
Attached: 20190709.jpg (1067x600, 116K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>It's fucking real
Alright Yea Forums, it's been fun, but lockdown is in effect. Goodbye and good luck.



not blurry enough


Footprints look last Gen. Game will be shit.

Spurious and homosexual

>corridor shooter
fuck off


So post sauce faggots

>crowbar has a retarded shape at the end
Did they even try?

well this is one way to make a bait thread

unless you post some links that backs that up

Attached: hannibal wack.png (500x374, 220K)

VR is saved, hallelujah!

>people so unbelievably desperate for hl3 they would even reply with "source?"

Attached: 1559446643147.jpg (750x422, 63K)

>half life 3 will be VR
Hope it can be played without a headset too.

Attached: 15699423388.png (459x502, 193K)

Yeah remember when HL2 was playable without Steam

If this is real, is Half Life VR.

HL should end tragically

More tragically than this?

Epic Exclusive

it's not hl3 they ust remade hl2 for vr

What's with the snow then?

its going to be
dawn of the rising of the ice planet of tomb raider


Its EXACTLY what you think it is and its the game you have always wondered about. Pure authentic half life experience BUT
you have to pay the marketed price (60 dollars) every hour you play (can pause tho), you download only a client and your access is immediately blocked if you dont pay. All the data are server side on the top notch emulated machines. Also streaming and youtube videos are completely illegal and valve pays every platform to remove them. No season passes nor expansions but you have no idea how many hours is that. After 2 weeks the game is delisted and deleted forever.

Day 1 pirate then



You cant, constant only online authentication, only client side on a data stream and after 2 weeks the game is deleted.

>Gordon will only have the crowbar through the whole game because guns are evil and real men use their fists.
>Alyx will be fat-- sorry, large, and her skin tone will be 3 shades darker.
>Combine will be retconned as a white supremacist hate group that works with the aliens to control the world.
>Barney will come out as gay.
>Dog gets a rainbow paint job.
>Judith is trans.

I think we should just let the game stay dead, guys.

Attached: a68.png (520x678, 301K)

>not a single source posted
Really activates my almonds

Sauce me nigger

I wish /pol/ would stick to their own board

>all these cautiously skeptical idiots
ahahahahahaha you guys are still this gullible

Do you know what gullible means?


Source or fuck off.

take your pills, poltard, you're sperging out again

Do you know what cautiously skeptical means? It means you're stupid enough that you think this could be real even though we've gone through this a hundred times.

I lost all faith after Epistle 3. Now any semblance of Valve makes me ill. I’d be ok if they make it or a spin off but I have come to terms if it will never happen.
Still, this is fake as shit, no source or nothing suggesting its a leak. Atleast the L4D trailer was made with effort.

Why do people pretend to cling to half life 3 so much still
The story wasnt great and the cliff hangar became "who cares" after 5 years passed. It'll release one day and be a wet fart like kh3


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Sauce me or die cold and alone please

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half life is overrated


>Alyx will be fat
I'll take twenty!

I'm sure we're getting a HL "sequel" one way or another thanks to Valve's VR push but I suspect it's going to be true Monkey's Paw shit.
On the bright side, everything is pozzed these days and Valve at least tries to be somewhat tasteful with its pandering.

>tfw Black Mesa Xen is STILL not finished

Attached: 1559655342586.jpg (880x587, 87K)

Half Life Battle Royale.

Someone get Tyler.

Attached: 1540948686619.png (709x626, 553K)

>you guys
>still this gullible
Nope. It's not the same anons. Never the same anons. This board is full of teenagers who haven't lived through but a handful of hoaxes and happenings. Never forget, you're posting on a board filled with actual children, arguing about how big the titties are in your little digital chinese toys.

>E V E R
>E's backwards is 3
>there are 2 of them
>2-3= -1
>without the E's it says VR
VR half-life prequel confirmed


He's going to bomb Valve HQ one day.

I genuinely feel sorry for him.

>VtM:Bloodlines gets SHAFTED by Half-Life 2 releasing just beforehand with Steam cutting off all spotlight advertising for Bloodlines to push HL2
>15 years later Bloodlines 2 gets announced
>Team jokes that at least they don't have to worry about Half Life 3 hahaha
>Half Life 3 announced

Attached: 1559320990505.jpg (1260x727, 545K)

I hope he takes out the Campo Santo fucks

It doesn’t mean gullible that’s for sure.

