Boomer thread

Everyone over 25 years old is welcome.
What are you
>Want too se at E3

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Other urls found in this thread:

>30 years old

Been playing Total Warhammer 2 to have nostalgia back when I played the tabletop in 6th edition.

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25 years plus is not boomer
being born in the 40s make you a boomer


Playing tekken 7 and the crew 2.

Buying division 2 for pc when it reappears on the epic store.

Wouldn’t mind some co op dlc for dmc5.

28 here, married and soon to be a dad. Gotta finish that backlog soon
Octopath Traveler, Super Metroid
DMC5 eventually
>Want too see at E3
Literally anything interesting for Switch

Playing? Nothing. Im working. My gf bought herself a switch and shes been playing sonic mania. We occasionally play smash bruhs.

Last thing I played was sekiro and sometimes practice dbfz.

Waiting on SAMSHO. Thats all I care about right now.

destiny 2
nothing besides d2 and vermintide i pirate or family share everything
doom eternal,witchfire,d2 expac,vermintide 2 expac,warhammer 3,the fps CA is working on

what lmao

Killing Floor 2
Been a bit since I bought anything, Risk of Rain 2. Hoping Steam summer sale I'll clear out the wishlist some
>Want too se at E3
A port of the old Sakura Wars onto Steam/Switch, or Alpha Protocol 2

it's a state of mind

>Caligula Effect Overdose, DMC V, Underrail, Pillars of Eternity 2
>Dragon's Dogma 2 please Capcom, a new Granblue Versus trailer - hopefully Percival or Vaseraga

keep up with the board slang, man. No one is talking about baby boomers. If it makes you feel any better think of it as "game boomers" as in people who grew up after the game crash and during the NES to PS2 game boom era before things started declining again.

The worst thing about the boomer meme is that it has kids born in the 90s acting like they are old or that their nostalgia has value

Just got done playing some Guitar Hero 2. Is Guitar Hero Boomer core at this point?

>Just got 28
>Playan: The Witcher 3
>Buyan: Just bought Bloodstained
>Not really sure, but I'll enjoy console war threads here

Playing Tiberian Sun
Buying nothing
New Deus Ex would be cool but won't happen

>getting triggered about the semantics of memes
It's the biggest redflag to indicate you're not only a leftist, but a zoomer too

Last bought was Tekken 7 on discount, went through story mode, could have been better.
Want to see Vergil DLC on E3, but that might require sacrificing some virgins to happen. It's Vergil after all, can't make it easy and clean.

stfu boomer

shit meme

Just finished every DMC in chronological order, starting up Monster Hunter Freedom next.

>What are you
Tried to play Shin Megami Tensei Synchronicity Prologue. Will try to finish it. But my DS2 nostalgia itch seems stronger. I will try to play it in the days ahead.

Dunno, don't have much money. Will try to buy Sekiro or the latest EDF, even though they've been out for some time now.

>>Want too se at E3
Nothin'. No idea what to see from there.

dragon's dogma on switch
GR: Breakpoint
>want to see at E3
Astral Chain, Squeenix marvel game and xbox exclusives

28, on the brink to 29
just finished dungeons 2, going to play some gran turismo 2
i guess death stranding
i'm not expecting anything

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Boomers are 60+ by now. What are you on about?
You're talking about millenials.

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By latest EDF, do you mean 5, or IR? I really hope you mean 5.

21 year old boomer here
Been playing Mordhau

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>Splatoon 2 and other Switch stuff
>Probably gonna buy N. Sane Trilogy
>I want to see Animal Crossing, Pokemon, and Luigi's Mansion 3

And millenials are sometimes referred to as echo boomers, so all is fine.

>Deus Ex MD

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30 year old boomers are just millenials in denial

t. gen x

35 year old here, been playing another good round of fortnite. Boy I sure do love fortnite, I must have 1000+ hours in it by now

Yakuza 0
Just preordered Death Stranding
Hoping for some stealth PS5 news

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In a month I will become a wizard.
>Total War Attilla for nth time.
>At gog: Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee and Downwell
>I am already dealing with a backlog to bother with new titles.

It's a meme. Dumb boomers can't even keep up with the times

>mfw will be one in about 4 years
I honestly couldn't care less when I have so much else to worry about right now, like getting a job and actually getting fit. I'm trapped in a vicious cycle of failure and pursuing relationships right now would only drag me to a deeper hole.

