>Mom says it's HER turn to play
Mom says it's HER turn to play
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Why would you make a gumball thread on Yea Forums instead of Yea Forums
>He doesn't play racing and puzzle games with his Mom
Imagine being this soulless
>tfw mom is better at tetris than me
He'd get banned quicker there for posting furry shit.
Call her a nerd until she feels bad about playing it then.
who was in the wrong here
any uk fags here? Used to play Behive Bedlum with my mum on our tv sky box good times it was the only vidya she played
Yea Forums mods are sensitive trannies and women who delete anything they aren't used to seeing in the safe spaces they came from
I dare you to try and make a thread there and see how it gets deleted
>tfw mom is the best at FIFA
can confirm
at any given time there's like 10 different softcore cheesecake threads on Yea Forums, but if you post anything that has an anthro animal in it, you get instantly banned
I honestly wish mom played vidya with me. Dad used to, though.
>mfw squadding up together in Warthunder
I wish I could get him to play more games.
>mom was a god at Super Mario Bros 1, 3, and World
>never touched another videogame again
she knew all the secrets and had no trouble remembering them years later. It was cool.
Yea Forums bans anything that isn't LGBT or capeshit
i would play the old magic school bus point n click games and i would always find my mom had played through them
Why such fatfuck retard bunny married someone so perfect as her?
My mom only ever played a game she called "beat the child"
tell me more about gumcum.png
Holy shit same. That and meerkat manor.
Never seen this show but the facial expressions from the pics ive seen are so damn good
The mods sound based
beercan dick
I’ve jacked off to those Mike Inel animations like, an upsetting number of times.
>Thought my mom didn't play video games
>She's actually a god at Candy Crush
>Mfw mom would get really far in the magic jewel Tetris
I've always loved the 3rd stages song
With how crazy Gumball's creators are, did they ever reference in the show how almost every r34 is Gumball fucking his mom?
reminder that this show made Pikmin and Yea Forums references
I haven't, they're fucking ugly. But I saw some of his SFW animations on Youtube and they had millions of views. Are people oblivious, how in the fuck
This show references as many things as it could once Season 4 started.
Honestly it's not surprising at all.
>tfw this comedy cartoon was up it's own ass trying to be funny that it somehow ended up having a pseudo-cliffhanger ending with no signs of resolution
>mom says videogames are for incels
>My dad and I still play Mario Kart, Mario Golf, and Mario Baseball together.
God, the gamecube was fucking great.
>we will never get a conclusion to the void arc
Isn’t there a movie coming?
Whats this?
I think I remember Gumball mentioning how he found “weird drawings of himself” online in one episode
The creator wants to do a movie to end it, but nothing’s confirmed at this point
This. The odd shill yelling incel and go back to /pol/ on Yea Forums is 80% of the userbase of Yea Forums.
That was how my Mom was like when there were puzzle games in the area.
There's been nothing about it actually being made.
The creator Ben Bocquelet tried to get one done but his latest Twitter tweet suggests that they weren't able to get one made.
No Rogue the Bat or Krystal though. Also anthro is 40% of cartoons and the mods are part timers for Fallout 76 if you catch my drift.
> Implying the finale was trash
It's a fucking comedy cartoon, did you really expect something big?
I just started watching this show again and in The love I swear I heard the wii shop channel theme
CN wants more. Be ready for an American sequel/reboot
>"It's a fucking comedy"
>ending is plot bait
my mom was master of zuma and all zuma knock offs. Downside is, I couldn't play my REAL games, like Space Bugs or Asterics and Obelix XXL
What, Gumball ended? Damn. I don't watch cartoons but that shit used to be so fucking good.
You have to be autistic to think that the ending to the final episode was supposed to be funny.
It literally ended with the implication that Gumball and co being sent into cartoon purgatory because they didn't listen to the one person who knew the truth.
Local eceleb callmecarson manages to get the voice of gumball on his server.
ara ara user, what happens you can't last longer than mommy?
Such a hopeless precocious boy...
>tfw my mom started playing mmos
>mfw she joins my guild
>yfw you have to witness how she flirts with everyone and those betas drool over her
god damn
Used to play Streets of Rage with my dad and he always chose to fight each other at the end.
Reminder that Gumball is a furry shota and therefore we MUST suckle his penis
>tfw all i want out of E3 is a good puyo game to play with my mom
Puyo Puyo Tetris and Puyo Puyo eSports are fucking AIDS, goddamn it. Just rerelease Fever 2 and I'll be happy.
It's from a video that has Gumball's VA in it saying "I will eliminate the middle class."
gumball fucking ended? how did it end?
literally every boomer is better at tetris that us, that was like casual smartphone games on that time.
Everyone died
Thats hot
I want to fuck your mom
Season 2 finale where they all get ripped apart by the citizens of Elmore after destroying the town too often is the only real finale
I thought it was you have to be autistic to take childrens' cartoons this seriously
Not our fault she's a god-tier player, user.
She doesn’t know she can do better.
>mom is the final boss
This is now a 5-Volt thread.
Why does talent have to be wasted.
You should have creampied her over the mic to assert your dominance to your guildmates.
I never took it seriously but apparently it's evident that the writers had something in mind because of how their final episode went.
They never had to bring up the dumb lore again but they did so anyway. They ended the show in such a way that it's almost the exact opposite of what they've been doing for years.
This is fake. Or headcanon. It has to be.
you sound like a bootlicking cock sucker
How do you beat The Mom, Yea Forums? Her stats are way too high.
Wasn't there a episode where she envisions marrying two different guys and she goes crazy in both of them?
>deleting Yea Forums content from Yea Forums is okay because it's "furry"
based retard
My mom played the first 3 resident evils with me. Every once in a while she calls me up and asks me to come over and setup a ps1 for her to play them again
She also really likes David cage games but mostly because they are funny to her
She was deluding herself in that episode. In another one she left her husband and got a new boyfriend in like 2 minutes.
My mom played when she was pregnant with me, my dad got her an NES. When I was born she'd play, but give me a controller to make me think I was playing. Around the time of SNES she mostly stopped playing, she'd play a lot of the games though, especially Contra I remember.
>husband is pathetic fatass
i hate this trope
Did the final episode leak or something?
>Mom says it's MY turn to play
>his dad plays Boreblunder
pls tell me he's not a CASnigger, pls!
is this a subtitle edit of something official or a fanmade animation?
I don't really remember any Yea Forums specific ones.
He is the weak point. You kill him and you beat the boss.
>having a zoomer mom
Fuck outta here underage faggots
>tf2 when neither mom or dad cares enough about games to even try them with me...
forced meme cock sucker
>dont flitting with your mom urself
You'r doing it wrong, user
What was the last good era of Cartoon network here?
>that episode where they meet the chink ripoff characters
Why does good shit like Gumball flop while complete trash like TTG and Adventure Time get to succeed?
Final episode here mega.nz
Don't know if it couts, but they actually reference pic related