>gaben rolls onto stage at e3
>holding something behind his back
>hello this is gabe newell and i would like to talk to you about
>their new vr headset lights up on the screen
>our new hardware
>now you see this thing
>he points at the screen with a crowbar
>makes playing half life 3 really fun

Attached: 1426841852828.gif (200x200, 6K)

He's a fucking normalfag with a degree and a girlfriend.
He only plays up the 'desperate valve fan' persona to gather patreon shekels

uh excuse me youtube ecelebs are completely genuine and everything my senses perceive is the entirety of reality

That's not gonna happen.
Would be devilishly awesome though, I'll give you that. And an adamant proof that Gaben absolutely hates vampires in general.

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Literally never ever

Remember that really impressive Left 4 Dead 3 tease? yeah fat chance

Attached: life after getting glasses.webm (1280x678, 2.99M)

>drumming up hype for the Index using HL3 as bait
>while Index production is so fucking slow they can't even serve a fraction of the people who want one
That's a really good way to sell Rifts though

>we will never live in the world where Half Life 2 Beta was the one released and not the lame as fuck final product

I've never hated a hacker as much in my life, fuck that leaker.

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Really makes me think.

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I never understood.
Is the beta fully playable or is it just random maps and the fans pulled theories about the story out of their asses?


>hunt down the freeman 2

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It's mostly just random maps, but essentially the entire beta is known due to Raising the Bar and other information leaks. It was way, way more ambitious than final HL2 and actually delivered on that ambition. Then they scrapped it because they got butthurt it was released early.

>tfw you fall so far that a speed runner makes fun of you

Hl3 is possible right now due to epic games being a competitor

We will never live in a world where the technology existed to allow Resident Evil 3.5 to be released either, but I've come to terms with that years ago.
You should too with HL2's beta.

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Tim Sweeney's master plan all along was to force Gaben into making Half-Life 3.



Good try Tim but it's not actually Epic that's going to MAYBE push HL3 into existence.

But the memeshit that is VR.

Isn't there a fucking leak of a beta version of Raising the Bar itself?

I never really got much into it.
What was different?
I'd like to search more myself but as far as i've seen, only russians give a shit about it and i dont speak commie

>Half Life 3 is going to be VR exclusive

I fucking hate that this is probably going to be true.

I sure do, it came in the orange box.

Half-life is the FPS equivalent of Zelda or Portal. All the cosplaythot "gamer gurls" know about the games, and pretend to play and like it to better milk the droves of desperate paypigs out of their money. Just look at all the seething roasties/discord trannies when user pointed out that if it ever came out it'd be pozzed and shit.

The truth is Half-life 3 is never fucking coming out, because Valve is a shitty "progressive company" with that retarded company structure where the employees get to dick around all day "working on the projects they want to" aka showing up to play vidya & collect the paycheck, and Gabe is too much of a cuck to kick out the freeloaders. The only reason Valve is still afloat is steam.

Hah no, Epic isn't even a blip on Valve's radar
They're all about stopping Facebook from ruining VR and they're going to do it by being very slow and mediocre
It's a titanic struggle going on for half a decade that most you ignorant children are completely unaware of.

Look at the Half Life wiki. Basically, imagine a world with twice as much depth to it that really goes into detail how fucking ruthless the Combine are. Cremators, child laborers, Vorti-Cells, the world being so fucking polluted you need a gas mask to go outside, the Consul's final form, manhack arcades. But then from a gameplay perspective, it had a large chunk of the aliens coming back from HL1 alongside twice as many Combine units.

It was just a better game.

>reverse image search this
>get this

Google is so fucking retarded. A few years ago maybe Google's reverse image search might actually be able to find the source but not now.

My hopes have been dashed so many times that I don't care anymore.