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>Still giving a SHIT about E3 at all

What the fuck?

>Shogun 2
>Three Kingdoms
>Fei Long in SFV and a new Onimusha

Going through DUSK and AMID EVIL again.
Thinking of getting Fata Morgana
Can't really think of anything I'm looking forward to at E3.

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I'm 23 but I thought I was turning 25 this year, does that count?


>Playing Metroid Fusion
>Waiting on Borderlands 3
>New smash character that ISN'T Steve or Erdrick

27 almost 28 here

FFXII Zodiac Age, almost 100% it, not sure if i'll bother with the Trial Mode
Lollipop Chainsaw, only Suda51 title i was missing, gonna try it later
>Want to see at E3
Not sure, this year has been bizarre in terms of releases and announcements' pacing. Maybe CTR Nitro Fueled surprises like Tawna and N.Brio trailers.

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Ghost Trick & Pokemon Heart Gold Version. Just ordered a pokewalker so I can track my morning jog progress.

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>Makes boomer thread and uses the fotm zoomer icon iteration

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Max Payne 3 for the 11th time, dat soundtrack and gameplay
nothing? Nothing catches my eye at the moment
max Payne 4 by rockstar on current or next gen with remedy doing comic panels and no fucking cutscene loading

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Boomer boomer? arent they all like 50 now?

Lobotomy Corporation.
Downloading DDO.
Lobotomy Corporation.
Will buy Styx if there's a sale for it.
>Want too se at E3
Nothing in particular. Although if Vergil DLC is announced that'd be pretty cool. Dragon's Dogma 2 would also be nice.
Going to play Doom Eternal when it's released.

Thinking about getting the new Total War game but I don't really play these types of games so I'm kind of torn on whether or not it's for me. It looks fun though
>Want too see at E3
Really just hoping for some DMC5 DLC

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soon to be 26
>going back and forth between Monster Hunter XX and Doom
>hopefully a better PC
>tfw vidya has been so fucking good lately so I'm already satisfied but in an ideal world would love to see a Dino Crisis remake at E3

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25 years old, played DMC1, it was donkey juice.

>Everyone over 25 years old is welcome.
Then why are you opening with zoomercore trash like DMC?

wtf I love donkey juice now

26 and married here. Fuck man I'm old.

DKC Tropical Freeze for switch
Tokyo School Life for PC

Next on the docket is Assassins Creed Odyssey and cup head

This, DMC is power rangers tier level childish

25 here.

I play Hearthstone on the train to work. Currently playing Xenogears, Hat in Time, Celeste, Metal Gear Solid 2, and a nuzlocke of Pokemon Crystal.

Not buying much rn, next purchase game wise will probs me Mario Maker 2. I wanna get Panzer Dragoon Saga for real instead of pirating it since it’s so good. Might cave and get the Japanese version.

E3 I want Spyro in CTR Nutro Fueled. It just is something that would make me very happy. I want a new DKC from Nintendo. I want Microsoft to show off reasons for me to buy their system instead of Sony’s.

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Some of the people making DMC main cast are indeed former Power Rangers.

Playing Persona 5.
Not buying anything. I don't really feel like I need any other game right now.
E3? Whatever really, just bring me something fun.

Zoomers don't give a shit about things like tone and atmosphere. DMC series has long regressed in degenerate over the top bullshit that's all flash.

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FFXIV, Minecraft, Titanfall 2, Company of Heroes, and Darkwood right now.
I've got a bit of a backlog I keep occasionally getting one or two out of.
Last games I bought were Sekiro and DMC5. Haven't really seen anything interesting since.
>Want too se at E3
Nothing interests me on the horizon except Star Citizen.

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24yo can I post?

I'm playing kenshi it is fun

>I’m 20 fuck you all
Been playing edf 5 and dead rising 1
Gonna buy bloodstained when it comes out

I'm 23 what are you gonna do about it, huh?
Several emulations
Nothing yet lol
>Want to see at E3
A lot of stuff

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nothan atm, latest game i beat was Nier: Automata couple of weeks ago

>buying games
the next game i'll buy is Death Stranding, i'm unironically hyped as fucking shit, but i have to admit gameplay looks quite medicore or even bad, and I hate I FUCKING HATE there are highlights for many of objects, scanners higlighted sam's backpack, suitcases have blue outline, BT's handsteps(?) are orange WHAT THE LITERAL FUCK, only i am triggered by this shit?

