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Why are they all so fucking bad?
gunblades are stupid
I'd like to see my numbers and how much I'm doing now that potency calc is changed. May be exactly the same, might be somewhat different. I also like seeing how the number goes as I level up and especially as I unlock new skills. Not sure how far I can make day 1 but assuming there's nothing like the raubahn wall, I should get a couple new skills.
ur stupid
also because Gilgamesh had a hard life. Originally the reddit server, then become a roleplay server, then become a raiding server. it's attracted a ton of people to it, expecting to be carried as time went on. when stormblood came out a lot of people jumped ship to Omega and Loisioux
What race looks best as each class, you know some races look retarded as certain classes
Viera looks great on everything.
Because Faerie is full of pride parade trannies and Gilgamesh is full of eceleb orbiters that transferred there because surely being near Elysium would make them good at the game.
Confess your FFXIV battle sins, Yea Forums.
I macro'd Seigan to Third Eye so that when you press the macro, it activates Third Eye then tries to apply Seigan in the next 10-15 seconds.
any combat music that has vocals is bound to get annoying pretty fast, i like it, but it will be muted pretty fast for sure
Not a fan. Going to enjoy the cozy area BGM instead.
t. Netflix healer
You're a faggot if you bully retarded casuals with no interest in improvement, but there's nothing wrong with parsing "easy" things to gauge your group and ensure you're doing well.
Female au ra can be anything
If blackmages stand far outside of aoe heals I won't even bother single target healing them. Holy shit playing around/catering to a niggermage is the most infuriating thing ever, I always exclude that nigger of a job outside of my PFs.
I hear Elysium will let you in if you let them bot nodes on your account
>any combat music that has vocals is bound to get annoying pretty fast,
I dunno. Persona 5's was jazzy and fun and I never grew tired of it.
this is banger as fuck, like the old school JRPGs with motoi sakuraba in them. Fuck Yea Forums zoomers and their shit taste.
That's a good way for neither to ever work when you want them to
Macros aren't shit on for some kind of pretentious reason, they're shit on because they're functionally terrible.
what's the best femaura hairstyle, i got bored of the one with horn nubs
i don't really see the point of parsing easier content,if you clear it first try or around the average time, you're just stroking your own dick over how well you doing in said easy content.
>Why are they all so fucking bad?
Gilg is filled with people who think they're raiders because they're on the raid server and so whatever retarded bullshit they're doing must be right
Because 3 of the 7 people I play with are on ps4 and beg for a parser to be up because they're thirsty for any info on how they're doing so they can improve.
No bully
It's called trying to do the best you possibly can, and it's something that doesn't just randomly activate at an arbitrary difficulty level.
If you have a casual mindset that's fine
because you literally chose the reddit datacenter. are there so many wowfugees playing now that they don't remember when reddit decided to invade aether have their poll?
what's censored below the sword?
Not the quoted but you're quite dumb. he literally said that he wants to improve, not clear.
Hair 4 and hime are the best
never played P5 but i did played P4 and after the second dungeon or so the combat music started to be quite annoying, tho it was bretty good to begin with
This. Fucking stop spacing away from everyone like they have aids.
minion most likely, that or another person
what sorts of new minions do you guys hope they add
>needing ACT for anything but minor optimisations
yeah i misread the post, i'm tired, i do agree with it
It's a fucking singleplayer rpg, erp, dress up simulator game. Why the fuck would you give a shit about improving at the easiest shit in the game? It won't matter how efficient and responsive you are when the other tards in your party dont know their rotation and dont hit OGCDs 50% of the time.
Persona 5's soundtrack is kino.
This reminds me of how Heavensward's MSQs had these scripted encounters with random enemies while moving between outposts and other points of interest.
I guess it was the best they could do to simulate a typical random encounter from old JRPGs, but people probably hated it because none of the Stormblood's MSQs had similar battles (only story-related ones).
Ah yes, the Mr. Happy mindset. Why be good when you can just be constantly mediocre?
You will never understand wanting to succeed. You're just wired wrong.
>when the guy makes fried chicken out of the baby the other hunter was raising
>Autismus minmaximus telling other people they're wired wrong
The fucking irony.
Kill yourself.
>he can't make a rotation on potency info alone
Maths is hard, amirite?
Aether > Primal > Crystal
The Mr. Happy mindset is "okay gotta ignore the story and raidlog until the end of time".
You're right, I'll never understand autism because I'm not crippled by it.
Antiparsers are usually deadbeats in real life too. I've never met one that I could handle having a conversation with because it's like talking to a retarded brick wall.
No drive
No motivation
No reason to even exist
See above
You'll beat me to it far earlier, it'll be tough when you're stuck at your wage slave job coming home to 3 roommates every morning
Execution and validation
Primal >>> Aether >>>>>>>>> Crystal
>catnigger eat what remains too
>wanting to succeed
>wired wrong
dude you're playing a japanese mmo full of people who are literally pretending to be catgirls and having virtual sex with the cringiest text imaginable
you have no idea what it means either, you're a fucking 4channer ffs
>Trying to be successful is autism
How's minimum wage treating you? I hear they're lobbying to increase it soon.
>wasting food
When you live in medieval times, you eat that fucking chicken or die.
If you don't understand why people would want to improve that's some fuckin quitter shit bro. Never aspire to mediocrity.
>I've never met one
that's what happens when you stay in your mom's basement, faggot.
we're talking about you parsing easy content like leveling dungeons, not content where it would actually be useful, like in EX trials and raids.
but keep sperging out, it's fun.
If you can't even pull yourself together to play a video game correctly... yikes
And that projection! All 4channelers must be as fucking stupid as you, huh?
you're very broadly generalising what i said, and i don't think you can actually improve while doing easier content (except for muscle memory maybe). I didn't said anything about the harder parts of the game, or how you should be training/playing them
>healer whines he has to heal
Been seeing a lot of that lately.
Damn now you're projecting your McDonald's job into us too?
no imperial judge magister
no buy
this thread sucks, shut up
Who would you trust to guard your possessions, an Uldahn Lala or Ala Mhigan?
anyone else feel like ogcds aren't impactful enough for how long their cooldown is
If you can't do that without it, having it does you no good.
Like I said, minor optimisations. Prior maths validated it so that's all you have left.
