Who /valor/ here?

Who /valor/ here?

Attached: MAG_(video_game).jpg (300x352, 127K)

nigga i dont remember that shi

consolized planetside for casuals, whats the point of having large "256" player battles if nobody is ever going to see more than 12 dudes at a time?

>time for the bi yearly MAG thread
Fuck yeah

Valor a shit
Sevr a shit
Raven is best

Loved that game until every faggot and their mom moved to Sevr.
Early Sevr was hardcore team work. Randoms would communicate and cooperate constantly. That's why we dominated.
Then every faggot figured the AK was more op or something and they moved to Sevr, which interestingly enough caused the faction to drop into the dumpster.
Never found that same kind of teamwork that early Sevr had after I moved to Valor and Raven.
Good times though.

I remember liking Raven's kit the most, but SVER was literally the most organised faction in every game for a long time until everyone recognised this and swapped, ruining the coordination completely, thinking it was some kind of sandnigger orange man magic.

I used to play this with my best friend, that shit was hard but pretty fun

Aside from console performance, Mag was a better game
The maps and objectives were intelligently designed so games started off as squad on squad skirmishes and escalated into 128v128 slugfests by the final objective.

It also had cool game modes like the one where you had to steal an enemies prototype vehicle and escape with it

Planetside is a spectacle game where 99% of the time it is a million times cooler looking than it is to play, and I say that having pumped a couple of hundred hours into it

I think the self injector healer was a good take on health regen mechanic because it requires some action from the player, they actually have to risk something (putting their weapon away) to heal.

The revive version always made me chuckle, you squirt a suspicious white cloud at somebody and suddenly they are bolt upright

That 3 faction dlc mode they released was hilarious, you could be having an intense pitched battle over a base when suddenly a few APCs full of roodypoos from the third faction turn up and start shooting both sides

The revive mechanic was so unbalanced at launch, boosted to level cap by running a maxed medic build in no time

I was an OG SEVR player and man it was fun early on, I remember learning that perfect shotgun range (shit was op)

Felt good to be a SVERchad for so long.

>tfw always wanted to solid snake my way behind enemy lines and blow shit up for mad points
>playing the vehicle stealing mode, and make it behind enemy lines
>set some C4 to force a response, then hop into the objective
>drive around their base running niggers over until my squad are able to push up and blow the gate
>fly out the second it goes down, enemy morale decimated by the heist of the century

Then there's the hell of the 64-player mode objectives, the incredible noise when the 256-player mode finally condensed onto the single compound. Fuck man, I want to go back.

Massive Action Game

That you could listen in on enemy voice chat if you were close to them was hilarious
>Running circles around a squad, constantly flanking them, taking them out one by one
>Walking over the corpse of one of them
>"He is over here guys!!!"

>nobody cares enough to make a private server
>nobody cares enough for the suits at sony to consider funding anything that isn't a boneless last of us clone

Raven was the faction i chose. I still have the ps3 theme and avatar for that shit. good times. I wish sony would make something like that again, it was really intricate.

>The maps and objectives were intelligently designed so games started off as squad on squad skirmishes and escalated into 128v128 slugfests by the final objective.

This was an illusion though. What it really was was several 12v12 games happening in different parts of the map that you get no incentive to engage in any but your own.

This is the only game that I've played and had its servers shut down which I really miss.
Is it entirely impossible to set up a private server for it and play it on hacked ps3s?

This was true with the vehicle game mode to an extent, since it was basically two maps with a bridge between them that nobody ever used, but the other modes all condensed on a more central location as the game progressed. For example, on the 256-player maps, if one platoon broke through on the South side, they could lend a hand by flanking the defences of East and West, blowing their objectives and producing a proper crossfire. There were tons of points on offer for attacking vulnerable targets, even if you didn't get the squad order bonus or whatever.


I was one of the best commanders, able to order my men to take all objectives

I was banananuts69 on ps4, I remember killing up to 50 enemies in deathmatch via running around with the knife and stealth killing

With a silenced gun and the radar stealth and the perk to run silently you can sneak up on anyoen and kill anyone quietly. fuuuuck.

this was the most under-rated game I've ever played. period

SOCOM chads
BF bros
COD kiddies
>not leading your elite squad across the map to flip the tables for a struggling platoon

I played a fuck ton of this game as SVER, never had any problem.
I tried Valor once and I ended up with a guy insulting everyone. You can't make this shit up.

>Implying Valor wasn't the biggest DUDEBRO faction