Why do you all say Shantae's game is bad? You didn't mean it did you?
Why do you all say Shantae's game is bad? You didn't mean it did you?
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Sorry, I didn't mean to say Shantae is bad.
I meant to say Shantae is shit.
the niggerina games are all shit
the games really aren't that bad. most aren't amazing or anything, but they're far from downright bad. i don't understand why people like to circlejerk about how awful they are.
>Bolo: This all seems familiar, doesn't it, Shantae?
>Shantae: We participated in a genocide, Bolo.
I want Shantae to shit on my chest
I want to have sex with Shantae
post source i need to see her shit
Because they're held in such high regard by their fanbase, despite all but one being completely mediocre.
They are pretty much all average to mediocre, only Pirate's Curse stood out, only chronic masturbators are making sure Shantae remains a topic of relevance by producing and wanking at fap material of hers all the time.
No..no I didn't.
Shantae has such a great fandom.
she's a futa
Because Shantae niggers need to be put in their place, some of you spergs actually believe the series is some sort of underrated holy grail of games that has been wronged by the heavens itself by not being included in Smash.
Shantae is a just a somewhat solid series with characters that people stroke their dicks at, nothing more.
I like the games.
Pretty sure everyone does.
I don’t even like the games
They're not bad, but they're fellated to absurd levels just because muh waifu. Pirate's Curse is the only legitimately good one, the others are range from boring to kind of ok I guess.
Literally the only actually noteworthy thing in this series is the GOAT music.
I love Shantae and played all her games, but honestly Pirates Curse is the only true great one. The rest are solid and still good games though.
Shantae’s games are fun, hyped for the fifth game!
I had fun with Pirate's Curse.
imagine the smell
They're mediocre, by the numbers platformers that would be completely forgotten if they didn't pander to horny incels
I hate that they got rid of this artstyle for chibi shit.
It's one of my favourite series, and Pirate's Curse is my favourite indie game.
I have never played a single one of Shantae's games.
I want to have sex with every single girl in this series.
I still don't understand why they didn't keep this same art style for the other games. It's the best one so far.
HGH is honestly pretty bad. PC is great, RR is reasonably entertaining, and I've never played the original so I don't know. Hoping 5 is good, the series could have had a lot of momentum coming out of PC.