Nintendo Direct E3 - 6.11.19

I've seen the E3 direct.

-Direct opens with the smash effect that opened simon and richter direct on 8.8.18.
-A cinematic is played where Cloud is fighting in Coliseum and is approached by Sora for a rematch.
- His stage is Traverse Town and he's got an MP bar above his portrait next to his percent. Looks like this is the MP bar from KH2.

- Transition into game reveals
- Metroid Prime Trilogy HD
- Overwatch
- Flipnote Workshop - I specifically remember this cause it was really cool, the one flipnote from the DSi with the guys jumping at each other and knocking them over is shown off.
-Ori and The Blind Forest
- Link's awakening, gets a big box version with a giant replica egg, retails for a crazy 200 bucks, can't remember when it comes out.
- An indie reel happens with a hat in time, kerbel space program, cadence of hyrule and more stuff
- Plants Vs. Zombies 1 and 2 are being re released exclusive to switch.
- Apex Legends, Fallout 3, The Witcher 3, Rage 2 are shown off in this fast trailer that plays.
- Astral chain and fire emblem get trailers couldn't tell you anything about them though because I didn't care ab them.
- Animal crossing is the same way it got a trailer but I hate AC and really just remember it had some hip city theme to it with like a bass drop in the theme song and this "trendy city".
-Banjo and Kazooie smash trailer at the end thought this was pretty cool, mario sonic are fighting off sora and sora overpowers them both and banjo shows up and beats the shit out of him. It was dope.

I'm sure i'm forgetting more lol, those were the things that stood out to me.

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Post dd memes. This tard needs his meds.

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Sora was actually deconfirmed by Sakurai himself according to a memo, shut the duck up

I don't know what drives you to make bullshit like this, but I miss flipnote

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Why do jannies enjoy letting Yea Forums be ruined by smelly smash subhumans? What’s their goal?

Same shit as usual. Prove you're a leaker and mention ONE thing that we don't know about. No zelda, smash, animal crossing, banjo, or existing games. They always have one unannounced thing.


Why are you even wasting your time making this shit up?

Fucking lol no, stopped reading

this is why everyone hated genofags
this is why everyone hated isaacfags
this is why everyone hated ashleyfags
and this is why everyone hates Banjofags


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Smash has a huge fanbase and almost everyone loves playing it and talking about it and thats something youre just gonna have to deal with kid

cloud is only in two spirit battles in the whole game and you think square would let them render the nigga for a trailer lmao

fucking gay lol u didnt even try

Banjo's a hard loss, but Sora makes up for it easy.

Retarded discord false flags? Sounds about right.

That Banjo trailer sound like complete ass.

This sounds pretty plausible except for Sora. It’s not that I don’t want him, but Square Enix would never EVER let him in. They won’t even let Midgar have more than 2 songs.

when a gamestop SKU for 199 is leaked and no one has any idea what it is but some "fake leak" actually mentions it.
I'm not saying I believe it but it is interesting.

Not bad kid.


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Ummm he wasn't deconfirmed by Sakurai... It was "deconfirmed" by Hashimoto, but don't take seriously deconfirmations from Twitter, if you are developer, you can't say YES to a random person if they are gonna do that question

AC having a bass drop in the theme and being in a trendy city is too stupid for this to even be a funny fake

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SE wouldn't allow their character to be beaten

If you fall for obvious falseflag shit then you only have yourself to blame
Spend some time on /pol/ to learn how these things work
We'll teach you how to spot this stuff easily

holy shit you're right lol

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How about you suck my small and flaccid dick

how about THIS for a leak *pisses in OP's mouth*


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>not even a single port of Earthbound to switch even thought it's the 30th anniversary

This, OP made his homework.

nice image you phone posting faggot

Some fake leak mentions it after it gets leaked

>puts so much more detail into the smash reveals
Fake and incredibly gay
banjo is good though

What's this all about?

Epic if true. But probably fake. But I will give you some points for making me bring my hopes up and for creativity.

I said I’d never use this shitty meme but you smash faggot subhumans desperately need to have sex. You’re literally the scum of the earth I’d rather hang out with homeless junkies than pathetic man children like yourselves

>- His stage is Traverse Town and he's got an MP bar above his portrait next to his percent. Looks like this is the MP bar from KH2.
The fact you state this but don't go into detail is what makes this even more full of shit then th se usual fake leaks.

Weeeell, A yo-ho-ho and a yupity-dum
My I.Q. is very low, I'm a pirate and I'm dumb
Well I might be hiding in a barrel in the dark
Or I'll walk you down the plank, and I'll feed you to the sharks
I could cut you down to size if I catch you by surprise
I could get you with my sword, or from a barrel throwing knives
Well you got a zoomer butt, and a big block head
But if you draw for me a mermaid I'll be watching her instead!

You could try to write me off, but you'll be busy enough
With the cannonballs a-droppin', and the parrot's eggs a-poppin'
You can jump over the fire and the ropes could take you higher
But the only way to win is to complete what you begin!

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Unless it was by another character who kicks his ass regularly

Would be realistic if you didnt include sora

Remember that game awards leak that said banjo and crash would be revealed and it got a bunch of other things right. Like outer wilds and that atlus game. That's what's happening here. Some fag sprinkling his most wanted into actual info.

How does sora make any less sense than fags like joker or cloud?


cope snoy

Why do you type these up. Are you actually retarded

Nice fanfic


Because he's been deconfirmed multiple times

What gives? only salty triggered retards like you are the ones who gets affected


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They can't say anything at all actually.

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>couldn't tell you anything about them
literal proof that you just couldn't think of anything about them
also super convenient that all you could list are games that already exist with the exception of Flipnote

Based pirateposter

>Piggybacking off the Gamestop listing leak where a Switch game is $200

Lol, fuck off

>Not interested in astral chain
gays not welcome

Hi guys, Doug Bowser from Nintendo here. I can confirm that this leak is fake. Please look forward to our upcoming E3 presentation!

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Did having bowser for a last name move you to the front of thr line to replace reginald?