>quit job cuz it slowly killed me inside
>tfw I'm a poorfag now
Can't even spend 5€ for some cheap game or otherwise I don't have anything to eat...
How do other poor anons cope with that?
>quit job cuz it slowly killed me inside
>tfw I'm a poorfag now
Can't even spend 5€ for some cheap game or otherwise I don't have anything to eat...
How do other poor anons cope with that?
Other urls found in this thread:
Pirate your shit or play F2P games.
It's the pirates life for you m8.
What was your job?
Get another job.
by not being poor.
seriously it is really fucking hard to be poor nowadays if your are not literally living in a 3rd world shithole
eat cheaper
Oi I member poorfag. Used to be an Yea Forumsutist in 00's before coming here.
>Quit job because it's draining my soul
>Start writing furry/scaly porn for a living
>Almost bankrupt because Patreon keeps dropping lower and lower with every passing month
Sucks, don't give up user.
What kind of question is that
You deserve every bad thing that happens to you.
>want to try my hand at shitty furry porn writing for extra cash
>know that porn patreons make pennies compared to art ones
I should still write more just to practice and get better
>what is poverty?
go pirate some food
missuse of your wealth by being retarded
>not selling your soul by drawing the disgusting shit
>by shit I mean scat
I hate myself, but I got some extra money coming in that has been paying for my vacations for the past two years.
This is a huge one. Food budgets can so easily get out of control if you don't watch it. But make sure to keep eating healthy as going full instant ramen will drop your food budget a ton but you will suffer.
I've thought about writing porn for people. How do you kick it off?
>not living in a welfare state where you get 1000€/month just for existing
This is a meme, if u are rich it doesn't matter
>make more money making private lactation videos but still work my shitty job to make my money seem legitimate
>private lactation
Dafuq is that?
>tfw other peoples parents were unambitious losers that made the wrong decision which was not to abort
Personalized videos instead of mass produced porn, also selling milk
Madoka looks like that? That's a skip for me.
money just literally lies on the street
look at streamer
even fucking indians are getting their inet bux from fiverr
do shit get paid
it is just that simple
unless you are retarded
well tough luck then
look at the gazillion "streamers" that make fuck all money from streaming
the only people that make actual money on the internet are the 0.0001% that were lucky enough to become big
By pirating everything they can, dipshit. I haven't paid for a video game in like ten years.
that's not true
even 500 viewer streamer are making a solid 200k in a year
and those are some shitty speedrunner
the internet is throwing money left and right if you don't give a fuck about morality and such
like go trading currencies and i dont even mean cryptoshit
are you insane? even hearthshit streamer disguisedtoast only makes 20k per month
Using craptops in class is the biggest meme of this generation.
>inb4 coping poorfag
Are you male
okay my bad
it is 120k a year but still miles away from being poor and you get to play games
literally retarded ESL
What do your taxes look like, do you have to report that as income or revenue as self-employment?
give me a link and I might send you some money, slut.
its definitely not even 120k per year
not even mentioning the fact that 500 viewer average is still A LOT
it is
this is the pastebin of one of the streamer i casually watched
Yeah, Have to pay self-employment taxes just like anything else you sell or produce on the internet if you make enough money.
For what it's worth, he might not actually be a furry himself. The furry audience is rabid and there are people in it willing to pay out the absolute fucking ass for fetish art. It can be extremely profitable if your art is good enough, far more so than if you were just drawing normal stuff.
buy tons of cheap ramen (not in cups, the ones in packet, buy it in bulk).
you fucking whore, send link
Ur a degenerate
Do you happen to be Kobold Adventure dev?
make text adventures
twine requires virtually no programming knowledge and people are more likely to pay for a "game" than a story, also it fits the incremental content approach you need for patreon and such better
okay so the problem here is, he apparently made 120k in 4 years, not per year, though that is after "expenses"
he streamed 60h/week so even more that a regular wagie
>dude everyone can make money on twitch even if they don't have many viewers
>I know that because I know ONE streamer who is able to do that
Meguca looked like total shit while it was airing because they ran outta time almost every episode. BDs look fine
>they ran outta time
being an animator has to be so shit
*blocks ur path*
what now faggot
I haven't had more than 200 dollars on me at any given time in 10 years.
It hurts a little less each day.
I spend between 40 to 48 hours a week babysitting a temperamental bearing-assembling machine that shits itself every 5 minutes. All the safety equipment I have to wear is giving me chronic pain.
it is not even twitch thats just an example
you can trade currencies oder do other shit
it is really hard to go broke or be poor
get out of here stalker
Token examples that are exceptions aren't very telling for your case.
>it is really hard to go broke or be poor
Where do you think you are?
It's still heresy no matter how you look at it.
