Thoughts on this game?

Thoughts on this game?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Playstation All-Stars 2 is looking kinda dull

The Onions Gang for PS3 was better

Yet another in a long line of forced unfunny memes. Might as well give them the le NPC faces and call them trannies.

Nate is chad and therefore doesn't belong in this game.

I don't understand the part where they explained how promoting sex changes for little kids is a good thing for society.

Filthy projecting s󠛡o󠛡ybot. Take your low T memes and leave.

>gets punched by wonen
>is bisexual
>is a lesbian who no needs no man
The perfect trio

>three of the most masculine games

how exactly have nintendofags managed to switch this narrative around? How is mario and splatoon less s.o.y than games geared towards adults exactly?

Can't believe they left out last of us and breath of the wild

>le NPC faces
>call them trannies



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just say upvote or downvote, its already obvious where you came from faggot

>games geared towards adults
found your mistake


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why not bring up software sales

oh right

four fifa games

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God damn this generation sucks. One exclusive in the top 10 and it's a remaster for fuck's sake

The majority of people playing these games are 18+ without a doubt

>at the time of publication
when was this, 3 years ago?

A hard pill to swallow

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Have sex.

>FIFA 18
Probably 1 year ago, 2 at most

it makes complete sense

wow theres a remaster of tlou lmao

daily reminder that /pol/acks said God of War will be SJW JEW GLOBOHOMO PROPAGANDA only because Kratos had a beard.

Every single one of those people can break OP's nose

Probably a 10/10 for PedoEra and Pedoku

>how exactly have nintendofags managed to switch this narrative around?
They haven't. They are trying though futile. Check out tons of normalfag memes and videos and the switch equals onions thing already is etched into their minds

Because when you are assblasted spamming hard enough is the only thing left for you

>estrogent on cum withdrawal gets confused and ends up in Yea Forums
retardera is two blocks down, buddy

You've almost gone through all the election tourist memes, only missing cuck.

Why state the obvious tho.

Fromsoft wouldn't make this shit.

>New-Kratos is literally the most masculine and anti-pc main character released in an AAA game in more than a decade

Attached: chad and cuck.png (2733x2304, 542K)

ESLs like you aren't capable of subtlety.

It's Sony's month

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You already demonstrated your faggotry, cuck. No need to embarrass yourself anymore.


t. Sony tranny

Nah, also because he had a son.

>sells 10 million copies in a week

Based jannies letting our shitposting thread up, this is /nin/, don’t ever firget about it snoys.

Splatoon 2 is unironically more sexualized than any of the games in the OP and it's not even M rated

post selfie with time stamp
i bet you're fat and ugly lol

Right wingers should be aborted for their redundant, unfunny memes.

America time I see.


>most masculine and anti-pc
>literally a part of the lgbtq+ community
cope harder

Switch GAYMERS unite!

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>nu-kratos canonically likes cocks
>most masculine and anti-pc main character

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>Gets upset about people "buzzwords"
>Calls people ESL


Good one Jim Bob, did your sister/baby's mama tell you that one? :^)

>Homosexuals thinking that they're masculine

Reminder that the creator of your series thinks every other game made was toxic masculinity

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LEFT: 5/10

CENTER: 8/10 (might be lower, have to replay it)

RIGHT: 2/10 (a tasteless, poorly written, animated, and designed game)

>the majority of /fit/ is PS4
>the majority of /r9k/ is Switch
>the majority of Yea Forums is PS4
>the majority of Yea Forums is Switch
Makes you think

Shouldn't you start crying nincels?

There's a reason Yea ForumstendoGaf is so obsessed with Sony. Sony chads are out playing games and fucking girls. Nincels are on Yea Forums complaining and crying about Sony. This thread proves it.

>being tsundere for Sony

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but I have both and I'm a Yea Forums and /int/ bro

Sony won.

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IF you're playing games AND fucking girls why are you here?


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dude on the left is clearly fat as fuck
sonychads exposing nincels lmao

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I don't have either

Rent free

>getting dabbed on
>pretends to be an idort
ninceldo transparent

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/fit/ is incel central, 90% of posters don't even lift shit
/r9k/ is normalfag as fuck now
Yea Forums is full of latin america chads
Yea Forums is full of liberal trannies
lurk more, /int/ is the Chad board


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This thread needs to die

Fucking hell.

Im glad i only played one of those games.

Mario and Splatoon is pretty fucking onions





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Jaffe created BOTH Kratos and Sweeth Tooth, he has no right to call other male characters toxic.

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shut up ape escape loser

Can't believe that people still think PlayStation's a weeb machine, like half the people on PS threads are bros who won't even listen to a little criticism.

>porting memes

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FCKiN D3LeTE this

What’s with this board (and /r9k/ and Yea Forums)’s incessant obsession with idolizing other men?

Playstation still is the only platform with Persona, Dragon's Crown and even the new Sakura Wars.

not buying this shit when days gone man is missing

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that's not the full roster

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Actual legit question.
Is it worth going back to Horizon? Does it get better? I played about an hour and a half when I first picked up my PS4 and was just kinda bored by the end of it.

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Turn it sideways for me

Damn those switch graphics are amazing, can’t believe we get games with those graphics now but ON THE GO

yeah the beginning sucks. It's one of those games that really honestly doesn't get good until you're like 4 hours in and you get out of the homeland area. The combat against humans always sucks but the combat against machines becomes really awesome, and that's most of the game

It gets really really fun but then boring again near the end when you get OP and killing the biggest t-rex machine becomes easy.

