That feeling when you realize Kingdom Hearts 3 was truly that deeply disappointing.
That feeling when you realize Kingdom Hearts 3 was truly that deeply disappointing
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It truly fucking was a massive disappointment.
The pain hasn't stopped yet, it's been. 4 fucking months.
>still better than KH2
I don't even give a fuck about MUH KH2 GAMEPLAY autism, I'm just mad about the story.
Nomura needs to be taken off of game dev. He's a liability now.
low quality bait
I’m “happy” because all my favorite characters got a happy ending, but god it was such a fucking piece of average shit, I don’t even know where to begin with what disappointed me the most
Probably the music, before going into the game I heard it was super disappointing so I was hoping to at least get some god tier tracks out of it and ended up getting remix city lmfao
I don’t know what’s worse between this and ff15, squeenix is trash now
>Kairi is a level 1, dumbass bitch with a keyblade who knows nothing of what she's doing with it
>Sora got level 1 reset AGAIN, now has to power level up again
>For some ass backwards reason Yen Sid doesn't send them out together
would've made the plot so much stronger if Kairi was with you for the whole game
Yeah it honestly was
Now you know how I felt about KH2 at release.
Some of the Remixes were God tier, at least, and the Scala Ad Caelum theme was fucking incredible for the 20 seconds you got to hear it.
Holy fucking shit, though, the Gummi Ship music made me want to puke.
Kh2 was always good
The music was indeed the biggest let down.
Not only did they butchered Dearly beloved but they didn't add nothing new on the table either. Fuck Nomura and that lazy twat Shimomura.
>inb4 dont fix whats not broken
Shut up
None of the remixes were better than the original songs, and the majority of them were just loud and messy
It would have been awesome if you didnt get to play with donald and goofy the entire game. Why not Riku and Kairi at some point?
KH3 almost certainly had half of its content fucking gutted for one reason or another, I'm sure of it. We knew months before release that Journalists had seen a full trailer showing Scala Ad Caelum as a huge, explorable world.
>butchered Dearly beloved
God I know, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, sounded like someone sat on the piano
>lazy twat Shimomura.
Our queen is not to blame here
I dunno, this was pretty fucking good.
Too bad it was completely fucking wasted on
>fucking hated the gummi ship sections
>decided to try muting the music and listening to the gradius 3 arcade OST
>the gummi ship shit suddenly becomes the most enjoyable part of the game
I don't know how they butchered the music that bad.
>insultingly handholdy
>flat sterile level design
>terrible convoluted story with a bunch of OC donut steels
>Disney worlds that regurgitate the movie script
>nerfed companions
>lame magic
>no dodge roll
Final Mix made a lot of improvements (especially balance-wise) but didn't fix everything. And it didn't officially release in the west until nine years later with 2.5.
>>Disney worlds that regurgitate the movie script
I still can't believe that the first Disney world we've gotten since KH1 that actually felt like a meaningful continuation of the plot was fucking Toy Story.
>Elsa sang literally the ENTIRE let it go song
That’s when I knew the story of the game was gonna be trash, literally felt like I was watching a 30 hour Disney movie
That segment was fucking hysterical for all the wrong reasons. Just a random fucking musical number for absolutely no reason while Sora/Donald/Goofy sit in the background, completely irrelevant to anything going on.
I haven't even finished KH2
The series was never good. It's your fault for liking it in the first place. Get better taste and you won't be disappointed
KH1 was kino
everything after it was meh or worse
>Final world is nothing but re-used bosses and concepts from previous games
Fucking 2.8 set my expectations high for this regurgitated crap
No. None of them are good, period. All the series is is
And then some Disney shit.
Honestly I will admit that I’ve lost my love for it as I got older, it was super kino playing it as a kid, but I replayed the series recently and I just wasn’t having as much fun. Kh1 kh2 and 358/2 will always be some of my favorite games ever tho, especially 2
Was it disappointing? Kinda. It was a good game when it should of been a great game.
Was it the biggest disappointment I have experienced? Nope, that would be FF15
>I don’t know what’s worse between this and ff15
15 because of the shit gameplay and incomplete story
I wonder where all of the people that put off killing themselves for this game are now.
Probably killed themselves. I know I was tempted.
thats like implying the story was good in the first place
did you really think anyone was actually going to die
or that xehanort wasnt gonna come out as actually being good? come on man i knew this shit was going to happen right at the start
Same sis, atleast I went into the game knowing it would be underwhelming shit
No, retard. The story *was* good in KH1. you don't need to have character deaths to make a story good, but lumping literally all of the plot into the last hour and a half of the fucking game is the worst shit.
It really was an average piece of shit. The entire idea of this game used to be joked about and anticipated on the same level as Half-Life 3, then it finally releases and..... that's it. It just sort-of fades, not with a bang but a whimper.
That's what happens with every never ever game without fail.
thats literally how all kingdom hearts games have done it in the past? starts with story segment / disney shit / some mid world where more story happens in kh3 case it was twillight town / disney shit / last world where story gets to the end
literally all kingdom hearts games do this why is 3 bad for this?
actual kh3 fans are waiting for the dlc and playing khux
you are not the audience for this
>actual KH fans are playing gacha kusoge
How horrifying.
DLC cannot fix a game that is shitty at its base
Example: ff15
>literally all kingdom hearts games do this why is 3 bad for this?
First, KH1 did not do that at all. The only worlds where the plot starts to slow down a little are Atlantica/Halloween Town. Every other world makes an effort to either advance the plot or develop the characters some, and on top of that you make frequent visits back to Traverse Town for even more plot.
Second, just because every other KH game did the same awful shit doesn't mean it's a good thing, especially when people have been complaining about this being a problem since fucking KH2.
shitty example than
see kh 2 final mix
nobody would argue that kh 2 base is even worth playing anymore
>kh3 fans
Thank God I'm KH as a whole fan and will not pit up with this garbage.
well guess youre gonna hate me than because kh 2 is my favorite in the series and i consider 1 to be worse than com and birth by sleep 2 games that i consider bad on their own but still somewhat endearing
watch literally any kh tuber they all do khux vids
most people just play it for the story even me not like you need to pay money to beat the super easy story mode in that game
Actually, scratch that, even fucking Atlantica goes and establishes that the leaders of the worlds tend to be aware of Keyblade users and the existence of other worlds.
if you dont like kh3 you are not a real kh fan
t. someone who has played and completed all kh games even the ones on handheld
>watch literally any kh tuber
Holy shit, you're underage, aren't you?
nobody cares about kh1 anymore nostalgia fag
iam 22 my first kh game was CoM on gameboy advance
No one likes kh3 expect for in denial retards
Nah, go kill yourself you bottom feeder. I expect quality from the series I love.
>calls himself kh fan
>doesnt watch kh tubers
fucking get out of here man youre just a tryhard probably only started playing once kh3 got revealed
tons of people like kh3
see actual kh fans and not shitposters on Yea Forums
I dunno, I really liked this new Dearly Beloved. Was less melancholic and more hopeful than previous renditions.
>implying it could end any other way after the mess that the story has been ever since 2
>if you like a series you have a like EVERY single part of it and claim it’s perfect without any flaws
What the fuck?
come on, KH3 may not be great but it's better quality than FF15
>nostalgia fag
>iam 22
I'm 19 and my first KH game was KH2. I didn't play any more of the series until I heard KH3 was coming out and decided to play through it all in preparation. Nothing about this is nostalgia you dumb nigger, KH1 just handled the plot better.
quality in kh has been dead since birth by sleep its all about the crazy ass nomura plot now and the disney worlds if you cant appreciate that youre not a real kh fan
also go kill yourself...yourself
It’s literally known as a massive disappointment. Get some help and taste Barry 2.0
well atleast i was right in knowing you didnt start actually playing kh games untill kh 3 got announced
i played them all from beginning to end i was following the series before kh3
my word as a kh fan is stronger than yours
19 year old faggot
where exactly? here on Yea Forums? where literally every game that comes out is a massive dissapointment? it sold like 5 million copies in its first week more than any other kh games how is that dissapointment in your eyes? also fans love it
faggots hate it
no news here i guess
I’ve been a fan for a decade, kh3 was utter fucking trash and you’re just a retarded bootlicker
you should visit other places than Yea Forums trust me it works wonders for you
>Game 1: Perfection
>Game 2: Game 1 plus lots of unnecessary stuff
>Game 3: Game 1 minus lots of necessary stuff BUT MUH GRAPHIX
It's the Barry mentality.
Ff15 sold plenty and it’s still known as one of the worst games, the only fans who love it are in denial faggots like you.
