Left or right, which one is the superior game Yea Forums?

Left or right, which one is the superior game Yea Forums?

Attached: BOTW is a boring piece of shit.jpg (1646x1200, 1.19M)

Other urls found in this thread:



NieR simply because it isn’t open world trash

A2 is a miracle of the universe. We need more girls like her, Kainé and Zero in video games.

>NieR isn't open world trash

Have you fucking played the game? It is open world and it's more trash than BOTW since there's fucking nothing to do in that open world than pad out the game time

Nier's a better overall franchise because at one point it had laura bailey in it.

Both are hot but A2 is hotter.

Game? Breath of the Wikd.

Story? Automata.

Holy fuck, Nier. I straight up dropped BotW after playing Nier's demo and gave zero fucks about slogging to its finish until I was done. Nier's not my all time favorite game or anything but god fucking damn, it was so much more bearable than BotW.

weapon degradation can slurp the shit right out of my asshole

>nothing to do in that open world than pad out the game time

I want to fuck A2 like an animal

Attached: NUT.jpg (747x931, 143K)

BOTW lacks memorable characters, compelling story, sense of progression, memorable music & enemy variety. NieR has all of this, therefore it’s better

Left, and I didn't even beat it.
I really don't understand why people cream themselves over BotW so much. It wasn't a BAD game, but not very different from most open world action games that I've already played.

fuck off, nintendo can do no wrong and anyone who thinks otherwise is dumb

>that filename

no bias here

Right by a mile.
Nier is better than Automata in every aspect except combat.

NieR tried to do something new and that takes some balls imho, Zelda even though is a good game at the end of the day is nothing more that other sandbox that you will only okay once.

Because Nintendo did it. They could shit on a plate or release the greatest game of the year and as long as both say Zelda they will each get a 10/10

Get in line

BOTW is only good the first time you play it and even then it has flaws, NieR everytime.

Divinity is much better.

Attached: ladda ned (1).jpg (2000x1000, 323K)

Automata isn't open-world at all. It's a small sandbox.


Nier is much more engaging. At least the story keeps you curious. Botw I just stopped playing once Mario Kart came out on the switch kek

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>NieR tried to do something new

Like what?

> Still seething & crying after 2 years
Based Nintendo

I love my wife A2!

Right. Had a much better time with it. Hell, I think BotW even managed to create a better post-apocalyptic atmosphere.

Ending E
The hacking minigame
How the flying sections change perspective
How in a boss you change between characters at the same time as you fight.
The change of perspective as you fight
The chip system
Drug E
And all of the things that NieR 1 introduced and Automata did better (action game+bullet hell,shooting system...change of genre...).


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The bullet-hell in Automata is garbage because of how OP the melee attack is.

BotW destroys dishonest pseudo intellectual trash like Automata

You can make a similar picture for any shit game.

None of these things are new.

If you find it easy okay on extreme difficulty m8.
Also being easy doesn't make it less cool and original.

Stale meme.

make one for your shitty life

Name a single game from this gen that does all of those things

Ending E with deleting your save data was done in the first Nier. The entire concept of all of the other people playing the game helping you out, which was entirely not contextualized in Automata, was already done in Bravely Default which did a much better job explaining why that was happening.
The hacking minigame was literaly Asteroids, one of the first video games ever created. Terrible hacking minigames have been a thing for decades.
Shmup segments were in the previous Nier and a host of other games, like every Platinum action game. They’re also universally reviled.
Changing characters in a boss fight also seems very familiar, although I can’t think of an exact example. Closest thing that comes to mind is FFIX, which did this a lot.
The chip system is literally just equipment. There’s nothing new about it at all. It’s just like Words from Nier 1.
I don’t know what Drug E is. Did Jackass give it to you?
Doing shit that was already in the first game is the opposite of doing something new.

Yoko Taro is kind of a hack so he loves homaging other games, so it should come as no surprise that he had endless grating callbacks to Nier 1’s idiosyncrasies. That should not be applauded.


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what's so original about bullethell

>from this gen

Nier did all that last gen.

Finally, someone with taste

>NieR tried to do something new

Yes, the original. Automata just rehashes a bunch of shit.

Yeah and that game was utter garbage outside of the story, soundtrack & characters.

Zero a shit.

Why is Link so pretty

No u.

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Exactly like Automata.

