Can we have an honest discussion on Xenoblade 2?

Can we have an honest discussion on Xenoblade 2?

>Excellent combat system
>Excellent OST
>Story deals with very fascinating topics while never getting overly serious
>Excellent supporting cast. Nia and Malos deserving specific mention for their development
>Excellent visual design for world and characters
>The last third of the plot is excellent, core questions receive satisfying answers
>DLC is some of the most worthwhile in recent memory.

>Games is very slow to get started, both story and gameplay wise. Takes too long to tell if what's going on is meant to be taken seriously and key gameplay mechanics are locked behind the plot
>Game's use of morality in "shades of grey" leads to some mismanagement of its antagonists and a lackluster final boss
>Certain elements of the story, particularly those pertaining to the certain blades and nations don't feel like they receive the time and attention they warranted
>Sidequests are largely forgettable
>Gacha shit can be annoying, especially if you play unspoiled and waste them on Rex
>While it looks nice, the world layout is too linear to make exploration satisfying, "secret" areas are mandatory on multiple occasions, raising questions about why they're even included
>Rex is a frustratingly standard shonen protagonist for a game that otherwise aims to subvert expectations and try new things
>Finale is painfully predictable while trying to pretend that it isn't, feels like a copout in some ways

Game ranges from a 6/10 to a 9/10 depending on your tolerance for JRPGs. Voice Acting is one of the most overrated elements of any game and the impact of which is too heavily overstated by hardcore weebs

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Rex is a frustratingly standard shonen protagonist for a game that otherwise aims to subvert expectations and try new things
This kills the game for me. I finished but i probably never gonna play it again.

I would also like to see if anyone plays with a more boring and autistic team than I do
>7/9 Story blades
>All 8 elements
>No identical weapon types

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I do NG+ runs but I can't imagine starting from scratch ever again. I can't go back to the bare basics after fully mastering the combat system

The story is shit generic shonen trash

>Excellent combat system

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>Games is very slow to get started, both story and gameplay wise. Takes too long to tell if what's going on is meant to be taken seriously and key gameplay mechanics are locked behind the plot

To be fair this is kind of a problem with all of the xenoblade games, and will probably only continue to be a problem.

I actually like Rex’s character development tho
Hes realistic in the sense of hes just a good natured kid trying to make ends meet, and got pulled into something way higher than his paygrade

It's more of a problem here than in other games. XBC1 feels like it's started by the time you get to Colony 6. 2 takes at least until the end of chapter 3

>Siren is deadly as fuck in the cutscenes
>Mythra's level 4 special in gameplay is fucking trash


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>Game's use of morality in "shades of grey" leads to some mismanagement of its antagonists and a lackluster final boss
This was the best part of the game, though.

I have yet to see any Nintendo fans defend this

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It makes for good cutscenes but not great boss fights.

I basically only used story blades, sidequest special cores, or gacha pity blades. I just decided to ignore the gacha system as much as possible so my team was boring but reasonably effective.

Good. It's a shit ending to a shit quest, why do you expect people would be eager to defend it?

the skill checks is what annoys me the most. other than that i find it fun

>look mama i posted it again

>has Zeke
>not using Theory and Praxis
>also no Crossette
WTF is wrong with you, user?

On Morag.
I forgot to mention
>No DLC blades
I see them as pay2win. Elma Redux is designed to practically force you to use Corvin

Not sure what the boss fights being lame has to do with the story. The problem there is that almost all of them are just the standard 'build up orbs then chain attack' stuff over and over.

I don't get what's wrong.
Yeah it's stupid but there's worse things even in the same game.

In other words it's hard to feel a sense of epicness to fighting Jin when he's already half dead or Malos when he's committing suicide by cop.

The game has excellent superbosses but not those tied to the story

Well, Crossette is OP, that is correct: But if the game is giving her to you, why not just use it?
I didn't use her on my 1st run, but I did on 2nd. And Kora, love her!

why defend Cherrypicked shitposting that has been spammed to oblivion:

I have nowhere to put her on my team. Rex and Tora's blades are set and I don't think I want Zeke to give up Perun

The only one I found underwhelming was the final boss, and mostly because I hate those "smack a giant's toes" fights in just about any game that has them. Though maybe Nia defeating Malos through borderline slapstick also pushes it. Even when Jin's half dead, for example, it still feels like he could kick all of your asses and you are having a meaningful struggle.

>Even when Jin's half dead, for example, it still feels like he could kick all of your asses and you are having a meaningful struggle.
Not with Pneuma involved

As demonstrated through the proper battle and challenge mode, The Malos/Jin team fight is actually a very well thought out boss with their unique skills complementing each other well but it's wasted by becoming just a tutorial for Pneuma

Anyone have the blade tier list? Also what's this I hear about crit healing? I want to optimize my team before doing NG+.

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The story and final boss was just a big wet farting fuck you. The rest of the game is ok, but overall it's shit compared to the first game.

>Excellent combat system
oh boy I sure do love pressing R and L until the bad man's HP bar reaches the half way point before pressing the combo button that instakills him

>Not with Pneuma involved
Pneuma jobs to fucking Amalthus right after that. She's not an insta-win button like you think she is.

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Im not sure, but it feels, or rather because i can't see shit during the animation, that the lvl 4 Nia/Pyra special deals less damage than the Pyra/Nia lvl 4.

>As demonstrated through the proper battle and challenge mode, The Malos/Jin team fight is actually a very well thought out boss with their unique skills complementing each other well but it's wasted by becoming just a tutorial for Pneuma
How is it wasted? It's still one of the hardest fights in the game, assuming you don't have Kos-mos to carry you through it.

>Pneuma jobs to fucking Amalthus right after that
She was more worried about the Torna blades. I find it hard to believe she couldn't have wasted him if she wanted to

Also, the only tier list I care about

The Nia version also heals you so I wouldn't be surprised if the damage was less

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>How is it wasted? It's still one of the hardest fights in the game
You don't need to actually win it. It becomes a ball buster when you're in challenge mode and need to actually kill them

>a sense of epicness

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Finally, a proper Xenoblade thread after the last one got moved to for being blatant retardation.

You literally do need to win it. Dying just takes you back to the gate before the ruins.

Yes, epicness is a word. It's not 2007 anymore. You don't need to be upset over it.

It goes into a cutscene once you get one of them to half HP

I guess that's fair, but I personally mentally separate the real gameplay fights from the "story" fights. Pneuma is a reward for beating the real fight, not the second half of an ongoing fight.

Cute breasts

waifufag genocide when

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And that was the basis of my gripe. There's a disconnect where what is satisfying as fuck in the story can be awkward in the game.

Another one which stands out to me is that in the cutscenes Nia acts as a hard counter to Malos while in gameplay Malos is a hard counter to Nia.

1 did a better job of having the cutscenes feel consistent with the story

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Rex is a great protagonist.


>It goes into a cutscene once you get one of them to half HP
Yes, because that's the win condition.

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I didn't say he's bad but he's one I feel like I've seen ten times before

just standard waifu image dumping stuff, but the mods decided to move it to Yea Forums instead of deleting it for some reason

Does't feel like winning to me. Especially when the whole point is you're not match for them without Pneuma

Yeah I really don't understand what's supposed to be so great about the combat system. Unless things really change after chapter 4, it's nothing to write home about.

Is it just me, or did the Titans in XC2 feel lack luster to explore in?
Has a lot to it in general, but the inability to explore the upper head, and neck portion of the Titan was bothersome.
>Mor Ardain
Felt really compact outside of the factory location, and inner town.
Quite a lot of emptiness, with nothing more than trees to pad out the area, and slopes. The bottom half is disappointing compared to its upper segment.
It feels like this area was a bit too small, and could have used more branching areas. The concept art showcased a lot of higher platforms, but this sadly didn't make it in the final build. The only remarkable area in said Titan, is the Spirit Crusible.
Probably my biggest gripe. We saw all the debris and ruins scattered in the background, but the overall area is pretty small, and archaic in design.

