>we lost the match but it's ok bro! we still had fun playing it, right?!!
do you fags unironically enjoy something even when you lose?
We lost the match but it's ok bro! we still had fun playing it, right?!!
God i want to fuck my own ass so bad
no, if I get bodied (fighting games for example) I just instant quit instead of queuing again. Nothing worse than playing when you are mad
actually I enjoy a close game I lose much more than a game where I destroy my opponent without having to even try. do you always play on easy OP?
Yes you dumb tourneyfag
If you just get dumped on without being able to do much it's not fun. A really close match can be fun even if you lose though. Usually more fun than facerolling retards
>he enjoys being second
if it wasn't a complete shut-out or it was a close game, then it's not really that bad
>gg fucking ez
If it was fun, sure.
Why would I play something if not to have fun? Why should I bother with a game if there's a chance I will play it and be bored? Competitivefags are stupid with video games, by the end of the day your victory/defeat means absolutely nothing to anyone and the only person stressed about it is you, so if you're not having fun even when you're losing, why bother playing at all?
I enjoy a challenge win or lose, stomps ain't satisfying there needs to be a struggle for me
I say gg regardless
Except for some faggot that went by the name of Joker in the GBFV beta. I beat him and THEN told him Sasuga Joker after he got fucked hard.
Why play multiplayer games then? Unless such game doesn't have a winner or loser, why play it? You play with the sole purpose of winning the match, even if you deny it.
I play because the gameplay is fun and I like to watch my friends seethe as they die
Retards need to suffer all their life. That's why i play hard and/or competitive games and lose much and not enjoy it at all but keep playing-trying.
>this body type
I suck at touhou and cant even 5cc the games on normal but I still enjoy it and eventually I will get that 1cc
Because playing the game is fun? If you seriously only find enjoyment if you win, I advise you play a different game, or pick up a new hobby entirely.
I advice you to play a different game then. Play single player games if you're gonna half ass on multiplayer
It's a video game, not a job.
Seriously, do something else if you're not having fun just by playing the game.
Do you never eat food solely for the taste, only for the nutrition and how much it fills you? Do you never dress in clothes that look good, only in whatever fits and is comfortable? Of course you don't, that's extremely unreasonable.
Then why would you play a game where you only feel satisfaction from a "You Win!" screen?
But I AM having fun. I play mutiplayer games to win
I don't mind defeat if the team fought back. Defeat because of retardation or lack of cooperation is unacceptable
I want to have fun in single player but crushing another human being just feel so goddamn fun
If the opponent is fun to play against then yeah
It's just a game.
Winning is more fun than losing, but if you cant have fun while still losing the match then you're just a sad fucker.
The score at the end is independent of the events that occurred during the game. If I go 45-0 and still lose I probably had fun regardless. Because I was clearly having a great game.