>Want to see at E3
modern warfare unironically
maybe halo infinite, sw jedi fallen order and fable 4

Multiplayer Rimworld, Valkyria Chronicles 4 and PoE 2.

Not sure what I’m planning to buy but probably some switch stuff

I want to see SMT V at e3, make it happen atlus

Boomer is still a weird term but I’m sure I’ll get over it

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I've been playing a lot of Minecraft lately.

No plans to buy anything in near future, probably depends on when Freedom Planet 2 is released.

I want exciting games from Nintendo

forgot to add i'm 9 days away from 26
and had no sex what is pitiful

If by tone you mean the cringiest game in the series. All of them are cringe, but DMC1 is the most power rangers tier plot and dialogue filled game of them all.

playing EO2
not planning to buy anything for now, though Hollow Knight is preordered
don't really care about E3

Becoming wizard is surprisingly easy to do

Who needs that. I'm 27 in the same boat and just waiting for my warlock powers to come in full effect.

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Thats a woosh

is not a thing you have to do, it's achieved by not doing anything at all


My computer is broken down so gotta repair. My life is also breaking down. Cheers

Well that makes sense, I went into DMC1 thinking Mundus was this badass mfer, and he's just a power rangers MUAHAHAHAHA boss.

Playing Monster Boy
Just pre ordered Bloodstained
Some horror game in the vein of Sh or Re

fishing planet

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>cant play anything right now
>Nothing of interest to buy on the horizon

26. 1993. Really loving FFXIV since I fixed my game PC (finally) now I put my Xbox One X and Switch in the shed and am waiting for
s h a d o w b r i n g e r s

Hes talking about DMC3-on. You're that triggered zoomer faggot samefagging yourself with the power rangers shit every other thread anyway.

Been playing divinity os2, not as much time to play as I want though. I spend most of my time playing table top games and going to the gym these days. Making up for 26 years of shit impulse control and bad eating habits.

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Based on this pic and your main childhood era here, are you Gen X, Millennial, or Zoomer?

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>just turned 25 today
Why must you taunt me?
I want to rewind.

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>have a switch
Pick one you fucking zoomer cucked piece of shit. Regards

when i'm looking at hot chicks in my work i feel urge to have sex with them but this is unreal.
Should i pay a whore to feel better or it will fix nothing?

dauntless with a bud, odin sphere and sekiro on my own
Will buy iceborne
Dunno I don't watch it I catch up after.

>no arguement
Don't know who you're referring to, but I literally just completed the first one last night after seeing all the thread topics started here about it, and was utterly shocked to find it's literally Disney XD quality writing. Mundus is literally no better than the reboot Mundus.

No, people IN their 40s are boomers. People who were 5 years old at the beginning of the 2000s are not old men

Why would I want to argue my opinion with some loser over the internet. You're filled with hate for something you have no interest in anyway.

Don't summon a succubus bro

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Le boom zoom
Im boom u zoom
I zoom u boom haha
Kill yourselves dorks

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>Sea of Thieves, Deep Rock Galactic
>last purchase was Sekiro
>something cool from Microsoft, I had an idea about "what if Sea of Thieves but with airships?" that seemed cool

28 here
Some CSGO with friends
I dont plan on buying anything for the time being, considering Mordhau. My last purchase was FC5. Another rehash after FC3, also pretty buggy sometimes, but still pretty fun
>Want to see at E3
DMC5 DLC, please Capcom and Itsuno-san

I did it and it was ok. Just find one that will adapt to your autismo and see you like a child. If you get a nasty angry whore that thinks you know what you're doing, you'll have the worst time of your life.

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The hilarious thing is the people taking pride in being an old fuck KEK

The boomer meme is millennial damage control. The image of millennials is usually nu males and onions, by rebranding themselves as boomers they're attempting to look more manly.

Oh stfu boomers, your time is UP

Reminder that men age like wine. Take care of yourselves, anons. Being older ain't bad if you're doing things right.

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>haha you no like boom so you zoom
Look at yourself man. Reevaluate your choices in life.