Right tried to take what made the first Zelda great and failed miserably. One gojirrion shrines with no basically no memorable places to find during exploration is utterly shit. Quite literally the MGSV of the series.

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When did you realize it’s Nintendo fans the ones who ruin every discussion about BoTW?

No other fanbase is rabid like this, not even Gravity Rush cucks.

BotW has more satisfying combat.

Agreed. Automata is all style over substance.

but Nier is post post apocalyptic

You Nierfags sure are vocal, but I'm not seeing it winning and that's quite a gap.

Attached: 35a.gif (201x202, 533K)

What combat?

left wins storywise ez


BotW >> Nier Automata
(both are great games, btw)

Commander >> A2 >> 2B

my favorite whore in vidya

>muh nintendo boogeyman
fuck off faggot

>Commander >> A2 >> 2B
true but only because commander is closer to ara~ara~ mom gf

Automata is after the apocalypse in Nier, so it’s post-apocalyptic. Doesn’t matter that Nier was in itself a post-apocalypse.

I respectfully disagree, patrician opinion.

Ending E has a different context regarding why deleting your savefile, I haven't played BD but I doubt that the reason the game gives is to literary end the game, the context in Automata is stronger and more original probably.
What's original about the hacking minigame is how fast you transition into it and how it's an integral part of the combat, it's not an afterthought like other modern games.
I was talking first about the ship sections, the of Nier didn't has that, also the shmups sections in Automata are more polished, like I said in my last point.
Regarding the chip system, I was talking about how it's an actual part of your character, like how you can sacrifice seen your hp or exp points to create more space for upgrades, also how you can kill yourself by removing your OS chip.
Drug E just give funny effects to the screen, is for the memes.
If you think Yoko Taro is a hack then that's your opinion user, but for me he is a pretty original game director.

Commander is ultimate thicc.

Ok, can we discuss BoTW now or you’ll get triggered again and start posting your epic maymays?

t. secondary

Nier is absolute fucking garbage at everything except for music and waifus. It's 2deep4u story can fuck off, it's anime tier cutscenes can fuck off and it's garbage gameplay can fuck off too. Oh and these retarded hacking minigames can fuck off too, it's "le multiple times playthrough is so kewl" garbage can fuck off as well and you know what, all the additional side information that you need to have the full picture can fuck off as well. The entire Automata fanbase can fuck off collectively.

That said, I find 2B and A2 incredibly hot and am looking forward to the next waifus.

>Have you fucking played the game?
You're in Yea Forums, do you really need to ask?


Left because it is on the psGOTY
Kojima is better than jesus.

>there's fucking nothing to do in that open world

Just like breath of the wild, kek

>BOTW is a piece of shit.jpg
Seethe harder faggot


botw is garbage never played the other game but im sure its better

>Using a buzzword
>Calling people a secondary
Ok m8, I hope you have a wonderful day.

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>Neir has Kira Buckland in it while BotW has Elizabeth Maxwell
BotW all the way.

Go think about le deep story somewhere else you waste of fucking space.

It's the truth if you think Automata did anything original, and Toro isn't stepping over himself.

so close

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but this is a Nier thread
maybe you should kys

Cope and seethe honey

no this is a nier vs botw thread you illiterate faggot
dont talk to me

I'll say what everyone thinks
I've never played any of them, but nier is not on a nintendo console, so it's instantly better

Hm, I felt like I was just going through the motions except for a couple scenes in Automata. Really had to force myself to see it through to the end.

right: best gril
left: best gaem

>Muh deep story


it's been over 2 years since its release and ever since we've have a constant barrage of butthurt from #4thegaymers. multiple threads and hundreds of posts every day.

name one(1) game that's had that effect on you sony shills. you literally can't.

Attached: BreathOfTheButthurt.png (1920x1080, 1.74M)

It's not deep at all. You're a brainlet for thinking this.

Imagine having a victim complex on a board ruled by nintendo jannies and a majority of nintendo fans.


Horizon Zero Dawn makes BoTW kiddies more mad than anything. PS4 owners don't even think about BoTW it's a kids games.

>SEETHING so HARD he posted an image he saved on his hard drive

Have sex.

Nier Automata is better.

lmao check out this nincel he’s going apeshit


I found Nier: A far more interesting.

