How is Dreams on the current state just for playing random shit?
Making games is fun or just tedious?
Btw, I dont have move controllers
How is Dreams on the current state just for playing random shit?
Hah look Mario!
I stopped playing because learning all of it was a huge time sink desu. Still happy I own it for down the line play though
>How is Dreams on the current state just for playing random shit?
It's great if you don't expect full game experiences, I suggest you watch gameplay footage of someone browsing through dream surfing to see what kind of games you'll get
>Making games is fun or just tedious?
You'll need to invest plenty of time to make something decent, however I can imagine once you attain enough skill to work efficiently it can be pretty fun
>Btw, I dont have move controllers
Right now there are only 2 control options, dualshock with motion controls or move controllers, they did mention plans for adding more control options such as dualshock without motion controls or keyboard and mouse
Well thanks,
I will pass for the moment, maybe in a sale after is released I will try it but for now just feels very shitty
They just showed off the first asset pack which is coming in the next patch, hopefully they keep adding these and more templates for different genres so create mode is less daunting for new people when full release happens
>How is Dreams on the current state just for playing random shit?
Good but avoid the levels using licensed property (Mario, Zelda), those almost always suck.
>Making games is fun or just tedious?
When is the actual release?
Can you upload your own music? Making music videos might be fun.
when it's done
You can plug an aux cable into the ds4 to record anything
I'm having fun with it, PS4 controller is awkward but good enough
It's not very fun. Making stuff is too hard and most of the player-made levels suck. I suggest buying Mario Maker 2 instead.
Do you actually need ps move to play this or is a controller enough? Can anyone play or is it just invited people?
Based toddler
They made the creation tools too complex in my opinion. They should have made something more streamlined so everyone could create. With the effort necessary to create something truly good, the creator might as well do something on Unity and make money with it.
>They should have made something more streamlined so everyone could creat
Just search for assets and drop them in
It's satisfying when someone else uses your shitty creations
I'm sure someone who is willing to asset flip will make some great games
It's still a hundred times easier than unity or unreal. You can only streamline 3D game creation so far and they've done a good job doing so without compromising the featureset (for the most part - we need arrays and better variables functionality)
There's also the instant asset and game sharing platform which they should really be pushing as a bigger selling point
It is, seeing your own crap show up in peoples videos feels great.
So what kind of features do you think will be added on release? VR and the story mode are obvious ones but what kind of tools have they got left?
online multiplayer is coming eventually
It's about letting anyone create, and at the same time not limiting the few who go all out on their creations, MM was surprised at the level of dedication some people put on their LBP creations even with all the limits and that's why dreams is basically a game engine now
They've said they'll let you export the things you make so you can 3D print them
They said that 3 years ago and never mentioned it since. It's not happening