Is raidleading the ultimate cuckoldry?
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having to lead a raidgroup. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are helping, theorycrafting, raising and rearing a raid for at least 3 months solely so they can go and get savageprogression with another group. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little raidgroup - reading them tactics before each pull, making them go to rotation practice, making sure they have a well rounded materia setup, educating them, playing with them. All of it has one simple result: their gameplay is more enjoyable for the raids that will eventually poach your members for their progression groups.
Raised the perfect raidgroup? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random guild that had nothing to do with the way they progressed. They get to kill bosses every night. They get the benefits of their kind and sweet personalities that came from the way you raised them.
As a raidleader who has a raidgroup, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 2 moths of your life simply to raise raidmembers for another raidgroup to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically
You certainly can, I'm sorry that you can't think of how. Broad generalizations are necessary to get more yous.
You're right, it's lots of fun. Doing well is the most fun thing to me. You should try it.
I didn't mention McDonald's... Hmmm....
sounds awesome.
ten times better than this awful "we fall"-shit that only little bitches would like.
The Ul'dahn because he's most likely a devotee of Nald'thal and is expressly forbidden to steal by his religion.
mhigger. at least you can appeal to their sense of honor and pride.
they work just fine to fill in the gcd.
There are other players that you can't really account for in a spreadsheet. They alter things like kill times and pull speed.
I started playing this recently, went for the free trial. Picked lancer because polearms are cool. Is it one of the simpler combat classes? I feel like most encounters boil down to doing the side thrust to initiate, true thrust, vorpal thrust, moving slightly to dodge AOE, doing the third move whose name I can't remember right now, then repeating until the monster is dead. I know that later on you get the ridiculous raids with multiple AOEs and having to jump off the floor every 36 seconds, unless it's a Tuesday or whatever, but for basic combat are there more interesting classes?
Certainly a change of pace, but I think i like it
Lala. They at least are capable of forethought and you could possibly form a partnership of sorts.
Lala, that's just a bank which I can at least rely on them to fuck me over the normal amount.
It's above average in complexity right now but it'll be back to simple when ShB is out.
How long does it take to finish the story from 4.0 to the end of Stormblood? Do I have time to get ready for Shadowbringers?
lancer is a boring class to start with and mechanics are basically a tutorial until above level 50
We may get Gabranth's armor in the future
>let a lala hold your things
>they sell them back to you the next day
The complexity of any class ramps up after 50. 1-50 is designed as a tutorial.
That's just going back to execution which has been covered.
You have enough time.
all of the classes are pretty simple until you hit at least level 50
hol up dune boi, give me all your tomestones
Combat only becomes interesting by lvl 50 or 60. and i'm not doing a meme or telling you that the games get better 20 hours invested in it later. If you notice how every dungeon you did so far worked, you will notice the pattern. You are playing a long ass tutorial. and no. it does not work, most people at the endgame is bad anyway.
Look for a video of Dragoon rotation at lvl 70, so you can grasp better how the game actually is.
>let a mhigger hold your things
>he stabs you and pawns your shit for somnus
Oh. I know there's the archers and I think one more war class in this starting area, so they're not much more involved?
Do any of the other classes become more complex below 35? I'd like at least a taste of something more engaging before I decide whether to start paying monthly for this.
Piss, that sounds like no then.
Made me lol irl user
All jobs don't have proper rotations at level 1-50 because this level range is a massive tutorial. You only get proper rotations after completing all your job quests, all the way to level +50.
>It's above average in complexity right now but it'll be back to simple when ShB is out.
Funny you say that considering Dragoon really didn't change much.
Take the pill, user.
>let a Mhigger hold your things
>they start a terrorist organization and kill some randoms for no reason and you lose the stuff permanently
Do you post this gayfur every thread?
>tell mhigger you're letting him guard your things because you know the ala mhigans are strong honorable people
Appeal to a mhigger's pride and he'll do anything you want.
I was excited for Gunbreaker til I found out they made it a tank
>rescue him so I can hit him with cure 3 like the rest of the party
>he uses triplecast getting back to his position by the door
It's definitely a flaw in the game's design. It takes forever to properly ramp up
If not for the fact that many players need the ARR period to learn to play the game, I'd more freely recommend getting the ARR skip
nothing is complex below level 50. even then you reach level 50 the complexity comes from doing coil raids which you'll never do unless its unsynced which means you'll steamroll it.
Already been bunpilled
pugilist has a mostly complete rotation at level 30 or so, it doesn't really fundamentally change the rest of the way to level cap except for one more skill
How about I swallow something other Hrothgar that's not the pill?
Are you sure? Because I see this same exact pic like every fucking day here.
>took the bunpill
Why though?
I recommend going with Marauder, Arcanist (both in limsa) or Pugilist (ul'dah) if you want something more involved. Pugilist is a very high skill class and requires a lot of memory and judgement.
Archer and Conjurer are very simple early on.
he's here every day
I can't wait to tank for my husband Alphinaud
This is not max graphic settings is it? It looks kinda shit.
>the reason ala mhigo and doma are liberated is because ilberd forced the alliance to get off their ass and do something
>they pruned and dumbed down DRK even more for Shadowniggers
I didn't think it was possible, but here we are. Time to go GNB.
That looks like shit. Not the lion the set he's in.
Ur here everyday
I want them to add Elezenos and Estinien to the Trust system.
I'm not a bara furfag.
>new move is another Shoah
Watch out potatoes, gonna make the last Calamity look like a fucking joke.
Are you ready to save the /ourguy/ emperor as Gaius and btfo some ascians, user?
Ah, okay then. I haven't got as far as any dungeons yet at the moment, think I'm level 13/14 in lnc right now.
It does seem that way. I've done a lot of "kill six anole" type quests, gather 5 seeds, carry a thing to an NPC, etc. Switching to leatherworking was an interesting change in that it wasn't just hitting monsters and thinking about what things I had to craft to make other things was fun.
I'll put off judgement until I hit the free trial cap or get bored. I feel like I need to have friends to play this with, but this kind of game is poison to my only friend.
Seeing I started in Gridania, does it take a while to be able to go to the other areas where you can switch to those classes?
For the hairstyles with a hairband, why can't you change the color of the band?
It's pretty hilarious thats 100% true.
