Anyone else moved to the Switch and PC master race yet?
Anyone else moved to the Switch and PC master race yet?
switch emulation will probably be perfect by next year so why would anyone buy one?
Unironically yes. Why does the second gal have a book as a weapon?
>tfw no chuuni gf
Switch is comfy nigga
spice and wolf is censored though. you can't headpat holo without a VR set
You said that a year ago.
no i didn't
I own PC, PS4, and switch. I also own an Xbone that is used solely as a heatsink for my base model ps4.
I'm CIA kid, and I say you did.
Been with the PC for 20 years now, emulates everything and I have no intention to change that.
desu i think switch emulation will probably be great around the time SMTV comes out, which i'm guessing is 2-3 years away
Serious question.
Will I get v& if I import this game to the UK?
you'll get v& for making this post mate
Only if you're white.
Guess I'm fucked then.
Don't stack them dumbass
Fuck I didn't think that people still did that.
>"its censurd"
>literally says in the next line that the head pat mode is still in the fucking game
You got a loicense for that loicense?
I'll believe it when I see it.
Yep, pc only for the longest time but i bought a switch and im very pleased with it. Ports dont bother me because i never owned a wiiu and there were some great games on it like mk8 and tropical freeze.
Is it coming to pc?? I have to know or else I'll have to get a switch
Weird question, but can you dig through walls in Omega Labyrinth? The only other Mystery Dungeon game I’ve played was Chocobo’s Dungeon 2, and that was one of my favorite features.
Hard to say. Their last game Bullet Girls never got one.
Switch technically has VR.
>Everyone steals Switch games
>Nintendo goes under
>They take all their IPs with them out of spite
>All the Japanese companies go bankrupt because PC fags only steal games via piracy
>Nothing but western shit supported by Snoy now.
Piracy = theft.
I dislike piracy, but your proposition is a fallacy, piracy on current consoles will always be extremely niche compared to legit sales.