Official Pokemon Tier List before Gen 8.
This series has been going downhill ever since the start of the 3DS era. If gen 8 sucks as hard as SuMo I think I might finally drop this series after two decades.
Official Pokemon Tier List before Gen 8.
This series has been going downhill ever since the start of the 3DS era. If gen 8 sucks as hard as SuMo I think I might finally drop this series after two decades.
Don't be ridiculous. BW 1 is ok but it's not nearly on par with 2 or the rest of the series peak.
>Black and White 1 in God tier
>RBY above FireRed and LeafGreen
>Emerald only in B tier
You officially made the worst list. Congrats.
>putting diamond & pearl in D-tier below X&Y
Shit list
Diamond and Pearl are objectively broken games. XY are just a mediocre slog.
Diamond and pearl were fucking terrible. I honestly thought the series couldn't get any worse than that. Unfortunately I was wrong.
Why the fuck do you guys even still play pokemon? The franchise has NOWHERE to go it's so fucking stale. More stale than fucking Call of duty and Assassin's creed how?
makes me sad my favourite franchise went from 10/10 to 2/10 in consecutive releases
in this order:
>The franchise has NOWHERE to go
I disagree. There is a lot of potential there. It is just going nowhere because GF is incompetent.
Fuck off namefag
Eat shit pokefag.
And because of that it won't go anywhere. You niggas will just eat up the same shit.
I’m sorry user, but we aren’t the target consumer anymore. They want smartphone kids playing the game. I bet they add micros transactions in Sword & Shield with exclusive Pokemon pack DLC.
Ya'll niggas posting in a troll thread
the only thing worse than a pokefag is a tripfag. kill yourself retard
>Sun and Moon that high
More like retard alert
>deepthroating bait like the dumb whore you are
You are stupid.
>Mad cause you eat up the same stale shit year after year
I feel bad for you
>I only played games in a and b tier, (crystal, black 2, and heart gold)
Feels good
tripfags are great for this board
>every version of sun and moon as low as they are
I’m not sure it’s just new gen hate, but they can’t be that bad. The gen itself is weak but the games are actually really good. Gyms were getting stale (although I miss the more puzzle oriented gyms) and the totem fights were actually fun. It felt like the coliseum games at points with how they broke the usual formula. The Professor as the final battle I thought was super Kino. I just wish the post-game was better.
Maybe if you like non-stop boring as hell cut-scenes, excessively long animations, and being railroaded so hard that you cant even explore a town at your own leisure.
People always say they're going to drop Pokemon, but they never actually do.
As it turns out I actually did enjoy where the story went and the pay off for all those cutscenes, and towns were never exactly bursting with content to explore in the first place.
I've played all games fron gen 1 to 5 and they were all great, specially Silver/Soul Silver, Emerald and Platinum, which was the last one I played, with a full bug team and it was so much fun.
The newer ones don't seem that appealing to me but I guess I'll play them eventually.
Do people not like Sun and Moon because it's actually challenging?
G/S asslicking
>actually challenging
Are you disabled? If you lost a single battle before the post game in any pokemon game you might be retarded.
You never were
Pokemon's target demographic is the kids who watch the anime and get their parents to buy toys for them
You were once of those kids, but you grew up and have been replaced with a new generation of kids
>You never were
>You were once of those kids
>spams healing items and revives
pssh sun and moon is so easy, never lost one battle, kid.
I put over a 1000 hours into emerald could someone explain simply why the 3ds version is worse?
they missed all the reasons Emerald was good, and botched what little they remembered
it's really lazily thrown together
Gen 1 and 2 are good
Everything else is TRASH for zoomers
Holy fuck I'm just gonna play emerald on my vita lol
>No battle frontier
>Rebalanced for the smart phone audience (the director literally said this in an interview)
>Visually the blandest game in the entire series.
>Very poor frame rate.
>Shitty contests
Why are people who didn't start with gen 1 allowed to make tier lists?
Literally said in the OP that I've been playing the series for two decades you illiterate retard.
>not posting the only official tierlist
No one who actually started with RBY would put gen 5 as the best you mouth breathing retard
Not really expecting anything much from Gen 8 at this point.
Good taste by the nips.
>m-m-muh ice cream
>le ice cream is bad meme
Reddit tier opinion
You sure?
Good taste by the nip players. Not the nip payed journalist shills. Famitsu is absolutely awful.
Johto has no fucking identity of its own
>Mostly kanto pokemon
>hardly any new characters
>literally the same evil team
>More than half of the elite 4 is from kanto, one being a gym leader from the old game, the final boss being the second final boss of the last game?
>no standout locations besides the sprout tower
>muh hivemind
All this tells me is you never played any game past gen 1
this is unbelievably accurate
So what's supposed to make BW2 the best besides the PWT? I'm playing through it now and the only stand out thing was having to wait through a presentation on making movies.
Swap BW1 with HGSS. Maybe even take it down one more tier.
Swap Sun&Moon and UltraSun&Moon
>having to wait through a presentation on making movies
That part is entirely optional thought
Effort and challenging postgame
move x and y up and we're based
Why do people always put Black and White so high? It's the second worse game after Ruby and Sapphire.
