Mature Video Games

Does anyone else find that most "mature" video games feel more juvenile than games actually made for children?

A game like Super Mario is what it is, just a fat cartoon plumber jumping on turtles; it's colorful and playful and doesn't really pretend to be anything else. But with games such as The Last of Us it feels like there's this element of dishonesty, it wants to be adult and taken seriously, but a large portion of the game is spent on gore porn combat. Call of Duty is probably the absolute worst offender when it comes to this, it wants to show "the horrors of war", but nobody actually fucking buys CoD for that, they buy so they can drop air strikes and shoot people in the face. If these games were actually for adults you wouldn't have millions of 12 year olds playing them-

I would say there's actually very few video games that feel like they're genuinely made for adults, and almost none of them are AAA games; it would be stuff like Papers Please or something.

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Its just Naughty Dog and their usual horse shit movie games.

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I won’t use the word “buy”

We have this thread every day.

You're thinking about it too much bro.

There isn't really much mature entertainment around these days, it's too much effort to make and isn't profitable. Mature people are wise, they don't make good mindless consumers like the retards who think The Last of Us and Game of Thrones is the pinnacle of writing.

Mature is just yet another hot buzzword

It was so fucking stupid how Uncharted 4 tried to make the story more realistic insteady of shlocky to adress the "DUDE DRAKE IS A MASS MURDERER LMAO"

The fact that Naughty Dog actually tried to "fix" the issue just made the problem worse.

Oh we're doing this now. Again.
How many posts will this thread reach this time? 300? 400?

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You spelled "obesed" wrong ESL-kun.


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Super Mario was literally made for kids though. There's a reason it doesn't have a mature rating. The Last of Us has a mature rating. Seems like you're just seething because one game is not on your system of choice.

I do, and I mostly like good stories. I like reading a lot, and most of the ''cinematic'' or story focused games that brag about it aren't above young adult, or netflix levels of writing. Most of those types of games try so hard to be a hollywood movie that they actually use basic hollywood levels of writing so it becomes a basic as fuck movie.

Once you've achieved true wisdom you don't need media throwing a bunch of philosophical concepts that you've already explored in much more depth, and just bask in mindless fun.
t. 1000 yo qt loli monk.

can i pat the loli monk


You can tell op is a seething tendie who got mad because people kept saying Nintendo only makes kiddy games.

Octopath is more mature than any of the cinematic snoy trash and it's not even that mature

Many of these games like TLOU are not mature, but pretentious.
Learn the difference.


I feel like more often than not, the claim that a choice is being made because they want the video game to be "mature" is just a post-hoc justification, and their actual reasoning for the change was something completely different.
The worst offender, I felt, was that recent mortal combat game, where they made the female characters dress more modestly and claimed it was because the series that's only notable for essentially being extreme gore porn is "maturing," when it was pretty obvious they were making changes to character designs to respond to changes in the political climate.

>t.delusional nintentrannie

It's time Switchlets start admitting their happy meal toy is made for kids and stop seething at real consoles.

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Wow, the OP manage to bring out all the buttblasted sonybros, congrats OP

this desu

Metal Gear Solid is one of the few franchises that managed to sidestep this issue I feel.

All the serious political and military drama is counter-balanced by all the stupid and wacky video game bullshit that the game doesn't try to downplay at all.

The average consumer doesn't give a fuck about how "mature" something is, the top-selling franchises in the world are all family-friendly

So no, you're not alone.

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Right, MK11 clearly gave in to the outrage when it used to be a proponent against letting outside influence control your game.

Games can be political, but nobody likes to be force-fed changes because somebody else couldn't handle seeing a little skin. for the record, men and women weren't happy about the changes to the designs for MK11

Huh, that's funny. And and the devs must really think the same, because i wouldn't use the word fun for any Naughty Dog game

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seething sonygroids

your movie games suck

Last year's E3 trailer for TLOU2 was really fucking dumb.

