*blocks you're path*

*blocks you're path*

Attached: DivineSerpentGeh-DUPO-EN-UR-1E.png (704x990, 1.84M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Into the trash



What a geh card

what does pot of greed do again? asking for a friend

*gets rid of your geh card*

Attached: OfferingstotheDoomed-SDPL-EN-C-1E.png (482x698, 674K)


It gives you one feed and seed

>2 cards to kill one card
looks like a piece of shit

*blocks your path about 10 years ago*
I wish I could still play Skull Servants, bros.

Attached: latest[1].png (476x695, 603K)

dude what a fucking bait bro

Attached: trish.jpg (342x500, 68K)

>negate the opponent's monster effect (but it can still be acitvated)

based DEHposter

I play Tuxedo Pepe Lv1 in attack mode. Now surrender, user, or I will activate my Level Up magic card.

Attached: 0C930BBC-5FEA-4D1D-93C2-D53C394A9B50.jpg (419x610, 49K)

If a Pendulum Monster you control attacks, for that battle, it cannot be destroyed by battle, also you take no battle damage. At the end of the Damage Step, if a Pendulum Monster you control attacked: All monsters your opponent currently controls lose ATK equal to that attacking monster's ATK, until the end of this turn.
For this card's Synchro Summon, you can treat 1 Pendulum Summoned Pendulum Monster you control as a Tuner. If this card is Synchro Summoned using a Pendulum Summoned Pendulum Monster Tuner: You can target 1 card in your Graveyard; add it to your hand. When this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle: You can halve your opponent's LP. If this card in the Monster Zone is destroyed by battle or card effect: You can place this card in your Pendulum Zone.

Attached: 1541236347468.png (376x238, 96K)

Damn, Ultra Kyurem looks rad

Nigger, I'm not going to read all that to understand what a current card is like in that shitty broken card game.

tsk tsk tsk what a scrub, King Trebla would like to have a word with you

ok lol


I Starter playing yugioh duellinks.
I have 2500 crystals which Booster packs should i buy


scrounge up $11 and drop that + 1000 gems on 3 packs of the ancient gear structure deck
enjoy a strong deck that can get you to KOG no problem


Attached: bth.png (300x436, 295K)


Attached: YGO_Wolves.png (1146x926, 1.39M)

Remember when Yugi was dueling Dartz and made up some random bullshit to have "more than infinity" attack points?

Attached: Legendary_Knights.png (997x766, 1019K)


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hibike! Euphonium - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.09_[2015.04.29_22.06.31].jpg (1280x720, 54K)

i wanna fuck that worm

Is this the biggest powergap between an anime and real world card ever?

Attached: latest[1].png (475x694, 828K)

be honest Yea Forums have you ever played in RL and the opponent literally tells you to tell them what it does, then you just say read the card and they yell just give me the rundown?

He cute!

Skull servants are stronger than ever, even with that grass looks greener at 1.

blocks you are path

Damn, really? I kind of fell out of Yugioh when Links were introduced. Maybe I'll look back into it. Links don't seem too complicated.

Look out faggots

Attached: 8B099EB9-4652-4FB7-9885-A9ED1C67F094.jpg (309x450, 37K)

I just looked into Zombie decks in general. Is Vampire Sucker a good link monster? I'm not sure what makes Link monsters good, but she looks decent. I've always liked Zombie decks.

The got a ton of support a while ago. Getting king to 10-13000 atk is pretty easy now.

>negate the effects of that monster while it is face-up on the field (but its effects can still be activated)
I'm pretty sure it's only negating continuous effects, but that is so poorly worded.


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No, you can activate the monster's effect and thus start a Chain Link since you did so, but the effects of that monster will still be negated. It negates all of them while battling, not just continuous effects, and only during the damage step.

Attached: 1862457024.jpg (419x610, 169K)

This nonsense is why MTG will always be better.


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What the FUCK were they thinking when they printed this card?

>Running anti-raigeki anywhere near your deck
I'd be salty, I give you that.

It lets you force a draw instead of just losing.

How much of an asshole do you have to be to have this card in your deck?

Best thing you can do with this card is force two draw in a row. How is this a good thins, let alone competitively relevant?

>Screw the rules, I have money

My brother started this stupid shit

It's just a big snake.
What's so Divine about it?

>Win game 1
>Stall out game 2, keep yourself from attacking your opponent, run down the timer
>Activate self destruct button when at 1000 LP
>Force draw
>Game 3 happens, but you don't have enough time to finish, basically counting as a draw for game 3
>You win by default
Banned for a good reason, it encourages degenerate play.

It's a time waster and exists only to bring down records. You're not playing to win, you're playing to be a memelord fuck who wants games to go 50 minutes.

What's nonsense about it? It going to a Chain lets you activate other effects that rely on being chained or responding to monster effect activation. It's not even like it's a good monster anyway.

Attached: OldEntityHastorr-CT12-EN-SR-LE-GC.png (379x540, 320K)

Can you chain the card with a quickspell that gives you lifepoints?

They actually released this guy. I thought that they wanted do pretend season four doesn't exist. Did they release Aristeros or Dexia or qmy of the other ones.


magicfags are confirmed brainlets

Yes but that doesn't stop your LP from hitting Zero since Self-Destruct Button is the last thing to go off. The first part is telling you when they can activate it, and if they've already activated it, changing their LP doesn't negate it.

Attached: RedReboot-FLOD-EN-SR-1E.png (478x700, 705K)

it's chazz time

Post card shitposts

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i demand the name of all those

From top left to bottom right
DDD Dragonbane King Beowulf
Performapal Odd-Eyes Metal Claw
Ghostrick Warwolf
T.G Warwolf
Folgo Justice Fur Hire
Red Warg
Danger! Dogman!
Mythical Beast Master Cerberus
Wulf, Lightsworn Beast

I don't know but pic related is up there. I know it was duelist kindgom nonsense but that shit literally made Yugi invincible and almost made Kaiba kill himself because he couldn't do shit, it was like watching a kid say "nuh-uh, I have an invincible shield you can't hit me fag".