Attached: wojack (71).png (840x854, 434K)

That sounds comically edgy and unsubtle
At some point dystopia just turns silly

VR is actually probably the only way they could make the game meet expectations of greatness. Let's face it, they have no way of even matching current fps giants, let alone surpassing them. Pulling off some next level VR shit would be one way to amaze

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damn it I forgot to post the screenshot

Attached: hl3_viper.png (1221x658, 248K)

>reverse google image search
>0 results
you faggots will fall for anything

Attached: yep.jpg (224x225, 9K)

You should go read it for yourself then. It was pretty silly, but I liked how silly it was.

Well yeah but at least Google is more stunning and diverse now and the search engine has stopped suggesting gorillas when you search for black people

nigger look above you

they're literally seconds apart you stupid nigger

we all know that it would be happen sooner or later, like the FFVII remake, people love money, and devs are people

>fags still think HL3 will come out
>fags still think HL3 is worth the weight
>fags still think HL3 wouldn't be a massive disappointment if it actually would come out

Attached: 1475772660156.jpg (950x950, 447K)

I am actually in the minority that liked the depressive slavland we got.
I just wish there was more trippy combine building areas like the citadel

>google black people in google image search
>third photo is trump
>8th photo is white people in black face
lol. liberals are triggered so easily.


>Combine will be retconned as a white supremacist hate group that works with the aliens to control the world.
This wouldn't even be a retcon, according to the lore Breen essentially bargained with the aliens and basically allowed them to install combine forces and put the planet in a police state as opposed to them glassing absolutely everything. granted, they still glassed like 60% of the planet but still.

M-Mitch p-p-please...

Oh fuck off.

>never got to use alyx's gun without mods

I always wanted that fucking pistol.

>fags still think HL3 wouldn't be a massive disappointment if it actually would come out

This talking point sucks. Most people want the story to end, not insane technological marvels. All the game has to do right is end. The Epistle 3 text did a fine job of it, proving it's not too difficult to write a satisfactory ending.

Blind retard.


Every fucking year the same goddamn faggotry

Attached: 1551658627535.jpg (535x462, 54K)

It still ended with a cliffhanger

Attached: 1559586223341.jpg (653x649, 76K)


where is the source you fucking idiot, i got shit to do

>not insane technological marvels
Well this is what we're getting eitherway since the IP is only getting trotted out to showcase the Index controllers.
We've seen nothing yet, Valve holds their cards close. Still amazed at how relatively secret they kept the Index even though there was zero reason to.

Attached: 1551478755411.webm (480x240, 479K)

>Their card game bombed so hard that they are mandated to make HL3 to make face and clean their name

Piss off and go somewhere else to imagine things to be offended about. This board is for discussing video games, not for pushing your political agenda.

>half-life vr
>hunt down the freeman 2
>gordon in smash
Think of anything it could be that isn't Half-Life 3 and it's probably that.

for fuck's sake why are people still making these fucking "leaks"

Attached: fishin.jpg (636x480, 89K)

Cool, would have liked them in. Nova Prospekt, maybe?
>child labourers
Dumb and OTT. The beauty of the suppression field is that it's more than just your garden variety oppression and slavery. The Combine have taken away our ability to do our most basic function as animals, literally stripped away our humanity. It's a sense of perversion of what's right that goes deeper than mere child slaves. And, it makes every single dead rebel that much more meaningful.
Would have been cool to see, it would make them more present in the game and releasing vorts would add a feeling of really damaging the Combine.
The gas exchange is really cool and all, but I like the native vegetation feeling to Ep2 a lot. It's the best part of HL2 in my opinion, plus it gives a feeling that everything isn't totally fucked and we can still recover Earth if we try.
>consul's final form
Breengrub would have been nice, though I prefer the concept of Breen to that of the Consul.
>manhack arcades
A little dumb, feels like it's trying too hard to be grimdark to the point that it's goofy, moustache-twirling evil. A more fitting way of disposing of dissenters would be throwing them outside without masks. And how don't people know about the true nature of the manhacks already? Can't they hear the screams and see people getting torn up around street corners? Haven't people ever seen people they know and realised the truth?
>HL1 aliens
Should have been present, at least in Ep2 in the wilderness.
>twice as many Combine units
Some of the beta units just looked weird, some looked cool though.

HL3 will come out as the last defense line against Steam competitors

>This board is for discussing video games
Like 9/10 threads are nothing but spam or off-topic baits.

Only HL 1 was good.