I will yoshi thanks for ruining my fav job I know in 6.0 you will take away all the shit that makes GNB fun and give it warrior
>Lahabrea dead
>Igeyorhm dead
>Nabriales dead
>Emerollolth dead
>Mitron dead
>two mystery niggas dead by Gaius
Either Yoshi is on crack or he wants GNB to be the DPS tank.
I think he is on crack
It's certainly different, and I can appreciate that.
Also, Japanese garage rock is one genre that's very FFXIV
not really, you can freely move around the cities once you complete the level 15 quests
>Making a bun but having her be min height with the shortest ears possible
>Making a bun sickly and pale
pls understand
holy epic
They're getting utterly BTFO
>mfw someone intends on playing Hrothgar
>tries to sell me the idea the they're not into fur or homosexualism
Aren't Gaius' kills just on some black mask niggers that aren't even real Ascians?
You can walk to Ul'dah (through mobs much higher level), Limsa is a boat but it's level/quest locked iirc.
>log into my Balmung main
>in Ul'dah
>framedrops at the game hits its model limit
>pass through the Quicksands on my way to Sapphire Avenue
>have to turn down my volume a bit because of how loud the crowd noises are
>chatlog filled instantly with emotes and /say chat
>listen to someone performing some Touhou music for the small crowd at the MB as I send my retainers out on ventures
>all my shit sold overnight as usual, need to restock
>swing by the Lochs to grab a Gazelleskin
>pass by like a dozen dudes in the middle of RPing a military exercise
>check timers, Hawk's Eye node is up so might as well
>zap over to the Ruby Sea
>have to hold X to hide the names of the ~8 people around the node so I can click it
>on my way out wave to that one Mentor that's always fishing in that area for some reason
>back to Ul'dah to sell my shit
>the constant map groups mean the price is up to nearly 50k again
God I love this server. It doesn't feel like I'm in a content drought at all. I wish they'd unlock it though, sometimes I visit Malboro and Goblin to hang out with friends and those places have so many fucking sprouts it's unreal.
That last quest in Ul'dah was pretty silly.
>angry mhigger screaming FUCK BANKS AND FUCK LALAS
>Lolorito pops out of nowhere like a fucking kike ninja and uses his jewish's sweet nothings on him
>"o-ok but I want lots of paper and stuff, gotta protect muh people"
Didn't they say something similar to this about DRK when HW was releasing?
Holy shit how times have changed.
Anyone play on fat PS4? Did you notice performance improvement after 6.51 update? Ivalice raid doesn't looks like 10fps shit fest anymore.
He had two red masks
>People who do leak stuff, they're kinda pieces of shit. You don't get anything out of it.
And the red haired german thot wants more influencers at these events.
Remember when media events, fanfests and conventions didn't have random youtubeshits or nu-journos, but actual journalists and people from the gaming industry?
No he's killed Ascian's that should be impossible to kill with conventional means.
GNB can't be a DPS Tank if it doesn't do DPS.
I like it. It's like I'm playing Xeno X again.
I have a wife, and the thought of fursuits disgusts me, but I'm taking the Hrothpill.
please look forward to it!
if you don't macro "it's anudda shoah" on on shoha you suck
I'm already tired of brown bunnies.
haha what a dank meme, fellow memer
some user posted updated tooltips last night of sonic break getting an increase but I didnt save it
>I have a wife
This guy Landebert told WoL a lot redpills desu
Isn't that the same dumb kraut whore who broke NDA and confirmed the leaks because she couldn't stop seething about her lost ad revenue?
Let's guess how they'll dumb down GNB for the next expansion!
>Continuum turns into a 3 stack buff, using the cartridge combo automatically activates the "Ready to-" attacks in sequence
Numbers are not final. GNB and DNC are obviously the class that will have more modifications from the old build to the release build.
Right now they are the worst main tank and worst dps. i think we are in for a surprise when they give us info about the job.
I see they got better with the belts; they almost look practical.
>hate my current u/i setup
>too lazy to fix it
Can't wait for all my keybinds to be broken in ShB so I'm forced to fix this shit
>actual journalists and people from the gaming industry
Cool, so just a bit further then.
I'm not exactly sure even after this few days how the levels work, so your character doesn't have a level, but the classes do? So in the trial I could theoretically level all the available classes up to 35?
Mhigan, they at least are loyal to the Homeland. Lalas are beastmen who will stab you in the back of your shins for some coin.
I will miss this actual weeb.
You don't have to have to wear a carcass of a cartoon animal to have good taste.
>HW: DRK is more complex, it's going to be the job for experienced tanks.
>SB: DRK was too hard for DF retards so we made it a braindead 123 spam job
>SHB: We're further trimming DRK down so you can ONLY 123
>also SHB: We want a complex, expert tank for more experienced players so we're making GNB
You don’t have a wife or a lover ?
WRPGs don't let you play as literal lions, what is this image even trying to say?
On top of which, any class lower level than your highest (combat only) receives an exp boost.
Hancock was based as fuck
yes, you have one character that levels each job separately (except for summoner and scholar but they're weird and probably getting changed soon)
you could do that if you wanted to but there's really no reason to since you'll want at least one job at a high level for various reasons
You mean Zepla? No.
Also Zepla is a ukrainian cunt who pretends to be the voice of the german XIV community.
Yes, you know. The sort of people who are no more.
WRPG's tend to be more realistic as opposed to JRPG's that just make whatever makes your dick hard.
>The sort of people who are no more.
And that's a good thing.
He has to come back in a side quest or something at least.
I mean sure. That is how it happens. Problem is that the peek we had of GNB shows nothing that is close to being complex. just do a diferent combo every 30 seconds and press a three times button. Throw a dot with less duration than cooldown. that is it.
I ask mainly so I can give other classes a try to see if any of them are more fun before I make the decision to buy/sub to the game.
Despite the fact I probably spend more than the monthly fee on other games, this is my first proper (non F2P) MMO so I do balk a bit at the idea of dropping money on it every month.
This! So much THIS!
I was expecting him to backstab us but he was legit all along.
Truly the most underrated character in this game.
same performance
We fucked him over in the end though by making him Fran's little paypig bitch
>finally cleared Seiryu EX
As I understand good healer rarely goes OOM even if people die, right? Because in enrage learning/clear party healers were always OOM. Is this indication of good healer?
