Realistic graphics

>realistic graphics
>still literally, unironically SOUL
How can they do it?

Attached: 1559665165448.jpg (1920x1080, 1.63M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Wait was Tigrex confirmed?

>that snow
Holy shit, you're in like knee deep.

Not just Tiggy.

Attached: latest[1].png (981x685, 802K)

wow a foot of snow

I was knee deep in your mom's ass last night

there will probably be a snow movement skill
i love that shit

>knee deep
>a foot
kys manlet

How much do you want to bet the snow is just like water and slows you down in all these fights? Sounds like padding to me

>Bent legs at 90 degrees
>leaning forward 40 degrees
>mh characters are literal manlets
A foot of snow

He's been "confirmed" since the last trailer. Now we've fully seen him, Glavenus was the new tease.

Where did they confirm him op?

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there is a new trailer today where they showed him

I really want Barioth to also be in. I also want a Barioth vs Nargacuga vs Tigrex turf war.

New trailer:

Tigrex and Glavenous confirmed
also you can ride Jagras now

New trailer
Also the site has a shit ton of news about monsters and the new hub and npcs

>>realistic graphics
None of that looks realistic in the slightest.

Who's on the far left? Alatreon? I don't recoginze just the head

Weapon designs are still a few pieces of monster shit rubber banded to the iron and bone base weapons. Fuck Capcom.

fuck thats pretty funny

a 720p performance option like nioh would be nice
the frames on a regular PS4 is fucking unbearable

Hang on that aint the Legiana lance/GL is it?

And glavenus

Attached: 1559662651484.jpg (242x639, 35K)

This guy

Attached: 6FBF8B6F-6750-4647-9253-F081E402EDF4.png (1101x512, 321K)

ye because dinosaurs should have feathers

Just buy a ps5 lol

Pretty sure thats dodogama


is that in the middle my boy gore magala?!

dinosaurs should at least have footprints

Monster Hunter is one of the ugliest and worst animated games out there.
Textures look like they're smeared with wax, and every movement looks like an epileptic spasm.

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yes goy its got soul now make sure to buy the special edition for that bonus transmog and buy all the new chat stickers and emotes


Attached: IMG_20190604_173131.jpg (1920x1080, 416K)

Confirmed thus far:
>Shrieking Legiana (Legiana's variant)

Most likely:
>Silver Rathalos
>Golden Rathian
>Rusted Kushala Daora
>Savage Deviljho
>Oroshi Kirin
>Xeno'Jiiva subespecies >Bazelgeuse variant
>Hoarfrost Reach apex monster
>3-4 subespecies
>New final boss

Possible through association (Hopes and dreams):
>Green Nargacuga
>Lucent Nargacuga
>Brute Tigrex
>Molten Tigrex
>Raging Brachydios
>Gore Magala
>Shagaru Magala
>Stygian Zinogre

How is Iceborne roster looking thus far anons?

Attached: Regu think.png (494x685, 482K)

It's the best looking gook game by miles but it's still trash

Attached: 15835864563.jpg (148x148, 18K)


I'm being serious. It looks worse than handmade budget eurojank somehow, it's actually amazing.

The guys on the poster that haven't been confirmed yet are
Gore Magala
and Valstrax

Mah boy jet dragon is in!

Attached: A3C2EE9C-9F34-492E-B9DE-D0D1C3FF2FA5.jpg (1200x1200, 254K)

>All you could see was the femur hanging out

No siegu, no buyu.

>t.seething tendie.

I mainly just play Quake and Runescape.

What monster is that at 2:10? Is it a new one?

> most likely
Based on what exactly?

Sorry bud, if he ain't in
I wouldn't get my hopes up


Just the new Legiana sub imo

>Fucking Brachy and niggermoth

>that jet fuel dragon from XX
holy FUCK the only way they could make this better is Nerscylla/Seltas Queen but I know that's a hard no

If Glavenus is in then Gammoth is 100% in.

Actual art direction instead of MAKE IT AS ACCURATE AS POSSIBLE
realistically it wouldn’t be so colorful, full of life and any living creatures would be pure white or gray to blend in.

cope with what? Functioning eyeballs?

you world drones seriously need to stop letting nintendo live rent free in your head
you point out some minor flaw with the game and its TENDIE TENIDE NINCEL without ever actually giving a counter argument

Still kino

Based wife beater calling Capcom the fuck out

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>defending gook graphics

whats the point of being able to ride a jagras and probably all the other tailraider type shit, anyway?
hope it adds new moves and acts as a body shield at the very least, i cant imagine itd be useful for travel, by the time you wrassled one down you could have just ran to the next zone

No one is saying you aren't being serious. Whether you are or aren't, you're still stupid in the end

> worldsperms crying about not having new weapons
Cmon guys

>t.seething tendie

Get over it. You lost Monster Hunter. Just buy a real console and play it.

Hardly of any use to you if your brain never finished developing.

Glavenus is by far my favorite monster in all of Monster Hunter I am so happy to see him back and to see him do turf wars. I want to see him do a flip and slice a rathalos' wings and I want to play a song while it happens.

Attached: hunting horn.gif (824x707, 1.39M)

There's like 5 decent weapons in world

whose the guy to the left of valstrax


all I need now is Mizutsune and Barioth

I don't think so. Isn't Legiana immune to ice? How could it freeze?

Attached: unknown 1.png (1070x582, 584K)

I didn't buy a game where basic fucking running animations make your equipment clip through your body and itself.
Laughable graphics.

pc, ps4 + switch actually
i didn't "lose" shit

clipping doesn't fall under graphics

This is just iceless Velkhana, right?

Attached: unknown 2.png (1073x603, 678K)

It does fall under trash or not trash though.

it makes the presentation look amateurish at best.
I wouldm't buy this shitheap for $5


What game do you like user? It better not have any sort of clipping.

only 8 to go!

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>Tigrex is slow as fuck.

I can't wait for them to make Glavenus a joke too.

Wife beater?

its animation/model issue
its graphics

you forgot about Kushala under spikeboi's horn

Games made after 2005


Attached: UNF.jpg (800x800, 86K)

Looks like it.

Velkhana literally stealing from Zamstrios too.

fuck wheres the switch version goddamn it

Most chances of appearing due to being a stapple monster (the metallic raths), being very easy to implement (Savage and Bazelgeuse variant), being leaked (Oroshi and Alatreon) or following the patterns of previous G versions (all of them)

there isn't a single 3d game with no clipping, it's literally impossible

Ah, so you have nothing. Good to know.

The major plot point i can see from the trailers thus far is Velkana being a bitch and flying around freezing everything (like that poor anjanath)
On closer inspection it might be just another wingdrake, or Velkana’s freezing power is so strong it freezes monsters that live in literally freezing enviroment

>Switch Version

It'll be Portable World.

hahaha sorry pal, the tablet cant handle mhw even if it tries

Down to seven!

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how long has it been unacceptable to have major clipping issues in a western game?