The areas themselves are nice but there are very spots truly satisfying to find

It's not just you. They had so much potential that was just wasted, looking at the concept art is depressing.
I blame the shorter development time and BOTW.

>that image
i fuckin loved the pokemon movie as a kid

>Humanity hating abomination of science versus cute little cat

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I defy anyone to post a better location than this place

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I think the World Tree was pretty cool. It's a shame that it's basically just one big elevator that you can run through, though. I remember being disappointed that XC2 didn't really have any proper dungeons. XC1 did, to a degree.

I loved XC1 but I've tried to get into 2 three times now and I've only reached about the halfway point, I might just give up because it feels like I'm forcing myself. I guess I just preferred all the characters and scenario of 1 compared to 2, even the corny voice acting of 1 seemed more likeable to me.

Fucking Reyn time man, I miss it

THe Mechonis overstayed it's welcome but the entire World Tree was so fucking cool that I would've glaldy spent 10 hours climbing it.

It was such a perfect mix of cool and unsettling. You're amazed to see all of this technology but can sense a greater meaning lurking in the background

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pic rel average Xenoblade 2 player

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The Mechonis got really repetitive, and there were a lot of locations that you couldn't even return to, sadly.

>there were a lot of locations that you couldn't even return to, sadly.
All of them really since it got nuked. I supposed that's one thing 2 has going for it with only Indol being lost and there wasn't anything there to do anyway

Very cool, Reddit!

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Shame the remake looks like such shit

I like the fact that the areas are more constrained. I prefer linear games.

But XBC1 already did this perfectly. There's a clear path to take but the best shit you have to go out of your way to see. The coolest places in 2 are mandatory

If you're not enjoying it, don't force yourself to finish.
I had a somewhat similar experience (loved 1 to death, had a really hard time getting into 2) and started liking 2 a lot more in its second half, but having seen others' impressions of it, it seems like it's 50/50 on whether people end up liking the game like I did or feeling like they wasted their time waiting for a game to get good and it never did.
What led me to keep slugging on through the worst parts of 2's story was the fact that I liked the gameplay, so if you don't have anything like that keeping you at least mildly interested, I wouldn't bother spending a bunch of time trying to see the good in a game you aren't having fun with.

As a side note - based on your post I can't really tell if your three tries are just one playthrough or if you're actually restarting the game in an attempt to get into it, but I would HIGHLY recommend that people who dropped the game and want to go back to it don't give in to the temptation to start over. The early chapters of Xenoblade 2 are terribly designed, it'd be better to just look up combat tutorials and/or skim through a plot summary to remember what you forgot instead of slogging through those parts again.

We've discussed story, gameplay, and music, but which Xeno game had the best back cover blurb?
Imo going off American releases anyway its
>Stand tall & shake the heavens
>Thousands of years into the future, mankind exists only in deep space
>The death of one awakens a path to the end
>Explore the strange vistas of a hostile alien planet
>To save the future, you must uncover the past
>Onward, to Elysium
>Wield the blade
I know this is fucking retarded I'm just desperate for this thread to not devolve into minge and pyraposting.

What is it with Xenoblade and locations with amazing music being locked off in the late game?

It's my headcanon that because the world tree was in america, English came to be seen as the divine language much like latin is in the Catholic church which is why the lyrical pieces are all in English

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Doesn't matter, it was deleted shortly afterwards in /b

Gotta be Xenogears. Xenoblade is probably my least favorite, 'wield the blade' is just so cheesy.
Shouldn't the physical version of Torna have a blurb too?

Yea Forums's bump limit is 300. Moving it there at 330 was a death sentence

I only mingepost to conceal my frustrate with so many crucial aspects of Nia's character going unexplained or under developed.

Pic abso-fucking-lutely related

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>lackluster final boss
What the fuck do you mean?

Malos as final boss is excellent. It's here that he reveals that he's not just another nihilist shit who wants to see the world burn for the sake of lulz, he goes beyond that and reveals the purpose in his life, every shit he did was for his bro's sake, nothing more, nothing less. Malos was the most human of all the characters.

I think that's pretty likely.

I mean Aion itself isn't that fun to fight. It's got a cool design but nothing memorable about battling it

I don't understand. From the get-go, Rex has a good degree of agency and level-headedness save for some anime-ass circumstances. For me that's all I want out of my protagonist. He could be worse. He could be Sora, who is NEVER allowed any agency ever.


>doesn't have a second form
Such a disappointing end to an amazing game

XC1 and X's are by far the worse, one because it's way too generic and the other because it's way too descriptive. The others are okay, with XS1 and Gears being the best.

Man after revisiting the best 8 and 16 bit JRPGs I just can't deal with the idea that these games need to be any longer than like 30 hours. They feel like such a waste of time and there's no real payoff from all of the extra padding

I wish those...tentacle (?) cannon things on Aion did anything outside of the cutscenes. It would've been neat if they were separate targets from the main body, or something.

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I don't know why they keep making this mistake, but you can't just make a sequel to a JRPG. Most things in XC2 had already been done in XC, while in that game everything was entirely new and the reason that game was good. This isn't Mega Man. We tolerate the unengaging gameplay to embark on a great journey in another world.

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The fight needed more than one phase. As cliche as it is, it's a staple of JRPGs for a reason

Aion was a dreadfully boring final boss. It's supposed to be the equivalent of Deus, but it's quite literally a boring health sponge with hardly any difficulty. Torna's final boss with Malos was waaaaay more engaging and unique because the Siren's directly played into the fight. If you let Malos take the advantage, you get smoked.

Speak for yourself, the gameplay is my favorite part.
It feels like they wanted a second phase but couldn't afford to implement it. The way the game just unceremoniously refills Aion's HP after the midfight cutscene feels so awkward.

I despise the lack of H2Hs for Nia after her blade reveal. There are so many interesting conversations that should spark within the party.

>Her love confession, obviously
>Perception vs. reality of flesh eaters
>Her past before meeting Torna and Rex
>How it feels to fight as both Driver and blade
>How she feels about having her sister as part of her

All fucking wasted

>The way the game just unceremoniously refills Aion's HP after the midfight cutscene feels so awkward.
It doesn't refill

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That’s cool user. Good headcannon.

Why are the H2H scenes so underrated in XC2? I never see them getting brought up at all, really. It must be due to how different the affinity system is in this game.

I fucking hate the gameplay. Worst gameplay in a JRPG ever. It's way too easy unless you crank up the difficulty, but since there's actually very little in the way of decision-making when it comes to defeating an overpowered enemy you have to balance the difficulty between fights until you hit just the right spot where you don't steamroll everything or get wiped by the boss instantly killing your tank after which your party just crumbles for no reason or reviving itself after losing 80% of its health.

Because so few of them really touch on the sort of shit I want to hear. I just bitched about some noticeably wasted potential here

>It doesn't refill
Guess my memory's just shit, then. I thought I remembered losing some kind of progress after that part.
Still, the way JRPGs work trained me to immediately think "oh, it's second phase time" when the cutscene started, so it not happening was really off-putting, even though the cutscene itself was fucking great.
I liked them, but too many were wasted on jokes instead of character development and world building.

>I thought I remembered losing some kind of progress after that part.
IIRC you lose your combos and orbs but HP is the same

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What is this based on?

I had a ton of fun with the gameplay, but I was purposefully avoiding getting overleveled because of how easy it was for that to happen in the first Xenoblade, so maybe that's the difference? And I played before the difficulty options were added, so I don't really know how they change the balance.

So gentlemen, what are your story ideas for XC3?