Based. Fuck Ascians and FUCK libtards. I hope Varis doesn't just die like a cuck. Yoshida is contrarian but is he contrarian enough to save /ourguy/ Varis or at least let him die as a hero? Very few Emperor types are actually done well.
At this point, someone dangling a keychain in front of me looks more "complex" than DRK so I'll take it.
AST has mana issues all the time.
No, a good healer will be telling you all to take vuln stacks to make life interesting.
>making him Fran's little paypig bitch
>fucked him over
Varis is a fucking idiot though.
>dude, lets just trigger calamity after calamity until we're all the master race lol
Varis probably has plan. His performance was too obvious.
>brainlet didn't catch on to what Varis was actually doing at that meeting
>he plays Elezen
>he plays Highlander
>he plays Viera
>he plays Hrothgar
This brings joy
I HATE FF6. Pretentious as shit story desu.
He just pretending.
Especially in a MSQ Duty
>y-you just don't get it, he's playing 4D chess
Not everyone wants to be a cuck
Hancock is only interested in superior Hingan waifus like the true weeaboo that he is
His name is Hancuck.
He's not though.
Rewatch cutscenes from 4.5
>10 days until we might see a Ishgard restoration preview
Home...we remember!
Uhhh bros, what was he doing? He's too high IQ for me, he would BTFO me in a youtube video.
>has a massive shift in personality from one scene to the next
>spills to the Alliance and WoL that the Empire is being run by Ascians
>tells them the details of the Ascian plan
>does so while appearing to still be under Ascian control
>wol cringe compilation
You're projecting pretty hard there, friendo. Some people don't sexualize their MMO characters. In fact: pretty much everyone not on buttminge or mate-us both does not ERP, nor do they care to.
he got possessed after the meeting
Dialogue with Solus
>this fucking brainlet text
There are people that still didn't catch on to what he was trying to do? Bet you said "omigod hitler" like a twitch/redditfag too. Pathetic.
Please dont post this filthy mutt, thanks!
The problem isn't that you have to heal, the problem is that you have to heal retards who don't stand aside from AoE's
this is a digital fantasy realm where you can choose to be anything you want and you decided to be the gayfur race
Leaker is based, fuck those jews.
>You don't get anything out of it.
That's the fucking point, they aren't shills looking for a paycheck and people like that.
>you need DPS to clear content fast
>"I not gonna heal you because of reasons"
Is she really so dense that she thinks people wouldn't have lost their shit over Blue Mage not being a full job if people hadn't known it was coming in advance? They'd been teasing BLU for ages, people's expectations were high regardless.
Can you stop talking about game of thrones here?
I wonder if SE told them to make videos denouncing the leaks.
I'm not a pussy little bitchboi and I'm tired of Roe. What else is there?
Stay within healer range then you dumb selfish negroid
Literally no reason not to be
>Is she really so dense that she thinks people wouldn't have lost their shit over Blue Mage not being a full job if people hadn't known it was coming in advance?
BLU defenders are brain damaged, so probably.
>There's nothing wrong with gutting a classic job and turning it into a closed off single player experience in an MMO, you're just entitled and expected too much!
Dragoonfag detected
Play a mhigger
Lalafell, obviously. Unless your dick is so small that you have to compensate.
He literally is. You're just remembering that one cutscene and ignoring how he's acted with Solus thus far and his mentality. Thing is he's really, really threading on thin ice. I hope we find some way to save him but I don't know if Yoshida and the xiv team are madlad enough to find a way. See this
He blatantly set you up with all the information you need and is "playing his part" until he can break his chains as shadow emperor. I hope we can save him and team up with him proper.
>I don't want heal I want DPS
You already has low CPM. Just heal poor BLM you lazy fuck. This is your role.
>not playing a lala with a massive schlong to cock vore people with
What was that? You leave my grandson alone, you're a bad influence.
Playing XIV on patches and events is the worst time
>tons of reloggers
>all of them either shit at easy content
>or too confident/autistic/egoistical to do the minimum properly and thus get people killed
>botters in instances
>assholes who leave as soon as they get into something they didn't want for a event
>undercutters and crashing the market
>making harder content worse by being shit and/or full of themselves
>hunt mafia on full force
>market illuminati on full force
Mhiggers are just Roes on estrogen.
I can't get past the retarded animations.
Stay within range then you dumb fuck, so neither of us have to move. Heals only have so much range. Stop running out to max range you cowardly fuck. The boss isn't gonna magically turn and smack you.
Press GCD fag. This gives you CPM for fflogs
Roes look as retarded as Lala for everything but Warrior.
It is literally not about cpm or gcds. It's about you staying out of range you RETARDED DPS FUCK.
>you staying out of range
you're OUT OF RANGE not me
I said I wasn't a bitchboi didn't I?
>Stand out of range of the group heals
>Don't get the big heal
>Get hit and die from the next AoE going out
>hunt mafia on full force
Never seen them. But roulette ADHD fags are real.
If you weren't a bitchboi you'd be playing BLM so I'm not sure how that's relevant.
>this is your brain on niggermage
Nah, eat shit. You have tools for movement. Aetherial manip into range or don't get fucking healed, brainlet.
based fellow balmungchad. all the ERP memes don't matter when you have a world this populated to strut through as you go about your business. feelsgood.
>pretending the other DCs are any different
If you want good players you take yourself to a JP data center, but then you'll be the one dragging the group down
Also here's a secret, the people on Yea Forums are some of the worst at the game and are the same people that spend all their time playing dress up and erping that they complain about
>roulette ADHD fags
What do they do? Parse in Sastasha?
>yet another day of healers whining
There's always something with them isn't there?
>Never seen them.
S rank spawners are usually a clique spawning hunts for themselves and their FCs or friends.
yeah. it's called shit party members.
>don't get fucking healed, brainlet.
This is only your role healslut - heal. No heal? Reported. Adjust. Your job is already boring. And will be even more boring in ShB. Move you fat fairy lover.
? what's wrong with mnk
Not our fault dps are played by actual retards who don't know how the other roles work.
People that see Hrothgar as "gay icons" can only do so because they themselves are flaming homosexuals with zero personality. You guys make everything about gaysex it's fucking silly at this point.
I built one in the character creator to check them out and was actually surprised how badass they are. They are straight up 80s He-Man characters, down to the racial outfits and all.
