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best unit. Powerful and scary as fuck. At the same time classy with a flair.


It make me sad that HoMM is so shit nowdays

for me its stacks of skeletons

LOL banned

Best town coming through.

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At least they stopped calling it HoMM.

for me it's castle

Vampire nobles
>close up of photo of unit’s face
Social loner turned architect of the Holocaust
>ear shattering violin screech, sudden inversion of colors
>starwipe to next scene


post heroes music

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Necropolis niggers are the worst.


Those crystal treatment hands, tho.
Makes him look like a huge lanklet.

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Tell me how to git gud at homm3.

Just do capital rush

>capital rush
Westerner shitter spotted.

Play as Inferno

Down a poltorashka of beer.
Pick stronghold.
Pick Crag Hack.
Rush units.
Bully the retard Solmir that rushed capitol.

diplomacy and magic

I'm gonna choose Inferno

Earth, Fire, Air, or Water?

Based. I'll pick Crag Hack and rush Behemoths.

are these games good single player?

For some reason I want to turn this into a pasta.

Jokes on you, they are only good for singleplayer. Faction balance is a fuckimg joke.

Become a Slav.

Tier 1 mass slow was a fucking mistake.

Learn to use earth magic. Expert earth makes slow to be casted on every enemy unit. This allows you to clear neutral stacks without taking losses (unless they're shooter stacks and you don't have something like mass haste or spells to kill them fast enough).
Also learn about splitting units into single unit stacks to eat counterattacks. Instead of having your big stack take a huge chunk of counter-attack damage, you can use a single unit of a tier 1 unit to eat that counter-attack and then attack with the big stack. Use the wait option to do this, also the unit that eats counterattack should be slow as fuck, usually a tier 1 unit that's not from conflux.

Personally water, de facto always earth.

>Not the infinitely more based HoMM2

Attached: oNReu.png (800x480, 279K)

Name one thing HoMM2 does better

>Art direction

>Get ghosts and you win

earth without a doubt

That's the worst advice one could possibly give

You have to kill ghosts before you can get them, and that's no small task.


that armageddon with dragons tho

Berserk alone makes fire better than water. Armageddon is also very good in certain templates.

I said one, not four, sorry friend but my point stands

>there are homm2 troglodytes in this thread
At least there are no 4fags yet.

It's not something you learn, your skill grows linearly with the amount of pierogi you eat in your life

Sorry for having standards, 3tard.

you just play the campaign then? do you need to know anything or is it fine to just jump in?

campaigns are made in a way you will learn basics by playing

Eador is better.

>these fucking disgusting soulless airbrushed """"""""hd"""""""" sprites
It's impossible to describe just how much I despise ubisoft

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I'm phoneposting from a shitty low res screen
Please explain, I'm curious what's wrong with them

You act like the original sprites looked good. HoMM3 has always had an ugly-as-shit artstyle due to its prerendered bullshit.

They look like shit compared to the original ones, they also lied about how the original ones looked.

Pre-rendered cgi is max soul, you tasteless retard.

I'm a 4chad, not being able to control your hero is a joke. Nice caravans btw

Don't mind me, just posting the best faction score

Stop posting.

whats the best modern HoMM3 ?

I ate a lot, love them. Just never played that much of homm3.

Jesus christ how can they lie to us like that?
And why did they think the footman's sword needed to glow?

This is why you never buy remakes.

Hand-drawn pixel art is max soul, you drooling retard. Prerendered shit was bad in 1994 with Donkey Kong Country, it was bad in 1999 with HoMM3.

How is it possible to have taste as shit as this?

Yeah. Might and Magic Heroes is clearly better.>And why did they think the footman's sword needed to glow?
Pretty sure that's the Titan's lightning bolt, though it still looks like shit with the glow.

You tell me, you're the one that thinks taking a high-resolution 3D model and converting it to a low-resolution 2D sprite looks good.

earth = air > fire >>> water
water has no lvl 5 magic but water elementals making it the worst by far, that being said it means nothing in pvp making water and heal strats incredibly strong for early game vs strong towns late game, ex behe rush with water magic and somehow a tent, you clear literally everything on the map

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Earth is best
Air is great
Fire is essential for Armageddon cheese
Water is pretty fucking bad

best comment. Powerful and scary as fuck. At the same time classy with a flair.