Attached: multiply.png (455x669, 818K)

faggo justice furfag has the mouth shape of a lucario

>Heh... Nothin' personnel...

Attached: 1155867.jpg (309x450, 34K)

Read the cards again, monkey

Now that the dust has settled, was Ancient Sanctuary the most forgettable booster pack of the classic era in yugioh?
I can't remember any major cards from it besides The End of Anubis.

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what were the point of these cards? is a shame konami hasn't make more cards that have high rarity despite being useless

What is he unworthy of?

Ancient Sanctuary? that booster existed?

being in anyone's deck

having 50 in both atk and def

There was somewhere, sometime, some place in the world that someone successfully used this card on some faggot who had Raigeki.

What, you mean you don't want to buy a booster pack for Gogiga Gagagigo or fucking Warrior of Zera?

Geht fucked

Attached: 1082709.jpg (309x450, 44K)

It's from an era where effect monsters were rare and weak, and no main deck monster was as strong as Blue-Eyes.

Is there any reason to use him over the obvious blue eyes?

Even when LOB came out he was unworthy of that, fucking hell. What were they thinking when they made all of these vanilla monsters that were outclassed even back then?

Nobody even used Blue-Eyes back then. It was all about that Summoned Skull beat down.

"Strong" refers to attack, not viability.

>tri-horned dragon
>serpent night dragon

what were the point of cards like these?

What the fuck, and I mean what the FUCK were they thinking?

Attached: latest[1].png (400x584, 476K)

Not having a Blue Eyes, and needing something with original atk higher than Summoned Skull.

>Beyond the Hope, Disaster Leo, Heraldy Crest, Sabatiel, Cards of Sanctity, Hundred Eyes Dragon

They weren't thinking the graveyard would become another hand.

I mean, Enemy Controller, but they put it in every structure duck under the sun after this booster pack anyway.

>had the whole manga series first edition
>some fucker broke into our basement
>literally the only thing missing were the YGO volumes
I'll never be not mad about the nigger who did it.

Attached: marik pissed.png (498x278, 106K)

I completely forgot about Card of Sanctity, I have no idea what the fuck I was thinking. That takes the cake. That or the aforementioned Multiply.

Best Yugioh antagonist ever. Try to prove me wrong.

Attached: Vector.gif (320x180, 393K)


was the lovecraft archetype ever viable? The cards look amazing but it seems like a pain to actually get them on the field

Trade In AND Allure of Darkness fodder, that's about it

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Konami really sucked at future proofing back then. There are tons of busted Spell Cards that have been banned for over a decade and a half now. It's fucking crazy.

It was different time. An elegant Monster for a more civilized age.

Attached: CrawlingDragon-MRD-EN-C-UE.png (312x455, 354K)

Invasion of Chaos was the last great booster pack, shame they banned Chaos Emperor Dragon and Black Luster Soldier right off the bat.

>tfw pulled a Chaos Emperor Dragon from a booster pack back in the day but lost it

Attached: chaos emperor dragon.png (544x544, 377K)

>one day in high school invited a couple of friends to my room
>suddenly my dark paladin was missing
>it was obvious someone took it because i check my deck a day before and it was there
>nobody confessed
>stopped talking to them

Post cards with confusing or convoluted effects

Attached: power frame.png (233x350, 234K)

I'd be pissed too since a 1st edition of that from Magician's Force goes for over a hundred bucks now.

I used to run this card way back in the day.
I used a Last Turn deck with Jowgen and Inspection, Wall of Revealing light, etc.
You just win Game 1, then force a Draw as fast as possible in game 2 and 3 to avoid side deck cards.

Cyberdark Impact. The only good card was Sniper Hunter, a common card.

Attached: Darkness_Approaches.jpg (345x500, 52K)

It happened

>does not take any battle damage
>battle damage is still inflicted to players

Attached: latest[1].jpg (400x580, 97K)

BEWD attacks DM
activates trap and selects DM
equip trap card to DM
DM gains 2500 atk (difference between 500 to 3000 is 2500)

nothing confusing about that, it's just weird

>battle damage is still inflicted to players
i guess they mean battle damage involving other monsters?
this card as weird because you don't set the monster but no rule mentions what can a card face down in attack position can do

I remember having a magazine where someone wrote in to ask about this card in particular. I'm still not sure how Face-Down Attack Position would work other than being the exact same as Face-Up Attack Position.

This card has one of the most convoluted summoning conditions with a pretty bland effect and weak ATK/DEF.

Attached: SpiritofthePharaoh-DR2-EN-UR-UE.png (400x580, 651K)

here is my favorite card combo.

Attached: A498A81B-25E9-4FE6-B482-A2A884759683.jpg (2592x1936, 1.15M)

It's nonsense because it's overly convoluted and adds needless bloat to an already bloated effect. Would the card suddenly be busted if cards couldn't be chained to the activated but negated effects? I doubt it.

They errata'd it, saying it can't be destroyed by battle but damage calculation is applied normally. I guess someone wasn't thinking when they wrote the original card's effect.

I actually had the first edition secret rare of this years back.
My aunt was housesitting for us while we were on vacation and sold the 20~ cards on my shelf on Ebay not knowing what they were.

First edition secret rare Tri-Horned can fetch hundreds of dollars and she sold all of those cards for ten.

Attached: EO95UGg.jpg (782x1080, 83K)

How the fuck I'm supposed to summon this shit then?

Attached: how.png (296x435, 349K)

Some people just don't understand.
Well they errata'd Darkness Approaches to set it in face-down defense position forever ago, or they would have if they would ever reprint the card. Which they won't because it's just a worse Book of Moon.

Attached: SnowwUnlightofDarkWorld-LCJW-EN-ScR-1E.png (450x654, 584K)

post your ace

Attached: LeviaDragonDaedalus-LCYW-EN-ScR-1E.png (388x567, 406K)

It's not really convoluted just really bad and will never go off outside of the anime filler episode it came from


Attached: image.jpg (4032x3024, 2.82M)

It can be normal summoned.