Hopefully that means Raizex and Mizutsune make it in too.

but i need my switch

Man I really wonder what people like you will do when they start a new Portable series.

>Steve is there
How could they cuck Rath again

Seriou question for those who were disappointed in world? is this list + the new location's village enough to redeem the game for you?

It’s literally so you can automatically get from point A to b while you pop buffs and other shit

No, only way to have soul in World is using reshade/geforce experience filters to give it some color.

That’s just a frozen Cortos wingdrake.

PLease Gimme silver rathalos or Dalamadur


So they pretty much make Anjanath obsolete?

Raizex is easy enough, since it uses the rathalos skeleton
Gammoth is more unlikely, but since they let popo in, might as well let the popodrome tag along
Mizu, i dunno. It needs the leviathan skeleton. If they somehow fix lagiacrus, then it has a chance

Never? Devs deal with it, but it's not the end of the world like your autistic shrieking leads you to believe.

Anjanath has shit weapons anyway.

laugh at people playing 160 p games with three hundred degree explosives right up to their face.

>Silver Rathalos


> friend finally gets mhw
> only plays solo
> whenever he does multiplayer, never uses life powder or other shit to support the team
Glad I stoped playing with that fag

MHW being a multiplat shouldn't generate any shitposting but no, you Nintentard just have to ruin everyone's fun because the game is not on Switch and you're too poor and too loyal to Nintendo to own a PC / PS4. Fucking grow up. No one is complaining when MH went to Nintendo platforms. I'm PCfag but I still bought 3DS and Switch solely for MH. Why the fuck can't you special snowflake toddlers do the same and get a PC or PS4 for MHW instead of being eternally buttblasted?

Only short men unironically use the term manlet. I've noticed it is a coping mechanism on this site.

So you're saying gook games get away with unacceptable things just because they're gook games?

What do you think you're seeing here?

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>another rathalos
>another hueg monster
off yourself

Attached: 1559504262642.jpg (720x720, 111K)

I dunno man, the PSP games were pretty popular.


I've played plenty where the MAIN THING YOU ARE LOOKING AT isn't bugged to shit.
You morons lap this up lile hotcakes.

Glavenus appears to show up in the Wildspire Wastes, so they could keep it somewhat relevant by keeping Glav in the Wildspire and maybe the Recess.
The metal Raths are all but guaranteed, user. They take like no time to make.

It will only be worth a buy for them if they announce a switch version
Surprised mhw autist hasn’t appeared yet

DMCV looks way better

No, because much like western games, gook games get away with it because it's unfeasible to deal with each and every single clipping issue.

Mate, it's pretty clear the only people causing shitposting are console wars faggots.

Nobody fucking cares about the console but inbred virgins like you.

Metal Raths might as well be a given user. Make your peace now.

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>he needs a healslut
dont get hit, faggot

> hyper deviant apex tempered silver los
Gotta get that fire resist user

>Monsters are feared and respected, each forcing you to git gud or pick a different game. Every hunt was a journey on its own and the only necessary reward was the carcass of your nemesis

>Monsters are just pinatas for you and your 3 invincible anime heroes to stun with flashbombs/slingers and then effortlessly wail on it until it drops mats to sate your ape-brain's base desire for empty rewards

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he sound pretty based, unlike you

>They're actually all iconic

>disliking dalamadur
How can you live with such disgusting opinions?

Attached: dalamadur.png (1146x707, 1.39M)

>the only issue is the clipping
Laughing at you, weebshite

I guess I could consider it lucky it's so easy to down flying monsters.

But fuck Silver Rathalos and his evasive gay faggotry and homing claws.

I don't give shit about monster hunter as I think it's needlessly grind bullshit, but Capcom is pretty much the only game company that can balance realistic and stylized graphics within the same game. It's the engines they use.

They are masters at this and they've ALWAYS done this.

>t.seething tendie

If its well done yes, the scam is that for playing iceborn you still have to pay for world.
For me the new monsters were one of the biggest problems all bland as fuck.

But if iceborne promises more difficult fights , more old favorite monsters and a good story like mh4u then its a deal.

The only thing that changed is that you now feel the need to constantly proclaim that you hate fun to look cool in front of your imaginary friends on a saharan ice-fishing forum

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Hope capcom really ramps up the difficulty so these new brain dead hunters actually have to try but I know they wont

Because it isn't realistic, it's just high polygon counts and high res textures. Models and animations are still cartoony. It's a rare combo, but a good one.

>wife beater
tell me the story grandpa

Not him, but I feel there is far too much power in the Hunter's hand and not even Extremoth feels like a threat, just a chore.


Not with those shitty weapons

I dislike anything that can't actually move around unscripted
tar lad was the only good absolute unit

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I don't know what I'm looking at in the front. Is he on his knee? What the fuck is that guy on the right? He's stuck in the ground and I don't even know what that thing is in the back to his left.

>w-w-weeb! gottem haha
Glad we dealt with this. Good luck with your life user.

Why is that?

>Old was good
>New was bad
Wow.... really makes you think.....

He does have a point.

Monsters in world current trip over every two seconds and if you have any form of stun can basically never move.

I mean I guess if you play multiplayer it's shiteasy, I wouldn't know because I've only solo'd in the 475 hours I've played, and there were definitely some breakpoints for difficulty on soloplay, major ones for me being first time clearing Nergigante and AT xeno, with the only thing in game I haven't been able to solo yet being behemoth EX.

In terms of content sure, but the core mechanics are still busted and unbalanced. Not like that hasn't been the case in the past but it's a flaw nontheless.
Also, no matter what they do, Gunning in MHW is ruined.

That's basically how it always is for first monhun game vs. second monhun game.
>gotta mow through these first 100 monsters to get to the good part of the game

I wish the PC port ran better and actually got content on-time.

>3 invincible anime heroes

comparing old mh wich was played solo with group mh doesn't make much sense user

>and then effortlessly wail on it until it drops mats

is that why every time i get in a quest online everyone is fucking carting even with mid high rank monsters and we often fail the quest even if i'm playing hunting horn with atkupL defL hpboostL?

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but if they're on the poster then they have to be confirmed.

it can certainly elevate much, much higher but the core of World is this something that rubs me the wrong way

why are people surprised that flagships are coming back for a G game? Is this your first MH game or are you all just EOPs? The only time this hasn't happened was with Lagi in 4G

Would they really do this? Have an expansion include every other flagship in the series? Its pretty crazy that they've even included 3 flagships as returning monsters already but if they include every single one that would be fucking ridiculous.

Hype as i can be, the new claw attachment just feel OP. Being able to use the slinger whenever sure doesnt help too
The monsters better have something to counter it, else shit will be too easy
and sns got the short end of the stick, again. Oil when?

>realistic graphics
>jaggies out the ass
>low res player models
>clipping into the snow
this looks like a ps360 game what the fuck are you on about

What I mean is that while we can absolutely be sure that they're all in, Capcom hasn't shown them off yet.