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in what way

Nintendo game, aimed at ''kids'':
>Treats the player with respect
>Tutorials are done through the player experiencing every system in perfect set pieces that convey mechanics better than text boxes
>complete freedom, player has to find things themselves, removing the use of constant arrow-following and making it feel like a world
>every action, like for instance cutting a tree, is done by the player

Sony games aimed at "Adults":
>Pillars of light in the sky to help players find their way
>Compass/minimap to let the player know exactly where to go, wouldn't want them to get lost ;)
>every action done by the player is a button press followed by a mini cutscene

Your jealousy is fucking pathetic.

I like Nier's world and music loads more, I just can't be fucked to play the games multiple times though.


This. Nier is the epitome of open world trash

I would say "cope" but its been more than two years, clearly you can't handle reality.

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Have sex nincel it's only a children's game.


>says the nincel who saved all those images of a chlidren's game

It's time to go outside.

> Snoy's still seething about the most acclaimed game of the decade being a Nintendo game

Attached: Best Selling PS4 Games.jpg (1200x1200, 654K)


calm down Nincel.

Go outside. Have sex. Maybe a children's game on a happy meal tablet won't seem so important to you.

Of course is Nier.
But the nintendinhos already voting on zorba fart of the shitch in mass.

> Bbbbut Buzzwords, that will show him
> Complaining about Children's games when the only games that people buy Sony consoles for are yearly AAA multiplats

>cope cope cope cope cope
>seething seething seething seething seething

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This was a fine thread until Sony fags started crying about BOTW like they have for the past 2 years


Actually it was fine until someone said BOTW open world was empty (which it is) and you got bootyblasted.

It's funny because Yea Forums collectively already agreed on what the best games are, and none of them were Sony exclusives

Attached: vTop20 2019.jpg (2464x1087, 3.13M)

>Nincel central likes Nincel games

That can’t be true

one hundred and eighth post best post

> Nintencel, Nintencel, Nintencel, Nintencel, Nintencel
Seethe harder, it's genuinely pathetic at this point. Historically Yea Forums always liked PC & Nintendo games, and hated everything else. Sony shit has literally never been liked on this board outside of Shadow of the Colossus. That's why we voted Playstation the worst fanbase back in 2013

Have sex lmao

> More buzzwords

It hurts my eyes to gaze upon taste this grand. This was not meant for mortal eyes.

Based. 2B a shit.

Seethe harder.

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>The entire Automata fanbase can fuck off collectively

You're just an oldfag Niernerd who wants his comfy Taroverse threads back. I feel your pain so much.

because ur gay

LMFAO you're now in YEAR THREE of BotW Ass Sting.

WTF I love Ubishit game design now!1!

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Why would i be seething? Zelda is literally the most popular gaming franchise on the internet behind Pokemon & Mario

>gets outsold by a Mario kart party toddler game ported from Wii U


Why would Yea Forums, a primarily PC gaming board, be mad over a game playable on PC?

Are Nintendbros that desperate for their own Bloodborne or something? We've all played BoTW, it's a 7/10.

Witcher 3/Bloodborne are much better

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Holy shit is this what mental illness looks like? How do you feel knowing BotW is the Game Of The Generation and theres nothing you can do? Does it make you feel like autisically sperging out for another two years? LOL

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They're equally thrilling. Left for dick and right for mind.

Cope more

Nobody agrees with you. Not even Witcher 3 devs lmao.

>game of the generation
>less GoTYs than God of War

Pick one

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Bing of the Wahoo is a 0/10

This, i found BOTW incredibly disappointing. But that was only when i was comparing it to past Zelda games, it easily shits on every other AAA game from this decade except for Portal 2 & Galaxy 2

I agree with you

>Nobody agrees with you

Witcher 3 GoTYs = 251
Zelda (every 3D Zelda game combined) =

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Attached: Rival_Devs_In_Awe_of_BotW_2.png (1861x1080, 420K)

Witcher 3 blows it the fuck out by every metric though

>Metacritic user score
>GoTY Awards

Every, single, metric

This cannot continue this cannot continue this cannot continue this cannot continue this cannot continue this cannot continue this cannot continue this cannot continue this cannot continue this cannot continue this cannot continue this cannot continue this cannot continue this cannot continue this cannot continue this cannot continue this cannot continue this cannot continue this cannot continue this cannot continue this cannot continue

Who is we? You and your discord server?

Deep breaths Nintendbro. That's it, inhale and exhale, good boy. Deep breaths

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Its always funny watching your mental gymnastics in your desperate attempt to find a BotW beater.