I'd maybe switch to one but refuse to pay for that kind of stuff and already used my one freebie.
Healing is difficult user. You have to press buttons and all. Now imagine just how much more difficult it is when you can't heal everyone with 1 button because someone is separated from the group? That's literally impossible to manage.
Crying about noobs in alliance raids and normal raids. Ragequit after one wipe.
Definitely not in Seiryu EX, what the fuck? I guess if you have to revive people left and right and you have no BRD/MCH in the group, but if that many people die you're probably hitting enrage anyway.
This guy gets it.
>mfw the one time i was tanking fine-ish the healer let me die cause he was watching tv/netflix
So this isn't a meme after all?
And your role is to have half a brain and stay out of aoe and be in range for heals. Comply or don't get healed.
Surely someone else on the team will undo yoshi's dumbfuck changes before launch. Right?
It's almost like this is an MMO and you're supposed to act as a group and not like a bunch of braindead selfish niggers or something
Whats the best way to find a decent free company?
>dpscucks think this
Play right or get replaced. You're worth nothing. There's ten of you for every healer.
Seething seifer/garleanfag.
this fag can't be serious
yell at the limsa aetheryte
If you notice that the healer literally follows your exact path, they are following you and watching something, yes.
>Quit mid expansion, last I did was Kefka savage
>Come back for shadowbringers to max with beast tribes and get some gil
>Town's and PF are full of people, a bunch of sprouts too
What the shit
See you in ShB fag.
Be social, learn how to talk to people and network to find a good group
If you're in a bad FC it's your own fault
You're worth nothing too. Why would I pick you instead of literally any other healer?
I really don't get the crying about Steel Peak
It offered no utility besides a little extra potency thrown in once every like 8 times through your combo
>Your role is boring
>Literally spam Fire IV and ice shit job
>Cuts core abilities from MNK
>Keeps blizzard 2 and freeze
>blizzard and fire 2 still useless in max level content
Yoshi is a fucking hack
Reminder that Yoshi said MNK was his favorite job to work on for ShB.
Healers and WAR are only jobs who can chatting in middle of fight without any problems. Don't be surprised.
What kind of effect do you think Trusts will have on queue times? It seems likely to me that a not insignificant percentage of DPS will choose to use Trusts instead of the queue and thus the line would be shorter for them?
>1 person refuses to be in range
>healer calls him out
>group gets mad and tells him to play right and stay in range or get kicked
The realistic scenario.
i literally just got randomly invited to one out of nowhere and it's been the best fc i've ever been in
your mileage may very
just keep joining new ones
>calls others fags
>sees gaysex where it doesn't actually exist
>DRK is getting thrown in the garbage
>GBN looks fun and is just as edgy
At least I'll still have a tank to play
>The realistic scenario.
In your wet dreams.
>Come back for shadowbringers
You pretty much answered your own question.
It's expansion hype.
G-Guys Balmung is totally the most populated, w-we're such c-chads h-h-haha
>do all the work to spawn a S rank
>I’m not going to let me and my friends not get to it first
The hunting community on ultros is nice.and most of the time tell you 5 or 10 minutes before a S tank spawns.
>Choosing to play a literal barafurry race.
You're gay my man.
There's literally no reason to remove it. At the very least, it was another ogcd to use. MNK's ShB rotation is going to be braindead as fuck.
Whatever he cut from MNK is because it wasn't a part of the job design for ShB, therefore it wasn't core. Not anymore.
As for fire 2, it is core for BLM up until a certain level. What the fuck would low level BLM's even AoE with without fire 2? And Blizzard 2 should have been removed indeed, but then you'd create a gap on the Blizzard spell numbers.
It'll even out. Just means there will be fewer people waiting at the tail end of dps queue times. We might see DPS in need in between patches, but that's about it.
Literally everything is a sexual orientation to you zoomers. Porn really fucked you up.
Because you're a cowardly faggot too meek to make a party in the first place. That's why you play DPS. 99% of the time, party leaders are tanks and healers.
People getting hype for WE FALL
I’m not impressed with shadowbringers ost at all so far. Ffxiv ost has been getting worse aside from a few exceptions
I don't care about Steel Peak, the other moves should've stayed though and gutting PB is an atrocity.
Next expac
Found the non-raider
shit tastes
>why would I pick you?
Are you ok? You're just fucking ranting about random shit now it feels like.
It's not fucking fair bros.
I've been playing this game since mid heavensward, and all I fucking wanted was the ronso race (Specifically, female), I never gave a fuck about Viera or anything else, I fucking LOVE FFX
When I heard they were announcing viera I thought to myself "I guess that's fine being the final race, so long as they don't half ass it, hey that means we finally get to see a male viera"
But then the other fanfest came around and BOY WAS I FUCKING LIVID.
I can understand not adding male viera cause they're scarce as fuck.
but not adding female ronso? EVEN THOUGH THEY'RE IN 10? AND THEY'RE NOT EVEN FUCKING RARE.
>steel peak gets cut
Alright, I guess I can understand
>Fists of earth still in
nigga what
>Crystal 20K below the other 2 DCs
>Were it not for new players coming in for the expac, Crystal would probably have lost people
Holy shit.
What a fucking garbage opinion. It's ten times better than Stormblood's shit.
>party leaders are tanks and healers.
Not him but that's something insecure betas say
Anyone have that "real tanks" picture and it's some pimply kid ranting about how his dad is wrong and he's actually worth something
Allow me to translate this post
>I'm a WHM who only uses Cure III to heal
>I'm an AST who drops shitty malpositioned stars
An extra 20% on Deep Meditation will give you that extra button to press every 40 seconds.
>do all the work to spawn a S rank
>I’m not going to let me and my friends not get to it first
I mean there's nothing wrong with that, but they literally do it for themselves and not the server. Many of those spawners kick and blacklist others trying to help with spawning. It's not about sharing a hunt with as many people as possible. It's about their own gain and getting some server fame from bootlickers.
Then explain the fucking maniacal grin he had in the final cutscene. What do you think he's gonna do, gas the Ascians? No, he's gone fucking loony because Yoshi wanted him to, regardless if it makes sense.
You're not so special that the raid will yell at the healer playing correctly because you want to parse harder.