Unless it's some sort of sequel, it's probably going to be another overhaul in story and tone

New setting, entirely new cast. Any connections to 1 and 2 should be at the level of the ones in 2 at most, ideally less. Take a break from Titans, do something different with the setting.

What's the point of the favorite pouch items? Is there any proven benefit?

The effects of the items are slightly increased if it's their favorite.

Entire game takes part completely in deep space in an asteroid field that's later revealed to be the remains of Earth

You're all using the Massive Melee Mythra alt they were so kind to give you for free, right?

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Rex unironically was a good character until he met pyra

I wish Pyra had one to match.

Of course, you can't deny that crit rate boost.

So, using this pic as an example, Mythra gets better arts recharge and Nia gets better special recharge? Or all those buffs in effect no matter which blade is active?

That's an hour into the game

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It's nice because I can finally show Xenoblade 2 to my family with it

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I was thinking it would take place in a more urban universe, where humanity is stable and everything is going well. That sounds kind of boring, though. I kind of want to see a bizaro world, where post XC2 Alrest, and the post XC1 Bionis are combined settings. I don't know, something that makes it a proper sequel to both games.

Normal mode, story, postgame, challenge mode. Emphasizes class roles rather than being a DPS list.

>Tonnes of systems to fuck around with in the combat/leveling/blades.
>Soundtrack is great.
>Environment can sometimes look fantastic in terms of design.

>Story is utter fucking garbage, this shit is for children or the mentally handicapped. Genuinely embarrassing.
>Framerate & resolution goes to shit once a lot of skills go off (which is pretty much all the time once you get further in the game)

>So, using this pic as an example, Mythra gets better arts recharge and Nia gets better special recharge? Or all those buffs in effect no matter which blade is active?
The first one.
You should be able to see the difference in effect in battle if you switch between them. It's not huge, but it is an increase.

She's my wife and favorite blade but I've never seen Nia rated above Brighid, Zenobia, Pandoria, Wulfric, or Herald for gameplay purposes

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Your post was harsh, but I agree. Takahashi really shouldn't have made the plot so overly light hearted. I can't imagine what XC2 would have looked like, had
>The full Monolith crew being on board
>The development time being stretched out to Fall 2018
>The intentional goal to make the story more lighthearted getting scrapped
I still like the game, but man.

>You should be able to see the difference in effect in battle if you switch between them

Mythra's always fucking with my meters with her crit charging so there's virtually no way for me to notice

>Takahashi really shouldn't have made the plot so overly light hearted
The dark shit was far darker than 1

this is why I can't take any xb shitter seriously

Speaking of that, it bothered me how they didn't show any blood in XC2. It made some scenes like Jin stabbing Rex, rather awkward. Or that scene where Jin slashes Gort's arm off and it just zooms into his face in agony. It's pretty retarded.

I don't have any problems with the story being light hearted, but I wish it had stayed like it was in the first chapter - light hearted, but not overly goofy.
In chapter 2 it just immediately dived straight into full anime wackiness, complete with exaggerated sound effects and facial expressions like pic related and that was the part that really sucked.
Just move around so you don't auto attack.

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>Just move around so you don't auto attack.
I'm not that determined to figure out the exact difference. I'll believe you

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Xenoblade 2 is unironically the darkest Xenoblade game storywise, ignoring X's side quests of course.
I don't know what Takahashi was smoking by saying it was going to be a lighthearted game.

We get it user, why do you keep posting this
It's the execution that matters, not the themes
Gears or Saga could have been just as wacky had they bent the tone differently

Xeno 2 is outwardly light but Nia's backstory is one of the most fucked things I've ever seen in a Nintendo game once you think about it for more than 2 seconds

Probably because you had moments where shit like Bana killing Niall with giant maid mechs was happening. Those aren't too often though, honestly.

>Rex gets stabbed through the chest and the script literally says [COUGHS UP BLOOD]
>there's no blood
>Rex says "What happened? All that blood..."
>there's no blood
It feels like the game had it at some point and then it was all taken out to ensure the rating didn't get too high or something.
Wasn't there some quote from Takahashi about how they made the sidequests more light hearted to be a break from the story, or something? I could be remembering incorrectly, but I feel like he wasn't 100% consistent about XB2's story being entirely light hearted.

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Nia's backstory was pretty dark, but with most dark plot elements in XC2, they're diluted. Like Zeke telling Amalthus that people were using female Blades for their bodies, instead of directly stating that Blades were being used for prostitution and slave trafficking.

>"Xenoblade 2 isn't connected to Xenoblade 1."
>"Xenoblade 2 is lighthearted"
>"I want to try something simpler"

>ends up canonically connecting to Xenoblade and alluding to Xenogears and Xenosaga
>goes into the gritty of war and suffering and the tragedy behind Alrest's history
>ends up being the most lore-heavy and complex Xeno game in over a decade

what did he mean by this?

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>Xenoblade 2 isn't connected to Xenoblade 1
He never said this.
All he said was the truth - that Xenoblade 2 takes place in a different world from Xenoblade 1.

Slavery and prostitution are all over fiction. "Consider girl to be your sister, girl dies, eat girl's heart and pretend to be little girl to please her deranged father" was a new one for me

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I don't think Nia was pretending to be a little girl, her sister looked like she was around the same (visual) age as Nia.

The end of the game should have been slightly re-written to where he was the final boss.

He would have been a WAY more satisfying final boss than malos.

Malos wasn't threatening the whole game, was pretty busted up, and has his glory run in the DLC anyway where he's an absolute chad

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Her "dad" was commanding her to start addressing him as her father. I highly suspect that Nia is actually the name of her dead sister

FInal boss should've been Jin resonating with Malos to solidify their bond and Malos awakening his Logos form

Amalthus being the final boss isn't necessary. He's just an angry fuck who lost faith in the world, and is secretly hurt about his mother. His death in the World Tree before reaching the Architect was fine.

I thought they just didn't feel like making blood

Malos is going to mysteriously appear in Xenoblade X's sequel and befriend Lao and they'll both have a redemption arc.

Malos doesn't have a superform, he's already unleashed his full power because his Driver did not fear it, unlike Addam (and eventually Mythra herself sealing it even further in Pyra).

Then why is he so much weaker than Ontos and Pneuma.

It wouldnt be perfect but he still would have been better than malos, got he fucking sucked

>The entire first 80% of the story is your party getting absolutely dicked by torna at every turn
>EXCEPT MALOS who literally NEVER beats you
>whips out the goddamn MONADO and then LOSES TO NIA WITH IT
>The finale is him desperately running from you until he last ditch effort uses a mech

Yes, I understand the plot relevance behind his weakness, doesn't change the fact that he's a shit-tier final boss

10/10 VA though that guy nailed it

>>Rex is a frustratingly standard shonen protagonist for a game that otherwise aims to subvert expectations and try new things
Rex is what made me drop the game. Everything about him reminds me of all the bad anime I've ever seen.
>stupid outfit
>retarded weapon
>basically no personality
There are so many good anime protagonists to crib and they just went with a generic manlet.

Because he doesn't have a strong relationship with a Driver. If Amalthus accepted to fuck him in the butt he'd be just as strong as the other Aegises.

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It does

Ontos isn't even strong, though. I'm pretty sure he was average outside of his ability to see into the future for brief periods, until Shulk awakened to create the true Monado.

>Finale is painfully predictable while trying to pretend that it isn't, feels like a copout in some ways




>>whips out the goddamn MONADO and then LOSES TO NIA WITH IT
B-But he was only pretending. So what if he had to be bailed out by Jin in their rematch?

But he did have a strong relationship with Jin, hence why he should've been stronger with him

He remade Shulk's whole fucking universe


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Threadly reminder Malos will never be your blade aniki.