Play on critical lv1 made me realize kh3 gameplay is better than kh2.
>lol ur a nostalgiafag get out of here
>Nostalgia has nothing to do with it, I have fresh perspective on these games that has nothing to do with nostalgia.
Don't hurt your back lifting those goalposts.
ive been a fan for more than a decade
kh3 was awesome as fuck and youre just a faggot
got platinum trophy in kh1,2,CoM,bbs and planing to go for dream drop distance and 3 too
iam the real fan and you are just a poser faggot who likes it because other people do get out
I barely come here, get fucked
Sure faggot, keep larping.
fake fans gonna be fake fans i guess
thats because ff15 is absolute shit and deserves to be called so
no normal human being would hate kh3 unless they were out to hate it on principle or because they wanna appear edgy alone
they have this absolute perfect game in their minds and if kh3 wont be just like that it will be a dissapointment to them no matter what
thats just how the world works
It was okay, will DLC add as much content as FM did?
Wow I can’t believe I’ve been a poser faggot for 10 years
>planning to plat kh3
LMAOOOO perfect for a no life bootlicker like you
your fat is is probably here 10 hours a day
and you keep hating good games i guess? whatever floats your boat ill be waiting for that tasty dlc
which i know everybody itt is going to buy regardless of what they say now because they are just bitches
Oh my god, kh3 has its own Barry now
Should have ended it at 2 and then make the next games about new characters.
see a real kh fan would say good job on platting these great games
but a poser fan just hates for no reason and says dumb shit to appear smart like you do just now
yes and even more dont believe the faggots itt who probably have never played any kh game on critical and are just posing for their twitter feed
The cycle of autism continues. Like a curse, the mantle of "Barry" is passed on.
>your fat is is probably here 10 hours a day
Autism got to you?
oh my god kh3 has autistic people who hate on it
reminds me of the kh2 days when it was all about "PRESS TRIANGLE TO WIN" "THOSE LONG ASS CUTSCENES OH MY GOD" "EASY SHIT GAME 0/!=
Oh, a kindred spirit. I felt the same way, and I remember a lot of people shitting on KH II on release, but in another thread some KH II fanboy accused me of trying to rewrite history when I said that it wasn't unanimously loved upon release.
autism probably got you so hard that your parents are thinking about aborting you right now
>implying i dont have a life and will willingly go in all kh3 hate threads just to piss off some posers
think again faggot
The average zoomer is 20
This is what happens when people wait years and years for a game and it comes out like shit, the years of autistic waiting builds up and they become a mindbroken person parroting the same thing over and over again, this is what squeenix does to people
what if you are the only one who thinks its shit? the hatebase for kh3 is probably as small as an ant
but as loud as an elephant
Calm down. Just because the anti-KH3 posters are full of shit doesn't mean you have to exaggerate its qualities in response.
Go outside
its 2 am faggot
What if it's the opposite? What if you're the only autist like Barry is for XV?
Except it didn't even fucking end. Sora's not dead, he and Riku are in some alternate reality city, Master of Masters is still pulling some shit with time travel with the masked gang, and Pete & Malificent are still around to keep doing god knows what.
Christ Squeenix just doesn't know when to quit.
who is this barry person you speak of? he probably is a very sexy and smart individual just by the sound of his name!
Well I’m not so
Go outside
maybe you are and you just didnt know it yet?
>Pete & Malificent are still around to keep doing god knows what.
Job I assume?
ill go outside and fucking rape your mom
I can assure you he isn't.
>seconds since Yea Forums cried over Kingdom Hearts 3
She’ll rape you
Its like Nomura got the idea of turning the next KH game into his Versus XIII autism and so he just rushed KH3 and put bare minimum into it. Fuck Nomura and Fuck Square Enix. I'm done.
how can i know iam not just talking to the same person right now? what if iam the one actually talking to myself and this all isnt real?! BAHJsjjdijsohvxocyjvslrtsa
Thanks monkey paw!
Don't sugarcoat it, it was literal dogshit.
ill fucking squeeze my foot up her donghole and push it outta her mouth
i also call it mouth face bitch gaper
Being put on 7R at the same time probably didn't help things.
but how about its all just a simulation and iam actually the one who has shot user b?
Take your meds for today
Now 7r will probably be shit too, I’m already not liking the separate installments
btw iam gonna go now buy some weed see ya guys in some other thread again sometime :3 love you all Yea Forums keep being the strong and curagous warrior that you are
also in dragon quest 1 that stupid fucking cave with the green dragon where you have to save that princess in general FUCK T>HA>T GAME
Kingdom hearts should have ended with 2 and you know it
It already did, everything else has been fanfiction.
I still don't get all the autism about KH3, it wasn't as good as 2FM but it's still miles above BbS, 3D, and 2.8. If you were expecting a masterpiece after those, ESPECIALLY 3D, it's your own goddamn fault.
I played every single fucking handheld game and even though they were all terrible i hoped it would all pay off in 3. Then 3 comes out and most of it just goes nowhere and is brushed over at breakneck speed at the end. This game has seriously bad pacing. Even the interesting shit introduced in the game itself goes nowhere like Xemnas talking to Demyx etc about their Keyblade heritage.
It was better than shit, but worse than a good game. Gee why are people complaining?
>it wasn't as good as 2FM
That's the problem, a sequel should be BETTER than the previous entries. All that other shit was on handhelds except 2.8 which honestly I felt was better quality than 3 anyway.
A-bomb level bait
>Tabata fucks up XV beyond belief
>KH3 is just XV 2.0
>The last truly great KH game was KH2FM
>Nomura is directing FF7Remake
Kill me
>Kingdom hearts should have ended with 2 and you know it
sad but true.
Hell, you can compare KH to the Star Wars movies
1/CoM/2 = Original Trilogy
BbS/mobage = Prequel trilogy
RE:Coded/0.2/358/2 = Solo/Rogue One
DDD/3 (and beyond) = the new trilogy
>2.8 which honestly I felt was better quality than 3 anyway
In what fucking way? 2.8 played like trash, ran like trash and was horribly balanced.
Square Enix is such a terribly managed company. FF14 1.0 was a clusterfucker, FF15 was a clusterfuck and now KH3 was a clusterfuck. Guess what FF7R will be?
The documentary on FF14s development really showed how completely out of touch, greedy and incompetent they are.
358/2 deserves some kind of remake that makes the combat interesting and fixes the shit missions like Ruler of the Skies
It was a disappointment for many long time fans including myself for many reasons such as: no tournament cups, no Final Fantasy, 100 acre wood is just the same mini game over and over, disappointing final world in comparison to the last mainline game and plot lines of characters going absolutely nowhere like pete, maleficent and the black box and Kairi's entire character arc being completely meaningless and just there for ?reasons? , you are either autistic, young or Indian (maybe all 3) perhaps this isn't the right board for you
>SE has shown themselves to be utterly incompetent forever. They've been so bad the last decade that even the fanboys have taken notice
>People are still excited over the FF VII remake
I just don't understand.
You already know it’s gonna be shit, we just have to accept it
Better level design for one. How the fuck was it unbalanced? It was way better balanced than 3, and had critical at the start.
It also needs to remove Xion from canon, all she does is ruin things.
It was better then the spin off games but it wasn’t better then I or II.
>small as an ant as an expression
Did you actually play 2.8's Critical Mode? It's even worse than 3D's.
I did, I platinumed it, it's not in the slightest.
I wish, instead all we got was some dumb movie, I remember being excited at the possibility of playing as hd roxas since he’s my favorite character and well
>They've been so bad the last decade that even the fanboys have taken notice
Literally me, i used to be their biggest asslicker but after FF15 I can’t stand those cunts. Capcom redemption arc when?
Wow this is an actual underage kid
There is no platinum
I think it's fine, the mapping of most worlds and the gummi ship were surprising to me. Game did clearly make some compromises between its core appeal and its budget (leaning more on "having Frozen" than being proper). Cautiously optimistic about the next one, which will likely have a TWEWY world and a more risky story with the assets made.
>100 acre wood is just the same mini game over and over,
It didn’t even have that, it literally ended in like 10 minutes while at least in the other games the world had some length to it, I actually searched up whether it really was the end of the world because I was shocked it ended so quickly
>go through horrible breakup right as KH3 drops
>thinking that after 13 years of waiting the delight I get from finally playing it will help me get through
>end up getting to monsters inc world, getting thoroughly bored, never finished the game
I just don't fucking care anymore. I played all the side games over the years and when I finally got KH3 I found myself wishing it was LESS than what it was. The game feels massively weighed down by all the story shit that's happened in the last decade. BBS was great because the story was relatively simple by Kingdom Hearts standards and the characters were more relateable.
