We're going home boys. World of Warcraft Classic Home WoW discussion. Who got into the beta?
World of Warcraft Classic Home WoW
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I don't know if WoW is going to be the same game I played back in the day. Back then the world was (mostly) at peace, people were pretty chill, everyone just wanted to, ya know, PLAY video games.
Now days the landscape is filled with "political" sides. Everyone has "beef" with something and if you don't think the same way you're suddenly the enemy.
I don't feel that barrens chat (not this website, long time lurker btw) will be filled with Chuck Norris jokes anymore, but instead babbling about "Trump" or "incels."
I expect people like this to be the norm for the re-launch of vanilla WoW:
Yeah, it's a guy that lost his job cause he followed a shoplifter past the curb, going to dedicate his life to making a channel about stream sniping girls. Why would you go after girls? It's instinctive to protect and nurture women, but today's society breeds people like this.
When doing raids, are we going to have to protect our right to be trans? I myself am an empowered trans (female to male) but I still have my lady parts. Yes, get called a freak, put down, etc but I still have plenty of people that like me for who I am.
When Classic releases, will I have to pretend to be a woman to successfully get into groups (I am a born woman, but am now a man.) or can I actually be myself like I could back in the day? Deep down I really am a man.
What are your thoughts? Any fells trans female to male here? I'm looking for a trans only guild to join, and we can counter gank punks like in the video. :)
Lul, based trans poster.
No, YOU are what's wrong with today's video games.
Wow thread died on Yea Forums?
nice copy pasta, but the reason the guy would stream snipe girls is because it would get their attention even more then the beta orbiters that are tossing a shit ton of money at her.
I don't think he's doing it for girl attention. I think he's doing it cause he's based and redpilled.
it deserves to die now, it's just swolebanjo replying to himself
What is a swolebanjo?
>going home
>What class / race should you play.
The only correct answer is undead rogue. #1 PvP class, best racials, coolest character art / tier'd armor. Least stressful raiding job, can solo loads of content when you want to be an introvert timid gamer, can out gold farm everyone if you know the exact routes / have the top gear. (Otherwise mage and hunter outfarm you early game / early server life but gold is more important later on than early honestly.) Your gear grind and gear acquisition is fairly easy (Only beat by priests pretending to be girl gamers. Harder to do in this day and age.) and you can still do well even in garbage gear. You will have the easiest time with PvE as most people won't fuck with rogues, and if you want you'll always be able to relocate if a guild zergs you down. LEAST DOWNTIME (with cannibalize.) and best mobility sans portals and mounts. Also is alpha as fuck to play melee and to shit on other players. Top the DPS meters (except Rag fight; Frostmages do that.) and have the biggest dick all the girls wanna suck on. Lowest repair bill assuming your vanish doesn't bug. Passive income with lockpick bot to make $$$ while sleeping.
if you play alliance, you'll be on the losing side of battlegrounds constantly, as alliance statistically won like 30-40% of the bg's until all the "pro gamers" in WotLK went alliance for better racials. In vanilla, horde have the best PvE and PvP racials so expect all the streamers / pro gaymurs to roll horde as well. One thing alliance did have going for it, was low / instant queue times, but you'd be thrown into a losing battle.
Alliance also have a problem with attracting:
Little kids- Most children do not have the discipline to be good at video games, devote lots of time to video games, or the freedom to play constantly, meaning they will never have fully geared / developed / decent characters. Most little kids will feign responsibility yet play responsible roles. (Warrior, usually.) Some kids are amazing gamers. I know I was at 12, but we can't all be me.
Dadgamers- You know the ones. 2-3 kids, "dadbod" boomers that have little time to devote to gaming these days. They click their skills while getting drunk off a pack of Keystone. They have very little to offer.
Girl gamers- They are girls. If you do not know why having girls on your team is a bad idea then go play some ranked Overwatch. If you really must know I can explain but it should be obvious.
Single moms- Like the girl gamer + dadgamer, but worse. Has to constantly afk to feed the kid or chat it up with a post-wall blue piller. Has to take ciggy breaks and sex breaks. Generally a waste of a human. The lowest of the low, and will drag you down with her.
Old people - These old timers have shit jobs like managing a McCuckolds or a grocery store. They have so little time to invest they usually just RMT all their stuff. They got to 60 by paying a Chinaman or NEET to do the work for them. 100% clicks their skills and has slow reaction time.
I'm in beta and it feels REALLY weird...
Something about the game feels off, it doesn't feel like vanilla at all, it feels more like a re-skinned BFA, everything feels way too smooth and extremely easy, I was able to take on multiple mobs without even coming close to dying as a warlock
It just doesn't feel like vanilla at all, honestly feels like BFA.
Yeah, I was afraid of this.
Hence race to 60 ASAP, gank girls till hype dies, then move on with life.(Or death.)
have sex
I always wondered who this mysterous "have sex" poster is.
I was driving home from the supermarket today and I was thinking of all the epic Yea Forums posts I come across, and the "haxe sex" guy came up. I was like "Man that dude is dedicated to the meme." I even saw some faggot bitching about how he filters "have sex" (Only cunts use filters.)
I even thought how I saw the "have sex" post and then minutes later banged my gf, like it reminded me to fuck.
I started to feel empathy for all the 4channers who have no gf and can't get the sex. Do they feel sadness reading that post, or do they just load up their favorite motherless video and beat off to it?
I've only ever really played private servers but when I got into the beta I noticed right away that it was a lot easier and just didn't feel right at all, maybe we're all too used to playing on shitty private servers?
It's because it's using an updated engine, so the entire game feels different, not sure how many people are going to like that.
imagine being this mad
Thanks for the copy pasta though
How is that mad?
>Yeah, it's a guy that lost his job cause he followed a shoplifter past the curb
Benji stop including this factoid about your life in every single post you fucking make, no one cares
I'm not the guy in the video. Why, does he post here?
Ewww, gross.
*Vagina shrivels up*
I'm going hunter on PVE realm because I dont have as much time to devote to the game like I did 15 years ago. I'll be playing pretty casually
Can someone explain how the hunter pet talent system works? I have a rough idea but need a breakdown
Level it up?