>Yeah I really don't understand what's supposed to be so great about the combat system. Unless things really change after chapter 4
It actually does

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this was unironically my favorite part about malos as a character

Jin is not his driver, so it means nothing.
Ontos didn't become super strong until his driver (Shulk) awakened his true power.

Yup on Fiora you faggot

>Jin is not his driver, so it means nothing.
He would've become his driver with Amalthus dead

I said, alt, not aux core you ingrate
I have of of Nia's alts on Zenobia

after playing them all:

1 > Torna > 2 > X, though I enjoyed all of them, yet none of them were perfect

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What exactly is excellent about that combat system? Once you figure it out every fight plays out the same way, watching someone fight the uber bosses and it's literally the same way you play the entire game. There's nothing excellent about it, probably why I dropped the game.

>Once you figure it out every fight plays out the same way
I don't remember an RPG where this wasn't the case

More satisfying to kill, maybe. More satisfying from a story perspective, no.

Literally the Switch killer app. Bore of the wild is garbage and mario sucked.

I mean for example in FFXII you have to switch your gambits to fit the situation especially during hunts. Xeno2 just felt like doing the same thing over and over each encounter.

Was Malos supposed to be a deconstruction, or parallel to Shulk or something

Why couldn't he be the actual protag, god damn he's so much better than Rex

Lora was top waifu too, though obviously not as hot as the Aegises

Attached: Addam_Portrait.png (400x400, 259K)

>Rex is a frustratingly standard shonen protagonist for a game that otherwise aims to subvert expectations and try new things
You haven't wanted shounen anime if you think Rex is a shounen protagonist. Shulk fit that bill much better.

Based Takahashi learned wordplay from a master

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I liked BotW but played it on Wii U. XBC2 is the reason I don't have Switch buyer's remorse. Odyssey was so fucking disappointing that its defenders sicken me

Rex literally has a line on showing the power of friendship

Attached: Untitled.png (733x840, 944K)


>hold right trigger to attack
>long wind up animations
>feels like you're swinging around a huge log of shit
Combat is fucking awful.

Favourite pouch items can give you a huge boost.
If an item is a blade or driver's favourite category (e.g. art) the item gets a 25% boost to its effect.
If it's their favourite item, it's a 50% boost.
If it's both, the boost is 80%.

Multiple drivers and blades can all boost the same item. Plus, boosts to the right-side pouch will affect the item in the left pouch, for some reason.

You can use this stuff to get some insanely strong effects. It's possible to passively charge a level 3 special in around 8 seconds, for example.

If anyone's a parallel to Shulk, it's Jin.

Have you played Torna? He is pathetic.

>hold right trigger to attack
Uh, wrong thread?

>Rex literally has a line on showing the power of friendship
That's only in English though; the original line actually referred to the bonding system with blades.

I've seen plenty of shonens talk about bonds too.

What are the best blades for every character?

He's just Rex with 5 more years, really. He's no different.

Attached: D53C8ntUUAALSdy.jpg orig.jpg (2896x4096, 654K)

But the line in the Japanese version is specifically talking about an in-game, in-lore system though. Not "generic" bonds.

>He would've become his driver with Amalthus dead
Jin died the same time he killed Amalthus.

Story is for children, characters are for children and combat is for children too.
The game had far too much current anime influence

Plenty of shonens integrates the power of friendship into a tangible mechanic

I'm talking about rewriting the ending

did you even read that user's original post

>He's pathetic.
Why, because he lost control of an Aegis? He still ended the war and got some pussy.

he's dead, user

takahashi claims he doesn't even like modern anime and instead took inspiration from his childhood anime growing up for 2's story and characters.

1 > Torna > 2 > X

Torna > 1 > 2 > X

1 > Torna > 2 > X

2 > Torna > X > 1

X > 1 > 2 > Torna

X > 2 > 1 > Torna

X > 2 > 1 > Torna

1 > Torna > X > 2

1 > Torna > 2 > X

2 > Torna > 1 > X

>OST (subjective)
1 > 2 > Torna > X

1 > Torna > 2 > X

voice acting left out due to sub vs dub arguments

Attached: 1559536204743.jpg (2000x970, 951K)


I'm still so mad morag's swimsuit didn't reveal she was a muscle girl

awful taste

>483 hours
my nigga

fantastic taste

>tfw one obscure webm is your only valid criticism of the game

I just enjoy playing this game and being with these characters. Challenge mode is a fun time sink since the combat is varied enough that it's fun doing the same battle multiple times

Attached: 61875634_2209625786034659_3997718686822563840_o.jpg (1280x720, 283K)

middle of the road taste

I don't understand the point of sad sacrifice before ending cutscene. They are revived at the ending, this makes all drama forced and stupid.

>puts on Pneuma shirt


2's ending is kind of bad, user

The parts with the architect before the final boss was pretty great though

XB2 > XBX > XB1
XBX > XB2 > XB1
XB1 = XB2 > XBX
XBX > XB1 > XB2
>World design
XBX > XB1 > XB2
>World building
XB2 > XBX > XB1
>World Concept
XB1 > XB2 > XBX
>Characters (based on being enjoyable)
XB1 > XB2 > XBX
>Character Development
XB2 > XB1 > XBX
XB2 > XBX > XB1
>Character Design
XBX > XB1 > XB2
>Art Style
XB2 > XBX > XB1
XB2 > XB1 > XBX
XB1 > XB2 > XBX
>Best girl
Poppi > Melia > Celica

Attached: Xenoblade33.jpg (685x566, 54K)

Kinda mediocre taste


Based, Riki is /ourheropon/

Attached: xenoblade rikionus.png (708x1062, 759K)

decent taste, also this

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>>puts on Blade Nia shirt

>still the only nopon in the whole series who fights on his own

Forced drama for the sake of drama, same as the shit they pulled towards the end of Xenoblade 1.
Takahashi is a coward.

Nia go back to schlicking to the ng+ title screen

Maybe I will

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It felt like fanfition. But I loved the whole experience. (never played XC1 or XCX though)

I have no idea how y'all tolerate Rex's voice. Whenever I hear it I am filled with the purest rage I have ever known that some stock stuttering shonen shota shitheel of his caliber has the audicity to exist.

Attached: 35d.png (200x413, 82K)

Technically he got pussy BEFORE the war, but it wasn't Mythra so it doesn't mean shit.

2019... I am forgotten.

Attached: forget.png (680x425, 143K)

soul voices need to come back for the next game, having to run around for potions is dumb.

>>Character Design
>XBX > XB1 > XB2

Attached: 1423494867248.jpg (619x293, 34K)

Originally, it was supposed to be left ambiguous if Pyra/Mythra actually came back. Takahashi said that the game ended with Rex looking at the core crystal and then it starts glowing, then the game ends.
But he felt that leaving it ambiguous would be a "fuck you" to fans so he changed the ending so it's obvious they came back.

Attached: 1555126865319.jpg (1139x1477, 358K)

Character DESIGN, not models.

The poster below me is a one of the Aegis Trio, and can't be trusted

Don't forget-


Attached: Alvis.jpg (700x1340, 108K)

>Was about make NagaToRo jokes.
>Remembered that the president is a bitch and her introduction chapter actually made Nagatoro stronger.
Dammit, I feel played up.

>not the poster below him
>not "hello there"
you had one job user

Would highly recommend 1, especially since you can emulate it on dolphin to make the graphics look incredible as a side-bonus

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>Can we have an honest discussion on Xenoblade 2?
>Excellent combat system

Nice bait desu , post THEM

Attached: garbagegame.webm (720x648, 1.34M)

english voice or japanese voice? the english voice was fine for the regular talking parts, and the awkward yells gave me a good laugh.
the japanese voice was just fine, pretty standard shonen mc voice, didn't bother me at all and the VA did a good job.

this game's been out for nearly two years and yet we're still stuck with this shitty crusty webm of nia's dance that was taken from e3 footage or something
absolutely shameful

Attached: 1526409473465.png (637x653, 593K)

I honestly can't relate to anyone not thinking this isn't the most satisfying thing ever.

