Is there a video game genre more trashy and cringey than visual novels?

Is there a video game genre more trashy and cringey than visual novels?

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FP military shooters

Persona games are up there

nope, they require the least amount of effort to make so obviously they're over saturated with low quality garbage

All of them
VNs are the GOAT genre.

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What VN is this?

Battle royale.

Hot & Steamy Knights

Those 2/3 hours long Movies that are sold for 60$+

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Yeah, the genre of your mother birthing you.

Mobile games like fate grand order, fire emblem heroes and granblue fantasy

Yep, Uncharted and TLOU are so boring, my dad couldn't even get through the games. He just looked them up on YouTube. Same experience.

Any CG collections or the artist? Didn't see it on sad panda


cinematic 3rd person adventure shooters
anything online multiplayer really
furry artstyle games
non extreme sport sports games
realism racing sims
card games



battle royale


You're a peach, normally I don't ask to be spoonfed but all the normal sites are dead or didn't give results.

How big is her dick

10 years ago I would have lost my shit over something like this getting an english translation. Now its pretty meh. My own fault for always chasing the most hardcore degenerate stuff I suppose.

VNs are not videogames because there is no game.

Name one genre where you could find more complex motives

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>strategy games aren't games

Nobody tell Paradox, they'll be heartbroken

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rance is not a VN


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There's no going back, user.

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I guess Blazblue is a VN too

>Blazblue is a VN
>Melty Blood is a VN
>ZTD isn't
VNDB is retarded.

>Nipple piercing
>Piss drinking
Damn it Japan.

How is rance not a visual novel?

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What game is that

Nope, and that's why I love them and fap to them!

Remember11 being compared to Zero Escape
But even they are pitiful in comparison to pic related

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The only good visual novels are the ones that give you a decision tree. I'm tired of VN's that are literally "spam click for five minutes for a decision tree that's stupid then another 10 minutes of spam clicking to get to anything interesting".