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REmake on my switch. Love being able to play from my bed.
Not much. Literally nothing is coming out from here until June 20th or so. These are clear signs that a new gen is going to be announced this E3.
>Want to see at E3
New ps5 and xbox. Couple of cool collector's editions that won't sell out in minutes. A new Pikmin or info on a Metroid game would make this E3 for me though.

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It's achieved by staying in your mind so long you start to understand everything in this world just has a repeating pattern that you can eventually make use of. It's all in mathematics.

I'm not really playing anything, just waiting for E3.
Last games I played were Sekiro and Hat in time

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Attacking zoomers and their taste has always just been a coping mechanism for them. They're out of touch, getting old, going through the midlife crisis. The agepill is the hardest to swallow. This is how they deal.

Circumstances can lead plenty of people into ridiculously easy sex that you’d basically have to turn down.

I'm living in a shithole away from big cities, i have no big choice in whores i think. I feel pretty confident but i have no idea what would i react when it comes to talk and have sex with hooker.

Where did you do that? In a car, she came to your house or you have to go to her? I'm completely layman in this matter.

It’s not having pride in age to wish people would shut the fuck up

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Total war Three Kingdoms. Best total war game ever made EVER. I implore and insist than you buy it anons
>want to see at e3
Dying Light 2

Too real man, too real.

Oh yeah, three kingdoms is the shit. UI’s a little weird but you get used to it.


Card Quest on my tablet, I haven't booted my PS4 in a month

Pirating Bloodstained (buying on PS4 if it won't run on my laptop), buying Samsho

I don't care

What was the last good era to be a kid in here?

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Picked up Chess and Brain Age to play recently. My goal currently is to train my intuition to the point where I can start making calculations without even thinking.

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The only reason I can think of the term being used is that it’ll rustle jimmies because it’s comparing this age range to their parents

It’s fine though, generational friction is natural

Pre dlc / trophies/ social media


>Single after being dumped for spending too much time with vidja
>now able to actually spend too much time AND money with vidja
>There´s a hole in my soul but it´s ok as vidja can fill it

Playan Final Fantasy XIV, getting ready for the new expansion, some Mortal Kombat, Team Sonic Racing and Monster Hunter with the boys. Life is good

If you're not buying Mario Maker 2 you're not a true Boomer DESU

center gen Y
Everything after that was a decline in effort and value.
Western cartoons turned to shit, (calarts, reboots and lack of funny writers)
Videogames devs turned greedy (dlc, microtransactions, subscriptions, early access etc)
Internet began revolving around a shallow waters, (mainly normie sites like youtube, facebook and now, twitch)

I've honestly seen free flash games made in the year 2003 that are better than the weak $10-20 early access unity indieshit we see made today..
Modding communities have also become full of donation begging niggers who may delete their mods for no fucking reason. There also exists a lot of fags who showcase the the mods they've made but never release them to others. Again, for no fucking reason.

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Playin: Under Rail. Enjoying it. Even if the acid junkyard was FUCKING BULLSHIT.

Buyin: bought some old games with Under Rail. May play them later.

E3 dream: don't care anymore. most of the new stuff from major publishers just doesn't appeal to me. IDK...Death Watch sequel to Space Marine?

dragons dogma, smt nocturne, killer7
saving up for a 3ds
>want to see at e3
couldn't care less, trailers are bullshit

Been playing pic related

Feels like a welcome return to form since SC2. Snappy movement, pretty decent singleplayer, and the balance feels way better.

I'm looking forward to daemonXmachina and astral chain.

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31 reporting in

Daily Splatoon 2 Salmon Run Grind & Persona Q2.
Judge Eyes in a few weeks
Overrated Event

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26 here

Devil May Cry 3, God Hand, and Yakuza 0. I'm just getting into action games and I'm enjoying myself a lot
What is this "buy" you speak of? [/spoiler]I wanna buy my gf Splatoon 2 for her birthday[/spoiler]
>Want too see at E3
I want to see something from Capcom BESIDES Casual Hunter World.

there is a small niche of about 30-40 boomers on this game. i get on every other night at 8:30PM to listen to them be boomers.

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>tried to do everything the Democratic way and find someone to cover for me this Sunday
>nobody would

Well fuck all of you after i covered one million shifts. Guess I'll just have to watch Bethesda and Microsoft that night. Gonna call out the next day at my main job, though, so eh.