Detailed is not the same as realistic wtf

because World's roster blew

So excited

don't worry user, they'll give every monster lots of aoes and dot auras to balance things out
it looks like the crutch claw shit will work like SA's zero sum thing, ie if a monster is attacking and you latch onto the attacking part, you'll take damage

Silly user, Jaggis aren't in the new world!

My issue with Xeno AT and Nerg AT is there HP pools need to be like 4 times the size of a T Xeno or Nerg to make the fight last any decent length.

The issue is quite clear though: It's the fact that armor skills are easy to stack and get 5 million really good damage ones.

Cause its a new engine and all. Back then they can reuse assets easily, so people are surprised that capcom actually bother to bring em all back
Tb h, im not surprised. The updated flagships in gen clearly show that they know flagships compilation sell

so did Tri's, which had even less, but P3rd did the same thing and wasn't even a G game
It's not a new engine, it's the exact same revision of MTF that XX uses, stop throwing this disinfo around

>New Engine

It's MT framework pal, it's not a new engine, just the most updated version.

oh right nerg AT is out now, I guess I haven't cleared him either then since I haven't loaded up game in a while. I was referring to normal nerg, first time when learning his moveset. tempered nerg was basically a joke because of all the time I spent on the normal one.

It's the exact same Version of MT framework as XX.

Hell there are very little differences in physics between those games.

IT's not the RE engine. Same engine on same framework, just updated.

*Stands still right under an entangled set of boulders hanging from some flimsy looking vines*

Specifically it's the same engine and rev as the switch version of XX but yeah.

AT nerg is a joke, just a long unfunny one who MAY oneshot you if you're absolutely careless.

It's a meme to garner replies like yours.

Attached: Spoils from the mounting field.jpg (720x960, 129K)

MTF is a framework mate, not an engine
Or if you are going along the line that every unity based game are on the same engine, then let it be then
My point is: new physics, TOTALLY NEW ASSETS, new enviroment interactions,... if its all the same thing then they wouldnt have such difficulty with lagiacrus

This is why people saying MHW won't run on switch are retarded.

MHW is full of memory bloat to begin with, a Portable version with trimmed textures would work fine.

>people unironically responding to a dukatpost


Might just have to return to World after this, I have to start from scratch though, I've forgotten pretty much everything. Tried starting it up again last week and it was just overwhelming me.

What did previous MH look like to you? Cave paintings?

freedom unite actually did, yes.


>MT framework is a framework not an engine
>Unity isn't an engine

Not only is MT framework a game engine, Unity 100% is a game engine too.

Let me break down your other points.

>new Physics
Not really.

>New Assets


>New Enviroment interactions

These are basically static event assets.

They had difficulty with Lagiacrus because he's a big monster than only works with a large flat area.

>All the effort into making the game 'pretty'
>still doing the whole generic bone/iron base with shit slapped on the handle

Attached: 1479368876441.jpg (1366x768, 312K)

>Every trailer since the reveal has ended with a flagship tease.
They're really doing it aren't they?

Are we being raided again?

nothing more than an anniversary image
it's fun to dream though
>MT Framework is a game engine created by Capcom
and the jump from 2nd gen to 3rd had just about as much refinement on the backend as 4th to 5th gen does, it only looks more complicated because of the giant graphics leap, all the turf wars aren't dynamic, inverse kinematics can be applied to almost everything and they most likely will bring Lagi over since they already had a prototype made and hopefully worked out that neck shit

It would make sense.

Most of the flagships used Skeletons they need and can abuse for later.

Hell, Glavenus is just Tailjho.

It's already a silky smooth 22 fps on the ps4 and it looks like shit you switch fags need to give up on it

depends completely on the difficulty and the progress. if they use this expansion to introduce more stupid shit that annoyed me on base MHW like some playstyles being locked outside KT shit (I'm looking at you wide GL shelling) or more deco grinding then no. Also I hope more things like temporal mantle aren't introduced either, and that they don't make all the old weapons completely obsolete. Overall I will be happy if I get harder, more engaging shit to kill
if this is real I will nut on the spot if they do justice to half of these


aside from Alatreon there's no effort involved in the rest of those compared to a newer monster, even one one that uses an existing skeleton like Jade Barro-I mean Banbaro.

MHW hogs CPU resources like crazy, no chance that switch could run it above 10fps


You're sort of pathetic when you don't understand the issues are the PS4 being a turdmachine to begin with and World not being Optimized due to Multiplat design.

Portable would be optimized.


Attached: monsters.jpg (1920x1080, 1.7M)

Half of the monsters in that image are confirmed in the game, and tigrex's new model and narga's new model are both in that image

Has been fixed yet?
If not I'm probably going to pass, world is a massive fucking disappointment and I dropped it after like 2 weeks of play

>Tigrex and Glavenus
Can't wait

Attached: 1534526182123.jpg (700x524, 52K)

Anja is an almost direct copy of Glavenus complete with the combustible--firehead gimmick.

They clearly lack the creativity to make new compelling monsters so it's not like they have much of a choice.

It hogs CPU resources due to the textures and visual clutter which can be turned down easily.

World is sort of a rushed game.

>restared playing just in time to get Ciri's costume
was her ass always this phat

So what's the new excuse from nintendo fans now that Iceborne is looking to be equal to MH4U?

Attached: 1551391791561.png (437x469, 200K)

Well, just boot up both games to compare the physics and stuffs, and you are right, my bad
Didnt really noticed many of the more “advanced” stuffs of world is there in GU all along
>slope slide: desert area 1 is the most noticable
>most of the “hurt” and “flying” physics are similar
The animations are noticable different tho, and since they did said that they kinda re-motion capture a lot of stuffs, understandable

Glavenus also has his tail gimmick which makes him an aggresive but fun fight.

Anjanath is literally worthless.

god can you console war shitters fuck off
i'm not a 13 year old spic and as such own multiple consoles and world is a fucking joke
MAYBE they can fix it with iceborne but I'm highly doubtful, actually putting in monsters is a start but if it's the same soulless weapons as the base game it's not that great

Even at fucking low textures and resolution there's still no way it would run close to 30fps unless every are was split into like 3 different zones with loading areas in between

Hahahaha if they refuse to optimize for PC what makes you think turning it into MHW-Lite for switch would make it run any better

He's looking good and slightly less retarded.

Attached: 1559661934362.jpg (1920x1080, 281K)

Attached: ITS AFRAID.jpg (894x480, 21K)

But how is the difficulty going to be? When is it supposed to take place? After the campaign? Harder than Arch Xeno whatever?

>put in Nargacuga
>Tigrex uses the same skeleton
>Glavenus uses the Brute Wyvern skeleton
>So would Brachydios
>Zinogre uses the same skeleton as Odogaron

Lagiacrus never ever though

That's pretty much it. The only issues the World team came into was issues that still fucking exist in the Ancient Forest.

Aka Monsters getting stuck behind shit. Laggy was an issue because he's a long fucking monster so he'll clip into EVERYTHING.

