June 2019... Am I forgotten?

June 2019... Am I forgotten?

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at lease until the kof characters come out

Never had a chance because everyone who likes fighting games is playing a better 3D fighter like Tekken or SoulCal, and everyone who wants to jack off is playing DOAX3 or making the girls in Honey Select

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There was no reason to play it over DoA5. Even the graphics were kind of lackluster.

They released a game without player matches for over a full month, hell I don't even know if it even is in the game yet. They killed their own game just like NamcoBandai did with Soul Calibur 6 by allowing CAC in ranked.

best game.

$100 season pass what the fuck? The executives running tecmo must be retarded to think anyone is going accept this.

>toned down fanservice
Literally DOA

DOA as a fighting game franchise is already dead, there are more players playing Venus Vacation than actual DOA

They killed the online with the auto graphics update, now the small amount of people that were playing the game can't because of this

Sadly Shimbori Is still pushing the e Sport meme un japan.
He say than pervs should play Venus Vacation.

>loved DOA5, bought every single version and quite a lot of DLC
>really excited to see what they´ll do with DOA6, how much the graphics and characters improve
>game is unveiled
>"muh FGC"
>graphics are barely any better
>even more DLC jewery
>gameplay doesn´t seem to have been improved much

They deserve it.

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you went free2pay like 2 weeks in (shitting all over your paying fanbase in the process), what the fuck do you think?


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At least you gave us the 'core values' meme.

No, I masturbated to you earlier today. As for your games, I do not care.

Was a downgrade from DOA5 in pretty much every respect

There are better fighting games out there.

Doa4 was the height of the series. Just make that back compatible and I’ll be satisfied.

Why did they release a F2P version a mere few weeks after its $59.99 launch?

You mean yes then you stupid fuck. OP is taking about the games you incel.

Will we ever see doa7, or is Xtreme the future for the series?

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>Nerf the Tits
>Like 2 lewd costumes
>Pander to the FGC autists even tho they never cared about DoA before
>No tag team
>Fuck you *side step* (kinda fixed but too late)
>Yet Another loli bait incoming on the SNK DLC
>Absurdly expensive DLC
>Bad network code
>Free to play = a ton of wifi warriors + shithole countries
>Dead or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation
>PC release full of technical problems some of them needing wizardry to be fixed (for AMD users)
A complite desaster of a game .

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>That many fappers
Higher than Tekken 7 and 1k lower than MK11 .

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Maybe. Soul Calibur 5 did really bad too and yet there is a 6th

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Yes, and rightfully so

You sound butt devastated.


Tekken is just beating the peak. Which begs the question what if DoA6 had been a lewd sim as well?

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I can't play too much or else I fear CTS will come. DOA6 is that addictive.