Attached: 1555610498762.png (446x435, 250K)

>HL game that attempts to capture the magic and atmosphere of HL2 but will fail utterly because 90% of creativity has left Valve

Lame, gimme at least a Half Life set in the games universe but maybe on another continent, something new and interesting, that won't at least be a complete disappointment like any HL2 sequel will be

I am depressingly aware.

heres your (You)

You fags always get triggered at /pol/ when /an/ raids like 3 times a day and most native posts are baits anyway.

How much of it is valve and how much is some fat neckbeard filling in the blanks?
Because i don't think alyx was ever supposed to look like that or that valve would have 'sexy female combine assassin' posters plastered on the city like that video has

Be the change you want then, lets just keep this thread about half life.


It's the beta with better visuals.

>gabe puts all the money they have into h3 as the last resort
>the game is a massive flop that fucking sucks and retrospectively ruins the first two games
>gabes goes bankrupt, steam closing


Go to bed Tim

But it does end tragically

Gordon takes the Borealis and hurls it into the combine dysonsphere which barely leaves a scratch.

The G-man gives Gordon one last talk and says “you were never special and I, and my organization only used you for our benefit. Now fuck off, I’m taking Alyx because she’s who we need next”

The game ends with yet another reminder that we are nothing as humans and that we are just a blip in time with the strength of a single celled organism that’s trying to take down a behemoth. There is no magic and the technologies of more advanced beings are only going to keep us enslaved like the ants that we are

Now this is the original Half-Life 2 experience, like Gabe intended!

Attached: Lmao.jpg (1280x682, 169K)

how the fuck did Valve let that get made and sold


then check the vanilla then lmao

good post

>put into stasis against your will or just dying

>mfw have to agree with a frogposter

Attached: 1391795196730.png (600x500, 266K)

>still no source

HL1 becomes shit when you get to the underground railway area

So it's fucking off topic and I want to discuss fucking video games on the fucking video games board you dumb sack of shit.

>he bitches about some poster textures
>not the clearly ripped models and textures from STALKER
It's not a 1:1 recreation.

You'd have a better chance of discussing video games on Yea Forums than on Yea Forums.

yet you're replying to non videogame posts.....

Gaben simply laughed and said he didn't know what Half Life was so they could do as they pleased as long as he got a cut.

Hey anons it is vr and this will be shown at the pc gaming show along with other stuff from valve.
Have fun


He's just trying to raise awareness and start a conversation

I'm sorry you're post was overlooked, I genuinely laughed

no he isn't, he's just bitching about /pol/ because that's the only offtopic shit that bothers him.

>Jeez dude why don't you just ignore all the posts making it impossible to discuss video games on this board
Are you fucking stupid?

>implying valve will be at the Epic Games Store PC show

(You) are making it impossible

Attached: 1263430071440.jpg (172x305, 64K)

>I, and my organization only used you for our benefit
which was?

Good points except for the fat alyx
>tfw you will never huff overweight alyx Vance ass in vr

Nobody knows. Likely had something to do with damaging the Combine though.

Attached: 1559557993044.jpg (880x587, 30K)

That’s the thing, you never learn what it was other than it having to relate to conquering the Vortigaunts.

Since the player is Gordon and is experiencing everything first hand, we’re never really told what the G-man and his organization what they’re after other than supremacy over the Vortigaunts

Attached: 58e96fb3a9d0b.jpg (1600x900, 325K)

They arent remastering Xen, they are doing it entirely over and expanding it to be like half the size of the base Black Mesa game or something. Its not a texture port, its a full expansion

Small brain:
Episode 3
Big brain:
Hunt Down the Freeman 2: Revengeance

Lmao man, what is this nonsense? Guy's put together maps in completely random order from four different iterations of the Half-Life 2 storyline (2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003, which were just prefabs of the final version), uses wrong models and weapons and mixes together shit at complete random. Fucking Bolloxed, the worst Half-Life channel on YouTube. HL2 Project Beta is so much better.

Fucking finally.

>holding up condoms
>implying vampires use condoms
>implying I use condoms

Creating artificial selection pressure to encourage the stagnant Combine to evolve
I made that up


Attached: 4720E81C1738CFCF109B7BC0BE758F8F9B143982.jpg (1280x1024, 408K)

Why are you like this?