Attached: 54520827_2160343307629574_9090803056605396992_o.jpg (1280x720, 147K)

Let me fix that for you
>Mediocre combat system
>Horrible ear piercing clanging
>Retarded anime plot
>Idiotic and generix characters
>Ugly anime art style with horrible character designs
>Literally never gets good
>Game literally has to be remade from the ground up to be passable


Attached: 1557772149312.jpg (2400x3600, 478K)

So what environments do you guys want to see in XC3, exploration wise? Some pictures as examples would be nice, too. I think the world is always my favorite aspect of any game, so I'm always excited for that.

Attached: Nia dance.webm (1280x720, 1.16M)

What's a good way to grind to 99? I just finished the game for the first time at level 77.

A giant shit left behind by two gods, you slowly explore the swirling spiral-like shape and find some message from the good at the hooked top

IE: the poop emoji

Attached: Poppi QT Pi.jpg (815x981, 232K)

This should be XC3

Attached: Mecha.jpg (1500x1000, 581K)

Theres no way that Addam is younger than Lora or Zeke and Morag.


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user that mech looks retarded an way too top heavy

I feel like the entirety of XB2 is basically a deconstruction of XB1.

>>Excellent combat system
The combat is shit though.

>>Story deals with very fascinating topics while never getting overly serious
The story is literally cringy ass anime shit

>>Excellent visual design for world and characters
Mediocre, worse depending on portable mode

>>The last third of the plot is excellent, core questions receive satisfying answers
Again, story is shit.


Any screenshot or clip of Nia is inherently adorable

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Why does T-Elos have glasses?

It looks like Tauburn from Star Driver

Attached: Tauburn.full.542379.jpg (2141x2734, 1.16M)

Why not? It's cute, fierce and probably boosts her optical capacities, no reason not to.

Attached: Poppi.jpg (920x1500, 186K)

CHOCO supposedly explained it in his comments in the artbook, but nobody's translated them.

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Who are the DLC/update blades best on?

Oh nice, a XC2 thread.
Finished the game about 2 months ago and thinking about delving into the DLC. Is the quality comparable to the main game?

did the mod in the morning have something against dumping pics

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>Is the quality comparable to the main game?
Torna is better than main game

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Corvin - Zeke or Morag
Crossette - Nia
Shulk - Morag
Elma - Rex
Fiora - Rex
Poppibuster - no one lol

For the most part, yes. In some areas it's better, in a few it's worse, but overall I'd say it's definitely on par with the main game in terms of quality.
The only real issue is that it forces you do to a bunch of sidequests to progress the story at two points.

>Poppibuster - no one lol
imagine shitting on this based mech

Attached: 1535437660339.gif (320x320, 2.03M)

Thanks friends. Gonna sink my teeth into it then.

What if I'm not using Rex, who would Elma and Fiora be better on then?

Eh, they're both the same
Torna had somewhat of a better story but the main game has the combat advantage

Shulk : Morag
Fiora : Rex
Corvin : Morag
Elma : Rex
T-Elos : Zeke
Crossette : Nia
Akhos : Zeke
Obrona : Nia
Patroka : Morag
Perdido : Morag
Sever : Zeke
Cressidus : Zeke
Mikhail : Morag

For obvious reason you don't want to put them on Rex

Probably Zeke
But use Fiora on Rex for that SCREW EDGE spam

I remember people saying Elma is good on Morag for some reason, is that true?

The sacrifice itself isn't really important, it's what it represents. In actuality the most important part of that scene is the whole exchange between Rex and Poppi. Rex has spent the whole game believing that the path to "Elysium"(i.e. a world where everyone is free to be who they want and peacefully coexist) is obvious and straightforward. The orbital station is basically the first time he's truly confronted by the notion that some problems don't have easy answers, and sometimes giving people what they want doesn't necessarily result in a generic happy ending. During the final battle, Malos asks Rex why he's fighting, who he's fighting for. Rex responds that he doesn't fight for himself but for the freedom and happiness of all people. Of course, it's easy to say something like that when you're battling a psycho hellbent on destroying the world, it's a bit harder when your girlfriend decides to an hero and the only person who can help you has sworn not to interfere. That whole scene was basically Rex's test to see if he could actually back up his bold claims or if he'd go back on his word the moment it became inconvenient for him.

I use her a lot on Morag, but that's mainly because I play as Morag.
No idea if she's particularly good on her.

You can swap Elma, Fiora and Shulk for any driver without using overdrive protocol, so you can test them on anyone you want, they are good blades with all of the drivers anyway, it's just that Elma/Fiora are optimal on Rex and Shulk on Morag

>Rex responds that he doesn't fight for himself
he literally says the opposite

Malos is definetely one of the best characters in this series and the fucker doesn't get the recognition he deserves

Attached: IMG_20181204_151459.png (1000x837, 842K)

But DPS accomplishes far more than, say, healing.

He gives a cheaty answer where he claims to fight for himself but then immediately follows with how seeing everyone free and happy is what makes him happy.

I honestly don't know how people can say everyone was sucking Rex's dick.The aegis os the only thing that was constantly praised and Rex was basically a punching bag for everyone until the Elpis cave.

What prior Xeno games beyond XC1 are recommend to play in order to get a full appreciation of XC2? Yes, I know “all of them” is the trite answer, but assuming that one had to cut it down to a selection of three or fewer games, what would you recommend, anons?

I'm glad he at least gets some recognition. Though I wish less of it was variants of "lmao epic chad man"

Literally what game are you talking about???

WHat kind of recognition would you prefer?

Attached: 1536779663233.gif (316x320, 3.95M)

It's kind of fucked up that Pyra/Mythra in the end were going to kill Rex after giving him a part of the core crystal.


If you're not using Rex why do you care about asking optimization questions?

>See what the team pulled off on the WiiU with X
>2 still runs at 720p with all the pop bbq in problems but now with frame pacing issues and a bug that periodically makes it run at 20fps
>Director seems to acknowledge fault of the engine and says things will be improved in the DLC
>Things run even worse in Torna, with the final battle absolutely unplayable unless you aim the camera at the ground, but the grass looks slightly nicer
Real worried about the next one.

Torna runs better than the main game for me, and the final boss was perfectly playable, there's a bug that can make the Siren cutscenes go in slow-motion though

If you're willing to play up to 3, might as well play Xenosage. But if you're willing to play that many, might as well just add on Xenogears.

Seriously, it's not like the Xeno series is all that expansive. Take into account how much of it is just cutscenes and it's a pretty easy series to -play- through.

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I summarized the thread

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I noticed the shitty framarate during Torna's final boss a few times, but it wasn't anywhere close to being unplayable. Something might be up with your Switch if it's so bad you're having to point the camera at the ground.

Attached: D70mJuqUIAUpMlN.jpg orig.jpg (1600x1200, 223K)

Get back in the kitchen until you're as good as Pyra

Attached: 040030633626-4p.jpg (600x600, 102K)

I never had any performance issues in Torna. I fought Malos with the camera pointed up so I could take in the full Artifice fight, since I was already abotu 10 levels above Malos due to sidequests and he didn't scare me.

>and the final boss was perfectly playabl
Bruv it runs at 2/3 speed if you point the camera at the enemy

I was in fucking handheld mode and did the same during that fight and it mildly choppy at worst.

Does anyone know where this template originated?

>Excellent visual design for world and characters
I disagree.
Pyra in particular is a hot mess of a character design that people seem to give a free pass because she gets their dicks hard

More recognition for his actual character, less "he has no depth but I like that he acts like a chad".

I don't know man, I had no trouble at all and I finished Torna three times

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Yea Forums, I think.

