTV, or something.

Link? Thanks for the info though.

My mistake, it actually wasn't on google drive.
This guy has a handful of the models available, but I assume he has all of the models bundled up somewhere, though.

Thanks user, deeply appreciate it. Having these in such high quality is great.

I own two. I preordered Pyro Jack, and I own two pixies. I have a Raidou figma too.

>Keep trying to convince myself that we won't get a lick of info for E3
>Still have hope anyway and I'm anticipating Nintendo's section more than ever this year
Fuck this shit.

How is Pixie? I've debated getting her but heard mixed things on her?

Pretty good for a 60 dollar figure.

I got a really good line of skills from past fusions into him like Crit Wave, Fang Breaker, a few other physical skills, Tarukaja, and MP Drain.
Some fusions in IV, I have no idea why you would get them, like, Mido, stop fucking recommending me Legion when his stats are kinda bad and he offers no real good skills, especially with any of the fusion recipes i can make him with.
But some are completely fucking busted, like Balor, Agidyne, Zandyne, and Titanomachia so fucking early on in one package?

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Imagine preparing yourself for anticipation instead of just focusing on something else

You missed an A there buddy
Or an F if you feel like a weeb


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>playing on a phone emulator

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Nice thread

>ps2 emulators still suck

I did even though I don't play smt. I just really like jack frost

>only one collector's edition with Raihou left on amazon
>may never be in stock again
>too embarassed to spend that much on a plush but still really want it

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when are they gonna add filipino demons

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