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Recently reinstalled Skyrim for a werewolf run.
>Want to see at E3
Ghost of Tsushima, Death Stranding and hopefully BB2.

Replaying Infamous. Sure it's a generic TPS but it brings back high school memories.
I don't know what I'll buy this year. I bought most of what I want.
I'm hoping for a DD2 announcement. Maybe some Sekiro DLC.

Take a sip lads.

>tfw turned 25 3 days ago
Hell yeah I can post here. Anyway,
>DMC5, Peggle, GoW
>DmC because fuck you
>DMC5 DLC, un-jewed TLOU2, Animal Crossing

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Recently returned to CS:GO
>Want too se at E3

26 and a half here. Only three and a half years till I become a wizard. I don't care. I've been single long enough to know that I'm fine without relationships.

did this shit break down again


Lately Warhammer 2

Bying nothing, gotta wait for those sales.

No idea for E3. Maybe Bloodlines 2?

Bro, i took her to a motel. She Was pretty calm and playful the whole time, that helped ease me A LOT. So look up your options, talk with them before deciding wich one you like most. Tell her what you need from her, what you want and once you are together, try to stay calm, be nice and she'll reciprocate. I've had two that were almost like a mother. One of them, even though i país for an hour, States with me for 3 hours and only charges me for 1. There are some nasty ones too that will make you feel like shit, so choose carefully.

>want too see at E3
doom eternal and animal crossing mainly, was hoping for starfield but apparently that's a no-show again. would like some inkling of hope towards sims 5 but that's a fucking pipe dream now.
late gen Y
>if you don't remember 9/11 you're a zoomer
kek the fucking need to put that on there, but really i'd say proper "zoomers" start in 2003 - 2004, 20 - 22 year olds aren't zoomers, they're much closer to millennials if anything.

Nah, I've been playing Nintendo games since I was 3 with the NES. Even had the Track and Field pad and Light Gun. Get fucked kid.

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r6s, dmc 5 and beat rage 2 last week
been thinking about one of the sci-fi anno games
>Want too se at E3
dmc 5 dlc, fallout 3 remake, bf 2143, prorotype 3

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20-22 year olds are pretty zoomer. They post nostalgia memes on twitter/facebook for icarly, ben 10, hannah montana, and high school musical.

>25 in August

Is it true that your neo plasticity dies and I'll never be good at art after that?

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>slay the spire, cuphead, smash ultimate
>Mario maker 2, iceborne, sword/shield
>Mario maker gameplay should be fun to watch. Maybe some TES VI finally?

DMCV on DMD, Spyro Reignited, Persona 4 Dancing All Night
Gonna buy Resi 2 remake and CTR Nitro-Fueled on my next shopping spree.
>Want too see at E3
Eh, nothing in particular. Maybe new Doom Eternal footage and release date, or the announcement of the new game in an old franchise Capcom representatives were talking about.

Playing Sekiro right now, GOTY so far

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playing condemned criminal origins because someone mentioned it yesterday and I vaguely remember enjoying the first few chapters I played

buying observation because I want to play some horror game and people in here recommended it.

I don't care about e3.

20 to 22 is 1998 to 96 user

They're called zoombers

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What an amazing point. Woah soo deep man

and that's a >>>/reddit/

DOOM wads, specifically Scythe II right now
Recently bought AMID EVIL since it's almost done, don't regret it so far.
>Want too se at E3
More DOOM Eternal gameplay and hopefully a release date.

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dumb frogposter

>some arbitrary feelgood neurochemicals based on when you were a kid have more value than others
I bet you could go talk my ear off about Bob Dylan

I don't like the fact that I can remember the soulja boy song in all of it's entirety despite not hearing it for almost 10+ years

I remember in like 2012 when people born in the early 90s were the majority of the board, and people born in the late 90s were widely considered cancerous pieces of shit.

Now since the 2016 election, late 90s borns seem to be the majority of the board and you see stuff like pic related "That 98 based MW2 zoomber" and "Hey you guys remember icarly and Minecraft in 7th grade". When just a few years ago saying those things would've gotten you yelled at.

>buying observation
People in here probably recommended you pirate it since that game is an epic store exclusive and Yea Forums is infested with steam drones.

