Sekiro thread

sekiro thread

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I think this was the fastest game I've seen hyped die. Dark souls games had multiple threads for months but after 1 month people stopped caring about sekiro

Why are Sekiro memes so funny?

Also /r/ing those faceapp smiling Wolves. Particularly the one from the beginning cinematic if someone has it.

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>Get to picrelated boss
>Notice he is surrounded by adds
>Stealth kill the adds one by sneaking in and then running away for restealth
>get ready for him, start the fight with a sneak attack
>run away from him right after, see some NPC dude sitting close-by
>he starts to attack the boss so I do the same and we basically rip him a new asshole and he die

Was I supposed to do this?
It kinda sucks because I though he looked really cool and have no idea whether he's hard or not

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That monkey was pretty easy to kill
Even that snake eyes bitch in the sewers was harder to defeat than him

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How about you fuck off back to r*ddit?

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I can't fucking beat Owl 2 on my NG+ run, god damnit Isshin is a pushover on comparison

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>game about resurrection
>Is dead

The shittier the game, the funnier the memes.

I've never been there. Nice generic anime reaction image in a Sekiro thread.

you kinda ruin the fight because it was awesome charging in with NPC guy and fucking shit up together, but dont worry about missing out on the boss because he's copy pasted like 5 times through-out the game

I was honestly intimidated by the initial outcry of "oh fuck this game is too hard" and waited a month before buying it.
Outside of the demon of hatred and the sword saint fight, most of the game wasn't that absurd.
Definitely hoping for more games with that combat and movement, it's so damn satisfying

Yes that is a valid way of doing the fight that is intentional. You can also talk to the NPC before hand and he basically says "hey your that ninja lets take this guy on together". Also don't worry about not getting to fight him one on one. There are two more mini bosses almost exactly like him but tougher and one who is exactly like him but with fire spitting instead of poison. You'll get other chances.

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Not him but I regularly browse leddit
Nothing wrong with that

Why does he have a worm inside?

I made that same mistake, saving him for NG+
Keep at it and good luck

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should I just turn on the autism and farm attack damage for 20 eons? I literally cannot get him past half a health bar after 2 hours of continuous tries

It's a good game, but there literally is ZERO replayability or just things to talk about.

There is no lore. There are no builds. There is no exploration. The game is short. There is only one strategy for everything. Etc.

It's a great game but also very disappointing. I feel like it wasn't worth full price.

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God I wish I knew what the song playing during this cinematic is.

>I feel like it wasn't worth full price.
All games are free to pirates

No, the attack caps at like 14 with hard diminishing returns so you're well past that by now
Just take a break
I had to learn his moveset front to back over several hours and like a million attempts
He's a fantastic fucking fight you just have to be able to anticipate all the tricky mixups he can do while staying aggressive
Good fucking luck man

Darude - Sandstorm

based, fuck off from Yea Forums Fagiro zoomers

>Was I supposed to do this?
yes and no

Why are you judging a game based on the amount of threads on Yea Forums? Are you mentally ill or just a newfag?

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You can cheese him, look it up on youtube