>Drop WAR at the start of Stormblood because I hated the braindead Fell Cleave spam
>Get excited for DRK after the job actions trailer
>It's WAR 2 Darkness Boogaloo
Based retard
I'm cybergoth-raider.
Extremely bored right now, leveling new job, what’s more fun DRG, BRD or BLM
>the Hrothgar are a burly people of lionlike appearance—or the males are,
pic related is actually what they look like
But it is.
Is the most populated server in Crystal.
2 more years, user.
2 more years.
In 6.0
It's pretty obvious they half-assed both races to have the missing genders as a selling point for the next expac.
I don't bet things on rng.
>reply that makes no sense
>user are you ok? are you having a stroke?
You're really not doing the healer image any favors right now by behaving this low.
>messing around with eyeshadow settings and colors
>don't really know what I'm doing
Obviously Im not trying to make it blatant or vibrant, but should it match the eye color or hair color or something?
There was a mass exodus right after the DC split, no one wants to be around balmung and mateus
Never ever
Why is it that I imagine someone being literally braindead and drooling all over their keyboard whenever they type "Uh"?
It depends (to varying degrees) on skin tone, hair, eye shape and eye colour.
>it's an esl-kun doesn't understand episode
>this is your dancer
what will you do?
Make Blizzard 2 auto upgrade to Freeze.
>You're not so special
Healers are not special too anymore. Tanks are special. There is tons of healers who want clear, mounts and gear. I can replace healer in 5 min. But not tank
mate press
Glad my server isn’t like that.
should contrast your eye colour
unless you're going for an "exotic" look don't make it too bright or you look like a clown
>dps-kun really thinks this
Notable exception here being ShB MNK, which has a basic rotation in place at 50 that remains untouched all the way to 80.
Slap the new Lord of the Crowns and a Nocturnal shield for when his dance roots him in place for an AoE. Then commend him after.
So if character has orange eyes, it should be some shade of blue that isn't obnoxious?
>his dance roots him in place
Me apparently not making a group is not an answer to "why would I pick you?". If you think it is, you have brain issues. You already behave like you do.
Doesn't it? I thought it did. Well, he's going to get that Noct shield anyway and he's going to like it.
I keep hearing two completely different things from two different camps, someone who has been here for HW and SB launch please inform me how much are the skills going to change? A lot or very little? Because there are two camps saying two completely different things. One mocks the "omg it's a beta" crowd for not taking the skills we saw seriously despite them allegedly remaining the same for past expansions, and the other mocks the "these skills are set in stone" crowd for allegedly taking the skills we saw seriously despite them constantly changing for past expansions. Which one is it for fucks sake? It can't be both.
you can move while dancing
I started this and I thought I was enjoying myself but after learning the job I picked (DRG) is frowned upon and generally made fun of, dying a lot during supposedly easy content causing me to realize that I am incredibly bad, and having to trudge through the post game of ARR I've decided that I should just quit. I've never played MMOs before so this was a good test and they definitely aren't for me. It sucks because GNB looked really fun.
Just avoid looking like Mimi from The Drew Carey Show
Yes user. Healing is not special. It's easy enough so you forced to DPS out of boredom.
it's a bit fucky with unnatural eye colours but more or less
you want to make the eye colour pop so go for a dark blue or something
It's okay that you no speak english, paco
We understand
Really hoping it'll happen in 6.0, very likely if the demand is really high.
The answer is somewhere in the middle. Some neat changes, some shit changes.
>after learning the job I picked (DRG) is frowned upon and generally made fun of,
What the flipping fuck are you talking about? Dragoon is currently meta, one of the most highly sought-after jobs in endgame content.
I can't believe someone would take ancient memes from a completely different expansion seriously and actually let it make them quit the game. Retarded.
Potencies and other numbers are subject to change. The skills themselves, not so much.
>why would I pick you?
>lol like you're gonna be in charge of any group
In SB and HW there were changes to skills between the demo and release, but they were all minor potency changes or just adjusted tooltips. There's no reason to expect anything that drastically changes playstyle on 5.0's release. Like SB they will likely patch the game to adjust the jobs people absolutely hate or that are completely usless in 5.05 like they did with SCH and WAR in 4.05
I'd probably go for close shades than complementary personally, so (if bright orange) dark brown or even reddish brown. Dark blue might work but FFXIV makeup colors are awful.
>Learning about that damiani guy from easy allies who pays ppl millions to let him have mounts before most of the others.
What a fucking asshole, id love to see someone just go "nope" and fucking take the mount. Its true that its peoples choice to let him have it, but fuck e-celebs like this who guilt-trip fans who dont give them a mount.
"are subject to change" means fucking nothing. That's just "cover my ass" talk so that squeenix can change things if they want to without people getting mad. I'm talking about what actually does change, not what potentially could change. We have two different camps saying two completely different things.
Floortanking Dragoons is a meme from like 4 years ago because Goons would get stuck in place during jumps and eat aoe damage constantly. it's just that - a meme.
>open xiv thread
>healer is throwing a tantrum about something and tossing shit at someone, often at all sides at once
Wish I had that MMO pic saved. The one where the anime mmo healer is cute while the real life mmo healer is just whining.
for most classes, not by much
hw -> sb was a big change since they added job gauges and started removing skills
in this case they're just adding a few skills while keeping the sb rotations relatively intact, the only thing that's likely to change are potencies and cooldowns and shit
drg dying a lot is a meme, it's a good class and no one actually takes it all seriously
dps are literally interchangable nothings that most people play
that's why your queue times are so long
Skills are going to change a lot just from the battle system changes, the stuff we have seen that's coming up may or may not change and we won't know which skills and what about them changes til the server goes live
And then expect even more changes when the first patch drops as the players figure out shit that SE didn't and everything gets rebalanced, like Ninjas getting nerfed because we were to big brain and figured out an even better rotation than what SE intended
Between now and release, proabably only number changes (potencies or proc changes)
Any skill rewoking will probably not happen until 5.05.
It's also because until 2.4 DRG had so little magic resistance that they literally could not survive raidwide damage in coil without getting an Adlo.
yoshi pls
Ah, that's right. WAR will get buffs even if they are on top. Thanks for the reminder.
Hrothgar and Viera naming conventions fucking when? Need to reserve a name.