>send to the graveyard
>special summon it
theres a reason why it's on the art for trade in

Attached: 515P6fJ6PxL.jpg (308x450, 39K)

>it's effect was only made for you to summon the 2 level normal zombie monsters that came in this same booster
not even skull servant needs this one

wait forget that I didn't read the "from the field" part

Bumping for excitement. Examples?


Attached: CounterCleaner-CDIP-EN-C-1E.png (400x580, 624K)

This was mine back in 2016/2017 when I still played often. Now I'm not sure. I'm probably going to make a Zombie deck soon or something.

Attached: latest[1].png (478x695, 893K)

can't be spummoned unless it was sent there from the field

I miss when Gem Knights weren't a bullshit FTK deck or an engine.

Attached: TrulyOutrageous.png (400x580, 462K)

*Blocks YOUR path*

Attached: GoldenCastleofStromberg-BLRR-EN-ScR-1E.png (480x696, 813K)

i miss when decks were actually fun to build

Oy vey user I'll give you ten bucks for it.

I also had that Gate Guardian but she didn't steal him, and I eventually sold him for vidya money.

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When did it go wrong? Was it the Zexal era or ArcV?

Based and vidya pilled, I wish I had the original versions of Dark Magician Girl and Dark Paladin though I love the former's promo artwork.

Forgot my pic

Attached: image.jpg (4032x3024, 2.32M)

i think it was the archetypes that ruined the fun. before you could make a lot of strategies based on types, but now in order to make it work, it has to be mainly focused on archetypes so there is always a fight of which archetype isthe best

It's not convoluted, it's how Chains work, and Chains are not complicated at all. They could get rid of the part where it says "but that monster's effect can still be activated" and the card would function the same way, you'd just have people getting it wrong sometimes. YGO cards are very specific.

Attached: SlashDraw-BLRR-EN-UR-1E.png (474x695, 714K)

>archetypes bad
mm yes good ol goodstuff.dek

>whatever the pharaoh one was with shapesnatch in it
>rise of destiny
>the pack with nephthys at the time because rescue cat wasn't degenerate yet
my choices

Yeah, it was me because the faggot AI ran Raigeki in literally every single of their decks in the old gba games.

Orichalcos Chads where u at?

Attached: Rafael4.png (769x576, 372K)

>i think it was the archetypes that ruined the fun
Nigga Old Yugioh had this shit with Toons, Harpies,Vampires,Masked,Grave Keepers etc

Attached: 429ae9d5a0a9605f7348cf5fa85f00514235827f.png (1400x1400, 324K)

Pharaonic Guardian was a cool booster though

Attached: image.jpg (421x614, 59K)

Is the Neo version better than this in a low level water deck?

>eternal decay with a self recycle in exchange for an extra tribute, also a worthless snake clause

Is that really a shirt or did he just paint his muscles with black color?

they both accomplish the same goal, smacking down a defenseless opponent. its just a case of whether you want the added protection of flushing out a hand too.

Also this dude who was so based that he was turned into a villain in GX

Attached: image.jpg (342x500, 54K)

It's hard out there for a Plant nigga

Attached: AromaseraphyRosemary-INOV-EN-R-1E.png (684x1011, 1.59M)

I love archetypes, I don't get why so many people get so furious about them and nostalgic for a period where every deck was almost half composed of the same exact cards with no variations.

Fucking based and highly redpilled

Attached: DemiseKingofArmageddon-MP18-EN-C-1E.png (300x440, 261K)

For a lot of people it's the fact that many archetypes do similar things on the surface.
But for me, I just hate the aesthetics of most archetypes, and that makes me not want to play them.

Attached: MagicalAbductor-SR08-EN-C-1E.png (409x600, 490K)

Why is he so aesthetic bros?

Attached: TDIL-EN046.jpg (820x1195, 327K)

>Asalto Rapaz

R8 deck

Attached: Destiny.png (1920x1080, 3.15M)

>30 cards

I don't see this point either. There are TONS of archetypes, so you're bound to like the aesthetic of one of them.

It could be worst.
> morena penetrante
> fur hire is called mascotas a sueldo.
>black rose dragon is called dragon del Rosal negro.

I usually run a Golden Castle Deck so I need as much cards as possible but when it comes to Destiny Heroes I suck making decks for them

*kills your Blues Eyes*

Attached: the masked beast.jpg (305x450, 44K)

Forgot the image.

Attached: 9419E880-E901-4E06-B392-D5392BC5C56C.jpg (309x450, 43K)

>morena penetrante


Pepe was literally the most broken deck ever

Attached: HtRbP7f[1].png (291x350, 97K)

Invasion of Chaos is where nugioh started.

3x Decider
3x Drilldark
3x Mask Change
2x Celestial
3x Anki
1x Destiny Draw

there you're good to go

I made one, do I win?

Attached: createcard.jpg (419x610, 169K)

Not really. Even though there are some I do like, those all pretty much equate to one deck each or I need to use another archetype in conjunction with them in order for them to keep up, not to mention the extra deck monsters you end up using that may or may not be related to them at all.

Good link and rank 8 fodder my dude. Could really come in handy in a gimmick puppet deck.

This is a human only thread AIs GTFO

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When is Konami deleting MR4 bros?

Thanks user you my main hoe

Attached: 67-3.png (438x339, 176K)

*no protection*

>ywn go back to the absolute peak glory days of right before DUEA
End it all

>DEH token

Attached: image.jpg (1108x1030, 562K)

I always let my brother summon the non ritual version with its own effect from the graveyard because it's his fave.

If Archetypes weren't a thing, you would still use cards unrelated to whatever deck you want to use because a lot of Extra Deck monsters are just that good.

Never, plus we're getting another new summoning method within the next year. Hope you're ready for that shit.

Fuck that shit!
It was when I stopped playing, everyone and their grandmothers had those 2 pieces of shit, then Tribe Infecting Virus got banned while Jinzo got unbanned and I stopped caring at all

My nigga

Lass den Papa das mal machen!

Attached: STROMBERG_org_02_teaser.jpg (370x210, 14K)

And here's the summon card.

