It’s okay to be a pedophile

It’s okay to be a pedophile

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>/pol/ will defend this

I agree

Yea Forums too

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>it took making this thread for the jannies to delete the tranny thread
makes you think


No it isn't, hang yourself

agreed, very good thread

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Is it?

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srsly they will

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/pol/ here, no I won't. Also not video games


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Post cute and funny posts

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but you didn't (you) him

has tits. isn't prepubescent. therefore, isn't pedophilia. you guys are retarded as fuck.

Try refuting any of his points
You can’t

It's your right to be sexually attracted to whoever and whatever you want.
That's what freedom is all about.

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honestly i wouldn't be surprised if nazi pedos did everything to distract the attention to someone else
sick fucks

tanlines are wonderful

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dont sexualize the mozzarella


but shotas are better

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Everything is degenerate
Everything except things /pol/ does

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Its not okay to be a pedo IRL. On the other hand 2D lolis are fair game.

It's usually the real pedophiles that post this kinda stuff, the self hate is too strong so they hate on anyone who has a thing for lolis because they themselves know they're into real cp, while the rest are just into drawings.

IF you beat off to cartoons of men, is it not gay? therefore if you beat off to children drawings then aren't you a pedophile?

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Hey, speaking of this... Playing around I found out my little sister has inverted nipples, I didn't know those were real lol

oh my!
oh my!!

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>IF you beat off to cartoons of men, is it not gay?
Are they cute?

She does it on her own.

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Sauce, OP!

suck your little sisters nips and post her reaction

>/pol/ here

based pedoposter

So you're saying pedophilia is a sexual preference just like homosexuality?

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you should die

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tan loli sluts are the best

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I don't believe you. Pics?

superior pedo titty teach

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ever heard of consent retard?

Ricotta is such a good girl

Play it.

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Holy fuck it's true, oh no no no

haha, I know this feeling.

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based cunny posters

anons I'm gonna need sauce

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I'm a pedophile and very content with 2D stuff coming out recently. Is there an issue?

It doesn't really live up to Hizashi

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I will, once they make an Android port