He gets plenty of that but he does act like a chad

Attached: IMG_20190604_044510.jpg (2048x2048, 402K)

Based retard.

Attached: IMG_20190604_044513.jpg (2048x2048, 486K)

>That smile
>tfw shitposting accomplished something for once in your life

Different user. What annoys me is that people treat his "good" attributes(basically all the chad stuff) and "bad" ones as if there's some clear line that divides the two(usually Amalthus)

This is why I refuse to get a switch until the new model drops.

>the new model drops.
This isn't happening anytime in the remotely near futuree

Except for the fact that we're supposed to be getting an enhanced model during the 2nd half of 2019.

(Credible citation needed)

>Excellent combat system
>Excellent OST
>Story deals with very fascinating topics while never getting overly serious
>Excellent supporting cast. Nia and Malos deserving specific mention for their development
>Excellent visual design for world and characters
>The last third of the plot is excellent, core questions receive satisfying answers
>DLC is some of the most worthwhile in recent memory.

Is this a bait?

Attached: xb3.jpg (1280x720, 155K)

>no "muh eric" fag yet
Based thread so far.

Xenogears for sure.

Attached: 1386588102046.jpg (1084x1500, 665K)

Yes, it's even better than that

Attached: 1557089170235.jpg (1365x2048, 249K)

you fucking monster

Avant-Garde Medals heal you when you crit. Use them with crit Mythra and it's a lot harder to die

>heel turn is way too late and her relevancy drops once arriving to Morytha

>>heel turn is way too late and her relevancy drops once arriving to Morytha

Because he story arc is over. She's found her place in the world and is happy in it. Her greater purpose in the plot is to give Rex a worthwhile blade to use while Pyra is gone but her character arc is still easily the strongest of the main party,

Xenogears remake.. Please.. Give Takahashi his IP back, Squeenix..
Not him, but why is it a big deal? If anything, you should hope there is.

don't worry i'll help you get to sleep

>Not him, but why is it a big deal? If anything, you should hope there is.
Because I'm hearing it the same bullshiters who tell me that Dante is coming to Smash

>he doesn't know


>>Excellent visual design for world
>>and characters
wtf are you smoking, not even being contrarian since I can grant everything else but the character designs are fucking trash for the most part

>Paying attention to anything revolving around Smash
Why, man

Reeking Douglass. He's level 104, but is fairly easy. Maybe go up to Lv.80, then fight him. Plus you'll get cool items and some legendary cores. Just make sure to seal his reinforcement with a Dark orb. Once you're Lv.90, go fight the Arduran you fed up, and enjoy getting hundreds of legendary cores like it's nothing and get KOS-MOS without a sweat.

Attached: D8NjUUQUEAQ67Yz.jpg orig Proto Mythra.jpg (1500x2121, 439K)

She's part of a single blade

>the character designs are fucking trash for the most part
Only if you're one of those types who gets butthurt about MUH ANIME

Because its the only remotely interesting thing about Nintendo's E3 direct. It's too soon for XBC3 so I see no chance of anything worthwhile coming out of it

Adding on to what the other user said, I think Gears is better than Saga overall but Saga III is the best individual game.
I'd say start with Gears and decide then whether or not you want more. Also, you don't really have to play any of them to appreciate XC2, all you need to know is muh zohar.

It's definitely worth it. Just make sure to do the sidequests when you get them (or at least, try to do most of them) because they're mandatory, but most are fun to do if you get immersed in the NPCs antics. Definitely an improvement over the ones in the base game (bare some DLC quests which were bretty gud)

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i have never played the game but i want to make hot sweaty sticky love to the blonde one

Nah let Xenogears be and Takahashi make what he wants.

>Only if you're one of those types who gets butthurt about MUH ANIME
Not that user, but I like anime artstyles a lot and still hated a lot of Saito's designs.

This is a controversial question, but between Gears, and Saga, which do you think has the most potential in terms of it's writing? To add on to that, which would you choose if only one had the opportunity to be revived, and why?

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The only one I have any real problem with is Jin being not-Sephiroth

I wish we had gotten the story behind why Lora decided to resonate with a second Blade.
Jin's a lot closer to Marluxia than he is to Sephiroth.

I was thinking of his second form

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I love the titlescreens
>tfw I only knew about it in Ch.4 or 5 since I always put my Switch on sleep

Attached: Title Screens Collage.jpg (3840x3600, 3.02M)

pretty much, I hated the game's gacha aesthetic, The villains unironically were some of the only decent designs in the game since they at least felt coherent and not just like anime templates plastered in random pieces of sexy fabric

>that "Heh."
I know people get angry about this scene but I fucking loved it. Jin's at his best when he's being the most absurdly stereotypical edgelord possible.

Attached: Xenomazinger Chronicles 2.webm (1040x292, 2.23M)

Speaking of which, is there any intentional significance to the fact that Nia's Flesh Eater form givers her the face of her sister while Jin's makes him look more "titan" like?

Attached: 61938527_2209564292707475_2677359892225851392_o.jpg (1280x720, 217K)

How many anime or anime games do the whole "attractive-young-woman/girl-shares-her-life-with-attractive-young-man" trope?

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>Games is very slow to get started, both story and gameplay wise. Takes too long to tell if what's going on is meant to be taken seriously and key gameplay mechanics are locked behind the plot

You can reach the end of chapter 3 where things pick up in under 10 hours. Yes, this is a long time, but people forget that Xenoblade 1 took a good 40ish hours slowly giving you your Monado arts. People also forget that Xenoblade X forced you to go through a basic bitch class for the first 10 levels and then a basic bitch class level 2 for the next 10 levels before you could get to the real classes and customization, in addition to making you wait 30 hours before you get access to mechs. People also forget Xenoblade 2 taking its time explaining each individual system is a direct response to complaints about Xenoblade X not explaining shit to you.

>Game's use of morality in "shades of grey" leads to some mismanagement of its antagonists and a lackluster final boss

Disagree 100%

>Certain elements of the story, particularly those pertaining to the certain blades and nations don't feel like they receive the time and attention they warranted

Agreed, but considering the amount of content and quality of the story we got, it is understandable that they couldn't give us more.

>Sidequests are largely forgettable

Nigger, you didn't even play them. Seriously, how could you forget:

-convincing Morag to steal her brother's underwear
-investigating the murder of the wife of an Imperial Senator, killed at the hot springs, unraveling a separatist plot within the Empire of Mor Ardain in the process.
-discovering the history of the Nopon and why they speak the way they do
-helping a couple get married, while Mythra chatises you for not proposing yet
-stopping a Nopon Suicide Cult
-trying to stop Herald from committing suicide
-Bana's revenge

Do we ever actually see her sister's face? I can't remember. I know there's no art of her in the artbook.
Speaking of the artbook, I never noticed before, but Blade Nia's official art doesn't have her facial markings.

Attached: img0047.jpg (3267x4611, 3.1M)

imagine shilling this weeb trash

>Yes, this is a long time, but people forget that Xenoblade 1 took a good 40ish hours slowly giving you your Monado arts.
That's an unfair comparison. XB1's combat is fairly complete from the start, it doesn't lock off something as vital as chain attacks or smash arts for nearly as long as XB2 does.

We don't have official art or any rendition of her, but if I remember right a NPC in Torigoth says they were very lookalike sisters

Attached: D8OjbMRVUAYVieZ.jpg orig.jpg (2150x3036, 502K)

This is all we get but you can tell the shape of her face and hair are more like Nia's blade mode than driver

Attached: 61844405_2209790806018157_8946312621531856896_o.jpg (1280x720, 117K)


>Gacha shit can be annoying, especially if you play unspoiled and waste them on Rex


>While it looks nice, the world layout is too linear to make exploration satisfying, "secret" areas are mandatory on multiple occasions, raising questions about why they're even included

Disagree, I feel there should have been more official secret areas, There is a lot of stuff to find and discover on most maps. I was satisfied.

