Halo Infinite

>Halo Infinite
>Gears 5
>Cuphead (expansion)
>D&D classics
>Ori and the Will O'the Wisps
>Fable 4
>Banjo 4
>Baldur's Gate 3
>Dragon Age: Dread Wolf Rises
>New Simpson's title
>New Evil Dead title
>Dying Light 2
>plus new ips both indie and AAA

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Other urls found in this thread:



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KI 4 or I don't give a shit

Cant wait for E3 desu
I don't wanna start a console war but it must suck to be a Playstation fan and not have an event like this

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pc game pass
Killer Instinct 2 (2)

No chance of Banjo 4, Simpsons title or Fable 4

Excited for some Gears 5 news, we've heard nothing all year and I'm worried it's going to be delayed until next year.

Halo 6 or Infinite, we won't be seeing for another 3-4 years.

all shit

Are you retarded or trolling?

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Can't wait for Ori 2 to get a release date that's still like 4-5 months away! I love it when they announce games over two years before they actually come out and let all the hype fizzle out!

>D&D classics

14 game announcements
3 new IP’s

Your leak doesn’t match

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I'm out of the loop. Will there actually be a KI sequel? Because I would a fucking down for that, KI is underrated.

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>No Fable 4
You fucking moron, The Playgrounds new game is 100% Fable

HD 60 fps remasters of the original D&D games.

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>Halo Infinite not for another 3-4 years, desite already being 4 years since Guardians
Holy fuck you might be the stupidest piece of trash on Yea Forums

I can't believe Microsoft is gonna save E3 for the second year in a row

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>dont care
>dont care at all
>dont care at all
>dont care
>dont care
>dont care
>dont care
>dont care
overall this list is cringe and boring tbqhwy famalamadingdongstr8outtahongkong

yeah but they don't even have a director yet and the "leak" from today is fake

trying a bit too hard there, snoy zoomer
you should lurk some more and watch how real boomers troll

I'm a PC gamer, xb*t

Who says they don't have a director yet?
And who says that this "Leak" is the only reason we know that Fable is in development?

fug I didn't see that
I won't double dip, waiting for BG3 tbhfamalam

>I don't care, so obviously no one else does either

>Baldur's Gate 3
If it ain't Dark Alliance 3, get out of my face.

BG3 is at PC Gaming Show.

Also Microsoft has 3 new IPs to announce/show. Probably Ninja Theory, the Initiative, and some random small title.

>xCloud... does best Google's previously announced 10.7 TFs
That surprises me because I read that xCloud was using tons of Xbox One S consoles mounted in racks. Maybe that was just for testing or something.

And there's still 40 other positions that they're still looking for.
We know they're working on Fable but it's gonna take at least another year until they show it.

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To be fair, it could just as likely be the main studio. They have 200 employees and they could have started shortly after or before Forza Horizon 4 was released

Where's Perfect Dark ?

Main studio is working on FH4 Expansions and FH5.
If you go on their website under careers they have "Project 1" (FH) and "Project 2" (Fable).

that animation was just a visualization. It wouldn't make any sense for them to build a bunch of servers on hardware that would be outdated in less than a year

A lot of stuff here peaks my interest to a good extent
>Banjo 4
>New Simpsons Title
I have a good feeling and reason to keep very skeptical about this. Especially the Banjo Kazooie bit. But most of the a games you listed here are titles that Xbox would most likley show off at E3 this Sunday. So mabey this has some level of credibility. And it was announced the writers for the Simpsons will have a conference at E3. So I won't be surprised whatsoever if a new Simpsons game was announced. Here's to hoping its a Hit'N'Run 2 or atleast a Remaster. A new Battletoads and Cyberpunk were officially aannounced a while ago, so its a big No Shit Sherlock move to show off a trailer at E3. A fourth Banjo Kazooie game, as much as I want to believe it, Im still going to stay skeptical so my inner Banjo Hype Fanboy won't take the best of me. Plus the Grinch Leak made me jump to conclusions like a fucking idiot and damn did I suffered the consequence for it. I do not want it to happen again regarding a potential Banjo-Fourie or not. But rumors and alleged "leaks" has been running a bit rampid in the past few weeks, and even some of the top dog hire ups like Steve Mayles have been vaugley hinting at a potential Banjo Kazooie appearance at E3 on Twitter. Don't even get me started on the new merch being produced by Exquisite Gaming, the same company who mainly does figures that coincide with big releases. Guess we'll have to wait until Sunday to find out won't we.

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That's cool and all only interested in Halo Infinite, I guess Nintendo will only have Metroid 5 to keep me interested too.

Banjo will just get the Crash/Spyro treatment of same ass game but new visuals

You guys really think Halo Infinite will be as good as the first ones and not the shitfest Halo 5 was ?

I hate Yea Forums's hyperbole. 5 was the worst Halo game in the mainline series but it's still 100x better than EVERY other shooter.

I have hope. They seem like they're listening to a lot of the gripe H5 got by replacing the writers and re-doing the art style. H5 was technically rock solid with an ancient engine, hopefully the new Slipspace engine works out. H5 wasn't perfect but it wasn't by any means a bad game, if you leave out the atrocious story mode writing and shitty misleading ad campaign.

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forgot something?

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lmao even Splatoon is a better shooter than H5

>Sony had way better games released last year over Microsoft
I'm sure this year will be for Microsoft though.

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Yeah I hope so too, and it would be fucking glorious if they announce it's available on PC too so I can play it like as God intended.



Bros the hype is unreal. Even IGN acknowledges Xbox is the current king of the hill and likely will be going into the future.
2013 was their wakeup call. They are killing it now.

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best console. Powerful and scary as fuck. At the same time classy with a flair.

>Half of those are multiplats to pad that list


>buy an xbox to play pc games

It unironically is the white man's console of choice.

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