99% chance of a portable.

But nah, 4U was the apex due to the new monsters actually being fun and not a total pushover.

Why dont they just bring back the crabs, the monkeys and the bugs? Its beyond me, really. The idea is alr there

Who cares about regular glavenus?

do you want me to prove my points so you can scurry back to your console war cave?

that would probably be a given, a portable game would use the old zone system to make the game a lot easier to run

Was that a new hub in the trailer? Does that mean Reach is a new continent with several maps, like The New World?

Difficulty will probably be: Manageable until they make Tempered/Arch Tempered shit that one-shots you without doing anything new or interesting.

They'll release Master Arch Tempered monsters so they can shit that out and pretend it's content.

This is Tiger-rex
Please say something nice about him

Attached: 1559667994640.jpg (1432x806, 77K)

it's a G game, it happens after HR, it's like every other G expansion that the series has had

What, like that cherrypicked list you keep spamming?

doesn't matter anyway, the dark ages of handheld MH is finally over

Attached: XSwWdVg.jpg (646x334, 31K)


Because World is on PC; I'm talking about a portable series to run parallel with World like we all know would happen because World doesn't scratch the itch of 15 min train ride hunts that JapHunters want.

Just want to remind everyone that World is garbage, and no matter how many monster you add, the game is still awful

List of problems with Monster Hunter World, so there's no mistake that game is garbage:

>Inb4 "b-but nintendo..."

>Healing while running, can dodge while healing, move while shooting
>Many other actions can also be dodged out, including sharpening
>Traps are placed almost instantly
>Weapons in general are more mobile and stronger, think adept + brave movesets from XX combined
>Except for the hunting horn, the weakest weapon in 4U and Generations, which got NERFED in World thanks to the removal of double note system
>Overall DPS for weapons was raised significantly, up to G rank levels in a High Rank game
>Even easier mounting thanks to much lower mounting threshold (sometimes activating the mount after 1 hit), with the grappling hook taking you right back into the monster even if you fall off as a consequence of an attack
>Environment recovers health, puts the monster to sleep, paralyzes it, etc.
>You have access to your full box even during hunts, meaning you can stock up on healing items anytime
>Mantles give you OP abilities like no knockback, never be seen by the monster unless you attack or a full new health bar
>Monsters have been given more generous weakspots, the main example is Diablos with a 40 MV in its head for blunt weapons, as well as a new 45/63/40 weakspot on its head, making them more exploitable
>The changes above wouldn’t be so bad were it not for the fact that monsters DO NOT adapt to these changes, resulting in an incredibly easy game from start to finish
>The monsters themselves are also very slow and passive when compared to the old gens, they rarely string attacks together and have slow and predictable attacks in general
>The only change to tempered monsters are their damage and maybe their HP, so don’t expect actual challenge there. What a joke.

Continuing on the next post.

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requires rigging new skeletons for World instead of using existing ones they already have. Why do you think the first two monsters they showed off in Icebourne were an Ice Barroth (Even though one already exists) and an Ice Lavasioth

>What, like that cherrypicked list you keep spamming?
what the actual fuck are you even talking about now? who the fuck are you talking about?

>Dark ages of Handhelds.
>MH3U was considered one of the best "nintendo" MH.

If they want to fix difficulty they can start by making the temporal mantle useless against master rank monsters when enraged

>Arch tempered monsters have demonstrated that Capcom, when tasked to make existing monsters more difficult, instead of making them more aggressive or faster, will instead double down on their shitty gimmicks (Vaal) and raise their damage do simply absurd levels (Kirin)
>Elemental damage has been casualised, everything has an element it is weak to, good raw weakspots are always good elemental hitspots as well
>Though you might have trouble finding an elemental weapon worth a damn, considering the game leans too heavily on fire element monsters and too little on other elements, resulting in a boring roster of 34 monsters, of which most are tutorials (Great Jagras), gimmicks (Zorah, Behemoth, Kulve), irrelevant (Dodogama) or straight up garbage (Lunastra, Vaal)
>Behemoth specifically is a fucking disgrace
>Kulve specifically is a massive waste of potential, what could’ve been a fun and challenging fight (one of the few in World) against a huge monster ended up being a gimmicky mess that could take you from 20 to 50 minutes of attacking a barely moving damage sponge just to reach its true phase, where the fight actually begins, and you don’t even get to kill it in the end
>The rewards for killing it are weapons barely any better from the ones in the game already, and are in no way a replacement for the relic system in 4U
>And yes, it's a timed event monster, have fun
>It has one of the worst high rank final boss in the entire series, it’s yet another damage sponge that barely does anything
>Chasing down the monster takes a lot longer than in previous games, expect to spend a lot following the monster, especially in awful maps such as the Ancient Forest
>3 monsters per area means monsters encounters are much more common, making cheap hits from attacks you can’t see or getting combo-ed by 2 monsters at the same time much more common, in fact, Bazelgeuse is specifically designed to interrupt you in your hunts, it gets old very fast

Continuing on the next post

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I'm pretty sure they already confirmed that deep snow slows you down.

I know right? Should've added a pail of water instead

>Same old regular species

but is it for people who have done everything in HR including arch bosses and have sick builds? how are the people who didn't farm that stuff going to fare?

>Heartbeat shows about how much health the monster has left
>90% of the weapons in the game are reskins of the bone and iron weapon models, with monster parts glued on it. Contrary to popular belief, this does not change in high rank, the weapons still look the same, only using a different bone or iron weapon model
>New skill system removes negative skills and is dumbed down
>The system makes so using full sets are almost never worth using, making the classic “fashion vs optimal armor” battle even more one sided
>No gunner armor. No, alpha and beta armor are not replacements to the old gunner / blademaster dynamic, mainly because of the fact both usually have the exact same skills on them;
>On that note, Alpha and Beta armor look almost the same.
>Soundtrack feels very generic and boring, a step down from older games
>The music for past monsters was changed for the worse, Deviljho especially
>Pre order bonuses and day 1 DLC
>DLC is overpriced content that should've been in the game in the first place
>Events now cost money as well
>Quests only available only during a certain timeframe
>This means essential, end game gear, are going to be locked behind a time frame. An example is the Dante legs, which 2 points into the weakness exploit skill, there’s no other legs like in the game
>Guild and village quests were merged, amount of quests lowered drastically
>Lobby system is garbage, it manages to be worse than the one in a 3DS game, now this is an achievement
>Playing the story missions with other people is bad, with you needing to see the cutscene first, then send an SoS signal, only then, other people can join.
>Can't give rooms names, nor give them a password
>Only way to reliably play with randoms is to use the SoS system, which means you will be fighting almost dead monsters with people who will leave as soon as its dead

Continuing on the next post

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don't worry you can earn the Arch Temporal mantle!

MH3U is also on console.

You're hopeless. There's already Generations Ultimate, why do you keep insisting that world should be chopped up and crammed into handhelds?

Good thing consoletards have caused the removal of the split zones for the sake of visual fidelity, as always, right?