>Rex is a frustratingly standard shonen protagonist for a game that otherwise aims to subvert expectations and try new things

Rex was fine, and was less standard than Shulk or self insert Cross

>Finale is painfully predictable while trying to pretend that it isn't, feels like a copout in some ways

The finale was fucking awesome.

The game has 3 major flaws:

1. Field Skills. They suck.
2. Tutorials cannot be revisited in the Menus/No in game manual
3. Merc Missions being as Mandatory as they are for so many quests, and the entirety of Ursula's quest is absolute fucking cancer.

Aside from that the game is damn near perfect, the other negative points being minor nitpicks in the grand scheme of things.

>-stopping a Nopon Suicide Cult
Wait, how could I miss this?

Attached: The truth about the (((Nopons))).jpg (1280x9360, 3.48M)


fug you're right, I totally forgot this

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It is Vale's blade quest, I think.

It's Vale's quest.

Attached: atheist nopon.png (1280x720, 1.53M)

That was in Vale's blade quest

They lost their memories.

>convincing Morag to steal her brother's underwear
That was just hilarious

Attached: 1556234053726.jpg (3748x2894, 1.25M)

Certain Heart-to-Hearts involving Rex and Driver Nia will award Trust to Blade Nia, including ones from before the reveal.

Cope, Moragfag

Jin is nothing like Marluxia, personality wise.

This post doesn't make any sense

Attached: Morag teaching.jpg (1280x720, 232K)

they didn't know they would be revived. Listen to the lyrics of the goddamn song that is playing during that whole sequence. It was Klaus's last gift to the party. The parts of the song even line up with the actions in the cutscene, with the last few lyrics talking about how she wants to tell the person she loves how she feels about them, before saying "I want you to know...." while Pyra/Mythra mouths some words silently. It is super obviously clear what's happening.

>stopping a Nopon Suicide Cult
It wasn't a suicide cult, they were trying to summon a demon so Nopon could rule the world.

>was less standard than Shulk
I actually felt that the central protagonist openly seeking vengance on an entire group was something you don't usually see

We're talking about designs, not personalities.

i'm talking about the subject matter, not the trust rewards

>they were trying to summon a demon so Nopon could rule the world.
Dem fucking Nopons and their lust for world domination. I bet Takahashi is setting them up as the real big baddies behind the whole Xenoblade series.

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Oh boy, that chalkboard can be translated now.

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It was almost as bad as BoTW's the fuck are you smoking?

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Alrest's World Crystal

also cute Utahime

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The voice acting is hit or miss for me. Which are you guy's favorite VA's for Xeno 2? Favorite as in not good or bad, just the ones you liked the most.
Hardmode: no Malos.
I think the VA's for Morag and Nia had great voices for their characters even if the acting was stiff. Morag shouting for Nigel was pretty impactful though.

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Would be more legible if the textures were ripped.

>SEETHING so hard he doesn't make sense
Take your meds

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>a game that otherwise aims to subvert expectations and try new things

are you fucking stupid the entire game was a homage to 80s anime and simpler times, the whole fucking main theme was "boy meets girl" from the start, what fucking subversion did you see anywhere? it's literally galaxy express 999 + xenogears that you are seeing, holy zoomer

I love how sinister Nopons really are, it makes them a lot more interesting than just generic cute fantasy creatures.

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Don't worry, he'll get the recognition he deserves when he becomes a Shulk Echo in Smash 6

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pyra is a free fire combo since she is integrated into the other two

>Censoring a character AND using an OP item the game was not designed for

Overall I loved the game. I only have 2 issues with it (was playing dub) 1) the VA's don't know how to emote thus make me really care about certain things. 2) the music was always over powering the VA's in the cutscenes so it made it less enjoyable and I had to strain to hear the story.

I recognize this post due to what you say at the end. So fuck you. Voice acting is most definitely important especially when the majority of the story is told through voiced cutscenes. It definitely hurts the story when the main cast especially nia, rex, and pyra in English sound terrible.

I hope they go all out in the next game regarding Nopons stuffs

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not in challenge mode, you need utility, evades, burst damage or party wide buffs

good block rate + constant regen = can give up meme crit heal for something more useful

Yeah, it was cool for the first quarter of the game before he became the literal most shounen protagonist ever "if we kill them we will be just like them!"

And that's why he's king.

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lmao I can't believe people are still using my image

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>Hardmode: no Malos.
I'm sorry user, I have to be true to myself. He's my favorite.
Other than him, though, I liked Nia, Poppi, Morag, Zeke, Lora, Niall/Hugo, Addam, Brighid/Boreas/Finch, Kora, and Azami's dub VAs a lot.
My problem with XB2's dub was mainly with the shit direction, not the VAs themselves.

I never understood what made the Nopon so compelling to people. Personally, all I see them as, are cute mascot figures.

That's not true xeno threads are good...

For me, it's Zeke

They are literally the jews of the Xenoblade series.
Obsessed with profit, scheming and suprisingly well connected.

When I tell you to cope, I expect you to cope, Eric. Now fuck off. This is your last warning.
You can definitely leave. We don't need that in this thread.

Nia for sure. She single-handedly got me through the earlygame of the dub.

I liked them in XB1 because they were cute and weren't too gimmicky as mascot characters.
Then X and 2 went full jew with them and now they suck.

How can Takahashi always get away with it?

Attached: How wars profit Nopons.jpg (1280x720, 286K)

>Excellent supporting cast.
Fuck no. Like you said Nia and Malos are cool and so are a couple of other characters, but the overall cast is heavily bogged down by absolute trash like Pyra, Mythra and Rex.
>Excellent visual design for world and characters
For the world, yes. Characters? No.

Honestly if this game had a good artstyle and you'd cut out the trash characters like Pyra and Mythra, it'd definitely be the best Xenoblade game.

do you know what 'supporting cast' means


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The entire dub is garbage.

He mentioned Nia himself and she's a main character so I mentioned Pyra and Mythra.

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The nopon were really amazing in 2, I'd even rank Tora a bit higher than Riki. Takahashi really went full-out with making them the jews of the setting and playing off of the dynamic between their mascot aesthetics and the grimmer aspects of them that, to a degree, has been present in all 3 games.

Nia and Malos are already the best by popular consensus and saying either would feel like cheating, so after thinking on it a bit, I'm gonna say Arina Li's Poppi is underappreciated. Not even just for the acting quality, but doing three distinct but similar voices for all three Poppi forms too.

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Pyra/Mythra and Rex are the main characters. People like Nia and everyone else you mentioned are supporting cast.

the nopon in xc1 weren't any more grimy than the other races

Reminder that the Nopon weren't on the evolutionary tree that Klaus showed us so they aren't natural. What the fuck are they and where are they from?

God's chosen mascot

I'd agree, yeah?

>I feel a certain kind of kinship towards you, Kassandra.
>Praxis, take off that RIDICULOUS eyepatch! You're infringing my copyright!
>Roc, you're a bit too flashy! You've gotta be cooler and darker, like me!
These are all gold.

They're also the only sapient species native to Mira.

There's something cosmically fucky about them, and I'm not even convinced that we'll ever get an answer about them.

>Praxis gets fucking pissed at Zeke because Praxis actually only has one eye while Zeke is just faking it because he only has one contact lens

>The only reason people like Nopon here is because of Jew memes
How does that make them compelling, whatsoever

Because it's funny

Plus their design as a race is interesting and the casual racism against them is always great.

Same reason the ferengi are compelling.

I didn't say they were compelling, I said I liked them.
>it say here that nopon dialect made-up to make nopon cute-cute and unassuming to other races!
How can you not love that shit?