>after learning the job I picked (DRG) is frowned upon and generally made fun of
It's all light hearted piss taking, a lot of jobs get made fun.
DRG's are really fucking strong, they only get made fun of because before their Jump animations were strict with their animation lock, so you'd pop Jump, AoE appears underneath you, and then you die from it cos you can't move. That's all it is. Bad people die all the time, so when a DRG dies they just get reminded of that time.
Oh god I forgot about that
I dont even think that's possible until they add metallic colors for tattoo options.
The eyes are darkish orange, kinda brown at a distance but more noticeable up close. I think at some point I'll fanta some features since I have two spare and decided not to go bunny or lion for SHB.
WAR was absolute garbage in 4.05 though.
iirc gathering classes had higher mdef at the time, which was funny as shit
2.x was a magical time
Don't forget that B4B was also much more penalizing even with the trait. I think it was still like 25% more damage taken for traited B4B. So if the boss farted on them while B4B was up they would die instantly since they had less magic resistance than crafters.
Hahaha that's exactly what I'm making when obese miqos are added.
Thanks anons
Summoner and Scholar are never getting split, people would riot.
One of the few isntances where heavy eyeliner and highlights look ok. Good job, just know that Veena are inferior scum to Rava
I just don't participate in these discussions. I don't throw "I won't heal you if you don't x" tantrums, I'm cautiously hype about ShB changes (mostly depends on encounter design at this stage), I'll let my buddies eat an AoE or two so they can dps, I'll Rescue people from stuff like falling into Seiryu's water.
Oh look another retard that confuses 4.2 with 4.05.
SCH and WAR were literally in the cuckshed until 4.05
are we going to get an upgraded midare that has twice the range of tenka and aoe in 6.0
dps simply have diversity. That's why a lot people play them. Healers are cucked being casters melee healer will be fun as fuck . And you don't need 4 healers in party.
No it wasn't, it just did slightly less damage than drk and was still way above pld
>I'll just modify what he actually said because I'm bias
I asked why would I pick him, he answered "Because you're a cowardly faggot too meek to make a party in the first place". What you changed is fine, but what he actually said as an answer is just retarded. "Because" marks it a as a direct reply to my "why" question and provides an explanation as to why. Me not making a party is not why I would pick him. That's not even logical. It could by why I would NOT pick him, but then again, that's not what I asked.
Is it ever worth trying for 3 lines, anons?
Based healer.
god I hate SCH mains so much
Viera is way too tall tbqh.
NINbros, are we going to get nerfed every single patch just like stormblood
Ooh do me.
It was literally complete garbage and unusable in prog due to its sole good point being slightly higher DPS than DRK and PLD being made useless by the fact that switching stances tanked its DPS into the fucking floor. Also before the Inner Release change its DPS fluctuated wildly and it did much less damage than PLD or DRK if it didn't crit its fell cleaves in Berserk. You're confusing the overbuffs that came later like Shake It Off and the IR/zerk merge with the gauge fix that was added in 4.05
shut up and lb, nerd
It's not even the taller race.
Have you tried looking at the FF wiki for Viera characters from FFXII/Tactics Advance and Ronsos from FFX?
>these cat"men" are so small compared to the Hrothgar back home
>for a moment, I mistook him and his kind for women...what a pity
Depends on your luck stat. Even the ideal WT formation still gives you like a 15% at best chance of getting 3 lines.
Nope, PLD was top when SB came out, we got nerfed because of how strong Holy Spirit spam was.
They really aren't. Midlanders, cats, lizards and lalas are just short even by Asian standards.
Never believe Warrior's lies.
boobs too small
Actively going for 3 lines? Fuck no. The chances you getting not only a setup that allows for 3 lines but also has an okay chance is incredibly small.
Just Shuffle 4 times. If you get a setup that allows for 3, go for that, otherwise try and get at least one line with a chance or two.
I've actually gotten 3 lines twice, but both were at the very start of Stormblood and even though I did it every week for months after that I never came close again.
cringe and fagpilled
I need crafting macros. All my crafters are 35 plus atm. Any good ones? I hate having to manually buff and everything after awhile.
Are there good ones out there?
He thinks I'm talking about later patches and not the one that just removed the gauge penalty for stance dancing. Just like every retard that defends Adlo costing more MP than Holy before deltascape
You didn't play on 4.0 release.
>it wasn't completely broken and had 1 restriction that other tanks already have therefor it was shit
This is why no one takes warriors seriously, go jack off to your cleaves and pretend that the ninja isn't putting out more dps than you ever will
Look at how successful this content is bros! Haters BTFO!
Yoshida already said the graphics system needs a complete rehaul which'll probably come in either 6.0 or 7.0.
Just relax my guy.
>can't make loli cunny bunny
i'm not buying shadowbringers
I did, and WARbabs cried they weren't on top and got overbuffed.
Right mentality to have tbqh. Telling someone "I won't heal you" just wastes everyone's time, the healer's included, just to make a point that nobody will care about and usually it's just the healer wanting to do less work / more gcd dpsing. Hoping savage healing will be comfy until the last fight which will be a healer check as usual and ultimate requiring some brains.
>Just like every retard that defends Adlo costing more MP than Holy before deltascape
>WAR has to rely on a strawman to try and make himself seem valid
in 4.0 warrior did less damage than PLD, had less mitigation than PLD, had no partywide utility like either other tank, and had to rape its DPS (its literal only point that was better than DRK) to main tank
It was objectively garbage. You didn't play during 4.0.
He's a based boomer and I want to protect his smile.
Nope, that wasn't 4.05. Try again. You didn't play on 4.0 release.
see above. The irony here is that I don't play either job, I just actually played the game back then.
I could probably go anywhere in the middle of the day and find a very low population and say dead game.
You are several hundred quests and three expansions away from getting Gunblade, and they as a tank will play differently than Lancers. If you aren't having fun it might be best to step aside for now before going deeper, but maybe you might like other classes too so try to see if something else is more fitting.
It's going to be vastly different. Hrothgar, at least the Helion tribe, will have Norse names judging by their Queen being called Gunnhildr.
Rava tribe Viera might be the only ones who follow previously existing rules for their given names, consisting of 4 letter names with vocalized consonants/hidden vowels like Fran, Jote, Mjrn, Kjtn. But no info on their last names.