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...That's my point? That "Dark Age" doen't exist and consolewars faggotry is completely and utterly retarded.

anyone have that image of that smiling pitbull? kinda looks like that

>SoS system is complete garbage though, most of the time you search a quest, you don't find anything, implying that there is no one fighting that monster, however, if you try to search for it again immediately, you might actually end up finding open quests that you should have found on your first search. You can also end up finding a set of quests the first time you search, search again and find a completely different set of quests. The game never shows you all quests at once, it makes finding quests for less common monsters and specific investigation extremely and needlessly complicated. The system is completely broken, and it still hasn't been fixed by the time of this post.
>No way to play offline without turning off the internet
>The chat is awful and encourages people to not use it
>Loading is much longer than before, with quests needing two different loading screens
>You can't pause the game at all
>Transmogging removed, new system is awful and limits the player on what sets they can wear
>Only 1 palico is allowed, no different classes
>Cats no longer can use special abilities like in XX or 4U
>Seasonal events are a complete uneventful joke, their armors are garbage and not worth using, the emotes cost money, the changes to the hall are superficial and the new mechanics are worthless
>The menus overall are terrible, item sets are hidden behind a number of menus and extra button presses and are in general more annoying (radial menu is irrevocably tied to the item set loadouts rather than optionally or a toggle, or combined sets) meaning the system is an overall regression
>Default camera settings place everything to the side of your character for no reason other than to look at flashy visuals, in spite of being uncomfortable and awkward to play with
>Default camera setting is permanent lock on, meaning they are targeting the souls audience.

Continuing on the next post

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this is what I hate most about MHW Designs

>Barroth Greatsword
>Barroth Hammer
>Lines the barroth parts along the back of the weapon instead of the fucking front

holy shit you triggered him to spam it again

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it's a curve, if you've ever played another game in the series it'll work the same way as everything else, easier in the front and harder in the back, the beginning is made for you to do right after HR and the end is made for you to do after doing everything else

I know they are trying to reduce cost (since this is pretty much the biggest venture since tri), but hell just the crab is fine. That thing require minimal rigging and animation, since the joints and arms are literally rigid


Because Generations Ultimate is on the exact same MT Framework version and the only things CPU intensive are caused due to World being a very rushed game?

Better yet, why are you so defensive against a portable series?

List of problems with Iceborne:

>Deluxe kit necessary for a new armor set
>Pre order necessary to obtain Yukumo armor layered set (it will be IMPOSSIBLE to get this set otherwise)
>This confirms that the awful layered set system still hasn't been replaced by a proper transmog, the timed event quest system is back and the willingness for the MH team to keep doing awful, anti consumer practices as long as they can get away with it
>Banbaro is a barroth reskin, with a different charge gimmick. When talking about it, the developers only focused on the visual and ecology aspects of the monster, only mentioning how it only charges at the hunter, so don't expect a good fight
>Beotodus is a Lavasioth reskin, looks more aggressive but don't expect much other than a neutered fight that will make you miss Agnaktor
>They didn't bother to change the turf war, they use the same animations as the Barroth vs mud Lavasioth one
>Nargacuga has been slowed down, attacks are more predictable. When talking about it, the developers focused on irrelevant non combat aspects, such as how it moves and its turf war with rathalos
>Velkhana looks like another reuse of the Kushala skeleton, it doesn't even look unique, they even share the same element
>In general the devs focused on talking about how good the graphics look and the endemic life, and not about the gameplay
>Music sounds like shit, it's obvious that they kept the same "shitty movie soundtrack" mentality for the expansion. Narga's music is awful, as expected
>New hunter actions makes the hunter even more overpowered. You can now activate a mount from a slinger shot, something every single weapon can do now, GS can stun monsters mid combo, etc. This follows the same design philosophy of world, making the hunter overpowered and the monsters a joke so braindead people can still beat the game
>Palico skill that revives you and gives a free cart

Overall I'm very worried about MH's future. Feel free to add to the list.

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Manlet detected

Is this retard what you're talking about?Are you so afraid of having your shitposting proven wrong that you just start samefagging?

Only thing I'm worried is your mental health, user-kun

name 3

why not just post the one image list instead of all this

To make World fags seethe. An image is easier to ignore than 5 posts full of text

the image can be filtered and he knows he gets filtered constantly so he keeps changing his wording

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Good job trying to start a flame war retard, here's your (you)

Hope they either buff Odogaron significantly for MR or give it a stronger subspecies. He's my favorite World monster.
>That turf war with Tigrex.

Attached: Flying Odo.jpg (1280x720, 70K)

but he uses the same images everytime without changing the hashes

On consoles, sure. Looks terrible there.

>to make World fags seethe
>spams it 24/7 while the game becomes the most sold and everyone else is having fun
Don't get your logic

Attached: how to BTFO yourself 101.png (1920x1079, 1.88M)

Hes a retard and he wants the (yous), thats why he has to be ignored

Its the same during the gen - GU days
>people grinded endgame sets and stuffs
>even finished all the deviants, etc
>set optimization was at maximal autism
>GU out
>everything is out of the window
Its kinda hilarious seeing the teo bow dumpstered by the new meta spidey bow, but such is life

just one more month and i will be able to play mhw again
fucking hell, the past 5 months almost killed me, i want to play it again so goddamn much

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Imagine being this ass blasted that monster hunter isnt stuck on shitty handhelds with the same ps2 textures they've been using for the past decade

Being the most sold doesn't stop it from having flaws, just so you know.

I enjoy World, but I'm not going to pretend it's not the easiest and one of the most barebones MH games.

Franchise’s best are coming to iceborne, user. Someone post the pic, you know the one.

I hope everything is in Elder's Recess again!

Case in point. Stay seething faggots, the list is here to stay

No monster is immune to anything save for Paralisis Kirin, at most they are resistant

MH World won.

>seething so hard you willingly go on threads about a game you hate to paste the same thing over and over

Tendies will never get over losing Monster Hunter.

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You mean by making us wait 6 years for a deeply flawed experience?

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>b-but nintendo...
Second best reason to post the list

when will you learn

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Gonna change the image from time to time just for you, friend

>Destroys the realism only meme.

>tigrex in a game where you can drink while running
why even bother

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I haven't played World in over half a year. Did I miss anything cool? How was AT Nerg?

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>>Mantles give you OP abilities like no knockback, never be seen by the monster unless you attack or a full new health bar
You'd think the baby blanket, which is literally the worst thing in the game, would be included in this list.

no but it still looked like shit
i like monster hunter and all but you can't honestly sit there and try to sell someone with the graphics, you and i both know theyre nothing special other than not looking as bad as previous entries

That looks really damn good, but too bad the gameplay is so downhill in World. We'll just be stuck with garbage 3ds graphics and good gameplay or garbage gameplay and good graphics. Life is suffering.

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The list made before they added that shit, gonna add that next time

The game outright tells you that you're a noob if you use it. I don't think anyone, no matter how casual, would consider it a legitimate tool.