You can fix it with higher difficulty but i couldn’t be bothered and ended up speed running to the end for the platinum.

Success breeds jealousy

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Meanwhile on the Switch..

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>porting memes again

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>fifa shit
>indie garbage
>botched ports
>here you go pay the nintendo + the portability fee cuck
A really pathetic lineup for the switch

*hits pipe*

I cannot think or comprehend anything more cucked than having a ps4. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are talking about, waiting for, supporting a console for at least 4 years solely so the real, uncensored version of the games can get released on other systems. All the hard work you put into arguing online that sony is the best, preordering games to support the developers, paying for PS Plus, keeping your PS4 in pristine condition, working towards all those trophies. All of it has one simple result; the games are more enjoyable on other consoles, who will eventually get exclusive content you can never get.
As a man with a ps4, you are dedicating at least 3 years of your life simply to beta test games for another man to enjoy. It is the ultimate and final cuck. Think about it logically.

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At no point does Aloy get portrayed as a lesbian. If she had a straight romance people would bitch about playing a girl and banging a boy

>porting memes a third time

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In the process of being censored.
>Dragon's Crown
Avoided being censored, thank the lord
>Sakura Wars
Most likely being censored during development.

Not 4 the Japanese game fans anymore user.


It's Nintendo month

Attached: Nintendofanbase.jpg (960x720, 144K)

>In the process of being censored.
Only platform where Persona content is censored is Switch and Joker in Smash. Nintendo must be in really shitty state if Nincels have to lie to defend it.

Funny because if you labeled that pic as level of gayness it would still be correct

So games sell the best on PS4 too? Can Sony stop winning?

>Only On PlayStation*
>*Also on PC

>Random fan shit vs Official Snoy Parade


This is autistic as fuck but could be worse.

Yep, get ready because arrogant Sony is back.

Thoughts on this game?

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When and why did Yea Forums begin to forcefully assimilate Sony with trannies and onions?

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Nintendo loves queers. You look really mad.

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you forgot to post the official nintendo fag parade

excuses, excuses. Nintendo fans are fags, Nintendo loves fags.

>make a thread talking shit
>start getting dabbed on
>throw xbros under the bus
ninceldos are the true rats of Yea Forums LOL

How the fuck R* did it? They can spend 500 million making the next GTA, have it bomb and it still produce another one just fine.

>Sony has to hire actual faggots and trannies to make it look they're progressive
>Nintendo doesn't need to because their demographic is already trannies and faggots

When Sony began their SJW crusade, it was pretty much a no-brainer.

What's the plot Yea Forums?

>kratos now likes cock
Source on this? I think I missed it I need a laugh

Cool bait, bet you can't way for the next Snoy float at pride



But Nintendo even hire SJWs.

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Think again, I'm a PS4fag :)

Did you forget the whole debacle of Nintendo taking these stages down?

Yea Forumsintendo

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>so mad that can't even make coherent sentecne
You Nintendo gays are very sensitive

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So that means the players who created them just vanished from the world as well? These were all made by your fellow nintenbros.

sorry, you're a snoyboy, you can't win when it comes to this stuff

>seething for five years straight
imagine being a ninceldo
they're the sakurafags of videogames

* sentence

I don't think some pink shirts compare to his

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>fake shit
lol, keep trying, don't forget to retweet the next time Snoy confirms a character is part of the LGBT!

Man that inkling really let herself go

So you're just gonna resort to a fallacy? Is that the true extent of tendies capacity for discussion?

>got rekt
>u-u snoy!
Gay Nincels are so funny.

Hiring people that have liberal beliefs is a lot different than hiring people that go out of their way to enforce their activism on another country.

>not gay enough
delusional fanboy

Deal with it, senpai.

Attached: deal with it.jpg (1200x675, 100K)



>fall for the PS4 has good exclusives meme
>XboneX multiplats such as Witcher 3, Sekiro or REmake 2 are better than any PS4 exclusive

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>sony is full of trannies and fags
>AND they hate lolis
how can you even defend this

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>fake shit
It\s made by fans user. Not only you fags are gays but also support incest. Disgusting.

>on average sonyCHADS are taller, more attractive, more successful, more muscular and more intelligent
>ninceldos are moviebob-tier on average


>defending pedos
Unironically I'd rather side with trannies.

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>one of the most popular game companies has some gay fanmade shit
Who cares? Oh right coping Snoyggers do.

Nintendo fans want Luigi to be tranny.

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>Nintendo fanbase are faggots
>w-who cares leave me alone baaaaw


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You can also kys along with them in an aids filled hole

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>have the mods on their side
>still get routinely dabbed on and anally vored

>CENTER: 8/10
I wouldn't go that far, but it's not bad. I don't like it as much as the old games save for maybe Chains of Olympus and Ascension (never played Ascension or even seen much of it), but it has its good parts.

>p-please stop paying attention to Snoy proudly putting their name on gay shit pay attention to these literally who people that made some shit to post in 15 minutes!

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t. suburbanite that pretends theyre urban

where do you even find this shit and why do you save it

>i-it's literally ok when we Nincels are also fags and trannies. A-at least Nintendo loves us.

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Siding with them doesn't mean I have to become a tranny too, kid. And pedophilia is a mental disorder, so you might as well be categorized the same as trannies. Think about it.

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It is literally Onions though
>Adult person and child adventures
>Wow what an amazing story! GOTY