I just can't relate to Sora because he's such a static character. He's watched his friends turn to darkness, he's been on a fruitless quest to reunite them since he was a teenager, fought countless battles and saved the world and he seems like the same kid from the first game. There's something to like about that, but I wanted my hero to grow and change. Sora is static. He kinda just does shit. It doesn't ever meaningfully impact him beyond adding more stats to remember like "oh okay now Sora is also this guy".
Blech. I feel like I had my heart broken twice.
If you actually think 2.8's crit mode was good then there's no arguing with you, because you're clearly delusional.
Xion being only in 358/2 was fine
the problem started when she was getting shoved into 3D and 3
she should've remained forgotten
Yeah it was disappointing. I moved on though. After I beat it I didn’t do anything extra which is telling.
But yeah. I still get hype for games, really hype, but if it’s disappointing I just move on. Not a big deal. Probably the best mentality to have
I’m a curry and I hate kh3
Saying platinum is less work than saying I got all the trophies, it's pretty easy to work out what I meant.
She’s best girl after aqua
Oh fuck off. KH2 vanilla at least was mechanically competent while sporting tournaments, FF appearances, and and an endgame worth a shit.
KH3 is like watching your childhood getting raped in front of you for 25 hours of playtime. Outside of worlds being bigger and gummi ship being fixed it really shat the bed overall.
I was ready to agree with you, but how do you "relate" to any of the BBS retards
I couldn’t stand Sora in kh3
>Xion being only in 358/2 was fine
It wasn't all that wasted screen time should have gone to the rest of the Organization.
Aqua and ven are cute, only terra is a retarded annoying cunt
Imagine, there's some people that hyped themselves up too much for KH3. Sorry I guess. Game was super fun if you didn't have sky-high expectations
Feels bad for bandwagoners, I dunno what were you expecting.
I enjoyed myself and looking forward to ReMind. I'm curios about Nomura next project but I'm probably not gonna buy it, my journey is over.
>Only 41 posters
Why are these KH threads always filled with samefags
>this fallacy again
>mfw like KH but didn't pay any attention to the KH3 hype before release because DDD was the dumbest shit
Feels good to be able to enjoy a heavily flawed but overall good game.
Yup. Game was obviously going to be a bit flattened since it's the first proper console game in two gens, with engine change at that. It's a bit shit that the gummi ship part was more engaging than the actual game progression, tho.
>the bandwagoners are the disappointed ones
Now there's a goalpost shift I haven't seen yet.
Speak for yourself mate, it wasn't a disappointment, if you keep looking at the flaws of everything, you won't see the bright side of it
Me too actually, I kept thinking there must be pages scattered throughout the worlds like in the other games, doing that and then jumping into big hero 6's completely unfinished world made me realise it was a grift. Square are desperately trying to rake back in the money they pissed away spending years creating ultra high res French fries and shoelaces for ff15 instead of actual decent combat or gameplay and so theyre gonna release all of their development hell titles to bait their most loyal fans and save their own asses 100% worse than Konami
The characters meaningfully and noticeably change as a result of their actions which are driven by who they are as people. Ven is a clueless lost puppy, Aqua is the responsible one, Terra is up his own ass. Granted, the characters are mostly one-dimensional like all characters in the series but you can understand why the characters did what they did. I could actually empathize with them. I can't really feel any empathy for Sora.
suck a dick
This. I avoided all trailers and screenshots, for me KH3 was fantastic.
>he was right all along
It's called people having a discussion. You do know that a group of people can talk at length, correct?
Literally everywhere you go there are people crying about KH3, usually while quoting the dunkey video or some shit.
Sorry someone called you out for samefagging, user
>Just go in without expecting a good game and it's fun!
I liked KH3, but it disappointed me. Fuck off.
No it wasn't. Faggots.
45 now faggot
>the last great kh was a revision because they always fuck up the first time
W O A H.
No you just shouldn't go in expecting as much content as KH2FM. What are you, dumb?
>Literally everywhere you go there are people crying about KH3
Maybe because there's a reason to be upset by it. Myself and all of my friends who are KH fans say its a 6 or 7 out of 10. It's good and serviceable, but it's far from the best in the series.
>Maybe because there's a reason to be upset by it.
Yeah because your expectations were too high and you've gotten cynical as you got older
I didn't go in expecting as much content as KH2FM. I went in expecting a competently-paced game with gameplay that didn't feel like building up meter to do a crazy overpowered attack for every single battle, including mobs.
Or maybe we should because 2FM was 13 FUCKING YEARS AGO. Games are supposed to get better as time goes on, not fucking worse.
>your expectations were too high
Imagine using this as a defense for a game. Only KH fans, everyone. I guess Pokemon fans are also guilty of this too, but holy fuck, I'll never get tired of how funny this defense is.
>I went in expecting a competently-paced game with gameplay that didn't feel like building up meter to do a crazy overpowered attack for every single battle, including mobs.
Then you should have had a great time with KH3. ...Wait, are you saying you NEEDED the situational commands to beat KH3? Dude, you suck
No, I'm talking about the faggots crying that it raped their childhood or whatever. No one's going to say KH3 is the best in the series or isn't heavily flawed, but this "WORST SHIT EVER" nonsense has gotten old.
Not him but I'm one of them and I've samefagged more than once and so have you, what's your point
>Or maybe we should because 2FM was 13 FUCKING YEARS AGO.
Games still take time and effort to make. I suppose they should have just delayed KH3 for 7 more years, huh?
>Imagine using this as a defense for a game.
It's fine to use that defense when it's completely correct
>Games are supposed to get better as time goes on, not fucking worse.
Not really, no. This is bad reasoning, always has been.
>No one's going to say KH3 is the best in the series or isn't heavily flawed
There are people in this very thread doing that. There are people all over the internet fucking doing that.
Happens to the best of gaming franchises owned by Disney.
>No one's going to say KH3 is the best in the series or isn't heavily flawed, but this "WORST SHIT EVER" nonsense has gotten old.
This, honestly. People saying that KH3 is a 1/10 game or whatever bugs me
I am really not sure I buy this being the case. KH3 didn’t live up to the hype, FFXV didn’t, MGSV didn’t, but I don’t think it’s impossible for these finales to long these franchises to live up to the hype.
One example of a game that lived up for me is MGS4, but that game was recieved poorly from the general public. Trying to live if a recent one that did live up to the hype. DMC5 maybe? I didn’t play that though
I did have a great time with KH3, but I could've had a better time if I didn't feel like they dropped the ball in every aspect. I know "floatiness" is a meme, but I didn't feel like the gameplay was as satisfying as so many people say it is. It always felt like the Keyblade was carrying Sora, and I felt like I was in the air for far too long, and that normal Keyblade combos felt way too laggy and clunky compared to any other KH game.
The story was a complete disappointment, from shafting every fucking character to backloading all of the story more than any other mainline KH game has.
I'm allowed to be disappointed with something, user.
Yeah, the game was pretty solid even if a tad too easy (haven't played critical yet, waiting for FM content). Comparing it to launch FFXV is laughable.
Dmc 5 was good, re2 was even better and my goty so far, square has just become shit
>KH3 didn’t live up to the hype
user like I just said that's because you overhyped it for yourself.
Are you really still making these threads Barry? You're never going to play a finished FFXV doesn't matter how much you shitpost about kingdom hearts.
>bro you shouldnt expect a game to be better than a game that came out 12 years ago
why even continue to play or care about new games if you think like this
i dont think an actual underage kid would be compelled much to play fucking dragon warrior on nes right?
Especially when the series has changed significantly since 2. 3 isn't a direct result of 2, it's an amalgamation of all the games at once. It's the "greatest hits" of Kingdom Hearts, making its arguably biggest sin the fact it's trying to be too many things
I see a lot more people shitting their pants over it every time it's mentioned than people pretending it's perfect.
See: 90% of this thread that isn't one obvious troll
3 > 2 > 1
2FM > 3RM > 1FM if they fucked it up (no data org fights)
No one who shits on 3 played 2 at launch
>but I could've had a better time if I didn't feel like they dropped the ball in every aspect.
Yeah you certainly overhyped the game for yourself, sorry. You're embarrassing.
Gotta say, KH, CoM, KH2 made a well made and coherent, complete trilogy. I didn't see why they needed to drag out this story beyond that. Shoulda just made a new story with BBS crew after that.
Anyone who says it's the audience's expectations fault the game was disappointing is a shill.