All I know, is that I want a pink, tomboy, female Nopon with direct references to Chu-Chu as a party member in XC3.

not only are they not native to alrest, they reject its religion too.
and rather than having a home titan that they live on/inside like the other races, they form trade guilds and use titans to haul around their ships and live on those. most can't resonate with blades, either.
i'm just overthinking it for fun, but it's interesting how a lot of the aspects of the way the nopon in alrest live are kind of the opposite of the humans' culture.

I can point out all sorts of things I dislike about XBC2, but at the end of the day I had a lot of fun for ~120 hours of playtime.

Torna was a lot better, but having to actually do 2003-MMORPG-esque quests was shit.

For me, I felt similar about XBC2 and Xenogears (and PS:T for that matter) in that the game has a ton of flaws, but what it does right puts it above its peers. Overly ambitious games.

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All these characters keep making cat jokes about Nia, but does Alrest even HAVE cats?

Xenoblade x Code Geass when?

They have catlike Blades. Close enough, probably. Might be some carryover culture from the old world without proper context.

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in one flashback, malos hits something offscreen and it makes a cat sound, but that could still possibly be a gormotti imo

Expecting some BIG revelations about them in the next Xeno well, not really. But if there's indeed something big about them in the whole Xeno metaverse, I expect it to be something funny, and I'll love it

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>We finally get to see what the zohar truly is in the final xeno game
>It's a space ship piloted by nopon that use its power to jew people across universes

Would unironically love it

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dromarch is explicitly referred to as a tiger at one point. The actual animals they're based off of must exist somewhere

They probably salvaged some "THE CAT GOES MEOW THE DOG GOES WOOF WOOF" children's books from Morytha and took them to be ancient scriptures about old mythological animal deities and the Gormotti were quick to call themselves descendants of the mystical and revered cats.

>Credits roll as this but with MEHs instead of woofs starts playing

None of the Gormotti ever really make noises like that, so I think it actually was a cat.

>Takahashi's plan wasn't to make some large multiple-game long story, it was to lead players to a fucking shitpost ending that he planned since Xenogears
Dear god

>tfw you realize if the world ever goes the shitter, future archeologists 1000 years from now will find all our weird shit and will have the wrong ideas about us, or some people will start some religions about the weirdest things

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>Goatse is the only piece of media to survive the nuclear holocaust
>Millions of years later aliens find Earth and start an anal prolapse cult

I want Nia to be revered as a fertility goddess

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I think there was a gag about Senator Roderich eating ice cream out of ancient toilet bowls or something hidden in some side dialogue. Alrest is probably ridden with that kind of thing.

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>We get a lot of Ancient Chalices, but they don't really have much in the way of technological merit.
>They're more like art pieces, really. They're these great big pearly-white vases, good for sticking flowers in.
>The only thing that bugs me about them is that they have lids attached for some reason.
>Incidentally, back when Senator Roderich was younger...
>I heard he filled a whole Ancient Chalice up with Steam-Gel Ice Cream and scoffed down the lot!
>Can you imagine? I'm actually a little jealous...

Azurda's reactions in that scene were the best

Also reminder that he canonically has a womb big enough to store at least one core crystal.

Attached: Gramp's womb.png (1920x1080, 3.14M)

imagine being Klaus and spending all that time and effort recreating humanity and restoring the world only to watch them spend their time decorating their palaces with toilets full of fucking flowers

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>life was a mistake
>It's nothing but trash

In my first playthrough, I expected the architect to be a dickish God like most jrpgs, glad I was wrong

Imagine being Klaus and spending all that time and effort recreating humanity and restoring the world only to realize you've accidentally made catgirls real

Attached: Man Who Thought He'd Lost All Hope Finds Last Additional Bit Of Hope He Didn't Even Know H (362x447, 284K)

Klaus is a weeb that recreated the world to make anime real. 2 Klaus got his love of anime girls while 1 Zanza got his love for mecha.

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>tfw no female common blade with cat ears gf

So I just found out that killing the ardun on the gormotti farm before you get it to its final evolution makes it never respawn and locks you out of the best legendary core farm spot. Keep in mind I discovered this a few days after I carelessly killed the level 80 version, so the save is long gone.
Should I wait to grind KOS-MOS in NG+, or can I just make the grind work out with a different superboss before going into NG+?

Who should be my party? I'm using Rex for DPS, Nia for heal and Morag for tank since I don't like Tiger Tiger to farm Poppi.

Also, should I try to finish all the optonal quest in my first playthrough?

well, he's still enough of a dick to not give a fuck about malos getting influenced by amalthus and trying to destroy everything
still better than the standard jrpg god though
cloud sea king ken is a good second option if you lost arduran

If you don't want to wait until NG+, grind on Cloud Sea King Ken (giant squid found in lower Tantal in the mist) instead, he's got a little less HP and a little more threatening attacks but he's still a great farming spot.

I actually did one farming fight against him already, found his huge body hitbox really annoying. What makes him better than, say, Tyrannotitan or other super-high level UMs? Does he just have a higher chance to drop legendaries?

That's a pretty good party. I found that Tora wasn't really worth it before the endgame, since Tiger Tiger's such a pain in the ass.
As someone who did all the quests on my first playthrough, I wouldn't worry too much about trying to do all of them. Some quests, like Bearing Her Soul are honestly way more trouble than they're worth and just make playing the game less fun.

>excellent visual design for characters

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>Imagine being Klaus and spending all that time and effort recreating humanity and restoring the world only to realize you've accidentally made catgirls real
Imagine realizing that and then remembering that your other half is the one who got your dick.

Also imagine realizing that your other half gets your old gf but he's too power hungry to actually fuck them, so you never get feel it.

Reminder to pray for Tora for he does not have long left on this Earth.

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>Excellent combat system
The game never shoves a brick wall and tells you to learn. It never challenges you outside of DLC but even then it's falls back to mediocre abuse of spreadsheets/effects common to all RPGS. The amount of busywork for each skill tree fucking sucks dick. It's fucking busy work and some skills are flat out broken or flat out useless. There are people out there who have never gotten out of auto attacking and special. It's not as if the middle ground of combat is any special. It's just follow the combo tree.
Sure things like crystal earrings and fusion combos, infinity/critical symbols etc are interesting for combo purposes but at that point most people are just messing around and not playing the core game which is a fucking shame.

The combat system is mediocre because it was designed to allow the shittiest player to still be able to play the game. Sure they may waste more time but at the same time there's no real challenge to players.

>Game's use of morality in "shades of grey" leads to some mismanagement of its antagonists and a lackluster final boss
Not really sure what you mean here champ

tora understands that he can invest the sausages and live on dividends indefinitely

The game actually keeps track of how much time has passed since you started. For me, I'm 686 days in, so my adventures have taken place for nearly two years.

Most sidequest are largely forgettable but a lot of the rare blade sidequests are very good and do a great job expanding the scope of the world. For instance I loved how Praxis, Theory, and Vess' quests all dealt with memories and I loved how Finch and Kasandra's quests gave some more background on the Tirkin

>Excellent combat system

I seriously hope you fags don't think a game playing itself for you is good combat. Unironically kill yourself OP.

the /m/an in me smiled

I'm currently at chapter 6, but most of the optional quest are shit so I don't know it is worth to do them. I think I'll be try to finish all the ones who are blade-related.

How corvin is A? He literally breaks the game if you give him to zeke

These women are wanted for kidnapping and molestation of an underage boy. Please, if you have any information contact your local authorities.

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>You just have to wait 150 hours before the game gets fun guys!

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Other Blades have the potential to be even more broken. Fiora has insane damage output and healing. One of Corvin's biggest disadvantages is that his Specials take forever.


It's totally fine. What's wrong with it?

There are some side quests not related to blades that are good but they're by and large pretty meh. However most of the blade quests are very good and there's like 40 of them so that makes up for it i think