what's the most you ever spent on a single game?
What's the most you ever spent on a single game?
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about $100 on Fire Emblem Heroes. I no longer play the game because it's shit. Laugh at me please.
Probably $90 on halo 3 and some map packs
$140 CAD on The Last of Us CE because the normal edition was sold out.
Got it for my dad because he said he wanted to play it
He played for about 2 hours before stopping and never touching it again
I'll gladly get another game if he expr3esses interest, but goddam TLoU was such a piece of shit game
120ish dollars on lifetime sub to Lord of the Rings online when it came out. I got more than my moneys worth as I played it for a long time on and off until it became a lootbox game. Got the expansions for free as well due to getting lots of points every month due to having a permanent sub so I used those points to buy them.
$500 on MTG, so far.
this and even spending 60 bucks is kind of retarded because most games will be off 90% within the year anyway
like 1500 on WOW over all this time
Borderlands 3
Preordered it for $100
I know
Serious question, did you grow up being poor?
explain yourself.
I payed £34.55 for civ 6: Gathering storm DLC, as I got the base game on sale.
Worth it desu
I really like borderlands 2 and it’s the only game series that me and my girlfriend have gone through and 100%ed on all characters
So I want to do the same thing with 3, and I got the dlc for it as well
I spent $2,800 on a game I played with a sexy woman where I had to pay her $10 every time she flipped me off. It was pretty expensive, but it made my peepee feel good and it's not like I couldn't afford it, lol.
The Argentine equivalent of 25 bucks for Assassin's Creed II on retail back then in 2012.
nope. Middle class. Though I'm poor as shit now due to health problems. I'm curious, though. What association is there between dropping money on a gacha like a dumbass and growing up poor?
$1 and I feel ashamed for it
>10 bucks for Titan Quest plus X3: Reunion bundle
worth it
>$80 on Black Ops 1
I really wanted the Nazi Zombies DLC that came with it at release. It was worth it, for the hundreds of hours of co-op I've put into it.
A friend of mine drops tons of money on useless shit especially lootbox games. He grew up without money but now that he has it he just spends it all the time.
Not counting MMO sub fees. Probably Total Warhammer or some other DLC heavy RTS. Fortunately steam sale discounts have softened the blow, most of the time.
I paid $140 for the highest tier of Fortnite before it became a battle royale
200$ on marvel heroes omega. A f2p game that died because of bankruptcy. I'm never going to waste money on a f2p ever again
I'm at least $240 deep in the total war warhammer series. I own all the dlc and both games. With the third coming I know I'm in for at least another $120 with future dlc
I'd say eu4. I know it's multiplayer but I'd never go on it, but yeah. I've got like every expansion so it must be >£200
A lot of low income people are somewhat conditioned to spend their money asap. They tend to dump money into shit like that because they suck at making decisions to boot
50$ on League of Legend
like $500 on Leage of Legends
I've dropped over 600$ on League of Legends over the past 8 years
Haven't put a dollar into it in 5 years.
Spend 100€ on Mech Warrior Online to support the devs. Mistakes were made.
What is the most you've spent on a single monitor stand?
Like 180 on DragonBall FighterZ's season passes plus the anime soundtrack on switch
1000USD before tax
about 700 dollars in league of legends
$79 on Mass Effect 3 special edition
if Mobages count, around $120 on FGO + a $50 Gift Card
I see, that makes sense. Curiously, in my case I only ever spent money when I was particularly sick, sleep deprived, and overall not thinking right. Combine that state with FEH's incredibly manipulative nature and the chance for a stupid outcome is markedly increased.
$80~ for Lunar and around the same for Lunar 2
Same here user. Around 250 dollars here.
It was such a fun game.
Hundreds if not over a thousand on WoW between subscription and having to buy separate copies for character boosts.
How does one recognize incredibly manipulative behavior in a mobile game and still give them money
Dc universe online. Spent a shit ton of money on that game
I gave in and whaled once in deresute. Never again.
I see you've never met a drug addict before.
Unironically, pokemon go. First and only time I've subjected myself to microtransactions. I've probably spent close to $200 from launch up until now.
I bought bootlegs gen II pokemon games 2 times before the official release, if that counts.
Fuck off back to /pol/ with your racist frog, incel.
$600 on roblox
Like 8 years of FFXI. Still consider it money well spent as it is my favorite game of all time.
We're living in a world where most "people" are religious and strongly so.
We've been selected to be easy to manipulate.