Who fucking knows? I'm sick and tired of people defending newer games because it's impossible for them to imagine a creator to try and create better games than they did 10 years ago. Could you imagine if people were defending Paper Mario Sticker Star and Color Splash this way, saying "NO THERE'S NO WAY THEY COULD MAKE ANOTHER TTYD" or some shit?
>game that had multiple re-versions come out over the years to perfect it as much as possible
>vs game that just had critical mode added and doesnt even have any of the secret bosses or colloseum added yet
kh 2 base was shit worse than kh3 base
Thats retarded. I played 2 on launch and it was still a better game that 3.
Or they're telling you an uncomfortable truth that you don't like to hear
I played every game at launch, kill yourself shill bandwagoner.
I really didn't, but keep telling yourself that. I actually forgot about the game until it almost released, user.
can you do another one but a little bit LOUDER?! LOOOOUUUUDDDDEEEERRR
*fluttershy squanshes her face*
>:I rainbow dash is not amused
Inb4 you get swamped by people mad about Coliseum.
>zoomer will NEVER play kh2 for the first time when it came out
>zoomer will NEVER understand how cinematically groundbreaking twilight thorn and majority of boss battles were at the time.
Inb4 "muh triangle" it was a visual spectacle with the polish and reputation of both the old square Enix and Disney, just because things have never been good in your timeline doesn't mean it has always been like that
I went in expecting disappointment, and it didn't magically make the game less mediocre.
this site is a joke now. every game that comes out is forgotten in a week or is the next TORtanic
Or they eat shit for a living and feel compelled to convince others to do the same.
Base 2 sucked a bit more than Base 3 gameplay wise. Story is a different matter.
I find your point interesting, since I mostly found KH3 to be the series in "clearance mode", trying to end storylines as fast as it can to genuinely go on after. I'm not too nostalgic about 2, either, in some ways, 3 is far better, namely pacing and world design, even if half of the worlds are wank.
I had my fun with it. Right now I'm just waiting to see what the dlc will bring.
holy shit if you actually think this you should get your nostalgia goggles checked
base kh 2 didnt even have fucking critical mode in
just like kh 3 but kh 2 fans like to forget about this fact
Both games are trash retard
Gee you sound really upset that someone told you an uncomfortable truth
Anger is one of the first steps
its literally all the same shitpostings just as when the game came out
probably the same people too just kinda sad when you think about it
fans of the game are just waiting for the dlc right now while chilling while haters still seethe their asses off but are going to buy the dlc anyways because they know they love this game
2 at launch was still great, you’re retarded, the endgame alone was better than all of the 3
Barry are you OK?
>2 at launch
>lazy twat Shimomura.
Slow the fuck down, it's not her fault. The other two fags they brought on because she was too busy are to blame. Actually find the songs she made and then reevaluate your opinion.
>Pssssh it's not like I care anyhow I'm just postin' here for shiggles
It's amazing how many people argue things they don't care about on Yea Forums
Fuck, thanks for reminding me how much of a disappointment the final boss of KH3 was. I'm like actually pissed that they thought that was an okay final boss. It's probably in the bottom three end bosses in the series for me.
Can you retards stop sucking his dick for 5 goddamn seconds? That's why we can't have non shitposting discussions about Square series ever again.
You're a fucking idiot. Even before FM the game was way more fun, actually had a final fantasy presence and was paced way better than KH3 was. You didn't even play KH2 when it came out you just parrot shit from these threads.
Cry more, Barry
I didn't say I don't care about it. Thanks for letting me know you have no reading comprehension, though.
>2 at launch
What endgame do you think there was in base 2?
>shitting on based shimomura
She was not even the main composer, those other two faggots ruined it with their shitty remixes, the few new songs she made were god tier
Critical Mode didn't even exist.
i never played kh for the final fantasy characters and they always felt weirdly tacked on anyways sora and his friends were already just as much final fantasy characters on their own
however you are certainly correct that a sephiroth boss fight should have been in this game it was always a staple for numerical titles up untill this point
i hope they add the final fantasy characters through dlc which is very possible considering that they are mentioned in the game
My hypothesis is that they're going to do a more FF centered game next time with reused assets. You know, the one they hinted at with TWEWY and not-FFXV buildings.
Everything in TWTNW? Are you retarded?
Was it me or was a lot of the music in KH3 just completely reused from 2?
All those years of wait killed this game
There was a pretty good TWEWY thread the other day and week beforehand.
i just want a stand alone disney rpg or an aladdin one, even better
Game was okay. Just average and had no reason taking as long as it did to come out.
it doesnt matter the game was easy as fuck on proud too just like kh 3
The whole final boss phase or whatever you call it then if it’s not called the endgame
You can't deny that not having Squall, Cloud, Yuffie, or Cid isn't fucking weird, user.
We literally even see Zexion hanging out in the room where Squall hung out in KH2.
That's exactly what you said, user.
>Imagine being this upset
They confused postgame with endgame.
>fags replying to me outing themselves as bandwagoners and newfags
Thanks for proving me right
>Cries about no critical mode
>Cries when critical mode is too hard for him and that an RPG has RPG mechanics
>Cries like a fag in twitter because his display in critical was laughable and says he won't play it again because "not worth it"
He is a faggot that got btfo and now is salty he can't break the game spamming reflega and final form + firaga si just autistically plays Runescape like a rape victim coping
>i didn't overhype the game for myself, I just think it wasn't that great
>I never said I didn't care
Did she make the song that plays when you fight aqua and the demon tower as riku? Aside from reusing the same boss over and over making it a snooze that song in particular stood out to me
i mean considering that a bunch of places in the game are from kh 1 and 2 it makes sense for them to use the same track in those worlds
>So intimidated he doesn't even respond directly to anyone
I see. In that case you're right. The retarded fights in the graveyard sucked.
I agree partially. There wasn't much left to resolve in the game other than what we got, though what could have helped things is if the final hours were spread more evenly across the game. I love the Disney worlds as much as the next guy, but when I was as ravenous for actual storytelling to occur as I was, I found myself frustrated by the fact nothing of note developed after I beat a world. I like the game a lot but it was a vicious cycle of realizing I hadn't appreciated the world I had just finished enough because I wanted explanation more only for it to be back loaded.
Mickey mouse had his fucking gloves all up in that shit
>I never said I didn't care
>I actually forgot about the game until it almost released
You said that directly, user.
Seriously. Just IMAGINE being this upset. I can't.
But a lot of the battle and boss themes were just reused too
It was not just you, retards at se decided to not bring back god Tier Yoko and instead we got stuck with shit tier composers that couldn’t compose something new to save their lives. She only composed like two songs for the game
it will literally always be the case even at the time when kh 2 was popular there were a bunch of newfags who just got into the series being all like "WHY ARE CLOUD AND MICKEY MOUSE IN THE SAME GAME ITS SO FUCKING STUPID ALSO TRIANGLE TO WIN"
literally history repeating itself you can smell the bandwagoners and people who only got into kh when kh 3 got revealed from a mile away
>um it was always like this in all games?
>how about play something different?
fucking retards i swear
>relating to anything from BBS
You relate with cardboard? wtf
It was the least disappointing game after 2 desu
Best level design since 1, third best combat in the series, least worst writing since 2, and finally finished the fucking awful Xehanort saga began by BBS - even if it cost ruining Roxas/Namine as characters.
But user almost no tracks were reused from older games. Even ones that were were often remixed or given new arrangements.
Yes, as in I was thinking about other things. I'm not ONLY a fan of Kingdom Hearts, user. I'm not sure why you're trying to argue this with me.
not really each world had their own battle theme and overworld theme
and the ones that already existed in older games had the same theme but different
Why? just why did they make 95% of the game shitty filler and squashed all the arc closures in a completely forced boss rush? absolutely nothing Sora did before the keyblade graveyard contributed to the plot at all besides saving aqua and ven out of nowhere in boss battles with no buildup, they literally put more dev time and resources in that tangled dancing minigame and rebuilding the autistic snowman
No, by your expectations, you've hated over half the games like BBS, DDD and Re:CoM. Please just say that you only liked KH2FM. In which case, nobody should listen to you because you don't "love" this series. You "love" one single game.
That's the point. Nobody can think of a good original track from KH3. It's all remix of older and better music.
Halfway through the game I stopped watching the cutscenes and was just on my phone the entire time, what a snoozefest
>That's the point. Nobody can think of a good original track from KH3. It's all remix of older and better music.
So what you're SAYING is that you were completely wrong, and that KH3 doesn't reuse songs? Cool.
to be fair it is a fun minigame
like in literally every other kingdom hearts game?
you wanna tell me the story telling in 2 or birth by sleep was any better?