If Valve ever release HL3 it'll never live up to fan expectations, so they need to just come clean and stop baiting all the HL fans out there.

I know, that's why i'm saying valvetime. No doubt its gonna be super fucking good but its gonna take like decades before they can even release it. Thankfully, they said they were gonna release betas in a couple of months so im hopeful for that

You wanna touch it, don't you?

Attached: IMG_0802.gif (320x180, 537K)

Thats not entirely due to the butthurt, much was trimmed out due to being disruptive to gameflow (side trip to the Manhack arcade), tech improvements removed the need for the cremator (which explained in-universe where dead bodies went), and other things got cut to meet the Steam launch date

blocked, don't bother replying

Attached: combine_concept.jpg (800x701, 73K)

Well b8'd, I see you have received many (You)'s

Attached: 1559020499593.jpg (677x430, 64K)

based swag Civil protection youtube.com/watch?v=CFFCr5Uis58

Shitty font no graphic designer would do that

>retarded "realistic" crowbar shape
Fuck you give me my classic crowbar dumb "faker" niggers. At least WORK for your attention.

Pic rel fits you.
I hate niggers too but we were having an actual discussion about videogames for once and you just had to start screaming about it

Attached: 1481549878647.jpg (639x1024, 173K)

god hl2 beta/protype designs were such kino. valve are such fuckups, even when they were making actual games.

Attached: Cremator_poster.jpg (256x586, 157K)

does anyone even care anymore?
HL gets shit on hard these days.

>sci-fi shooter
>best and most recognizable weapon is a crowbar

Attached: 1558564596284.png (352x371, 143K)

Half life 3 might only take place in hl universe but be completely unrelated with gordon.

does anyone even care anymore?
HL gets shit on hard these days.

Also the kids got cut cuz they figured it was too edgy and easier to explain with "there just arent any kids now", which is grim but avoids the hastle that is portraying violence towards kids

i still like half life, couple of retards on here won't change that. hl3 isn't happening, though.

They can give up with Half Life sequels but I don't want them to give up on the HL universe

>HL universe
too late, they even cancelled a ravenholm spinoff not made by valve

We have god, they don’t.

REMOVE GABE NEWELL remove gabe newell
you are worst gabe newell. you are the gabe newell idiot you are the gabe newell smell. return to mcdonalds. to our burgerking cousins you may come our joint. you may live in the fryer….ahahahaha ,gabe newell we will never forgeve you. fattie rascal FUck but fuck asshole gabe newell stink gabe newell poofter..gabe newell genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead valve..ahahahahahGABE NWELL WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget half life 2 .we kill the gabe , half life return to your precious 2004….hahahahaha idiot gabe newell and valve smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE GABE NEWELL FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. we kill gabe newell…you will hl2/ tupac alive in hl2, tupac making album of hl2 . fast rap tupac hl2. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of tupac… you are ppoor stink gabe newell… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt
tupac alive numbr one #1 in the world ….fuck the gabe newell ,..FUCKk ashol gabe newell no good i spit? in the mouth eye of ur logo and company. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the gabe newell future titles with rap magic now we the randy bobandy rule .ape of the zoo presidant donaldo trumpo fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and gabe newell wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our game we will crush u lik a skull of pig. battleborn greattest game

>192 replies
What are you niggers doing?

cancelled as in C&D or cancelled as in stopped providing support or letting them use the IP?

All the trannies replying and getting mad at this joke rofl

talkin about half life, everybody knows its dead

Attached: based.jpg (1280x720, 53K)


>whole point is the primal human spirit versus the cold and technological combine
shiggy diggy try not being a brainlet next time

1 was pretty innovative for it's time, but yeah 2 is pretty much a glorified tech demo that plays like alot of other shooters from it's time. It's honestly a pretty average game with good graphics (for the time anyway). Also making Gordon a mute is fucking stupid and makes him look like a dumbass in every cutscene.


Attached: CRO-.gif (400x225, 725K)

valve kept saying to scrap it over and over, and it never got finished, it was handed to 2 different companies.

Attached: Episode 4.png (488x366, 161K)

part three fucking when

>Ctrl-F "fully"
>Two unrelated hits.