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>worldfags must ignore 5 posts full of text
>listfag must ignore 5 threads full of posts

What date does PC get AT Nergi?

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most of the post release monsters and ATs have been Frontier levels of aoe spam, you're not missing out on much aside from some really broken gear

Fun challenge. Only frustrating thing is his double hitting slam which he will always target whoever is down with.

MHW is a fun game with SOUL. It's not as difficult as previous games until Extreme Behemoth, but that's fine. MH was never "hardcore" anyway.

Lol ok tendie heres a ps4

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Last trailer had his iconic roar at the end. We all knew he was coming for a while now, keep up user

AoE spamming shit that's not worth thinking about. AT Nerg is garbage as well, so don't bother

All that gear will be worthless once Master rank armor replaces the stale as fuck drachen meta

hnnnnngh everyone I wanted is back

my hips are moving on their own

I can't imagine stuff more broken than drachen and the temporal mantle but I'm sure MHTeam will think of something

Same boring weapons on one model. Boring ui that drained all of the games personality. Hitting a monster makes it spit out dust where you hit it. Music is now all samy orchestral instead of tribal feeling.


you think there wont be drachen X set?
and a superior temporal mantle?
they already buffed the retarded fucking vigor wasps.

banbaro is just white duramboros without the tail and the humps, the models are almost the same otherwise

>Frontier levels of aoe spam
whenever you guys hear someone say this, completely ignore the post because they have no idea what frontier is like


theres always room for new armor skills. drachen isn't that broken other than as a damage booster, I find vaal bonus with stacked hp regen/recov and all the defense boosts to be more broken because you can just stand there and overheal the damage you take on anything but ATs.

Next week on pc is AT Nerg if you wanna try it.

>only glavenus
i want my boy mizustune back

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Yeah, World is actually worse because Behemoth's attacks track you, completely removing the element of proper positioning from the game in favor of anime-style counters.

I'm not getting my hopes up, but if Brachydios and Valstrax get in, jesus FUCK I'd cum into a bundle of toilet paper

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basically Extremoth, expect G tempered extreme hyper Behemoth or whatever to have even more aoe and dot spam

>pc version is more than a month back than the superior PS4 version
Imagine not only playing with cheaters and modders, but also not even actually playing it with everyone else. How can people be this cucked?

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>most of the post release monsters and ATs have been Frontier levels of aoe spam
gives one and its the one supposed to be fought in a decent group to negate the aoe's effectiveness.
You're not even trying

Expect frontier level bullshit except it's not actually a joke this time

monster variety was one of the many issues. it doesnt look like they are fixing the others.

any of the ATs as well as Luna spam aoe attacks and in the case of Vaal and Luna, have a retarded dot aura on top of it, Kulve is decent but still has garbage like the lava spit, and Jho's hitboxes are fucked up something fierce

PS4 has over two minutes of load time at sub 30fps.
Its pathetic and MHW isnt so good that you need to play it day1 anyways.

can you preorder on steam yet? i assume pc wont get this shit until months later as usual

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>some dumb youtuuber faggot nobody cares about getting butthurt about MHW
what a new story, please tell it again never heard it before

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I started new character a while ago but gave up 2 hours in because I was sick of watching cutscenes. I'll just go back to my old character.

How's the PC port now? Worth it to grab it and gear back up for Iceborne or should I just stay with PS4?

I don't expect iceborne on PC until 2020 "winter" as in fucking January

>be bad nintendie that jacks it to scat porn
>get hit

Since when was aura frontier levels of aoe spam, and lunastra in world always had a decent amount of aoe moves. none of it even close to frontier level btw. hitbox issues are something i agree with but stop trying to push this super heavy AOE spam bs when it isnt true

Thank fucking god there's a new village.
Astera is the worst attempt at an village in the entire series.

you haven't played either of the games you're talking about if you believe the lies you're spouting

What the actual fuck do you expect snow to do burn like lava?

From what i understand PC is now on par with console and we have 3 months til the xpac comes out. Sounds like capcom is too jewish to hire more people to work on the PC port so we have to wait but hopefully it wont be as long as vanilla game.

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>addresses each of the points given to me

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>>Old was good
>>New was bad
>Wow.... really makes you think.....

90% of this expansion is old monsters

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I hope they don't get dumbed down as hard as the monsters in vanilla world.

Waist deep even. It's like that mud area in Wildspire.


3D skeletons.

>Worldlets will defend this


they didn't redesign Jho ones. Why would they do this to Glavenus's

Doesn't matter how many monsters you have when all of them play like neutered versions of old monsters


We're just ignoring ffxv? Ok


I don't know user, the level design proofs were already in the base game and I feel this leaves room to have large open areas to host monsters like lagi or akantor for example.

>Brings up scat porn out of nowhere
You have something to tell?

B-b-but this is just an anniversary image!

It's true. I'm a 6'2" manlet and use it all the time.

I've been jumping between World and GU myself.
I'll go back to World whenever it gets some new content and play it for few days and go back to GU.

At least it has a cooldown unlike adept evade


how is that realistic you fucking retard

>Glavenus is coming back
thank Christ that monster doesn't get trapped in a terrible game. Hopefully Gammoth and Mizu return as well

Thank god, the new monsters are boring as fuck.

He's a fan of Sony so he's developed a certain familiarity with shit

is it going to be worth it? I put 130hrs in MHW and enjoyed but all i've heard so far is people calling it reskins and such

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From a terrible game to another terrible game.
My boy can't catch a break.

it's a G expansion

It has distinct objects/styles, a gameplay format that isn't "standard shootan copy" or "shameless FF1 gacha", and of course some silliness.

Basically what Japan does best.

I lost interest in World after I got 40 hours in (forced myself to beat it and play the end game for 100 hours) but I'm still gonna buy it because I'm a sheep.

>Your first time playing a monster hunter game trying to understand mechanics you're seeing for the first time leading to difficulty
>You've played multiple monster hunters at this point and are very much used to the mechanics and monster types making each game that comes out generally easier than if it was your first one.

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go back to your containment thread

You're the one that's in the wrong thread, nintendork.

>Goes from an arguably bad game to the absolute worst game in the series

>I can't imagine stuff more broken than drachen
Master Rank Drachen


never owned a nintendo product, idiot

but what would it even do? how much more broken can we make the drachen set bonus?


Uh huh sure, whatever you say, you console warring little faggot.

The most interesting thing about the story trailer is the monsters fighting "tooth and nail", to the death if that frozen anjanath is any hint. maybe they are hinting at Gore Megala

>says the bingposter

uh oh sisters! we've got a toxic gamer in the thread! gamers unite!

Nintendo fans are the worst.
Port begging and shitposting about the only good game in the series.
You all should be gassed.

honestly the quest system will still be busted, monsters will still not be a threat because of how they react.