>um it was always like this in all games?
That's a grave fucking insult to KH1.
You pathetic cunts haven't enjoyed a videogame in years.
Grow up.
>I'm not sure why you're trying to argue this with me.
It's mostly just fun watching you get so upset and lying when you're cornered
Not him but I love every game in this series except for ddd, 3, and ux, it clearly started losing its charm around ddd. Just accept that 3 was shit
kh 1 had dumb story telling aswell lets be actually honest here
maybe you should try playing it again as an adult
Why are people so desperate to defend KH3? I don't understand. There are really big flaws with the game and instead of defending the game all I see is fags getting mad over KH2.
So you agree 3 is handheld garbage tier.
Yeah, the last few hours of the game were total wank. It's like they made a complete world just to structure it around a boss fight, and then all the other bosses were underwhelming. I hope the asset making was worth it, because that's the base of what we're getting on 4. My main problem with the game overall is that while it looks graphically impressive and the different styles are done well enough (core Disney characters, like Mickey, look like plastic shit though), not much is done with the overall benefits that directional lighting in UE4 has, beyond the last boss fight with the phases and all that. Facial animation is less interesting than what it used to be in the other engine, and cutscenes made in UE4 look too glossy in a bad way.
>Just accept that 3 was shit I don't have to explain myself
For you.
honestly can't tell if people saying you shouldn't expect a game to improve on it's 13 year old predecessor are baiting or not
It reuses songs and whatever new songs it has are fucking trash aside from yokos stuff. What a nightmare of an ost
ddd is way better than birth by sleep and com days and recoded you fucking dickhead
KH3 reused songs, in the remixes. It doesn't have an original thought of its own regarding music.
KH1 was an unironically decently written kids game. Hit all the basic beats of the hero's journey well, mixed the FF and Disney elements into the main story sufficiently without overwhelming the original characters, had a well-executed twist over the main villain, and the scant bits of lore were enough to make things feel like an adventure with a greater scope without getting needlessly convuluted. It was extremely competent and shits on everything that csme after besides CoM/2, which while much more flawed are still okay.
>loving Days and Re:CoM
Not him but Jesus.
you are the one whos saying kh 1 and 2 are these god like awesome games when in fact they were just as flawed as 3 was when it comes to story telling or world building or difficulty or gameplay
>It reuses songs
Then please, show me what songs KH3 reuses. Remember, don't show rearranged songs, you said completely reused tracks
There are plenty of posts here explaining why it’s trash, you just see what you want to see
Good for you if you like trash
They're just desperate and in denial.
ALL THEY HAD TO DO to make it seem better is move that mobile game shmup gimmick to the final fight. That should have been the climax, Sora's greatest power revealed as connecting with hearts from beyond their Graves and through the screen and to the players and fans themselves. Instead, this happens with a mid boss I can see is big and threatening, but zero emotional connection to. "I sure hope that tornado doesn't kick our ass this time!" isn't any sort of climactic event. Sora blowing his load before the boss rush hasty resolutions, weirdly paced closure, and bullshitty asspulls (yeah, I guess we don't need a fucking body for everyone to return) made the rest of the game tonally dull.
And his ability to connect with the hearts of fallen mobile game OCs is never brought up or mentioned again. What should be the most fucking significant development is reduced to momentary spectacle before a gauntlet of people who'd rather talk about literally anything else.
Kairi gets glassed and it's just hilarious and it comes off as obvious bait for Xehanort's plan to use Sora somehow, but no that falls completely to the wayside and what we're left with is one more flashy fight with Donald and Goofy and no new attack gimmicks. Refusing to die was pretty cool, but even then it didn't meet the hype of the climax of fighting with Riku at your side in KH2.
Also: "We'll play again sometime... When we're both just guys."
3 has large worlds with platforming with fluid and fun combat. That immediately puts it above
>Re;CoM, BBS, DDD and Days
You're being an idiot if you think, mechanically for even ONE second, that the handheld titles are more fun than 3.
Yes, the endings to various plotlines in 3 were crap, but the game itself is fun.
look mate i can clearly see how much you love kh
and i admire that actually
for me its kh 2 that does it
cant we just get along? accept our differences? we all love the same series of games right?
>Like what? The KH3 music had remixes and new arrangements but no reused songs
What songs does it reuse then
DDD was stupid as fuck
>nuke dukem forever
a fucking flop that spits on the face of what came before
>last guardian
vanishes from everyone's mind not even a month after
>Crackdown 3
same shit flop that everyone forgot a week after
>Max pain 3
forgotten soon after release
>The pokemon Gen 3 remakes
Piss easy kiddy shit that insulted long time fans and turned out with even less content than the Gen 2 remakes
The hype that become a meme legend can never live up to the reality of the end product
And people will never stop hyping and memeing over development hell games and they will never learn their lesson
>Everyone's opinion is pretty much my own
Yeah I didn't expect you to be able to muster your own thoughts on it
I’m just telling him that I don’t only love kh2 becasuse he seems to think all people who hate kh3 only like kh2
Context matters a bit in this case, KH2 was developed after a game of well made buildup and decent development on the same engine. KH3 is a game that has to struggle between having the basis of its story being some of the most insane writing in vidya history while having to have a mass appeal due to being the first game of the franchise with an actual budget, dev time and a engine change to top it off. It isn't hard to see KH3 wouldn't be exactly as good.
like literally all kh games
thats also part of the appeal
KH2 had an actual ending, though. KH3 is just kinda like "And here's a bunch of plot points that are going to be in the next game."
Oh, I wasn't the guy you were talking to. I was just defending 1's writing.
this is the ending of several games and years of development, there's no excuse to make it act like a spinoff when you got so many arcs to close and then just rush them at the end like they don't matter
>KH2 had an actual ending, though
KH2 literally ends with Sora getting a mysterious letter from King Mickey which we're never told
Because i agree with all of them
>shitty music
>shitty story
>floaty gameplay meme ended up being real
Storytelling & dialogue has always been cringe & "mute when dad walks into the room" worthy but the concept was much more fresh back then + most Disney movies and Final Fantasy games at that point were critically acclaimed so the idea of an arpg mixing both was a based concept
It's not improving on a 13 year old predecessor. You guys need to get a grip and accept that the titles that are not numbered are relevant to the series' growth. Kh3 is not the predecessor of Kh2. It is the second half of Dream Drop Distance and is trying to be a little of everything from all of the games before it.
>Everyone's opinion is pretty much my own
Yeah I didn't expect you to be able to muster your own thoughts on it
Almost every song in 3 is reused and remixed into some shitty noisy arrangement, you shit for brains faggot.
oh welp still a nice thought out post
honestly i wish people would just get along more all this arguing wont bring us anything really just more arguing
as for me iam just waiting for the dlc i hope that we get some new secret boss fights
the secret boss fights where always pretty much one of the biggest reasons why iam even playing kh games to completion
best case scenario would be a yozora boss fight if the game gets that and maybe some more scenes in twillight town ill be the happiest person alive
I played it a few months before KH3 came out.
>Sora had actual character development
>The game didn't have sequel-bait plot threads waved in the player's face throughout the game, the story could've held up without a sequel if not for the very end of the game
>The entirety of the plot isn't crammed into the last 3 hours of the game
>The Disney characters were at least slightly important to the plot
Basically the whole world of Arendelle.
I accidentally switched kh3 and 2 in that one sentence and I know that is all you are going to point out.
Growth shouldn't happen in the fucking negatives.
I mean, yeah it was. But it was surrounded by DMCV, RE2, and Sekiro so it hurt a lot less. And I gave up on it having a great conclusion (lol, it didnt even conclude) about 4 years ago so
>Can't link one example of a reused track
I accept your conceit.
I’m sorry did you want me to come up with some unique opinion of my own that literally no one has come up with before to make my points valid? Kek ok
It wraps up everything else in the series at that point (minus the greater scope lore questions that were incidental to the main plot) and the letter could have easily been a "Their adventures continued" open ending if the franchise hadn't continued. It was genuinely satisfying and saw all major characters get their arcs resolved besides Cloud.
The part that really made things awkward was the BBS teaser.
>It is the second half of Dream Drop Distance
So what you're saying is people can't be mad that this game feels more like Dream Drop Distance than any other game before it.
youre talking to kh2 babies here theyve always been living inside their own little world
>put off killing yourself for KH3
>it's shit
Would you double down at that point or be too broken to care?