Veena and the Lost are a complete unknown.
>mating press while fully enveloping her
Not tall enough desu, even at max height they're still shorter than Elezen women
So, you won't rest until you're better than Paladin, huh? Weird obsession.
You play nice now, you hear.
It was already braindead as fuck if you actually understood the class
>in 4.0 warrior did less damage than PLD
No WAR did more damage, it was like 5 to 10% more or something, it just wasn't enough to make up for all the other downsides it had compared to just running PLD/DRK.
Just started downloading the game to get ready for my free 7-days.
Does my timer for the 7 days start the moment I start downloading the patch. Or the moment I actually log into the game?
disgusting tumblr shit
If they exist in game you'll be able to make them with the trainer.
the moment you log in, so when you confirm your password
It'll just be Feol for Veena
The game is 100% free up until 35.
>We will never get Primal/Monster forms in combat.
Penis feels sad.
oh my god
Wrong. It only did more damage if you never left Deliverance and all your fell cleaves crit. After Holy Spirit got nerfed it did significantly more damage than PLD, but that wasn't until after Deltascape released. Again, you're confusing post-Deltascape patches with Deltascape's release.
You didn't play on 4.0 release.
>male model
please no
Veena aren't Feol.
>brown skin
>silver hair
generic/ 10
S-stop parsing dungeons!
Don't expose me!
I'm a returning player. I'm just using the 7 days to ready my character.
You're saying my timer already started even though I'm still downloading the game?
There are mods to fix that. :)
I don't want to play find the black mage during a light show when I have to worry about 7 other life bars.
>You're saying my timer already started even though I'm still downloading the game?
Yeah because you need to activate your account's subscription to get permission to download. If you can't activate your account you can't get that permission.
where can i find more of this
I would play a cleric.
What gear is GNB using? I want to start working on my glamour
Fuck off, Nuclear Shitsabi.
Tank gear obviously. What the fuck did you think they were going to use? Aiming?
No, even on release it was WAR > DRK > PLD in terms of damage, but we were looking at differences of like 100 to 150 dps, which was so negligible that it didn't matter. Fuck I tested that shit on a dummy myself.
Unless you’re playing on ps4
>what gear does a tank use?
Gee, I don't know, wish I could tell you
aw hell yeah dude
I see. So then why when I checked my Mogstation, it says I'm still inactive? Does that mean the 7-day free won't actually show you as active?
I have never seen people publicly post it.
Private discords are probably where people share them.
Adventure squadrons but with more personality so so people will do it a fair bit initially and then it's back to normal. In terms of actual usefulness it's if you're really antisocial or a dps so queues should get better as dps in turn since there will be less competition.
He's obviously talking about drugs.
This moogle event is great, it's made grinding poetics super fast and easy, and I can get MGP while I'm doing it
>female elzen face 1 is cute, but has pink lipstick by default even if you choose none
>female elezen face 2 is mannish
>female elezen face 3 is milfy, but has red lipstick by default even if you choose none
>female elezen face 4 looks like every japanese girl from very not flattering angles, except that's the only angle the face can provide
I'm trying, bros. I really am, but the game just doesn't want to let me make something nice.
Would it be better if demi-primals would be summoned on a timer and rotated similar to BRDs songs?
man fuck xiv's lighing engine or whatever the fuck denies me my khloe pov porn
If I'm still new is it a good idea if I'm a bong to start a new character on a US server/DC, nobody talks on Zodiark.
I'm not sure user I've never had those 7 free days. If they changed it to where it activates after you download and click play then all the better.
That was only if WAR had a decent amount of crit cleaves in Berserk/IR and only if they never touched defiance. After the PLD nerf it was far more significant, but that was long after the gauge fix for PLD/WAR
Not to mention how libtard the entire questline is too.
>animals dindu nuffin
>muh circle of life
>nature good; civilization bad
I prefer the idea of using different summons for different situations, like they've got Ifrit for single target and Garuda for AoE. But in this set up Titan will still never be used except to throw a free shield and Ruin IV on yourself prepull.
This looks extremely gay, even for a hrothgar.
I'm sure you can make it work.
You're just not trying hard enough
I bought the game got a 30 day free and I forgot to play it.
Kinda hot since she doesn' t have the disgusting furry face.
Ugly furry face. Too long, too furry. I would behead her on sight.
Plz no bully
do it
>nature good; civilization bad
I don't remember that part. It was about not overhunting.
Parse is just on all the time. I'm not going to turn it off just because it's X or Y content. Also, I'm always trying to do better than I did before and I'm not gonna stop just because "it's just a dungeon lmao".
>"Ugh I wish Hancock was here, he would know what to do when it came to outjewing a jew"
>Hancock teleports behind you despite you being in the first
Huh. Is that what you got from it?
what the fuck is that shit in the background
City-dwelling bugmen don't appreciate nature, you retard. Conservation of nature has always been a right-wing ideology and the left is only screeching about climate change now because it's a nice vehicle for them and their corporate masters to push control in other areas.
the 7 day promo doesn't show up on your mogstation. the days shown are displayed at the character select screen.
they are in everything but name and lore, appearance wise they are.
Trust party will be beast for leveling alts. For sure. In current game there is really no effective way to level up alts in "singleplayer" mode. You forced to do shitty levelquests, Squadrons are very inconsistent. A lot dungeons are locked for them. And leveling them is pure slog because of missions.
It's just cute and funny bro.
>Conservation of nature has always been a right-wing ideology
So basically, I fucked up by downloading the patches with my main account. I didn't want to start yet. Was going to start in 2 days.
Or you could queue with players
I'll never understand NIN mains who complain about being a "TA bitch of the group".
Like, what? It's your TA too, you fucking idiot.
You get the 10% buff on your damage too.
It's not theirs, it's yours and you're sharing it.
Ouch. That's my main worry with subbing to this game. Either with games I go full in, hundreds of hours (GTA online, Elite, Monhun) or I play for a few days then stop. The idea of paying monthly makes it feel like a much weightier thing to consider, I feel like it may be more of an obligation than I can handle.
>doesn't play the job
>just accuses others of not playing
So you have no argument and a worthless opinion, how embarrassing for you to be this wrong and defend a job you never play
It's because they don't want to TA.
>/pol/tard has brain parasites
actual yikes