Don't worry bro, Death Stranding will be the one lmao!


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Witcher devs praised BotW, Aonuma praised the witcher
Those games are only at odds inside your autistic head. Devs are amiable with each other and they despise faggots like you.

> GOTY awards meaning anything
LOL, IGN named God of War their 2005 GOTY, but had RE4 ranked as the GOAT on their best game list from the same exact year

I own Witcher 3 AND BotW.

Witcher 3 is great. But BotW is on a different planet. Sorry kid.

Attached: 766.jpg (2499x2001, 2.24M)

But GoW won more GOTYs than Bore of the Ubishit, nincel

> Sales
> MetaCritic User Scores
Irrelevant, nobody uses Metacritic for User Scores. This website has been getting 18 million viewers a month for the past 15 years & has 800,000 registered users. It's the only relevant place for review scores
> GOTY awards
Means absolutely nothing, critics contradict their GOTY award choices all of the time.

Attached: OH NO OH NO.png (760x875, 53K)

Why are you such an annoying faggot, Blunderfag?

>I own Witcher 3 AND BotW.
Like everyone else with a PC.

And Tranny of the Wild is shit. It belongs on planet Uranus I guess kek

Good on them, who's saying anything about them being at odds? I'm merely stating that Witcher 3 is objectivley a more critically acclaimed game. It is THE most awarded game ever made.

I never started the autistic argument anyway, see: Cope
>PS4 version of Witcher 3
>Switch version of BoTW

Sorry kid, but i've played the defintiive version of each game (PC) and Witcher 3 >>>>>>>>> Power gap >>>>>> BoTW


Cry for another two years little baby

>MetaCritic User Scores
Nincel on suicide watch

Attached: gow-vs-nintendo.jpg (437x1244, 174K)

This is the extent of "criticism" your average BOTW shitposter has
>Tranny of the wild
>bore of the ubishit
Ah, to be 14...

>n-n-n-no those don't count
>l-l-l-look at what this forum thinks!
Whatever helps ya sleep at night bud

Attached: download.jpg (212x238, 11K)

Call me when Nintendo beats fucking Kratos in GOTY wins. Until then sit down and be quiet.

I mean not everyone can like everything

that prob negates my original post though, fuck this thread. I liked both games.

>sales/awards and reviews don't count
>gamefags does
The cope is real

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>esl va

This argument is fucking stupid
The game of the generation is Disgaea 5.

Imagine being such a desperate Nintendicksucker fatass you resort to fucking GameFaqs as last ditch effort not to embarrass yourself further

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Fucking superb taste there friend.

This right here BTFO's the Witcher cucks
> List of Games by the number of "best games ever" lists topped
> 1. Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998, Nintendo) (71 Lists)
> 2. Final Fantasy VII (1997, Square Enix) (21 Lists)
> 3. Super Mario 64 (1996, Nintendo) (17 Lists)
> 4. Super Mario Bros (1984, Nintendo) (17 Lists)
> 5. Zelda: A Link To The Past (1992, Nintendo) (15 Lists)
> 6. Super Mario Bros 3 (1989, Nintendo) (13 Lists)
> 7. Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2017, Nintendo) (12 Lists)
> 8. Chrono Trigger (1995, Square Enix) (12 Lists)
> 9. Dark Souls (2011, Namco) (12 Lists)
> 10. Tetris (1986, Tetris Company) (12 Lists)
> 11. Super Mario Galaxy (2007, Nintendo) (10 Lists)
> 12. Super Mario World (1990, Nintendo) (10 Lists)
> 13. SoulCalibur (1999, Namco) (8 Lists)
> 14. Legend of Zelda (1986, Nintendo) (8 Lists)
> 15. Half-Life 2 (2004, Valve) (8 Lists)
> 16. NieR: Automata (2017, Square Enix) (7 Lists)

This thread is so bad lol, it’s almost unreal.

Legit half the posts are “cope” or “seething”.

>find a BoTW beater

I would say the game with more awards, higher user score and double the sales is a safe bet :^)

Attached: Gameinformer top 300.png (1136x810, 563K)

Nice RDR2 score. When is it out on Soitch?

It's because Witcherfags & Sonyfags are just THAT assmad about BOTW

The Ass Sting from BotW runs deep. Shitters have no way to defeat Nintendo so they seethe endlessly.

That's how Nintenlards defend their Ubishit clones.