>i played it a few months before kh3 came out
fucking disgusting get out of here poser
That isn't sequel bait. I don't think Nomura had anything but BBS planned out at that point, if even that. It's just an open ending. Just like tons of other games.
>no glide for a majority of the game
>no ff characters involved in story, just faggot moogles
>Disney world’s have zero impact on story
>no coliseum
>no sephiroth fight
>have to wait another 10 years to find out what’s going on with the weird toy story shibuya video game that was the preview
>Larxene and Marluxia built up like some sort of rebellion side story, they just...die with no resolution
>easy combat masked with a billion enemies to try to hide how easy it was
Every world except the pirate world felt really empty. I can’t say I disliked the game but it was incredibly average and disappointing.
Liking Days and Re:CoM over 3 kind of makes your opinion meaningless, man.
>(minus the greater scope lore questions that were incidental to the main plot)
...Um, excuse me?
Also, even if you IGNORE the Sora letter, KH2 still has the preview of BBS right there at the end as well. Heck if you go by Final Mix, an absolute TON of shit is unresolved
Well, yeah, they can be if they thought DDD sucked and expected / wanted 3 to be more like 2. This isn't complicated.
This desu.
If the secret ending of KH2 was Cloud beating Sephiroth in a sick fanservice fight the series could have ended right there with no major plot threads left open.
>People can't replay games
Holy fuck, you idiots are something else.
tells me alot about how much you love kingdom hearts as a series if you wish for it to end after 2
fucking hell man these people on this board
I never said don't be mad. I'm saying that you are putting kh3 on the wrong pedestal.
>That isn't sequel bait.
How about the literal cutscene previewing BBS you pillock
You're BSing. Even in KH2, which I think too many people give a pass, there were things going on throughout the game.
Aside from Riku and Mickey getting new Keyblades, nothing actually happens in KH3 until Sora goes to the Realm of Darkness. Kairi and Axel training doesn't even amount to anything.
why cant you faggots
Both are charming, kh3 is lifeless and unironically has no soul
>Links nothing but re-arranged and remixed tracks
C'mon man, you were swearing up and down that the game was FULL of reused music! Just link one!
The only good one is the first one because it wasn't bogged down in JRPG story telling nonsense that didn't require you to play a bunch of side games to understand.
>...Um, excuse me?
Shit like "what is kingdom hearts?" and "where did the two (lol) keyblades come from?" genuinely were not important back then. The series never had to try definitively answer anything about the lore, the characters were all resolved besides Cloud.
And I acknowledged the secret ending was there and the actual issue with inserting sequelbait rather than the letter.
>kairi and axel training doesnt amount to anything
it literally does considering how long they stay alive in that fight if they were low lvl they couldnt have even entered
also you didnt play kh3
>he actually believes this
I bet you write fanfiction.
This isn’t even all of them lol
Re:CoM is a souless remake of CoM though. No game in the series has as little soul as it does.
When things actually do happen, it's stupidly written and out of character bullshit too.
The whole scene with Terranort bopping everyone, while cool, makes absolutely no sense and everyone acts like an idiot for that scene to happen. Same thing with the Heartless tornadoes, same thing with the huge crowd of Heartless.
All of those scenes feel like they go on for far too long and you can only deal with so much "THIS IS HOPELESS" before you stop caring.
The fact that we get a cool Nier Automata credits-esque thing with the Keyblade War wielders only for it to mean nothing in the grand scheme of things is just icing on the cake.
Even if I hadn't played KH1 when it first released, why would it matter? The decline in storytelling is noticeable no matter when you first played the games.
Not him but are you retarded? Like seriously? These have ALL been used in the older games, “rearranging” them doesn’t make them a new fucking song Jesus. They’re not original fucking songs dumb cunt.
This is coping of the highest order if you actually think Axel and Kyrie were handled well at all
....Why? They literally always have been.
Isn't an argument either
>Shit like "what is kingdom hearts?" and "where did the two (lol) keyblades come from?" genuinely were not important back then
...Why? Because you said so? That's a fucking huge statement to make, is there anything to back it up?
Also this is ignoring the FM stuff
They have consistently been a scene from the following game since the beginning.
Boy, I sure do love seeing Roxas and his pals eat ice cream over and over again on top of the goddamn clock tower, as well as boring ass gameplay! And Re:CoM literally copied and pasted the KH1 engine for its scenes and gameplay but with the card game mechanic added on top of it. GBA CoM had more soul.
Thank you for admitting that you’re retarded, I can move on now, here’s an actual original/creative song to cleanse your ears from kh3s shite
>These have ALL been used in the older games, “rearranging” them doesn’t make them a new fucking song Jesus.
It literally does, now why don't you show me what songs were ACTUALLY reused from previous games?
>Disney world’s have zero impact on story
But the organization is plotting something that needs hearts. No not regular peasant hearts, royal hearts, CEO hearts, toy hearts! And them they weren't necessary at all.
People always show Kairi "fighting" Xion off in the distance as if it's an indication of her being stronger.
You know, completely ignoring the fact that she gets kidnapped 15 seconds into the fight and does nothing.
Kairi had negative development in this game, user. I don't know how you can argue this. Axel too.
i write erotic stories on inkbunny usually
>iam a kh fan i only like 2 games of the series :)
that doesnt make you a fan it just makes you a fucking kh 1 and 2 poser or people who just heard of this game online and are playing it for cred
if you are a real fan you need to play all side games aswell fucking retard
honestly i wish all poser retards itt would kill themselfes fuck you all
axel and kairi love eachother and they had sex on that island
kairi is pregnant with axels baby
gonna be revealed in kh 4
bye faggots iam off to play some saints row 2 now and smoke some weeeeeed
hope all of you Yea Forums faggots die except the cool people itt
How does slightly changing the older song make it completely brand new? Dafuq
>Can't even link one reused song
>But somehow I'M the retarded one
I like how you completely gave up here by the way, I accept your concession.
Can we all agree that we could have waited another year or so for this game to be even better in terms of story writing and music?
>Axel gets killed in one hit
>Kairi gets killed in one hit
>they get brought back to life
>Axel gets his Keyblade broken
>Kairi gets kidnapped literally just by having her wrist grabbed and does nothing to resist
>Kairi gets killed in one hit
Yeah, that training did wonders.
kairi was always just a demsel in distress she should leave the fighting to the real men
also iam 100% certain if she was the one who kicked ass you people would be up and arms about fucking SJW destroying our videogameeees
Yea Forums - retards and faggots
>KH2 was literally fixed after release with final mix
>KH3 has had most of it's gameplay issues fixed after release with critical mode
Kingdom Hearts is one of the few game series where "They'll fix it later" is unironically true.
The big issue is how hard they fucked up the story, which is much harder to fix with DLC.
>Don't include any FF characters, and even remove them after making renders for them
>Recycle the renders for Dissidia
last I checked biz didn't and he's one of the only opinions that matter aside from deen
>How does changing the song make it new
I'd love to hear how changing a song makes it the same song
Now compare this to 3’s final boss theme wew.
All of them you shill faggot.
If anything is well stablished in this series of games, is that Sora can't into computers.
>lol ur not a REAL KH fan you only like the only two games in the series that were actually good if you were a REAL KH fan youd eat shit, love it and eagerly await Nomuras next serving.
And KHfags wonder why people find them so obnoxious.
Playing KH3 killed my hype for video games forever. I look back in 2013 and the 6 years that came after and realize how much anticipation I set myself, every day I woke up was a day closer to this super awesome amazing game that would rekindle my life-long passion for vidya and it kept me going. Then I play it, put in 30 hours, finished it with a luke warm reception, haven't touched my PS4 since then. DMC5 and Sekiro soon came after, I know those would light the spark, barely put in 10 hours in each of them. Pathologic 2 comes out, another game I waited years for, barely played 30 minutes before dropping it. MHW just got a new trailer, I know MH would satisfy me since I put in hundreds of hours into World and thousands throughout the series, Tigrex and Glavenus got revealed, still feel nothing. Friends invite me over for Tekken and Smash, got noticeably worse since I haven't played either in months, don't really care, don't really know why I'm there, so I left early. I think KH3 was the catalyst that's going to make me quit video games at this rate, if something amazing gets revealed at E3 and still feel zero spark I might just finally drop it.
Still avoiding spoilers so I can play KH3 when I get either a PS4 for cheap or the PS5 upon release but I still think that 3D was probably the worst KH game. At least 3 has better looking combat system from what I saw in the trailer.
nibba they are low lvl characters inside the lvl 45 zone did you really expect anything else to happen? i mean even if they lvled up together if they are both lvl 1 no matter how long they train they might get like 1 or 2 level ups at most
also iam fucking drunk and high right now and you are seriously debating kingdom hearts with me? :D i love this shit youi peop,e are fucking disgusting subhumans who should all die
This. You bust your ass to get that mark of mastery, they fuck off in the woods and get it with no sign of struggle or difficulty and then they're still bitches. If anyone involved had any sense at all, they would have fought with you in the end, not Donald and Goofy.