How come it's okay when monster hunter makes the same game 10 times but people flip out over fromsoftware Making 3 dark souls

>Defending the MHW weapon design
Literally kys

>Port begging and shitposting about the only good game in the series.
Which is FU
World is trash


I just hope the new hub shows other lobby members. Literally all I want

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>continues to spam every single monster hunter thread and complain about videogame threads not being wojack cancer, all while thinking about nintendo

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because Yea Forums is more than one person

Tamfam is dead.

Sorry sweetie but World is the only good one

Yes, because I don't like how every weapon looks the same I must be a Nintendo shit poster, 10/10 logic there.

>>Zinogre uses the same skeleton as Odogaron
more, Odo has the same attacks as Zinogre

can I still get the FFXIV Dragoon armor and costume or did I miss it?

>geez why nincel need to shitpost so much

>actually liking the fisher-price weapon -designs from the previous games
Uh oh we got a fucking nintendo manchild over here!

I think Behemoth is a permanent event.

yes, it's a permanent thing

There are no signs of the power creep being fixed any time soon. If anything the new slinger moves look even more busted than before. The new villlage is nice, though. World literally had the worst hub out of the entire series.

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Im feeling RAELLY good about Valstrax since he's on the 10th anniversary picture and I think every monster in that picture that wasn't already in World has gotten confirmed.

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>odo is fucking up yet another one
We need a G-rank subspecies that will give us Guts armor.

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And the AT Behemoth rotates with the other ED's?

>half of the monsters have hitbox issues
>plessy being so bad that it became a meme
>the monster are super robotic and predictable
>the monsters attack pool are 90% charge turn and charge
>Los round the world
>Los spending half of the fight in the air
>Ians instata charge

yes, you'll have to wait for the extreme version because capcom are jews

My problem with World are structural, not content wise. I enjoyed Tri just fine.
My main problems with World are that healing is too easy, resources are infinite, and the Hunter moves and accelerates too quickly. Older games gave me a feel of overcoming a great challenge with how lopsided the strength difference between the player and the monster were. In World I can just sort of turn my brain off and brute force everything if I want to other than Behemoth (which doesn't really act like a MH encounter). Gen/GU let you do this too with particular styles and arts, but at least in those games I could disable them and the game itself would still feel very much like a coherent experience.
It's certainly possible that they start power creeping the monsters too to make up for it, but in doing so the game's pacing is going to get faster and faster which moves it further away from the original idea of a slow and methodical game that rewarded prediction over reaction.
I totally understand why Capcom is taking the series in this direction, it just means MH is not for me anymore. I probably got 5,000 hours out of all the games combined so I can't really complain, but it was my favorite series of all time.

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Thanks for proving that you haven't event touched other MH games.
You're just a console war shit posting faggot.

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nice, thanks

Looks solid 9.5/10, wish people wouldn't neglect my monkey bros tough.

Did they fix her?

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Did they nude mod her on PC yet?

She literally gets rescued twice in the trailer. What do you think?

Well, this idiotic community always want old shit and reject new ones...

>Zinogre electrifying the ice around him, creating a 'floating icicle' effect
>Glavenus literally sharpening his tail on the ground and rocks, changing the topography of the area and creating hot spots
>Val and bagel dogfighting in the air like air planes

"Fix" as in "remove"?
No I don't think so because you see her in the trailer.

I'm pretty sure the Fated Four will all get in by the end of Iceborne's life cycle

Why would you want a nude mod for that ugly bitch?

right before that tiggy had him pinned.
right after that he slams odo in to the wall.

Tiggy is the alpha hunter. he is as pissed as Deviljho but alot faster. outside of Elders Tiggy is gonna go at em and have a good chance of taking them down.

Why can't I just be allowed to be happy for once in my life?
>About to go home
>Not going to have any commitments for the rest of the week
>Girl gives me a huge compliment
>She tells me that I'm a huge role model for her
>Check phone on transit
>New trailer for Iceborne
>Has fucking Tigrex and Glavenus
>Everything that could go right has gone right today
>Finally get home
>Sister walks up to me
>"I'm sorry user, but something very bad happened while you were at work"
>My pet which I've had for 5 years was accidentally let out and it ran off

Attached: LAGGY LITTLE MACS.jpg (220x229, 9K)

"fix" as in "better face"

If people were legitimately disappointed with World there's nothing that would ever please them and no one should care about them

i'm sorry to hear that user. F

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Nice blog fag. Your pet ran off because it was being mistreated. Take better care of your pets and they won't want to run away.

I'm not really a fan of MHWorld, but the new grapple thing is worrying. It's going to be the new non stop mounting of MH4.

Obviously since World wasn't even aimed at the old fans.

I feel you on this.
I like World a lot but the big issue is that they make hunting way easier without a counter-weight in difficulty.
A lot of the QoL shit they changed were really good changes since they removed frustrating features and busy-work, but it turns out the balance of the game was designed around that busy-work.
Old MH was basically just boss-fights and so your limited resources were really all you had.
I think they could balance out the new abundance of resources by making Monsters exceptionally skittish about confrontation and have them evade a fuck ton and use the environment.
Also, limit the stuff Hunters can bring in to hunts by a FUCK ton. Make it so that you basically have to go into hunts naked

>First monster hunter game you play
>Monsters are feared and respected, each forcing you to git gud or pick a different game. Every hunt was a journey on its own and the only necessary reward was the carcass of your nemesis

>Second or third and beyond monster hunter game you play
>Monsters are just pinatas for you and your 3 invincible anime heroes to stun with flashbombs/slingers and then effortlessly wail on it until it drops mats to sate your ape-brain's base desire for empty rewards


Is tiggy mad enough to attack an elder dragon?
odo is the best monster

Can someone who's been paying attention tell me if they're changing the fundimental math of how damage works? I'm sick and tired of only being allowed to use one single hammer. I wanna build the other ones and have them be viable god damnit.

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>I liked clunky controls! Why cant the game play worse?

See and kill yourself


they haven't showed any numbers on anything, so until people get their hands on a demo or something we won't see any changes to motion values

stop giving a shit that your hunt time is one minute longer


Stop being a meta faggot and use what you like. Unless you're a speedrunning tranny the 2min longer kill time means nothing.

Lagiacrus was like the first monster they tried to add to World, but decided against it. Hes actually fully modeled.

Tigrex and Devijho turf war.
>both roar and charge fight for a bit knock back both enrage and go at it again
>ends with Tigrex mauling Deviljho on the ground or Deviljho slamming Tigrex on the ground. Think Hulk Vs Loki

fast travel will still be better

It's an anniversary image with all the flagships on it, yes. I doubt everything in that image is getting in, especially not Lagiacrus.

Because that's what I care about in my Monster Hunter game

Oh fuck, I nearly forgot about that
The streamlining but increase in Palico capabilities were already cool in World but them mounting small monsters was one of my favorite features to see, really made you feel like you were mastering a certain area.
I hope they incorporate some light MonsterHunterStories elements and let us ranch some small monsters as regular mounts for us and our cats

I can definitely see Tigrex hamstringing Deviljho and maybe biting out its throat and seeing that Dragon Energy spill out

Because they are fucking pointless.
If I want to get to the target fast I will just jump to the nearest camp and run while drinking the buffs.
If I decide to walk it means I want to collect nodes on the way and the mounts would be useless.