Attached: createcard2.jpg (419x610, 171K)

I made a Monika card with those exact stats, only with a once per turn, shit

They call me Voldemort
I slaughter mudbloods for sport
When I cast my dark magic I go deh deh deh deh
Deh deh deh deh

Attached: DEH.jpg (904x712, 187K)

Toss up between this big nigga or Sky Striker Kagari/Raye.

Forgot pic

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fucking kek

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>Take control of an target creature and tap it

Works great with Sub-Terror cards

*Uses a weird amalgamation of XYZ, Armed Dragon and Ojama in your path*
Alexis has shit taste to be honest.

Attached: file.png (259x195, 78K)

More like divine serpent gay, amirite?

Eh, it's just wordy to avoid abuse of a pretty good ability. Essentially limits the amount of monster effects that each player can activate each turn to 5, but realistically 2-3. Practically like the Jinzo of Monster Effects, with at attempt at balance. Although, not sure how well he still holds, but seems like it'd be nice to have on the board.

the reason why i liked him is because he has use more cards than anyone else, i really like when they feature legacy cards

build ojama king turbo

>Reserving yourself for the ultra chad who uses complete garbage like Neos and still wins every duel
>shit taste

>make attack equal to highest monster meme
if you want to be silly just say the attack is infinite. The monster is never going to hit the field anyway

Why the fuck do all the new cards have so many fucking effects and types

The game has literally never been about summoned skull beatdown.

If he is the sole monster on board, your opponent cannot activate effs, so he is pretty good for Stun effects.
He is the Evolution of Raioh-set 4.

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If the attack is infinite it’s a one chard otk. If it’s highest+100, it’s a wall that deals 100 burn damage per turn.

Didn't Konami errata this?
Fucking fun-hating pieces of shit.

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Attached: 3ad.png (348x498, 297K)

Don't mind me, posting best girl

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Attached: 238.png (338x497, 279K)

Someone please post Card Destruction

Because Konami has no shorthand for obvious things like 'The card with this name can only apply this effect once'

>Doesn't get him
Should have stuck with the Chazz, now she's a single high school teacher.

Attached: 1083530.jpg (308x450, 28K)

No more Tag force games ever.

Attached: 1438057943162.png (771x637, 28K)

What was meant by this?

Attached: LunalightPantherDancer-SHVI-EN-UR-1E.png (537x797, 950K)

having "once per turn" "(this cards name) once per turn can make or break a card

Describes Aki's alternative character arc.

Attached: akiyan.png (854x469, 482K)

As a archtype, no never. However they did show up in a lot of decks, Norden being one of the most used cards of its era till it was banned.

Yes, they have no shorthand so they need 5 lines to make sure you do not do revive a card 20 times and apply the eff or copy it with other cards


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I l the feel dl dry l dry so l de l r to try ty ty l r to rlrlrl dry de l to rl r re to

Baby monsters.

Attached: TrueKingVFDTheBeast-MACR-JP-UR.png (498x728, 894K)


If I pull that off, will he die?

Never ever

Attached: salty.png (1027x673, 1.16M)

Started in Sychro (well fusion STARTED it but most fusion era archetypes were dogshit) though there were tons of offshoot and weirdo decks.

XYZ kinda finished it off completely

Its literally 3-5 words, they could short hand it Once Per Turn to OPT, but that is about it.

Bros, are Qli still ok?

I see they got a couple new cards including a Link monster.

I know they aren't Meta, but are they tier 2?

>you can only activate 2 spells per phase

How fixed is the meta now?

Scout at 1, Skill Drain at 1 and no Vanity means they cannot be a 'Fuck you, you do not play deck' and towers Turbo died the moment Lightning came out.

The end of Arc-V and Links killed player interaction. Traps as they have been traditionally used are completely unviable. Not that there hasn't been some bright spots, the fact that burning abyss is still kicking with a deck that uses 37 monster cards is amazing. This is a 5 year old deck at this point.

Dangers and Thunder Dragons still work fine, at most you killed skystrikers

No one uses Lighting at the moment, extra deck space is to tight. Towers Turbo isn't a very great deck with scout at 1 though.

What's the point of doing that anyway?

Attached: xia01.png (260x500, 24K)

in the tag force games (You) meet Aki before yusei.
it explain that her powers were so strong that her parents feared her and that she hurts people to make them not have to deal with her uncontrollable powers and suffer the same as her parents
her last deck is used when you and her finally met yusei, Yusei ends being the partner of stacy that hated aki since people started to have more fear towards Aki than her. Yusie dind't know about the stacy, he was just there and agreed to be her partner.
after you beat yusei and the stacy, aki goes full sadness. but yusei says that she had already met someone that cares about her and points out to you.
then she goes full yandere towards you. that would also explain how she doesn't think twice on ther normal route to accept your help to investigate what really happened int he Arcadia and Divine. to the point you fight cops and knock them out really hard to trespass a building

Attached: ULES01362_00323.jpg (1440x900, 166K)

Even without Lightning, you have Borreload/Borrelsword that shit on it.

I set one card and end my turn

Attached: AD2DCD8D-A9DF-47B2-B274-BDD6CFF724DA.png (475x695, 849K)

Its a turbo card, only useful in certain decks but you also give your opponent the ability to stack their graveyard harder then even you.

>Scout at 1
I remember it being at 2, did Towers turbo make them come back and buttfuck it more?

I loved how braindead Qli was, all the immunity to effects and that floodgates did jack to them.

Thegraveyard is the second hand, and yolu can refresh your hand


an ectivation is still a phase, meaning it could be tied to one of the phases of the play.

>Buy tons of YGO packs when I was into it
>Average luck with pulls
>Don't play YGO anymore now but buy a few packs once in a while for nostalgia
>Retarded amounts of luck where I'm pulling ultra rares and secret rares everywhere

Attached: 1518754678710.jpg (680x710, 62K)

Water Dragon retrain in

You can banish this card from your GY; Special Summon 1 "Evil HERO" monster from your hand or Deck, except "Evil HERO Sinister Necrom". You can only use this effect of "Evil HERO Sinister Necrom" once per turn.