Piracy and eventually getting another job.
yes it is
everyone else is just plain retarded to use the advantages of a dumb society
Japanese animator crunch times make video game dev crunch time look like a joke. Those guys will work for days straight and sometimes will be working on episodes until just a few hours before airing
must be that people are becoming fucking lazy since the middleclass is dying out
If I couldn't afford new games, I would litterally just pirate EVERY GAME. I have an income and can buy new games early but I remember having no income at one point.
Being poor is a blessing because then you will actually try as many games as possible since you stay a generation behind.
>whore myself out for money? Lol
>Be trust fund baby
>Money is never really an issue
yeah because it is way more profitable and easier to be a influencer than to be a nurse, construction worker or what have not
thats no fucking big news
Get into retro gaming through emulation and handhelds. It's far more fulfilling than modern gaming as a whole and there's enough masterpieces to last you a lifetime without paying a single cent.
If you can only feel fulfilled through modern consumerism there's something inherently wrong with you deep inside, though. Work on that too.
/gif/ has spoiled me so much i hardly even bother asking
>bringing your laptop to school
that's gross, why complicate things by keeping school material on a personal machine
>its easier to be lucky than to do manual labor that literally everyone can do
>tfw getting ready for work
>tfw every day I feel like I'm on the verge of quitting or doing something stupid to get myself fired
I just can't fucking take it anymore. I can't fucking take being overworked, being treated like shit by my supervisor/the managers and having no time to myself to do the things I actually want to do anymore.
But I need the fucking job. And if I do quit, I'll need to immediately start looking for another because my savings are pretty meager and my family sure as shit doesn't have any money.
I really wish I could make money through art and writing, but I'm not skilled enough and nobody knows who I am. Even if I started doing drawing drills for hours every day it would be years before anyone would want to pay for my work, and there's no money in writing unless you're doing the writing portion of a game or show or something like that.
i mostly play a few free to play games as timesinks
>be sysadmin
>job has downtimes
>get paid to post here and playing my switch
Make some new free clips dude.
this. i fucking hate every adnigger
>being jobless
>still spending money on stupid shit like vidya
You make some shit life decisions op
Do you have a union? Sounds like if your job sucks to you it might just suck for everyone else at your level.
No, of course not. I'm pretty sure this place just fires anyone who tries to unionize.
nigger you just have to take tons of pictures of yourself and attract sponsors and followers
you also have to be a girl )
Fuck me, you described me to a tee. Every day I just think up reasons to quit and then reasons to not quit, it's basically 80-90% of my conscious thought at work. It fucking sucks. Starting to drink once I get home though, makes the evenings feel better.
>money in writing unless you're doing the writing portion of a game or show or something like that.
I started writing a novel for the first time.
actually think it's a good idea, just doing it at my own pace while I work too. you miss all the shots you don't take
You know you're both right. It is super easy to not be poor, it is still easier to BE poor. Yes, it's because people are stupid.
Honestly with the ease of which wealth is acquired in this world theres no reason to not be super successful unless you're one of the retards. Same thing applies not just to finance, but physical and mental health/wellness. If you're a 300lb tub of lard that somehow, despite your clear lack of discipline, got rich, then congrats, but no one is thinking for a second they want to associate with you by choice.
I've had my first novel done for over a year, but I have no idea how to push it to a publisher. Everything I've read says you need to already be established. Apparently having a large social media following is an absolute requirement.
I don't let other people decide whether or not I eat. I find it to be impolite to society to expect it to understand anything as complex and glorious as I
What do you do if you think you're one of the retards then? Should I just kill myself? I think about it every so often. Maybe someone else could use the resources I take up better.
Anyone knows any decent online job?
Even 300 usd per months would do
I'm having troubles with money
Self publishing is an option. And probably the better option, especially if your work gets popular through self publishing.
The unfortunate part is that our society is not like some eastern countries where you can just put shit up online and eventually get cartoon or movie deals if people like your work enough.
Well yeah, unions tend to get in the way of expanding capital by actually giving workers more than the bare federal minimum. The steps in making a union are pretty involved and it would honestly be easier as a single person to try your luck at another company.
What do you do at your current company?
Yeah you could tell they were struggling to meet deadlines they probably should have had a recap episode to give them a buffer
I'm just a low level stocker in a retail store. I'm not valuable enough for them to negotiate with me for more money. If I make a fuss they'll just get rid of me.
Which I might honestly just do. I'm so sick of this job.
I've been thinking about self-publishing for a long time, but I need the help of my artist friend in order to make a product worth buying and he's eternally busy. I think it's been three years since we started working on the thing and I can't even get him to draw up another cover for the thing now that the writing and revising portion is done.
It's really lowered my morale about it and the book is sorta just languishing now.
you reckon she'd fancy a shag in that box?
>not writing feminisation porn for a living
I'm cashing in on all the trannybux.
How do you pay the bills with no source of income?