I don't know what you're talking about user, I clearly remember ebing 14 and on Yea Forums with a bunch of other 13 year olds playing annononmous and raiding emo dating sites with gore.
That was 10 year ago now
Do you actually think that the majority of users were in the same age group as you through all of Yea Forums user?

dream team
nothing interests me right now
paper mario, vergil/ladies dlc,dd2

Age 29
Don't starve (trying to unlock wes, adventure mode is kicking my ass and I hate winter so much)
Disgaea 5 (Post game grinding. Trying to beat Baal)
Smash bros ultimate (Maining Villager, also playing Mii swordfighter, Mii gunner and inklin. Having fun in random 4-player arenas)
Dark soul (First playthrough actually, not as hard as I though it would be. Hardest part was blighttown and the area near the beginning with all the skeletons. No bosses took me more than ten tries.)
Next buy is probably gonna be dragon quest builder 2.
>Want to see at E3
Pretty much anything from Nintendo.

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You're talking about Yea Forums, I'm talking about Yea Forums. Yea Forums used to be older seemingly, there used to be common sentiments in like 2013 like "Born after 93? KILL YOURSELF" or "COD and Halo are babby's first FPS, imagine years from now, nostalgia for those games ugh".

Now since the 2016 election, the demographic of Yea Forums has shifted to "late 90s zoombers" and people reminisce fondly on COD and Halo, when they used to be hated.

>30 years old
>Torchlight 2, and some Sega Genesis Mega Collection
>I dunno, might get MK11 if I can find a cheap key
>I'll tune in for the trainwreck like every year

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28 Years Old

Bloodstained Curse of the Moon
Metroid Prime 2

Nioh Complete Edition
Devil May Cry 4 SE
Omega Labyrinth Life (Switch Limited edition)

>Want to see at E3
New Banjo-Kazooie
Fable IV
Halo Infinite gameplay (Please be classic)
Metroid Prime 4

Basically just want to see a good show from Microsoft/Nintendo that fucks Sony somehow

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>Everyone born after 1998 is retarded

Only one that applies to me, I cant really relate to the 99' kids. Because it feels weird that they call themself the last 90s kids. While in fact none of us are 90s kids. Bc we didn't grew up in the 90s.

I feel disconnected from the Zoomer Boomer stuff. So all i gotta say is
>Wojack posters are the new frogposters

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About to continue replaying Mass Effect and play some more Pathfinder Kingmaker.

Nothing at the moment.

>Want too se at E3
Good video games, but that's not going to happen. Sonic Mania 2 would be rad as fuck though.

>finally decide to man up and finish college
>have ZERO friends
>start talking with girls
>only thing they do is send me memes
Is it too late for me to make friends?

you are pretty cool user, i wish you best luck

if you exchange good memes chances are good that you may get laid with them at some point, just say "coffee?" or something after a point, don't delay it for too long
it's easier than if you get into actual deep conversation, unless you're looking for something long-term.
also your quads say you'll succeed

it's never too late to make friends, user.

>>only thing they do is send me memes
This is unironically how people communicate these days. I started working at a software dev recently and their internal messaging service is full of facebook memes.

28 just got RDR2 with my brother that is several years old than me. Been hunting crocs, trying to save up for some fishing rods. Comfy game.


I don't care much about getting laid and don't get me wrong, I don't hate humour but it would be nice to have someone to talk with once in a while, a friend...
At least I don't chase women as much as I used to do in the past.

Boomer meme is supposed to be for people 30+. Anything below that is just doomer/zoomer/millennial/_oomer

>Ace Combat 0
>Yar Har Har
>Vergil playable

kids born in 1999 are turning/have turned 20 this year
'99 kids are the same as '98 - '96 kids from my experience, they all fall into that "zoomber" category. i'd still say the real shift starts with kids born in 2003 onward.

If you don't remember 9/11 you're all faggot zoomers

>Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC
>Astral Chain's next on the list but have my eye on DMC5, not played it yet

Fuck I haven't been this psyched for an E3 in years dudes

Attached: Final.Fantasy.VII.full.215147.jpg (720x520, 127K)

i'm turning 26 in august, user. read the thread.


MK11 and maybe some borderlands

Samurai Shodown

Nothing really maybe a date for GBF:versus


Trying to get through Persona 5 in-between work. It's fun in a lot of ways, but the localization is fucking awful, so it's a mixed bag.
No buyin'. I'm a poor boy.