This is fact btw

>the first Nier was open world
>3D Zelda before BotW was open world
>overworlds are open world

Nintendo fans literally don't need to defend BOTW, because the best game of all time has & will always be considered a Mario or Zelda game


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that's nu/v/ for you

Well this one refutes your poll

> List of Games by the number of "best games ever" lists topped
> 1. Last of Us(Sony) (71 Lists)
> 2. Witcher 3 (CDPR) (21 Lists)
> 3. MGS1 (Sony)(17 Lists)
> 4. MGS2 (Sony) (17 Lists)
> 5. MGS3 (Sony) (15 Lists)
> 6. Jak 3 (Sony) (14 Lists)
> 7. Bloodborne (Sony) (14 Lists)
> 8. Jak and Daxter (Sony) (12 Lists)
> 9. Dark Souls (2011, Namco) (12 Lists)
> 10. Tetris (1986, Tetris Company) (12 Lists)
> 11. Uncharted 2 (Sony) (11 Lists)
> 12. Dark Souls 3 (Fromsoft) (10 Lists)
> 13. SoulCalibur (1999, Namco) (8 Lists)
> 14.Halo Combat Evolved (Sony) (8 Lists)
> 15. Half-Life 2 (2004, Valve) (8 Lists)
> 16. NieR: Automata (2017, Square Enix) (7 Lists)

Sony wins again

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Left has a better story and better music and a better combat system and better movement speed.
Right has a hang glider and the ability to climb tall things.
Tough choice.

Sorry sweetie, but ever since Witcher 3s release, it set a new bar in gaming forever.

Until a game surpasses its GoTY count, it is THE definitive gaming experience in 2k19. Cope

Literally this.

I mean look at this The list is completely dominated by Nintendo games. Like every fucking 'best of' list ever made. Seething shitters can't handle reality.

Attached: 1534609336084.png (480x320, 162K)

>I mean look at this sourceless list I just made up

Sorry kid, mines is more credible Last of Us and Witcher 3 confirmed best game ever made I guess

>Nintendo fans literally don't need to defend BOTW
Then why are you here doing that?

Why do you care about how many publications were paid to give a meaningless award, or how many retards were duped by marketing into buying bad games? Furthermore, why do you think those are a suitable metric for determining quality?

Nobody knows the game on the left so

Why does nobody agree with you? Why are so upset? LOL


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>because the best game of all time has & will always be considered a Mario or Zelda game

According to Nintendkiddies.

definitely wasn't proxyed


Attached: cope.png (984x584, 447K)

> Made Up
Imagine seething this bad, lol it's pathetic.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-04 List of video games considered the best.png (1080x224, 20K)

You gonna answer my question, or just be a little bitch?

I agree with him. Keep seething Nincel.

This thread brings me back

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Who constitutes as "somebody" though?

Gameinformer (the most popular gaming magazine) rank the Witcher 3 as the best gae ever made. It is THE best rated game on Metacritic when filtered by user score (general consensus among gamers) and it has THE most GoTYs out of any game ever made.

Only in your deluded mind is Witcher 3 not above BoTW. Sorry sweetie

What's worst? Nincels actually think anyone care about their childrens game or thinking they can compare to real games?

Automata is OoT open world
BOTW is ubisoft open world

Yeah more than two years of COPE lol

Dethroned by RDR2 immediately

>game that's been out the longer
>is on more magazines

What a metric.

You can keep that metric, i'll keep Sales/GoTY Awards :^) Cope

Attached: Witcher-3-update-581473.jpg (590x350, 35K)

Why do tendies get so mad when you don't agree with them about BoTW. Seems insecure.

>It is THE best rated game on Metacritic when filtered

Attached: 1552718307227.jpg (560x375, 127K)

IGN is factually the most popular gaming publication of all time
GameFaqs whether you like it or not has the largest user base & is one of the oldest active websites of all time
GOTY's have literally never meant anything when the same critics go back on their awards & rate games they never gave GOTY higher than their actual GOTY winners

Guys guys
What if
What if i loved BoTW but found Mario Odyssey to be better
What if i loved God if War this year too

Says the coping tendie who goes into a frothing rage when someone thinks a game is better than his ubisoft clone with PS2 graphics.

>Dethroned by RDR2 immediately

NOPE. The mental illness is strong.

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Dark Souls is higher then Tetris, not an argument

I don't see BoTW on there anywhere :)

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE NOOO! You can't. Only praise Nintendo games. This is Nintendgaf. Get out of here.

