Is it really that bad?
I kinda want to play it after I'm done with Berseria.
Is it really that bad?
I kinda want to play it after I'm done with Berseria.
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes. Play Vesperia instead.
Eizen's sister is cute.
If you liked Berseria you'll be fine, Berseria is the second worst in the series.
Trade one garbage game for another, good advice.
Eternia, Zestiria, Innocence, Hearts and Tempest are easily the worst games in the series. So yes.
No I like it
Don't listen to Yea Forums
Don't listen to this cuck
How would Eizen feel if you fucked his sister?
Vesperia is literally braindead garbage for about 20 hours, until the combat opens up. Even then you're so strong that you can only do flashy combos against literal super enemies or gimp yourself purposely in dealing 1 damage.
I equate the people who like Vesperia's combat as the same time of people who do DMC Tech videos. All a bunch of dumb flashy shit that you will never really need or use through 99% of the game.
Vesperia's sidequests are pure autism. At least you can play Zestiria and Berseria without checking a guide every 5 minutes.
Yeah, it is fucking terrible. One of the worst games I played.
I'd say it is worth a PT but don't go for completion, and don't try to go for the bad ending just like I did
It's okay. The plot doesn't know what the fuck it's doing and the endgame progression is wack, but the characterization is decent.
plus, sormilk is delicious
I used to think Vesperia was good, until I played the remaster. Holy shit that game aged poorly. Graces, Xillia 2, Hearts, and Berseria BTFOs it easily.
Every Tales released after the PS2 with the exception of the DS version of Hearts and Narikiri Dungeon X is fucking ass. The series never should have gone 3D and they should have NEVER started being longer than 30 hours
Wasn't Xillia 2 trash compared to 1?
>t. wageslave
I'm sorry you don't have the time for video games anymore user
No user, it was a huge improvement, just like Berseria was to Zestiria.
(not that user)
Nope. It was a huge improvement, actually.
Gameplay wise Xillia 2 is one of the best in the series. The story is hit or miss.
Xillia 2 is so insanely improved on over 1, 1 is kinda a disgrace and a shit game.
>''it was a huge improvement''
>4 sec difference between these 2 posts
What kind of magic is this?
Don't listen to Xilliafags, both Xillia games are complete garbage
I have plenty of time for games there's just never been a JRPG with 60 hours of interesting content
At first you'll like it,but the more you play it the more you'll understand why it's hated
>metacritic is absolute, undeniable truth
fuck off
Wow it's been a while since I've seen anyone using metacritic scores as arguments.
It's extremely mediocre as far as Tales games go. If you play Tales games casually though, you'll probably enjoy it enough for it to be worth your time.
The majority of people prefer FF XIII-2 over XIII, and yet, XIII has better scores.
This is probably my fav SMT game
Long story short, fuck Metacritic.
I'm a hardcore JRPG fan and usually even power through games I don't like, but Zestiria was the first time I stopped mid-way through.
It's fine, but that's it. Just "fine." There's fun to be had for sure, but it's on the lower end of mainline Tales games.
I think I even had more fun playing Tales of the Tempest back in the day.
It's also worth mentioning that a lot of critics will dock a game for being more of the same especially if they're not a series fan. You got to do a bit more research to compare sequels
Yeah but it's fun to do.
I think it is truly awful, but I also thought Berseria wasn't good either. If you liked Berseria you can probably put up with Zesteria.
I prefer 1 but if 2 is okay too. But you need to space out playing them because of what a blatant asset flip it is.
Um, not really trying to argue, I'm yet to play both games myself, but if 2 was such a "huge" improvement, how come the score is a lot lower?
Graces, Xillia 1 and 2 PC ports fucking when Scamco?
I can think of 3 reasons without reading those reviews:
>Ludger (main character) is mute
>locations are basically the same
>is less serious than X1
>I think it is truly awful, but I also thought Berseria wasn't good either. If you liked Berseria you can probably put up with Zesteria.
Berseria has really terrible and drawn out dungeons, but it's not too bad if you activate the double XP/gold etc DLC cheats and just run past half of the enemies. The story, cutscenes and skits more than make up for how shit everything else is.
Hopefully, Zestiria's gameplay is not that much worse.
Because critics are retarded, and you're retarded.
>main character is mute
Oh man, that's my personal pet peeve. Can't stand that shit in a JRPG.
He has dialogue options in-game, and there's an option to have those voiced. He comes across more like a quiet person than a mute, because he's expressive. He talks in the spin-off media too.
Shit taste