Basically a 8 minute video of torture porn used to sell the game, and when Sony was called out for it they just went-
>Yeah well it's a game for adults.
Really says a lot about the state of the industry when the poster child for mature gaming sells itself on being as gruesome as possible.

It's time Snoylents start admitting their under powered wannabe PC is made for sports kids and stop seething at real game systems.

Games like that are not for 'mature' people. The target audience is teens believing they are more mature than the rest of his pairs. You can see the same thing in youtube comments of old songs: "I'm 14 and my generation taste in music is shit, I listen to good music."

>all these man-children defending senseless gore and "ur dur weed penis" as """mature""" content
OP is not that wrong after all.

Unfortunately majority of these games dont mananged to do it well.

"Mature" games are considered something special only by manchildren who have never read a book outside mandatory classroom reading and do not watch films outside blockbusters.

With Mario the focus is on how it works as a game, how its mechanics interact etc. The aesthetic is childish but that sort of comes afterwards. There's nothing inherently childish about Mario games or games in and of themselves. Adults play card games to pass the time and the same logic applies - what's appealing about them are the rules and how the game works

I suppose the appeal of The Last of Us 2 is more movie-like. But the movies it mimics aren't intelligent mature masterpieces. If I remember correctly the first one sort of had a "zombies - with a twist" story revolving around that parasitic fungi that infects ants. Silly blockbuster/genre stuff

I guess it says a lot about these types of cinematic story games that The Last of Us was so praised, a lot of them are quite content to copy the blockbusters and don't bother to do anything really interesting. It's like that trailer at the last E3 for the sequel. As much as people hate the lesbian scene, it's an uncommonly sensitive and subdued scene depicting emotions in a video game.
Then, immediately afterwards, they ruin it with a stupid "omg so brutal" QTE kill in a badass post-apocalyptic setting. Obviously the contrast is intended, but the prior scene is so much more mature and impressive

Why Nintendo fans believe that their system is the only one with real videogames?
I've never played a cinematic game and the last Nintendo system I owned was the DS.

Why bother? I fucking hate this trend of "muh serious cinematic experience" with average at best gameplay

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I always felt Suda51 was amazing at making fun of the video game medium, in a way that often flies over people's heads.

No More Heroes has you fighting to become the world's greatest assassin, but you're playing as this asswipe who loves anime and has to do regular chores to still earn money; it creates this sort of hilarious contrast that highlights how ridiculous video games are.

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Sony bought Psygnosis, renamed it to Studio Liverpool, and killed it. No more Rollcage, no more Wipeout, no more Colony Wars.

You can shit on Nintendo and Microsoft (hell, add Konami, too) all day for their bad decisions, but nothing will top this. Fuck Sony.

Yeah, well put. TLOU is a rip off of the Road for the most part. It is obvious that Druckmann couldn't cut it in Hollywood so he went to video games which has a low standard in storytelling. The gameplay didn't even need to exist in this game. In fact, the gameplay felt like filler. He wants his games to have an air of artistry and intelligence when it comes off as dishonest.

I was talking PC

Ah yes, I call it the Yea Forums syndrome.
I used to have a pic for Yea Forums about it, I can't find it but it was like
Anime for kids
Berserk, Hellsing, Akira, Elfen Lied
Anime for adults
Precure, Doremi, School Days, etc.


Also. Funny how autism kids turned a thread games/general into childish consolewars
Maybe there is nothing more to say afterall...

No we don't

>seething Nincel make a thread about a Sony game, TLOU 2 while comparing a Nintendo game, Mario.
>wahhhhhhh hhy are you guys making this about console wars?

Stay obsessed with Sony.

I have a PS4 and Switch my child

There's nothing wrong with admitting you play children's games nincels. Stop trying so hard.

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the only good things to come out of tlou is the cunny 3d models. You can't prove me wrong on this.

Same here. Doesn't change the fact that Op is an obsessed child who can't stop talking about Sony games because he's mad Sony won.

Imagine being this obsessed that some guy wanted to make something else besides bing bing wahoo

Yea ForumstendoGaf just can't get over this.