I stated it in my post: being nearly out-of-my-mind ill. When I came to I was pretty irritated with myself because it was such a stupid purchase. Literally gambling.
Several hundred dollars on Rock Band DLC. Extra peripherals were probably another couple hundred.
Go dilate tranny.
$40 on Darkest Dungeon. The only game I've ever pirated and found it so good I wanted to buy.
About 100 bucks on Fire Pro World
Don't really regret it.
600$ on shartstone
The most? it has to be FFXIV stormblood expansion (worse shit ever even ARR is better but the raids were excellent expect for the light tower) the second has to be SC6 on full price because i bought it a week after launch to play with a friend, i always pirate my single player games expect for RTCW quake and half life series, i only really buy multiplayer games desu the last game multiplayer game i bought was squad back in august
>Lifetime sub
That sounds great. Something blizzard should have done
About $75 on BOTW + Discounted DLC. 10/10, don't regret it.
60 for Splatoon
+300 for WiiU
+10 for ethernet adapter and a cable to run downstairs
+60 for Splatoon 2
+300 for Switch
+35 for online subscrition
+20 for DLC
+24 for legit amiibos
+15 for NFC cards
+10 for replacement joycon joysticks
+70 for Pro Controller
+60 for jap copy of Splatoon
+124 on jap exclusive gear codes
1198 bucks in total
>this thread
pitiful. Stand aside at let the f/gochads show you how it's done.
>not spending over 130k on your favorite game
why are you so casual, Yea Forums?
Watching the mentally ill hurt themselves is a special kind of sad.
Some people can't be trusted with their own lives.
Probably over $600 on WoW. I regret it.
Starcraft 2
Like $100 on TF2 for tauns and a few seasonal keys some years ago.
Don't really regret it, I put 1402 hours into the game so far.
>is this a flex post
I ran across a FEH player once who literally had to quit college because he spent so much gambling for jpgs. Unfortunately I didn't save the post. It was actually a bit sad because in the post he was (correctly) musing about how this singular fuckup would screw up the rest of his life. When you think about it these games kind of put forth a selective pressure. Those not fit enough fall for the trap have their reproductive chances slashed.
This is why 'vote with your wallet' does not work.
Roughly around 1500 euros for WoW.
It does work, it's just that you have to vote in your own league.
Whales are Israel, they can do whatever they want and will always win.
Play games without Israel in them and you can compete.
$70 for chrono trigger
$500 in GW2 cash shop/expansions over 4 years. Since it only averaged $10/mo I didn't notice the bad spending habit. After I totaled everything I was disgusted and vowed to never spend a single cent in any online game shop. I've been clean for 3 years.
Guild Wars and all its expansions should come to a little over 100$.
Don't think any other game came to 100$.
Never did a microtransaction or monthly fee and never will.
700 bux for kingdom death and a giant assload of minis
Between 80-120 euro on the special edition of AC:Revalations when i was 15, I didn't even read the book.
Time? I think I'm at about 6,000hr in World of Warcraft before I ragequit back in Wrath of the Lich King
Dosh? Probably around $700 on WoW, monthly sub + time.
~£150 Escape from Tarkov
Over 100 on Sonic Runners in order to get all the characters, and then the game shut down and all that time and money was for naught. Fuck mobile games.
Sonic Runners is getting a fan revival. youtu.be
Your attitude towards spending money is hereditary. It has to do with how strong or weak the link between your imagination and your reward center is, so you can imagine your refrigerator breaking and buying a new one, even if your fridge is working fine for the moment.
Thinking about possible future results of your actions, and trying to preempt them and prevent problems from arising, is a very valuable ability. Not everyone has it, though.
Over $100 for Civ 6 and the expansions.
I at least got my moneys worth through hundreds of hours of game time.
400 on Rift. The game is fun now but im sure the servers will shutdown in a year or two. Feels bad man.
about $5k on Granblue Fantasy
8 dollars. Not even joking.
on what?
animated computer sprites
do you count wow
1k+ over time rmting in XIV
2k-3k on Warframe
Used to play TF2 literally every single day, religiously. Even if i didn't feel like "playing" I'd go to a trade server and have fun. TF2 is still my favourite past time, either for it's mechanics and gameplay or it's very relaxing party servers and minigames, you can play TF2 at any moment and get sucked into it.
you destroyed it the moment you were born, you autistic millennial. chill.
Spent about 150€ on the full Artifact deck, don't really regret it. Too bad the game's dead now.