>Witcher 3 cucks trying to compete with big boys like Zelda when they weren’t even the best game of the year.

Sorry Geralt but Bloodborne was better

This desperate projection. How sad. You're like a broken record. For more than two years. Hows that been working out for you?

We already decided that BOTW is the best game of the century, sorry that you are flat out seething & unable to cope with that on a website that clearly doesn't give a shit about Shitcher 3 & GOTY awards

Attached: 2190.jpg (2700x2000, 917K)

Dark Souls > BoTW by your own metric


>Zelda fag hiding behind other games because he got BTFO

Such is the way of the coping Nincel. Hiding behind other games to falseflag.

Nier could be great, if only 9S was a loli instead

why do i never see the voting for these things? is it always just made up shit?

SEETHING. Hey just just accept the fact that not everyone likes PS2 looking ubisoft clones.

>Nintendy unironically lists a resetra poll

Seethe more, Zelda is the most circlejerked entity in the history of the internet. There isn't a single thing that gets more continued praise worldwide than the Zelda franchise

This thread is like a youtube comment fight about some stupid shit and the 2 dudes are at the 200 comment mark.

Even if you “win” the argument, did you REALLY win? Hours of acting smug while slowly getting more and more angry?

Because you are a massive faggot that doesn't actually browse this site, NieR was ranked 2nd for about 15 hours until contrarians got assmad & actively voted against it

It was voted by Yea ForumstendoGaf so you know only Nincels voted. And of course you know they would pick the game designed for 10 year olds on their fisher price tablet.

>Neir vs BotW

Immediately decends into Sonyshits sperging-out over BotW and nothing else.

Whodda fucking thunk it? Never gonna recover.

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Have sex.

Attached: download.jpg (300x168, 8K)

>4 years later
>20+ million sales later
>251 GoTYs later
>Yea Forums still seething over THE best game ever made

Gothicfags BTFO
Morrowindfags BTFO
Bloodbornefags BTFO

And now, to ass to the list


The only constant that remains, is the Witcher 3 is the one game people keep trying to dethrone. MGSV came and went, Bloodborne came and went and now RDR2/BoTW are the new challengers. Based CDPR and their polish magic

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> Bbbbut Nintendo bias
Every single critically acclaimed Sony game was on the poll, people just hated them which is why they ended up on the bottom

>seethe more
I mean, you attmepted to refute my claim by bringing up an entirely different game (Ocarina of Time). We're talking about BoTW in this thread buddy

And it wasn't on your wikipedia list :^) Cope

>no one even brought up Sony

Nincels are this obsessed.

Attached: tw3-4.jpg (640x1360, 187K)

Pathetic dodge. BBfags and Witcherfags are friends now. They share their hate for the nincel.

>thread about BoTW
>Ctrl + F "Sony"
>20 results



Attached: Damn.jpg (1181x1613, 503K)

Why does everything has to be better or worse with you faggots? Can't you just enjoy both games? Kill yourself

Seething, it's funny how this picture is still relevant after nearly a decade.

Attached: Worst Fanbases.jpg (800x372, 79K)

come on dude

>betas all unite against the #1 Chad

People hate Sony for the same reason the world hates America. They're jelly as FUCK

Attached: 643737.jpg (416x419, 59K)

>but not very different from most open world action games that I've already played.
The fact that it doesn't hold your hand at all and doesn't have any sort of annoying destination markers telling you where to go makes it significantly different from any other open world game.

Sony fags are literally the only ones seething in this thread, notice how the IP isn't going up? It's the same 10-15 sonyfags crying about BOTW every single time



Attached: 0406036.png (330x319, 178K)

So mad he posted a fake image. Nincels will never recover.

Attached: sony won.jpg (168x201, 9K)

> Being universally hated & disrespected by the entire gaming community is a good thing

Look at how Valve v Nintendo went down

Says it all about who voted in that poll

>PS4 has more sales than the Wii U/Xbox One and Switch combined

Attached: 1486658514054.jpg (2000x2020, 579K)


can we see the actual stats and that went into this poll and the source any time soon

Yea ForumstendoGAF isn't the universe little schizo.

Attached: 1449811841743.png (808x805, 415K)

>no one even brought up Sony
LOL desperately tries to change the subject because he got BTFO yet again just like every fucking day for more than TWO YEARS straight.