GY is your second hand. and no. hand destruction never had downside.

Attached: EvilHEROSinisterNecrom-DP22-JP-OP.png (345x503, 679K)


>let us join forces & stop the horrors

Attached: 1535244352070.png (542x771, 21K)

>buy 3 boxes of secret forces
>pull 2 brionac, 2 valkyrius, 1 trishula
>$800 in pulls
>Pretty much have the rest of the cards needed
>shelled out the remaining $300 for another copy of Brionac and Valkyrius

I never felt so lucky before in my life, I knew the set was going to be hot and I was just going to build ritual beast deck and hope I can make my money back with a rare valk/brionac/trishula pull.

Is Truedraco or salamangreats more fun to play?

Also which one is cheaper to build, guessing salamangreats because they have a structure deck.

oh no no no no

Attached: Fissure-SDGR-EN-C-1E.png (309x450, 353K)

Oopsie whoopsie

Attached: 946E533D-C438-4EDF-B4EA-88F7B2D77097.png (357x520, 459K)

*blocks your path*

Attached: 920957.jpg (306x450, 32K)

Interesting Jar tech

I get that reference

What seems to be going on in this thread, fellas?

Attached: NumberiC1000NumeroniusNumeronia-JP-Anime-ZX.png (344x500, 383K)

I Kaiju it

What the fuck dis be?

I loved that set.

Attached: lcksssd.jpg (828x404, 375K)

Two years ago, now wait for another one, or for a good Bonding card. Or Fire Dragon.

Attached: WaterDragonCluster-LEDU-EN-SR-1E.png (475x694, 822K)

anime only


Attached: Untitled.png (419x610, 384K)

Kaijus are the most cancerous meta addition, nothing has hurt the game as bad as Kaijus

That's a nice 3x3K board you built up there. Let me know how it goes.

Attached: celt.jpg (349x510, 79K)

>Fucking Leon gets his cards printed
>Armor monsters are still anime only

This is probably one of the dumbest things I've seen anyone post in a YGO thread.

>Yata lock
The saddest thing is we're at the point where that would be honestly shit. I wish they would un-ban some of the old insane cards now that the power creep has gotten so severe.

Attached: words.jpg (878x1280, 337K)

Overload Fusion was a mistake and I fucking love it

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Ghostrick Werewolf has the worst effect, I hate it because I can't use it in my Ghostrick decks

Atomic is highly situational

Attached: 0FBC6714-7D88-426B-B5AC-3B0A7F3CD113.jpg (740x1079, 175K)

I love him though

Attached: AtomicScrapDragon-STOR-EN-UR-1E (1).png (395x580, 504K)

Ancient Gear still triggers me to this day.

Attached: crowler.png (1183x888, 375K)

Yata-lock would shit all over any any current meta deck

Free based :D dragon when

Attached: BlasterDragonRulerofInfernos-CT10-EN-ScR-LE.png (357x520, 485K)

This will never not have a place in my deck.

Attached: WALL.png (444x647, 665K)

Please don't leave your containment ever again thank you very much

Would it? I would assume the luck of it and the speed of current decks would put them on par at most?


Attached: Conscription-BPW2-NA-C-1E.png (357x520, 445K)

Fuck off back to the Smash/Console/Meme threads. We're trying to talk about an actual game of some kind here.

Attached: 1394017189710.jpg (300x467, 43K)

Not video games, retard

they're making cards from the old anime now?

Death to tyrants

Attached: huge_revolution__visual_yugioh_lore__by_rolvak_dafeeic-fullview.jpg (1280x1755, 487K)

Konami is so scared of what DR did to the game that they'll never unban them.

lesser evil
chazz 100% is one of those fetish deviants who's into weird shit like toe sucking and hairy armpits

Ya ok.

Attached: g.png (1706x242, 547K)

back then it was used for deck burning. the first player who has 0 cards in their deck at the start of their turn loses the duel.
nowadays there are so many effects that are related to the graveyard that it's essentially your second hand of cards so it's used to get certain cards there to benefit from them being in the GY immediately

I can still see Dragon Rulers being good cards if they were allowed now, the only issue is I can actually see them becoming staples in a lot of decks because they're generic Attribute support. At least, that's what my 2016 Yu-Gi-Oh! mind is telling me.

Feel free to point out the videogame discussion in this tread.

How does yugioh compare to magic? I have only played the latter, and I wish to know what I have been missing out on.

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They've been doing it for a while and that card's over a year old, but yeah. And not just DM.

Attached: Lady Dark is best girl by the way.png (798x3539, 1.26M)

What kind of discussion are people supposed to have explicitly related to the video games? The video games are EXACTLY the same as the card games.

Do people still play the Percy version? I haven't seen any webm of matches lately...

I miss my GraveKeepers

The thread started with a tcg OP and all anons ITT are talking about the tcg. This shit belong on

The show seemed to imply he was into hand holding

Thanks for getting rid of half your LP though.

Attached: MadolcheQueenTiaramisu-PGL2-EN-GUR-1E.png (310x450, 377K)

>gold sarc this
>summon lv3 from the deck for free
thanks konami

Based hall monitor user who can't even delete posts that upset him.

how the fuck is that convoluted?
>enemy monster with 2000 ATK attacks your monster with 1000 ATK
>attack is negated
>Power frame is now treated like an equip card and your monster gains (2000-1000=)1000 ATK for as long as power frame is on the field

Again, the gameplay of any Yugioh video game is also going to be intrinsically related to the actual card game because it's the same game being played.

That's like saying an anime titties thread is okay because only charterers from games are being posted.It's not okay.

Mine just arrived in the mail today.
How should I support it?
I have Concentrating Current to give it 3000 attack for surprises but that's a really specific thing.

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name a better win condition

Attached: file.png (687x1000, 1.5M)

I mean, I also think that's okay. It's way better than having 50 thousand politics or Smash threads clogging up the catalog at any given moment.

that's what they always appear as before they get a GF

Are ghostricks still fun to play even after Links became a thing?