Tales of graces f. Bought the game full price+ all the dlc costumes because I wanted to support the devs. Then I moved out of my mother's basement, got a job and stopped wasting money.
in a non-mmo probably around 14k hours
£99 for persona 2 eternal punishment
On the game itself? About 150 for Mechwarrior Online.
Including controllers? Probably about 500 for Gran Turismo Sport with the wheel/stand/shifter/pedals.
I've spent significant amounts of money on items in TF2.
Not on the same level as a lot of others though (like people with tens of thousands of $ worth of items), I'm talking $400 for a single weapon and about $2000 for my entire backpack's value.
I probably put over $300 into PUBG if you count marketplace transactions
I also spent like $200 on Escape From Tarkov because I bought the lowest tier and upgraded my account twice.
>videogames post
cute blob
I spent a few hundred on an xbox and steel battalion. Unfortunately I just wasn't a fan despite how awesome it was on first try, the gameplay just wasn't for me so I sold it.
Same. Played a shit ton of vanilla, but then they started adding more and more lootboxes and i realized i wasnt playing the same Tf2 anymore, it turned into a hat grinding simulator with clowns flying around and wacky bing bong sounds playing everywhere
I spent $189 on marvel heroes but made like 1k selling items
I really need to stay away from online games with trading, there is a jew inside of me and I can't control it.
20 dollars
Same. Cartridges were expensive back then.
$220 on a copy of Earthbound. I don't regret it, I still love the game and play it yearly.
Bought the collector's edition for SMTIV, so however much that was. ~$80
I bought Dark souls 3 3 times. One for the Japanese version so I could play early, once for the english version and then I later bought it on PC.
Hundreds of dollars on TF2 keys and cosmetics. I don't regret it now that I have my dream unusuals and items.
Like 60$ buying a game for the poor kid in my history class. He got a switch for his bday with only one games.
>Zelda Botw
After a few months i decided to buy him smash ultimate but also a year of Nintendo online service. Never seen him that happy. Kid really deserved it after all he does for the other students. Such a nice guy.
A fair amount
Over the course of 4 years, I probably spend over 1000 shekels on Hearthstone.
Now it's dead to me.
Either EVO: Search for Eden on the Super Nintendo, for about three-hundred bucks on eBay.
Or Metal Warriors, also Super Nintendo, for either three-fifty, or an even four, also on eBay.
But that one was for my brother's birthday.
His copy got stolen when a friend of his didn't show up to house sit, and his place got ransacked.
I was lucky, I only had to pay about eighty bucks for mine.
On the other hand, a week later, I found another copy at a Salvation Army for seven dollars.
But hey, I got an easy ninety dollars out of it.
Does that count for Steam community market purchases or just the ingame Mann Co. Store?
Roughly $2300 for WoW sub from release in 04 until late 2018. Just one account, never bought any transfers or race changes.
>$15 x 12 = 180
>$180 x 13 = 2340
Give or take a few months. Zero regrets on the cash or the time. I was in a major guild for the first 5 years and the experience and relationships lead to some pretty cool shit in real life over the last 15 years. Wife, job, friends etc. If you're going to get sucked in to a game for years, you better make it count.
Evidently I spent $1500 dollars on League of Legends over 4 years. Don't play as much anymore and the last time I bought something was 9 months ago
Most money I've spent on a video game was like ~1000$ on Fire Emblem Heroes.
I feel pretty stupid for that looking back, but it's not like I couldn't pay rent or anything like that because of it so whatever.
I really don't want to know how much I've spent on MTG and Warhammer though...
But I can't say I regret that, since I definitely had a lot of fun over the years...
>but it's not like I couldn't pay rent or anything
gachafags need to be put 6 feet under
Spent $100 on Injustice 2 with all DLC on release
Game looks cool but gets old quickly, I regret buying it, should've just watched it on YouTube
a hundred dollarydoos on a pristine, physical copy of MGS: Ghost Babel
It was worth it though, game is really good
I bought it yesterday for 12 bongs.
500$ or so on Fate Grand Order. Was going through a rough time and the gambling aspect made me happy as I had way above average gacha luck.
i paid like $20 overall for a pack of x-force characters and still feel ripped off. it better get a private server someday.
Oldfag Yuropoor here. Spent 120 guilders on N64's Conker's Bad Fur Day back in the day. It was a grand purchase.
$60 on AAA games
I wish I only spent a hundred on that shitty game...
I've bought every souls game for Ps3, Ps4, and Pc. Including remasters, just to plat them again and again because I love the gameplay and multiplayer along with how toxic the community is it still holds a special place in my heart.
Couple hundred?