Hardcore mode in games

Hardcore mode deletes your savefile when you die.
What would super-hardcore mode do?

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Delete the safefile of other games.

delete the game when you die

deletes you

You die in the game, you die in real life.

uninstalls system32

Sends sex messages from your phone to your dads phone

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There was a game many years back that threatened to wipe your hard drive if you closed the game or died (although it didn't really)

There was a malware also some years back that encrypted your hard drive and only would decrypt it if you could achieve S rank in a game of touhou (included with the malware)

You get a virus that holds your computer for ransom

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You have to send the devs a timestamped nude picture on twitter to get an unlock code.

don't delete the save but changes the map slightly so that you can never win with that save

Disables your CDkey

this, like how pirate copies of Mother were modified, does it to your game without telling you. Basically forces you to no-death clear the game.

It turns you into a nigger irl

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Disables half your steam library

Show you something erotic, then cut out 3 minutes in blueballing you. and deleting your save file

Didn't the guy who made that, accidently have the virus backfire onto himself, only he didn't have the skill to S-rank it?

You can only play the Game once.
Once you die ingame you can never play it again.

download kiddie porn to your console and send a call to the FBI when you die

if you need more than 3 minutes it wasn't that good in the first place

require a non google voice number to make account. delete account and blacklist upon death

brick the game and seed a file with the unlock code seven days into the future

I don't want 20% lower IQ!

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