>It's way better than having 50 thousand politics or Smash threads clogging up the catalog at any given moment
That's because of the absolute state of Yea Forums. just because of off-topic thread is better than another, much worse, off-topic thread, doesn't mean the less shitty one gets to stay.

Ignore faggot user, nigga just mad he lost in Duel Links

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Yugioh does not have enough giant robot hospitals

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I always liked this dumb boy

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The Lightning, baby

Attached: number_s39__utopia_the_lightning_by_grezar-d8u5unw.png (419x610, 520K)

Konami is bringing back Spirit monsters and they asked you, yes YOU to help them not be garbage. How do you do it?

A classic, combine this with Spike Shield or the like and watch the tears flow.

Attached: staunch.jpg (300x438, 22K)

Attached: d7qj59n-c17170ae-6eec-4e33-b7a5-5a31a03f0297.jpg (813x1185, 262K)

Also this combined with some other gimicky defense earth types such as Desert Protector or Obnoxious Celtic.

Spirit monsters with effects that activate once per turn in the hand as well as an effect on the field.
That way you'd want to summon them and keep them so you can have a loop.

Forgot pic.

Attached: acid.png (400x580, 606K)

Imagine having to actually read all that to your opponent every time you duel.


Attached: DivineDragonLordFelgrand-SR02-EN-UR-1E.png (459x673, 793K)

>you still take the damage

Ha that's fucking nothing. There are SOOOOO many search cards now, you practically shuffle your deck twice a turn.


fuck frog decks

Not in Def. Unless trample, then RIP.

tribute summon it then discard then special summon it

was are examples of "oh yeah, that's an archetype"

Attached: file.jpg (350x350, 37K)

they are different, just look up some videos on YGO until you get the gist

It's okay, if I'm in the anime I never tell my opponent what any of my card effects do until I need to use them.

this card is amazing with masked heroes
either this or felgrand when playing dragon lords

Attached: d7u9lgm-d4601c09-6412-4fbc-a56a-90ea5724b897.jpg (697x1016, 700K)

Grass is banned not at one.


What if someone made a deck around this and constantly tied with their opponent in a tournament?

That's why it's Forbidden.

thats what people did, and thats why the card is banned

Not today Snake man.

Attached: number107galaxy-eyestachyondragon.jpg (414x606, 63K)

But what actually happens in that scenario

The judge disqualifies you for playing a Forbidden card in an official tournament and your opponent moves on.


Attached: Confess.jpg (464x661, 77K)


Your soul is banished to the shadow realm forever until a 5000 year old pharaoh beats the creator of the game in a children's card game

Look at them go.

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jaja what the hell

>that card you like to use because of what it looks like even if it's underwhelming

Attached: Labyrinth_Tank.jpg (343x500, 72K)

You preordered Proplica's duel disk right user?
You know damn well sure it'll be another decade until Konami decides to release another

Attached: file.png (709x697, 585K)

I'll buy one when it has full vr support so I can duel the way god intended

I hope he will become my new ace once I figure out a good deck for him.

Attached: 0902a230a1668d28b7acaa5cd2bdaa27.jpg (740x1079, 169K)

>Pot of Sniff

that is some stacked protection too bad he'll never hit the field

shit thread

His artwork is nice and his effects are pretty cool.
I have not found a Pendulum deck I like yet despite finding one for every other summoning method.

Attached: DestinyHERODominance-DANE-EN-SR-1E.png (409x600, 496K)

>only protected against destruction
it should've negated card effects period

>Cannot be Tributed nor used as Fusion Material
I was going to say that power creep was marching onward but he isn't immune to being targeted so it balances out

Based post.

When will Konami fucking release more support for the Destruction Sword archetype? It’s severely less efficient in MR4 with the gay ass Extra Deck Monster Zones

Attached: 55A9888C-6E75-418E-B583-53D760998D98.jpg (416x606, 74K)

>Cannot be destroyed by card effects

give them a DNA Surgery that hits both the field and the graveyard along with being able to banish a dragon in your graveyard to spin something in the backrow

Good thing I can send him directly to the graveyard

I just got this nigga, how is he?

Attached: SAST-EN036-1st-WM.jpg (416x600, 62K)

>tfw the lockdown was so based that they had to change the effects of Witch and Sangan years later

Serato, mazerq deville

i stopped playing around this time. seeing all these new ridiculous cards is hilarious

a little worse then Nebula Neos but It's fine. The problem is getting Neos and 3+ of this Animal friends on the field. While support cards like Neos Space Connector and NEXT help with this, it's still not something you can get out with it too easy. the best way to summon this thing is like all other Neos + 2 other thing fusions is to use miracle contact.

That is okay too though Tranny-kun

But what happened before it was forbidden? What happened when a guy kept tying with people?

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shit like that was never good even before effect powercreep. Why would anybody sacrifice 2 monsters for a beater with less att than blue eyes? It makes no sense and blue eyes wasn't even good then. All of those countless vanillas were the definition of pointless and padding

their smug faces are making my pp hard

Attached: 1558093302334.jpg (780x620, 185K)

Mark my words, this thing is getting the hammer soon.

What exactly makes it so good?

>opponent summons his 5000ATK ace that's unaffected by card effects, wins him the duel next turn and fucks your mom
>tribute it for a 2200ATK turtle

Recently, folks figured out how to make a near unbreakable board with that, the kaiju field, and two other negater monsters. Essentially makes it where you HAVE to focus on getting rid of them somehow. The literal only way I know how is Sphere mode


It is so satisfying to see that win condition pulled off.

literally no one runs kaijus anymore. they dont do anything

>Nobody even used Blue-Eyes back then.
That's wrong tho.

modern yugioh is easily the most confusing card game of all time, every card is a damn paragraph


Attached: Relinquished-SRL-EN-UR-UE.png (400x580, 602K)

There's nothing confusing or complicated about the cards, it's just that they are very precisely worded.

Attached: 5t77aP6.png (1200x3800, 1.89M)

This is the Samson option card

Everyone runs that damn turtle, dude.