Genuine question, I had a hard time getting through that snoozefest.
All wrong, fixed.
>Densetsu no Kusoge
zoomers gonna zoom
>team magma and aqua still have a very poor variety of pokemon and they are easier to defeat then ever
this one got to me hard
seeing team aqua matt only having a single sharpedo and nothing else in the FIVE FUCKING TIMES you battle him was just plain baffling
Based boomer dishing out some hard, cold, icy truths.
replied to the wrong guy, i'm a fucking dope
Switch X and Y for Sun and Moon. Sun and Moon were handholdy as fuck but the actual gameplay was an interesting change of pace.
Hating gen 7 is an actual meme. Notice how it rarely comes down to anything but complaining about cutscenes. It certainly had its faults but it’s far from the worst.
best one so far
Swap BW1 with emerald
And maybe drop emerald afterwards, that shit is my favorite game but even I know that it's no masterpiece like BW2
Agreed. I think it all comes down to whether you can take the game being linear down to a fault in some cases. What it makes up for in blinding linearity it makes up for in the first Pokémon in years that feels original. It ain't perfect but it's the one reason I'm interested in seeing if Ohmori can cook up something solid in Sword and Shield.
As someone who started with gen 1 in 1998 and hates gen 5, this. Gen 1 may be broken as shit but it's still better than gen 5.
Fuck you genfivers.
XY are fucking soulless and they've permanently cemented themselves as the worst games in the series and didn't even get a third version to "redeem" the lackluster base games
Fixed it, kids. Got rid of all the shitty remakes, too.
Someone finally gets it right
>m-muh ice cream
Every single time. We genuinely can never take people like you seriously. You people are either retarded and can't come up with a valid argument, or you simply haven't played the games to know what to criticize.
>besides the PWT
actually spent too much time on this
but this is factually correct, anybody who disagrees is a boomer, zoomer or blinded by autism.
i'm not saying usum are good, they're fucking dogshit in fact
but they're not remakes, you dumb fuck
by that logic, emerald crystal and platinum would be remakes as well
The only thing ORAS improved upon others was the pokedex. I wished they kept it in SM/USUM but instead we got the fucking rotom dex that almost made me threow my DS against a wall. Holy shit, was that thing annoying.
>putting the same game in two different tiers
Am I the only olderfag that hates the feeling of using older gen pokemon during the single player part of a new gen? I feel physically off having gen 1 mons on my team in my crystal VC run right now. I dont get why BW1 was hated so much for that?
you're an autist if you don't think silver is better than gold
although the eevee thing was a mistake yes
>LGE a tier above LGP
Based and Eeveepilled
I make it a point to try and use new pokemon for each game
Gen 4 kinda wrecked that though
it's absolutely true
some of silver's version exclusives completely fucking trample gold's
>based skarmory and donphan in silver
>lame shitmons ursaring and mantine in gold
Feel free to agree.
>good but replaced
>avoid replacement
you need to think before you post
no inferior versions in the same gen(fuck starting with pikachu), no listing the same game twice for clutter, no stuff I haven’t played.
Fuck everything below B.
RS are replaced by Emerald, not ORAS, you dumb shit. YOU need to fucking think.
no one played them, so no one cares
fair enough
Ill never understand why people like the Johto remakes. The pre endgame pokedexes in those games leave so much to be desired it's actually noticeable. Incredibly thin selection, low quality remake. Zoomers seem to be swayed by simple graphical improvements and dumbass online connectivity shoehorned in. Original versions of Gen II were way superior
>why BW1 was hated so much for that
Because 85% of Gen 5 pokemon are literally just recycled kantomons that you're stuck with until the post-game.
Why does everyone like BW2 so much
I couldn't finish it but that was mostly due to being burned out on Pokemon in general
Normalfags hate gen 5 in general so of course Yea Forums is praising the shit out of it because le epik contrarianism is how you get access to the kool kids club.
Give it some more time and we'll have people unironically thinking that X/Y is the pinnacle of the series.
How are they broken?
>eating shit because nostalgia
They're amazing companion games because of not only how much they added to the already pretty great region, but the amount of content, mechanics, and Pokémon variety.
Plus, the B/W games always had good aesthetics in general.
>"good game"
Chinks are fucking retarded.
Slow as fuck and the mon distribution is horrendous.
Oops, meant for .
>you're an autist if you aren't obsessed with the arbitrary inconsequential differences betweens these two VERSIONS of the same game
B2W2, Platinum and HGSS post game are fucking amazing.
>slow as fuck
For once, after ages of pleb tier opinions, Japan had impeccable taste.
opinion discarded
>Awful designs from both sides
Can’t tell if this is falseflagging or not
Why is postgame the only thing ever brought up
Because the main campaign is basically the same for every game.
>emerald that low
>emerald on par with sun and moon
Emerald's not that great outside of the Battle Frontier. If I had to put it anywhere it'd be with GSC, but I'm not feeling it.
Based as fuck
Can I use my save from Black and White for Black and WHite 2?
I dont get the praise for BW