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He went at Gammoth
You tell me if he is angry enough to go at a Elder dragon

I don't think this really applies to World and the other games as there are plenty of examples of people who started in World and when they picked up GenU they started carting to Maccao and other beginner LR monsters. They were constantly pasted in /mhg/ when the switch version came out because the videos were so funny to watch. You never really saw that going from any other previous title to another.
World still rewards you for learning 'fundamentals' in regards to speeding up your hunt times, but it is no longer forced on you.

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if they where confirmed i would actually bother getting World

He's still too fucking big, did you see how big he was in the World Alpha? there's no map in MHW big enough for him. Why would you even want him without water, anyway?

>no one on reddit or twitter talking about this
did this game already slip out of the mainstream?
gonna suck if iceborne doesn't sell 10 million copies

Is this to cartoony for nu-Monster Hunter yet?

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new ED looks like an ice-only Alatreon

He's such a beautiful boy. I just might re-sub when Iceborn hits.

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>mhw:i is mhfu

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>glavenus in mhw

Theyre seriously going to give us Glavenus without the other three from X, aren’t they?

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Because SOUL is about consistent, interesting art direction and not about graphics, retard

from the little gameplay footage that we've seen it looks like that Frontier crystal dragon

Yes but if we're lucky, we'll see it in the second expansion for World (if it gets one before World 2 is announced).
I think we'll start to see more and more wacky stuff, and I hope World gets more weird with its monsters outside of the Elder Dragons

What makes you retards think that skeletons, literally just lines attached to points, is what is holding back development?

>Astalos with the MHW particles and effects
pls no

Come on guy, World still filtered a good amount of people. Only half the people on Steam ever got the achievement for Xeno Jiva for example. And I'm not sure that World isn't easier, definitely is easier, but your first MH experience is always far more difficult than afterwards. I started with Tri and went back to FU afterwards and had an easier time overall until my first time in G Rank.

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Tribabs got fucked when they tried FU.

It's has a realistic graphics but the character design is not realistic you fucking retarded nigger.


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Are you really that stupid? Making the skeletons, rigging and animating them is what takes most of the time when making a model for a game.
If you just use and old skeletons and animations and just slap on a new skin you can make "new" monsters in a fraction of time it would take to make an actually new monster.

Is Tigrex the pitbull of the Riders?

>You cannot control the monster directly.
At most it'd be good for getting to the places that you can't just warp to and little else.
Still a nice addition though

honestly 50% completion rate for a game seems ridiculously high, most games I've checked usually only have maybe 5-10% of people actually getting to the end

Yeah MHW on steam probably isn't a good example cause some probably were double dippers like me, or had emulated a game in the past.

I hope you get your wish, user.

I suppose I should have clarified. I was referring to people had cleared everything World had to offer including ATs who then struggled with LR GU monsters for various reasons.
I know World filtered plenty of newcomers, especially Anjanath. It's not so easy that you can just move forward and press triangle and clear everything in the game, but the competency level required to clear everything has unquestionably dropped a lot compared to previous titles. That includes other HR titles.

Is that true? Hopes deleted..

Yikes, that's a terrible fight, there's nothing fun about it. Cool concept tho.

On the bottom of the hunting page on the official site.

Every new monster requires new animations you mongoloid, even if they're using the same skeleton

Well he's the real flagship of X so it makes sense.

New location's village? Where can I see it?

Only reason people say that Anjanath is "hard" is because it's the first monster to have an attack that can realistically one shot you. Moment you figure out that the fire breath is easy as fuck to avoid Anjanath is just as much of a pushover as monsters before it.

no, nobody got bodied by LR monsters in GU after clearing everything in MHW. That's just your dumb fantasy and you believing shitposting and taking it seriously.
You didn't actually think that all the "literally impossible" threads were serious, right?

Would be pretty weird to have glavenus without gammoth in an ice-themed expansion, all I want is mizutsune though

Sorry I also meant to say that I'm not saying World isn't easier. World is definitely easier than the last one I played (3U) but the series has largely been getting easier since the first game. I think the only way the series would become difficult again is for all the veterans to not buy Icebourne and the next "classic" styled game and really tank the sales into oblivion.

Yes some animations need to be made, but most animations like the turf wars can just be copy pasted with some minor adjustments. Just look at the first trailer, the turf war animation is pretty much 1:1 to the Barroth/Jyuratodus turf war.

Based Gogbro

So hyped for Fatalis. I hope they do him justice in World. Hopefully it also means we get the other Fatty variants as well.

Hopefully you won't return to Astera after hunting the G rank versions of the main game's monsters, like how you automatically return to that shitty boat after hunting a Paolumu or Legiana.

I can't remember where I heard it, but they couldn't get the model to work with their new engine. It had bad head physics. I hope they got it to work by now.

The neck was causing issues

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you gotta take in to account what makes the older games harder.
they are programed like shit.
fun yes very yes, but still the hit boxes on monsters from pre 4 are shit. their attack patterns are super basic. some have 0 start up attacks. some are buggy years later and idle in place for a while(Khezu)


Thegameconomist on YouTube triple carted to MHGU Great Maccao on stream this week and was within an inch of triple carting to Caphadrome.

-9 epochs in paint

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I started with World and carted a whopping three times before G Rank in GU.

You've seen Xeno.
Im 100% sure Fata is gonna be based off that model.

Xeno Fata Turf war?

>That's just your dumb fantasy and you believing shitposting and taking it seriously.
There is literal video evidence of the contrary. MHW is so fucking lenient with its systems, I don't know how anybody could deny it.

Deviljho will always be angrier.

>Start playing GU
>Jump right into multiplayer with a friend, Great Maccao hunt
>Eh hes just a tutorial monster, whats the worst that can happen?
>Carts both of us from 90% with a jumpkick
Was pretty funny desu, easily my favorite babby monster.

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"lenient" as in having better Hit boxes that match the monsters body/attack and no zero start up attacks.

So far Capcom's revealed a returning monster at the end of each trailer, they've gotta be saving the last one for something massive. Who do you think it's gonna be?
I just want the jet boy

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Tigrex gets so bad that his roar breaks his ribs.

They’ll just say fuck it and reveal the rest they haven’t teased already in the final trailer, I’m sure.

>new MH game
>same bitching about how the last game is more hardcore

A Xeno vs Fatalis turf war would be epic. I'd also like to see him fuck Nerg up.

tempered master rank hellblade glavenus

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I made a thread about it earlier today and got 0 replies lol

Deviljho gets so mad that it’s body begins to eat itself.

You overestimate how valuable the small optimizations people spend hundreds of hours farming for are.

assuming they are gonna keep doing trailers. the last one will be hint at fata but not outright confirm him.