>..Why? Because you said so? That's a fucking huge statement to make, is there anything to back it up?
Because they're incidental setting elements that have nothing to do with the main thrust of the story, which is about the major characters in the present and not questions about how elements of the world came to be in the distant past.
Even thematically the first three games are very simple shit about the importance of friendship and good vs evil that doesn't need the greater context explained to resonate or fully present its argument.
They're extraneous details. Every genre fiction story has them, not every series needs to be like LotR where the crafting of the world was in itself part of the core purpose behind the work.
Gave up since you’re retarded m8
>The big issue is how hard they fucked up the story, which is much harder to fix with DLC.
>>Don't include any FF characters, and even remove them after making renders for them
I think it's pretty clear that they're saving the SE franchises for a later game. The Seifer stinger is just the tip.
playing kh3 actually revived my hype in videogames
must be hard being a depressed asshole but hey atleast i wont have to bother with your lame ass on my new coming up good games anymore .)
how in the fuck did you avoid spoilers for so long?
Because they’re still the same songs dumb fuck?
But it sold well....
Honestly does anyone else feel like future Kingdom Hearts games are NOT going to sell? I don't see these future games selling like 2 million units like how Birth by Sleep did. I just don't care about the story anymore and I doubt I'm alone. I know for a fact Nomura himself is both burned out and still angry over his Versus Yozora thing.
then maybe the dumb fuck should have sent them out with sora instead of ranting about nobiggers again
Go in with low expectations and you'll at least have some pleasant surprises and something to talk about.
you sound really fucking retarded right now lol shows the true iq of kh3 haters
You might just be a faggot, user.
Nomura saw them as a narrative crutch. Them being gone is more a declaration of independence from him than a slight at fans who wanted more ffs standing around doing nothing
>current XV thread
>full of genuine discussion and appreciation of the game
>KH3 thread
>literally everyone disappointed with the game and shitting on it
Barry won.
Kairi and Axel have never been masters. Also, having Donald and Goofy at the last fight was a genuinely good decision.
>Because they're incidental setting elements that have nothing to do with the main thrust of the story, which is about the major characters in the present and not questions about how elements of the world came to be in the distant past.
So yeah it's literally "because I said so", gotcha.
>Things in the past aren't relevant for the present story
You know, except for the reason Sora can wield keyblades
>I gave up
I know that's why I said I accepted your concession, because you gave up.
The hype caused it to sell well like 15, who knows about the future ff game/kh games.
>boring ass
back to your hood tyrone
Waiting wouldn't have changed anything
Nomura is the type of writer that locks himself up in his room and doesn't leave until he's done working. He has no idea what to do with the series at this point since instead of ending off KH3 with a proper ending and one or two plot threads for future games, he left it gaping open with several "Fuck you, buy the next game" plot threads.
Shit like Kairi being useless was basically guaranteed when it came out that Nomura had no idea that anyone cared about Aqua turning evil. I'm not even an aquafag but come the fuck on.
Square being a company with shitty management doesn't help either, since they had Nomura stretched across 3 or more projects at all times during KH3's development.
>FF13Versus, then rebranded as FF15
>Potentially on a remake of FF13Versus if leakfaggotry is to be trusted
I thought 3 would bomb but it seems the devianart crowd we mocked back in the day make up a much larger fandom than anticipated and normies really will buy anything with disney in it
no but seriously why the fuck didnt he ever help at all at any point? he could have probably prevented all the things in birth by sleep happening and thus prevented all of the bad shit happening in this series
>Because they’re still the same songs dumb fuck?
user you just admitted they were changed and different. Don't move the goalposts back already
>Third post in the thread is "FFXV is garbage"
lol ok
>I'm a degenerate on multiple substances saying retarded shit about a game series I don't even care about on an anonymous image board
>you're the subhuman though
Sick life bro
its literally just a waifu thread
anyone can make a waifu thread with any character you fucking retard doesnt have to do anything with the game
Because you’re retarded and clearly I’m not the only one who thinks that
It must suck to be unable to read.
Looking at this image is anyone else disappointed in the actual cut scene of Sora eating the fruit? In this artwork look at the size of the bite mark it looks like's truly eating a piece.
In the actual cut scene it was a literal small blink and you miss it little diminutive microscopic nibble. I actually didn't even see this detail until Nomura said in Ultimania that Sora did eat the fruit. It's like Nomura is on some level rejecting the idea of Sora and Kairi hooking up given how difficult it was to see.
how about you kill yourself literally and figurativley speaking? also what else should i do with my time? youre shitposting on the same exact board as me a drug addict so how does that make you better than me exactly? FUCKING RETARD ASSS FAGOGopdspgkso iam gonna kill all niggeeeerrrrrssss
FFVXIII was long overdue when KH3 started development. Unless you're the misinformed type that thinks KH3 has been in development since 2005.
Holy fuck now THIS is autism
Nice refutation, and I can clearly read you saying "this is my opinion but it is objective truth"
its because sora was always meant for riku
its why nomura couldnt wait to finally kill that stupid bitch
bringing her back was probably disneys decision iam 100% certain
I didn’t realize we could have people more retarded than Barry in these threads but goddamn nigga
At heart, KH is about Sora and Riku famalam. Nomura is just a closeted coward.
How was that good? They were with you this whole game unlike Axel and Kairi, characters you've been missing and should be wanting to see some interaction with. Maybe some gimmick where you take turns fighting beside each of them as you work your way through his forms, all leading to some sort of "MY FRIENDS ARE MY POWER" moment that makes that phrase mean something big. Instead you're just kicking Xehanort's ass like any other boss.
Almost everyone is calling it a mess in that thread, though. This is true genuine appreciation.
It’s an objective truth that you’re an autistic faggot wew
Having the first proper gay relationship in a Disney property NOT being actually Disney would be a very horrible look for them.
>all the mad kh3 fags itt
>while i chill and play the real masterpiece
yozora could easily kick soras ass
>You admitted you were wrong
Glad to see you're rightfully embarrassed at yourself
>How does slightly changing the older song...
>Yet also claims that the song never changed and is the exact same
I think you're the dumb one, nigga
Those are all songs from the older games.
it was always about all 3 and anything less is bullshit. 3some on the beach should have been the canon ending for the saga
your idea sounds way worse than anything in the game
its why retards like you are not game developers and shouldnt be
How nomuras balls taste?
Don't get so angry just because I pointed out how dumb your argument was, user
And that user who posted it even admitted they were all rearranged. So no, they're not
He already did My Friends Are My Power in the first half of the grand finale, Dream Drop Distance. By the end of kh3 there were no more words to be shared.
>way worse than anything in the game
Hey can you tell me what "we'll play again when we're both guys" means?
>Refute someone with words from their own mouth
Seriously, it's funny how you have no leg to stand on here
last fight should have been sora, riku, kairi and it's a fucking crime that it wasn't. 1 was sora/donald/goofy, 2 was sora/riku, and 3 should have been sora/riku/kairi
I would say I'm glad it's over but the game never gives any sense of closure and it isn't really over at all. At least the Xehanort stuff is done and I can distance myself from the series now since what's left doesn't really interest me.
Did he just forget that power? Why did it mean nothing in KH3?
They are all songs from the older games
I do think Axel and Kairi were underdeveloped in KH3, and making them the beginning of the game would've been a no brainer to me. This doesn't detract, at least to me, that the relationship between Sora and Donald/Goofy was mostly better written than Sora and Kairi/Axel (forced in the first, non-existent in the second), and most of the weight was on the former relationship, at least in this game. Another solution would've been preferable for the entire last section of the game (maybe more structured bosses/bosses that don't fucking suck with in-battle dialogue?). But as it is, I think the actual final boss is pretty good. The thing with the speakers at the last button press was a bit emotional to me.
And that user who posted it even admitted they were all rearranged. So no, they're not
>someone shilling this hard for K3’s barebones ost
I can’t, bring Barry back
This. Holy shit how did they forget how to make a final boss fight? Zero interesting gimmicks. Maximum frustration running around trying to find an ass to kick. The setting was cool though.
