Do you live the gamer life?

do you live the gamer life?

Attached: gamer.webm (854x480, 2.31M)

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this guy probably scored more than me

Why what game is he playing?

Well, I AM a disgusting slob who only sweeps once every two/three weeks, but my place isn't nearly as bad as this shit.

I used to live the depression feedback loop.

>Keyboard is pristine
Other way round for me, shitty £5 one I spill water on everyday because Im shit scared of getting any water on my carpet.


Are you surprised he didn't know?
World of Warcraft probably.

>PC faggot

Checks out

All throughout my depression I never let my room turn into a literal tip, it's no excuse for being a filthy piece of shit.

>dead already from gang violence

At least they had sex

unlike you

I agree.

I've had sex multiple times with other men's wives.

I like how he put on a shirt to look presentable for the stream

Based and cleanpilled.

Hood rats are the ultimate incels

>it's another Yea Forums sort of tries to bully someone who is probably completely unaware of their existence episode
it's the simplest thing; fucking talk about video games

I had a place that messy for a long time before I figured out how to appreciate myself and care about my existence. Now it's only a little bit messy in my room.

can't wait for the netflix series

Yeah kind of

Attached: jbpault.jpg (1280x720, 67K)

If his room is this messy, imagine how messy his head must be.
His life must be fucking hell. I hope he gets better.

I don't even know how this is possible without perpetual alcohol abuse.

Alcohol isn't the only thing you can abuse to escape reality.
It's almost like this thread actually IS related to this boards subject!

But why do you spill the water?

I don't drink and I had something similar. It's just like... it starts slowly and before you know it you've got a huge mess on your hands that needs a whole day dedicated to it to clean up, and then you're always too busy to set aside the time so it gets worse and worse and demands more and more time that you already didn't have.

I've got a nice place now, the trick is to just never let it get that bad.


how are black people not incels?

Our culture doesn't allow being a virgin.

The only people attracted to black people are cucks because they know how ugly and unattractive black people are, it fuels their fetish of their wife getting fucked by the most unattractive thing possible. I'm sure there are furry cucks who do it with dogs for the same reason.

-says this as he watches his girlfriend fuck black men

But I at least understand the importance of a good chair.

My room looks like this, but even worse. I don't even have a bed. I feel literally nothing as I wade through the garbage. Is this normal or am I fucked?

if you bring someone sure it would be weird
otherwise just make sure you don't get mold or shit that pisses you off

>women are his god
>thinks having sex makes him superior in any way
Keep worshiping your women idols, see where that gets you.

>buy expensive computer
>cheap out on seating
Faggots like this baffle me. If you're gonna sit all day at least get a recliner.

i remember tuning in to watch a stream of a niche game once since i wasn't sure whether to buy it or not, and the guy fucking turned his camera to the floor and showed that he was sleeping there since he wanted to pay for his streaming setup. he had like 10 viewers.
made me a bit sad

>can't operate a webcam
>not worth caring about

No you haven't. You're the kind of loser that tries to establish an identity on an anonymous message board. You are so pathetic you are looking for validation here of all places. Think about your life. Fucking pathetic dude.

>liar and an autistic namefag

Attached: your average mongoloid on their first day in 4chin.png (951x451, 133K)

I used to. I was a few steps below Hoarders the tv show, but I really turned my act around a few years ago. I shower every other day, clean the house every 3-4 days, clean my cat litter every other day, recycle, take out trash, clean dishes right away, I've bought dozens of organizing things, got rid of 80% of my things and I've started to do laundry once a week and changing my socks every day. The thing is, once it gets a little out of hand, it snowballs. If I don't clean up often, suddenly the pile of trash and dirty clothes is too much to manage in a single day and then I get overwhelmed and feel helpless and it just continues to pile up getting more and more unstoppable.

Well, humans are very adaptable creatures. You didn't suddenly have a room full of garbage. You built up to it and adapted to it. I used to feel normal around it too. You don't realize how bad it is until you have a clean room and then it hits you like "Wow I can't believe I lived in filth for so long". My advice would be try to take out 1-2 bags of trash a day until it's done. As long as you're doing more than you bring in, it will get done.

>is a faggot

checks out

Got a huge fucking pile of trash in my room after assembling a new desk. I can burn the cardboard over time but It's gonna take me a month putting one or two trashbags full of styrofoam and plastics away a week. I don't want to overfill the trashcan.

just what I was thinking.

at least not a tripfag lmao