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These are the fags that are writing the next COD with anti-Assad propaganda and pro Kurdish support.

I wish there were much more silly and honestly kinda dumb adult oriented games with large budgets instead of the "cinematic experience trend". I get the appeal, I was a lorefag and got erections about MUH VIDYA PLOTS when I was a teenager, but now I just want to unwind, watch virtual stuff break and have sensible chuckles when I play without getting thinly veiled real world social issues thrown in my face through boring cutscenes.
I guess I'll just play old shooters and action games some more.

Good mature games:
Nier automata, rdr2, silent hill: shattered memories, I am alive, pic related and so on
Bad "mature" games:
Everything Sony did has "mature" games

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>Good mature games
>Nier automata

>stop and pop shooter that isn't as tight as Gears of War in '06
>attach some lame cutscenes with paint by numbers drama
>add some gay shit

It's up every day. Fuck you.

Come on, just skip the shonen/2b ass part and see the real plot of the game

>I Am Alive
I liked it but it has maybe the worst ending I've ever witnessed in a game.

silent hill: shattered memories was a good shout though. surprisingly good writing (shame about the gameplay)

They are all pure schlock.
It's all DEEP voices and people CRYING and SHOUTING and then feeling SORRY because they didn't MEAN it but they were just EMOTIONAL.
It's all just utter emotional wankery by self-important writers who forced themselves into video games and thus turned an interactive medium in which players have *fun* into a vessel for shitty derivative scripts written by these failed writers that couldn't get into movies.
Games used to be fucking fun. I don't boot up a game to pretend to give a shit about the plastic characters that are forced down my throat. I play to have fun. And I don't play these moviegames anymore.

they don't use the word "fun"
I don't use the word "purchase"
somehow it all works out

You sure are obsessed with them.

duh. the harder you try, the more childish you seem


Pic is the only thing i ever see Yea Forums hating on, is there anything else the director or others have said about their game that butt blasted Yea Forums in eternal btfo state?
Would Yea Forums be happier if Neil said that he and his colleagues watch comedy central or sesame street for fun?

A thread died for this cynical drivel. Have ingenuity.

>aldut people talking about games, mostly PC games
>kids join in
-"Suunnyy Obssed BuzzOrD"

Yea Forums became even worse after class/15h
Repost it late, OP. When chieldren are sleeping or at school.

What is it about Sony games that makes tendies seethe so hard? They seem to only talk about Sony games and nothing else. Nintendo games must be really boring.

Hi op. You got BTFO in your own thread. You're same fagging and damage controlling is pathetic. Stay obsessed.

This is why I mostly play online games or indies. The second the game turns into trying to make me feel sorry for the protag and forcing face-scanned uncanny valley crying and angry faces I lose all interest. Gaming virtually died in 2006

Look, this game needs to fail. If you genuinely care about the well-being of this industry, this game needs to flop.

It's not going to, but I would be so fucking happy if it did.

>This is why I mostly play online games or indies.

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Sure is summer in here

This game that's not on my bing bing Wahoo machine needs to flop! Only Bing Bing Wahoos should succeed.

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god forbid someone makes something that doesn't appeal to you. is it really worth weeping over?

Sure is Basedtendo in this post.

Just play Spec Ops: The Line

>Sonyfags immediately deflecting to console warring / false-flagging under Schrodinger's Irony despite zero reference in the OP

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>No. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. ALL GAMES HAVE TO BE BING BING WAHOOO OR THEY'RE NOT REAL GAMES! I only play games if they're colorful and have a fat plumber jumping on mushrooms. Fuck everyone else. ?>REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

>mfw I get to play another emotional movie

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Says the obsessed tendie who can't stop posting about Sony exclusives.

didn't they remove donut drake?
>i guess banning "fun" checks out

That's mostly because third worlders want a soccer machine.

The days of childish gaming are over.
Games now talk about politics, religion, gender equality and existentialism, if you want games without that go play hide-and-seek or whatever you Trump supporter childrens frinds play.

What a coincidence I also don't use the words, "I play Naughty Dog games."