Comissioning an artist is always an option. That or just pay your friend.
You can't sit on it forever, sooner or later you're going to kick yourself in the teeth for not getting it out there.
You can take a risk and get it out there, or you can just do what you're doing now and hate yourself more and more every day.
Don't get boomered and just sit at your desk job/whatever you do every day just because its expected of you.
I used a notepad in college rather than my laptop because its way better for memory retention to physically write it down
>That or just pay your friend.
Oh, I've been trying. He's always busy with personal projects or commissions. I think I asked him for a comm a month and a half ago and he's just now getting to me.
I've considered commissioning other artists but it feels wrong because we designed the book's characters together.
They must have wanted a change in direction for the setting also because the architecture gets ridiculous in the bd/movie
fucking SHAFT
Sometimes the hard decision, like letting your friend go, is the best decision
Save up enough money to buy some cheap land, put a tent on it, and sell vegetables + handmade knickknacks to pay property taxes and feed yourself. Problem solved.
same. wagecuck life is hell.
>jewish guy has all of the water
damn, my almonds are fucking roasted
>kills your dream of a self-sustained tent utopia
How much an hour user?
Piracy Wing: Destroyed
$12.90, barely a dollar above minimum wage.
And at the same time he's making money doing what he wants to do while you're rotting away.
I'm telling you, my guy, you're going to regret it, you need to move.
Even if that means actually commissioning your friend if you feel so strongly about it. But you can't just let your passion die while he makes money off his passion. They're doing what they want to do, so so should you.
Build a fire.
you solved the heat problem. now solve the problem of not being able to grow any food during the winter, not having the resources to preserve and store any during warm seasons, and not having the income to buy any.
This is just SHAFT being SHAFT. Ridiculous grand architecture is their forte
Rob your neighbor.
>tfw making 9.50 an hour
>this is with a 50 cent raise
Fellow shit tier worker here, been considering organizing a strike without a union because the place I'm at is critically understaffed and has had trouble trying to hire people. I feel like since the majority of the people here fucking hate their jobs, I could probably pull enough people off during a busy day/several days where I could get corporate to give us a couple dollars more an hour. Its a fucking pipe dream tho, since some fucker will probably squeal to the GM and they'll find an excuse to give me the axe
>can't afford anything to eat as soon as you quit your job
No, user, you were a poorfag back when you had a job too.
Good way to have your corporate fire everyone. Unskilled workers are a dime a dozen
Just pirate games, son, pirate till your heart’s desire, you’re free, not like the console peasants buying overpriced games and shitty internet subscriptions.
I haven't thought about publisher stuff yet. literally just a few paragraphs in so far lmao
think my mom knows someone with a friend who's an editor or something like that tho
>striking without a wider backing like a union
Enjoy filing for unemployment
>it will trickle down, I swear
This is why I'm trying to convince
This guy to at the very least TRY to get his book out there. We're not slaves, everyone deserves to be happy, and if not happy then at least fulfilled. If everyone found some way to be self employed or self sufficient, I could at least die happy.
I'm going to make an effort. The book is my pride and joy. I think if I don't ever get it out there I won't ever be fulfilled.
I'll probably get fired soon anyway. I've been pretty shit at work lately because I just don't care anymore.
>60 hours a week
Fuck, at least waging ends when you go home, imagine how soul destroying it is playing nothing but trash all week and having to broadcast it to autists
What are you anons doing to make money on the side? I tried crypto but lost a ton of money in the end.
sell weed
Stop following brands, thats all because of Magica quartet you can tell whos Designing, Directing, etc by the style the anime has. There is not "shaft" style they are pretty much just a publisher.
I'm just not spending it, I've managed to save a decent amount on my minimum wage job. Don't move out, kids.
I really should invest it or something though.
Great! Now that you have time, you can learn to draw and make millions on Patreon!
1 month=1 image=5,000$ dollars.
Maybe the story is cyclical and repeats every time the universe gets satan'd and each version after the TV version is in a labyrinth. The labyrinth just gets more and more ridiculous after each cycle and everything becomes more fantastical. or they just had too much budget after the TV show succeeded and had to spend it somehow. I like my version better though
>tfw be tranny and get literal autism bux
>spend money on hormones and vidya
feels okay!
>he doesn't know soon being a tranny won't be a mental illness
I get it for autism, not for the tranniness!
Being a tranny doesn't have to be, autism still is. The two are correlated anyway.
That sounds like something urobuchi would think up so sure
Yeah, instead it's classified as a sexual health issue, meaning it will be easier to get treatment as mental issues are notoriously hard to diagnose/"prove".
Don't believe retarded twitter screencaps.
Way to spoil the 2nd season fag
>job drains your soul
>become furry porn writer
It was not the job. You are just a terrible person.
>Don't believe retarded twitter screencaps.
but I want to BTFO the trannies user