>kill myself figuratively
>actually schizoposting
Top kek I knew there was something wrong with you and not even in a Yea Forums faggot way. Here's a real honest lesson man, you snap your brain on that shit, weed and alcohol, and that's it. You will spend the rest of your life piecing together things with a broken mirror for a brain while your family feels guilt over justifiably hating you and wishing they could be unburdened. Fuck off and get help, everyone here thinks you're a faggot so I can't imagine how embarrassing you are in real life
user not that guy but it even says in the descriptions that they're new arrangements.
Did you not play the game and see how hard Sora was on himself because he thought his friends truly were his only power, his breakdown when everyone died and the Trinity Limit final attack? C'mon man.
same with the frozen world
the actual villain was supposed to be elsa its why the heartless is ice themed and why the villain was not even voiced
also that part where larxene traps sora and his friends inside the ice castle? like come on as if larxene ever had ice powers
thats why the frozen world sticks out like a sore thumb nomura wanted elsa to be the villain but disney changed it probably at the last minute too considering how long the game was in development and the frozen world was done pretty early on
I would agree if they had done anything with Kairi in this game outside of "well yeah Sora I love you now let's have sex and be the only thing". However, that didn't happen, Nomura seems to hate her guts, no screen time whatsoever.
I agree here, but the writing in KH3 was clearly more into further Sora/Donald/Goofy relationship than anything related to Riku or Kairi. Which is a shame, but I like it in a way; Goofy is genuinely likable.
>no argument
Should’ve expected much from 358fags.
They are
Of songs from the older ganes
Feels good when someone has absolutely no response to the point where they just post wojacks.
I accept your concession.
self projecting much?
making psychological evalutations based on shitposting must be your hobby huh?
So in other words they're not songs from the older games. Exactly. Glad you're agreeing with me finally
>also that part where larxene traps sora and his friends inside the ice castle? like come on as if larxene ever had ice powers
Yeah I thought that was fucking stupid.
huh i didnt actually know that thats neat
i heard the development of the frozen world in kh3 got started when the movie was in development aswell
would make so much fucking sense now
sad that we will never get to see what the actual frozen world would have been like
>500+ posts of nothing but shitposting
How do you faggots do it?
That's not what I heard. It's true in the first draft she was meant to be the antagonist, but as far as I could tell, they didn't put too much work into that direction before switching up. Unlike Zootopia where several scenes including the shock collars were produced.
>Disney changed it
Not exactly true. The film just went through extensive rewrites, like most Disney films tend to do. Animated films need to be fully planned out before anyone begins drawing for real, as it were
One thing I honestly can't get past is that every other trio feels like a trio. The Wayfinder trio, the Sea Salt Trio, Donald, Mickey, and Goofy, etc.
The Destiny Islands trio, however? Sora and Riku have a great relationship. Sora and Kairi have an okay, if underdeveloped relationship.
Riku and Kairi? Almost nothing there to speak of at all. It's one of the shittiest relationships in the series, to the point that they barely even feel like they're friends, which, after KH1 showed them all hanging out on the beach and implied they'd all THREE been friends for a long time, feels fucking weird.
no job and too much time literally and figurativley speaking
I almost feel bad for KHfags, they waited over 13 years for this unfinished overhyped mess that even they can agree disappointed and remains the worst in the franchise. If they weren't so autistic, as this thread highlights, I'd feel pity for them.
Good thing I lost interest before 3 came out
I just do this while at work. I'm too busy with vidya when I'm done
bary can you atleast try to make your posts actually sound human?
I don’t think Riki and kairi had a single scene together in the game, correct me if I’m wrong
They had some screentime together in 2 and 0.2, but it's just that Kairi is a black hole, more than anything else. It doesn't help that most of the narratives in KH are about either looking for Sora or looking for Riku, while Kairi has been mostly safe since 1 (the kidnapping in 2 was half-assed).
i dont know what to play anymore :( games have gotten boring to me
shitposting is all there is now
>It wouldn't surprise me, after all women are never to be harmed as it's Disney's rules....unless they're fat, ugly, or inhuman. But if they're pretty? Illegal to kill them.
Helga Sinclair was a pretty lady who was a villain, in Atlantis The Lost Empires, which was a Disney movie, and she got killed off.
>waited over 13 years
Only we didn't.
I only play mobages nowadays, only game I’m excited for is tlou2
Jesus Christ that world salad...
It's amazing how hard they fail in this regard. They're propped up to have the most meaningful relationships but no effort is put into exploring or defining those relationships in what should he the most important game so far in the series. There should have been some sort of conference call between Sora, Riku, and Kairi but there is absolutely nothing. Riku and Kairi are strangers.
Maleficent is also hot.
I just finished my Critical run of KH3 recently. Besides that I played and beat Nier: Automata recently (fantastic game, you should play it) and I'm also playing Rabi-Ribi, which is great if you like Metroidvanias.
What games do you like
And does Disney acknowledge the fact that Atlantis exists?
thats just modern disney for you
i dont expect anything from them anymore
btw i know this is off topic but did anyone itt watch made in abyss? holy hell i fucking love that show
None of those things are true, most are opinion
best sequel. Powerful and scary as fuck. At the same time classy with a flair.
>tfw no Maleficent/Riku /ss/ porn
already played nier automata
yeah that game was awesome
currently i started picking up some old jrpg games
started with dragon warrior on the nes
Made in the Abyss is really good. So is Zootopia.
The official manga might have something for you there.
>tfw no Maleficent
Try out SMT/Persona games if you haven't also. You might get into that.
oh fuck yeah i wanted to mention zootopia that movie was pretty good
its works like these that give me hope for the future
i know that we get alot of trash usually but that just makes all these great works of art stand out even more
This post can apply to all games Maleficent appears in bar 1 and CoM. Unsurprisingly, those are the good ones story wise.
already did
yeah deffinitly into it even played nocturne
but as of now i just wanna be done with dragon warrior first that game is fucking grindy as hell
In the end where they all gathered to talk the plan of attack after graduating from the program with Axel. They have no interaction though.
RE2 remake was really fun
>tfw no one knows what "we'll play again when we're both guys" means
its on my buylist for the future its just iam having a few other games on my backlog that i wanna complete first before i buy a new one
but thanks for the reccomandation anyways
It means they'll both play games of chance once Luxord isn't a Nobody anymore
It means that Marluxia, Larxene, Demyx and Luxord will get a part in the next storyline, since they're the mystery men of the franchise.
It means Sora wants to hang out with Luxord after the whole Organization XIII stuff is over you actual autist
I get you, user. But I still have hope that the future will finally drop some games to revive our past love for gaming.
>Newfags and "critics" being disappointed in a KH game
Can't wait for the next KH game to come out so we can do this tired and already boring process all over again. It happened with KH2 years before. Now with KH3 being the newest game and it will definitely happen again.
>how in the fuck did you avoid spoilers for so long?
Luck. I have no idea to be honest.
Only thing I know is there's some big twist with Braig but I hit mute before that asshole could get another word in and a friend showed me a still of Master Xehanort's armor. The armor kind of suits even if I hate the fact it looks absolutely nothing like the other Keyblade Master armors but it does match the goats on related keyblades. Also him being Magiknight Satan is funny but fitting.
It is KH and modern SE so of course you'll need low expectations. The plot was always insane and read like some kid's shitty Disney film 'crossover' fanfic.
But I've been waiting since the announcement of KH2 for KH3. I'm going to find some reason to still love it even if it is just the characters' new costumes and the BGM.
This faggot btfo'd hard hahaha based kh3 crit
People love kh2 tho
>Go back to posts dating back all the way to 2006
>People discussing KH3
>Go back to old post-KH2 interviews
>Nomura discussing KH3
wtf bros? we only waited 7 years, not 13!
Woody dies at the end.
Back then they sure didn't.
That’s not true
I think you mean Xehanort's lingering magic/soul infects Woody and Woody kills Buzz to forge the ultimate Keyblade.
Yeah they did, newfag. There is a reason the "press triangle to win" meme exists
I’m not a newfag, majority of people still love it and it’s always been contrarian to not like it
I only got hyped for it around a week before it came out, I remember watching the opening on fucking pornhub and feeling hyped. I found the game disappointing and rather half-finished. I still platinumed the game, but some shit like getting a high score in every mini-game was mind numbing. I still had some fun in the combat, though, and despite having several mid battle cutscenes, I really enjoyed the fan service gauntlet at the end.
Not him but there was a shitload of people back then that threw shit at KH2 for the Reaction Commands, level design, and easy difficulty.
Sure you are, newfag. Nomura still overcompensates with his shorter intros because people previously hated the Roxas segment despite it being kino as hell.
Damn user I didn't want to spoil it that much for him