Comes with the territory of being #1. Losers and betas always hate the Winners and Chads

Attached: mfw the state of MMA.jpg (330x448, 169K)

> Bbbbut fake
Cope more you fucking newfag
> ign.com/boards/threads/so-people-voted-on-the-worst-video-game-fanbase.454626098/
> Expected that Nintendo would lose first round to Valve fanboys which equal to "pc master race praise gaben I only buy 60fps games on steam", aka some of the most annoying ones
> Dumb that Playstation and Uncharted were seperate but PS still rightfully won. Impossible to argue with them, they basically disregard any criticism on their exclusives/usually cry about other companies before admitting Sony's mistakes. Try telling a Sony fanboy that TLOU or SOTC aren't close to be "GOAT's" and it's like talking to a brick wall

>two years
Not even Nintendo/v/ gives a fuck about BoTW bro. We've all played it on PC, even the general over on /vg/ died out. The only way you can get people to talk about that dead sub 20 million sales game, is by baiting Yea Forums into talking about it with these threads.


Literally the first line of your own source
>Edit: After trying I couldn't find the source of the voting. Some people claiming it was made up by a single guy.
>couldn't find the source


Attached: Hard work and medication.jpg (227x294, 22K)

Isn't the game in the 1st picture newer one? If it is, how is BotW copying it?

>obsessing this much over children's toys
go outside, you stinky neets




Attached: schizophreniccat11.jpg (1442x596, 671K)

I think it's more like
>when Ubisoft does towers it's bad
>when Nintendo does towers it's good

> Edge Magazine (UK's Biggest Gaming Publication)
#1 Ranked Game: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
#2nd Ranked Game: Dark Souls
> Famitsu (Japan's Biggest Gaming Publication)
#1 Ranked Game: Chrono Trigger
#2nd Ranked Game: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
> IGN.Com (N.America's Biggest Gaming Publication)
#1 Ranked Game: Super Mario World
#2nd Ranked Game: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
> EGM (N.America's Oldest Gaming Publication)
#1 Ranked Game: Super Metroid
#2nd Ranked Game: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Its really just ONE mentally autist. The same sad pathetic loser who has wasted more than two years of life crying about BotW every single hour of every day and achieving nothing.

Every day he has to wake up in a world where BotW is one of the most acclaimed games of all time and considered GOTG.

The first year of watching him chimp-out was hilarious.
Year Two was pretty concerning.
Now its Year Three and its just pathetic. What a loser.

Attached: 1550217526668.gif (382x678, 1.73M)

We're already arguing over video games, so it's not like we can't get much lower.

Automata, though they're both great if kind of overhyped games.

It has to be a discord group at this point

Don't post Bonbi here, you disrespectful nintenfatlard

BOTW, an actual game, versus something that has a good story and characters but is a chore to play
I wonder OP

Nier Gestalt > Nier Automata
Twilight Princess > Breath of the Wild

Attached: 1542866873141.png (960x960, 786K)


>implying Automata is better than the original
Get your head out of 2B's ass

Pokemon alone is more popular than both Sony & Disney, continue coping

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-04 Google Trends.png (1156x613, 35K)

OOT is the best 3D game

Automata wins by virtue of being playable unlike 100% of Cavia games


I'm still mad about the Forgotten Temple. You think you finally found a dungeon when it's just nothing but guardian turrets and a shrine at the end. And the shrine was just another no-challenge blessing shrine. Fuck that.

Is this a bot?

>Nier is unplayable
You want to know how I know you're a bandwagoner who hasn't actually played it?

>find ancient ruins
>turns out they're ancient ruins

I couldn't believe Hyrule Field was just a fucking field. Even the desert is a desert!

BotW really needs a sequel that has actual dungeon design and more graphical variety therein.

both games are overrated but atleast botw has strengths while nier automata is mediocre to bad in everything

who cares they are both great games and aren't really comparable

>find ancient ruins
>can't explore them beyond a straight path

Attached: 50498346_p0.jpg (383x475, 117K)

Only reason anyone likes Automata is because they never played Nier 1. Automata was shit in comparison.

OP's pic literally has a title name calling BoTW a piece of shit. What did you think was going to happen in a thread like this?

>ctrl+f "cope": 24 results
>ctrl+f "seething": 24 results
I fucking hate you people so much.

Attached: 1549069981278.gif (500x375, 676K)

>3 fifa games
Are you brit or what?