Attached: CompulsoryEvacuationDevice-YS18-EN-C-1E.png (300x435, 235K)

I remember when this card was a staple

Card seems insanely OP

it is either an vanguard fag or the magick the faggotry that gets mad everytime people starts to talk about ygo. the magick faggot always try to derail and hijack the thread. the vanguard one gets ignored because nobody but fujos play that fucking game

Ghostricks are hella dead
They have mediocre going first plays and downright abysmal going 2nd plays.
They were already a slow deck and links throw about half their cards out the window.

Attached: PotofGreed-YGLD-EN-C-1E.png (461x669, 685K)

Its actually fucking useless.

The artist for the Maldochie cards has a really familiar style, but I can't place it.

That's too bad. I always tried to play an offensive version of Ghostricks but with Links not being able to be Set I knew that they took a pretty big hit.

Volcanic Queen and Lava Golem existed long before Kaiju tho

Attached: VolcanicQueen-LODT-EN-C-UE.png (400x588, 514K)

I mean ghostricks have the blessings of dark attribute, fiend type and zombie type. But eventually, no matter how to try to play a ghostrick deck, you eventually realize that the ghostricks are the weakest part. No amount of fiend/zombie good stuff can salvage them.

More like divine serpent meh

they take your normal away tho
Kais don't and you can also summon another one right after

I think it's amazing how many cards Ghostrick has gotten and they aren't all that good.
They have like 20 monsters and 10 traps and spells

t. boss monster scrub

*blocks your Kaijus*

Attached: MaskofRestrict-OP02-EN-SR-UE.png (686x1001, 1.59M)

What's the biggest brain cards these days?

Mystic Mine
200 IQ required.

Lmao imagine playing any YGO after or including synchro

>wasting it for them
>not countering monarchs or dracos
True Exodia

Fuck thank you I wanted this

>not after IoC
Lmao imagine acting like your playground duels were reflective of the real game and its meta

It doesn't have enough protection to be that OP. It would have to not be able to be targeted or destroyed by card effects, and not be able to be tributed. Even then there's several cards that could get around this.

>Becomes best friends with the MC just so he can fuck with him
>Only motivation is being a gigantic douchebag...even to his allies
>Smug as all fuck the entire time

I can't

Attached: 1520586149099.png (548x437, 430K)

>you can make its ATK equal to the highest original ATK on the field
>your choice, if tied

Attached: 400.jpg (426x400, 98K)

Isn't he literally just alien Bakura?

>they do it again

Attached: dennis.png (589x831, 1.03M)

They should switch to icons on the card instead of having walls of text. Each icon can have a set definition which you can easily look up.

>this meme again
Summoned Skull beat down was never a thing, when cards like Man-Eater Bug existed.

No, icons look disgusting.

>this effect was so long they forgot to add the part about the ritual spell needed to summon it on its first print

When will he make it into the game again?

Attached: NEON NIGHT.jpg (334x490, 35K)

I'm reminded that I need to find some roms of the other Tag Force games one of these days. Only have 5 because someone posted a download link in a thread months ago.

>effect not being negated in 5 seconds

nice try

I'm not reading all of that fucking garbage, Yu Gay Oh is fucking gay.

that putting cards in the graveyard would actually be a punishment for the player

*blocks your path*

Attached: 1541015786783.png (400x580, 426K)

is there a more meme card in existance?

Attached: latest[1].png (309x450, 369K)

True Exodia

Shun was too good for that shit show.
His Nam war vet PTSD fueled rage was amazing.

Attached: 1549362252821.jpg (1280x720, 69K)

Made a gimmick deck just to use this thing.

Attached: Sophia.png (392x572, 442K)

always #1 in my heart

Attached: 15326345634.jpg (311x450, 195K)

Depends on the icons and how they're used
Card orientation and costs could easily be given icons, as well as once per turns

Attached: V-EB01-003EN-VR(1).png (680x1000, 1.33M)

Can you blame him? His sister goes missing, pretty much having no idea if she's lost or carded. Some clowny fuck joins your team and you get all sorts of bad vibes from him.

Fuck, you took my main. Oh well, still got my Aliens.

Attached: CosmicFortressGolgar-CRMS-EN-UR-1E.png (400x580, 612K)

Dinomists are so sick looking too bad they suck shit

good taste Aliens are a cool archetype

One of my favs too, I was really into coins when yugioh took off so I'd always show off an Eisenhower dollar or something to do the coin flip.

And then his sister and best friend are basically dead.

Were tributes useful in the orignal DM days?

Well thats too bad. Here, have a meta eater.

Attached: UltimateConductorTyranno-SR04-EN-UR-1E.png (474x694, 881K)

>not using this hunk to fuck over Kaijus

Attached: Darkest Diabolos Lord of the Lair.png (479x700, 758K)

Very much so, it was pretty much the only way to summon Level 5 or higher non-fusion/ritual monsters back then if they weren't in the graveyard.

>putting a jabroni in your deck

it sets your life to zero, increase life beforehand doesn't do anything, as soon as your life is zero the game is over.

*flips mirror force*
Oh shit i'm sorry.


The years when this deck was relevent were the most fun I ever had playing this game. Still assed that Crow's cards from the Arc-V anime weren't enough to revive the deck but at least it was something.

Attached: 51JJjF-ENOL.jpg (344x500, 41K)

I wish Dinos had more archetypes, They were a favorite of mine when I first got into the game. Hell, they don't even have a good link monster to call their own yet.


So much so that that card had a time on the banned/restricted list.

They just added another dino archetype, user. Its a villain deck, no doubt.

Attached: DinowrestlerRambrachio-RIRA-JP-C.png (491x729, 911K)

Grass looks greener is banned m8

Their regular monsters are better than links. Get that shit out of here.

Attached: 177971_200w.jpg (200x303, 29K)

Reptiles unironically have some really strong support cards, it's just that we haven't gotten a good reptile archetype since fucking Worms almost a decade ago.

Reptile's strong support cards are the reason they haven't got a decent archetype.

Dinos have gotten a shit ton of love in link era my dude, where have you been?
Hell, Dinos are probably one of the best treated monster types that aren't one of the really big ones (Dragon, Spellcaster, Warrior, Zombie, Fairy, Fiend, Machine, Beast)

>And now Dinowrestler
Maybe I am being greedy.
I meant a Dinosaur type Link monster itself that's not part of an archetype.