Are we able to talk about Half-Life again?

what is the FUCKING SOURCE
it's just a crowbar in snow, for all we know it's a fucking movie.

lol dude trust me

It already has.

Attached: Eli.png (484x588, 552K)

Frenchie said never, it's over.

Attached: IMG_0803.jpg (828x360, 67K)

As edgy as it sounds, the God that we have here on earth, whether you call him God, Jesus, Allah, or whatever is a god that supposedly created the universe and made humans equal and the top of the food chain.

But in the HL universe, we run into the G-man which clearly isn’t human, the combine which are humanoid but still not human, and the Vortigaunts. After the events of Black Mesa unfold, how can you say that a faith in your god is worth any value? Everything that is taught on earth about how Jesus died for our sins can’t be worth much when otherworldly beings exist. And they don’t just exist either. There are species out there that absolutely dwarf everything that humans have accomplished. Every fear, triumph, and tragedy is a single baby step compared to everything that the opposing forces have accomplished.

There’s a reason the Combine managed to fuck up the earth in just 7 hours. We aren’t shit and faith in a god means very little when that god has abandoned your entire species for greener pastures

Faith wins in the end.

Well shit
Did he say it in one of his streams?

I'd rather a Half Life game set after Combine are BTFO and its up to human resistance and remaining societies to clean up both the xenos and the stranded combine.

Set in a large city in some country, 2 organizations one that deals with the horrors from Xen, reclaiming lost territory from xeno fucking shits, and mostly operate underground, in dark and spooky places, and tunnels, abandoned cities and villages etc, cleaning up xeno scum wherever they go.

The other organization is like the resistance in HL2, fighting the Combine remnants on the battlefield, more action and large battles, set outside mostly, antlions will be a major xeno threat though.

I just want a post-apocalyptic game for once that shows humanity on the road to recovery, but with a biter struggle still remaining. Its not certain if human civilization will fully recover even after all Xenos and Combine have been purged but they will make sure to purge them all for putting them in this mess.

Vortigaunt are honorary members though. And theres no or sparse mention of Gordon and City 17 because this would take place maybe in the US or somewhere and information travels slowly but they notice that the Combine's powers were waning and they decide to act.

This is how we can still keep vidya set in the Half Life universe though it doesn't have to be about the original characters anymore.

The Xeno sections will be spooky, Ravenholm, but with underground stations, a major reason being that in order to better connect the fragmented resistance factions they decide to restart the old abandoned subways, before those can be utilized they need brave volunteers to go in and flush all the xeno fuckers, headcrabs, zombies and god knows what else out of the tunnels so engineers can go and repair them and get them operational again.

The Combine resistance sections will play out much like HL2 did only even more open and expansive, old US military tech re-purposed, think Battlefield: Half Life


He kept saying he'd never do it and that people should stop badgering him. He also posted a comment on Episode 3: The Part 1 joking about how Gorgeous had been dead two years now.

You fucked up my face.

>gaben rolls onto stage at e3
>"... 3"
>walks off
>no release date, no teaser, no context
>the world losses it's shit

vampires also (generally) don't fuck, her entire persona is a delusional larp


>That filename

I can't believe it's finally happening

>Gordon will only have the crowbar
>because guns are evil and real men use their fists
So which is it? Only crowbar or not?

Someome send this to tyler

i watched one of his streams a few weeks ago and he spent the last 10ish minutes whining about how he's oppressed or something because boards.4channel.org/v/ makes fun of him for being an enormous faggot

He'll also get the gravity gun in order to remove combine plastic straws from the ocean

Won't work without super gravity gun, the straws are big

?reverse image search
>0 results
kill yourself or provide a source

what is this? A fan remake they are making since good chunk of time?



is this half life vr? or is this penumbra 2

Back to pol, cuck


got a link?

Attached: safety in numbers.jpg (392x463, 37K)

Probably, because god knows it can't be official.
I heard that there was 2 different groups making a "epistle3" inspired HL 3. I haven't followed either of them but I know one of them had a good amount of talent behind it, and the other is pretty much reliant on random people all around the world.

I doubt either of them will ever be finished. Probably end up being abandoned because 1-3 key members get busy with their personal lives