She's alright since you draw but she doesn't have any guaranteed plays and in Yugioh you want consistency in the TCG because we have long ass tourneys. Zombies as a whole are lacking something. Just play doom king turbo since rivalry, zombie world and him is quite hard to out since if your opponent controls a zombie due to zombie world he must summon a zombie even if he were to use his existing zombified monster as tribute.
The other side of the world exclusive revendread link is a decent zombie since he can mill but only during battle.

Attached: Reprodocus-CYHO-EN-R-1E.png (471x694, 874K)

He's right you know.

Huh... how did I miss this? Also, how would you make this work?

Set up Dante Cir loop and make him, bring back Dante. Make Dante a dinosaur. Make Summon sorc. do shenanigans like giving Cir to the other side, making another Dante and all sorts of shit just because he controlled types. He was pretty good for making summon sorceress.

When Yugioh first started in Japan, the stats were super weak, and effect monsters were rare. So at one point in time, Tri-Horned Dragon was considered a powerful card.

When we got it over here, there were already a bunch of sets out. Their core boosters are 5 cards each. Ours are 9, and the LOB set was a bunch of those old cards.

Also secret rares back then were not always meta defining cards, sometimes they were more for collectors, and if you bought a booster box, you were guaranteed to get the same secret rare each time in the TCG. (There were 2, but one was always for boxes, and one were only in blister packs.)

Help a brainlet out bros
If I have a trap card or a quickplay spell, can I activate in response to anything my opponent does if I meet the conditions? Can I activate it whenever or does it have to be in response to one of his effects or can I activate the when he summons a monster or attacks even though the trap and spell have nothing to do with battles?

I don't know. It's forbidden to use the card.

As long as it's not a counter trap or something else with a special condition you can activate them whenever....you can activate a trap as soon as their draw phase happens if you want.

This. Take Full Salvo for example. After you've set the card and it becomes your opponents turn, so long as you have at least one card in hand, you can use Full Salvo whenever.

cyberdark impact became one of the most meta relevant packs over time

What happen to yu gi oh?

>have a few pre-links decks (Geargia-kuri, Ojama-Raccoons, and Fire Fists)
>turns out only one of them has a chance at being salvageable in terms of updating to fit into the current era
>have to wait until fucking August to find out
It hurts. Is Geargia possible to save?

You could always play a Blackwing Orcust variant, those are pretty fun

Ojama-raccoons can work but you're fucked by handtraps.

anyone have the NEVER EVER pot of greed?

You kind of have to wait until this guy get release.

Attached: 34031284.jpg (421x614, 59K)

I feel like the lack of energy management is why I vastly prefer Yugioh to Pokemon TCG or Magic

The problem with him is that I'd have to make it a lot more about Ojamas, which could take out the chance of having a convenient XYZ system.
What's a good decklist that involves him?

incredibly based

Attached: 1530047901321.jpg (2350x2970, 866K)

his moustache looks like it physically hurts

So you admit to being a brainlet?

So she just sold your property when she was watching your house? Did she think she was doing you a favor or something?

So he's a normal Ojama

He is basically ABC fuel because CHAZZ

I haven't fucked with the game since links came out and I'm in the same boat....it "looked" like Konami was trying to slow the game down and bring it to a manageable pace but then they fucking made Spyrals so I've completely lost faith in them.

I still have my Burning Abyss, Evilswarm, and Shadoll (lol) decks as well as the cores for some other stuff (Madolche, Cosmo, Windup, and some stuff dating further back to the 5DS era) but I doubt any of it is relevant nowadays. The game has more or less died for me the way I see it.

Attached: 1458250858499.jpg (1280x720, 91K)


>energy management is tough

The worst part is that some archetypes still don't have their own link monster, like Geargia, so you have to piggyback off of other link monsters that sort of synergize with your deck.
I was thinking of making a Deskbot deck before links came by, too bad I can't do that now.

Dumping all my Dark Worlds of course

Are you guys still bitching about Links? It will be less than a year before they bring in a new mechanic while nerfing Link.

Deskbots function in MR4 decently well.

>Nerfing link

Links are wholly integrated into the rules in such a way that you HAVE TO run some. Unless they do another fucking hard reset to retcon them the damage is permanent and if they do have the audacity to do that then people should abandon them for good...this company has long since stopped caring about the players

Why do Deskbots even need a Link for
Or Geargia for that matter

I'm surprised this thread is still here.

>hey here's a new extra deck summon type that you'll have to use if you used the other extra deck summons
>this'll slow the game down right?
Surprise, it didn't and now all the petdecks mine at least take longer to set up while the post-links archetypes thrive since they're made with links in mind.

Support in general is nice; that and Geargia need it since they shit out Rank 4s and 3s right?

Water monsters are pretty badass

Just use this Machine support Link bro, does it really matter if its not part of the archetype

Attached: PlatinumGadget-DUPO-EN-UR-1E.png (676x985, 1.61M)

I lost a tournament once because we had no judge and people refused to believe you could discard this as part of its own effect.

Attached: 51PRkCy0r4L.jpg (329x480, 58K)

Water is gay

Light > Dark > Earth > Wind > Fire > Water

>that card
You just reminded me of when I tried to make Gimmick Puppets work and I used that and the level 8 machina to help it out.

>Machina Fortress
Fuck that card right up the ass, every poor nigger in my town felt like a badass when this deck came out because they could just spend 30 dollars and be competitive for a bit. I saw this shit EVERYWHERE.

Your locals are dumb and that shouldn't have happened to you but I can't bring myself to feel bad because I have a raging hate boner for that card. Fuck structure decks

Attached: 1459747778068.png (263x202, 29K)

My Sea Stealth Attack says otherwise

Attached: 5F636047-09C0-4C03-A410-FBE0EFF455C8.png (473x694, 810K)

Why was that bad? How dare people have fun with a cheap competitive deck instead of spending thousands on some rare tournament legal prize card

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