Have you ever bought a Collector's edition?

Have you ever bought a Collector's edition?

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No. Have you?

Do the japs laugh at Kojima too?

Octopath traveler because I wanted the flip book, it wasn't worth it and the cloth map was shit. And the game was a major disappointment on top of all that.

They should.

Yeah for Fallout 76, just so I could have the power armour helmet. Haven’t even played the game or redeemed my code for it.


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I got the gears of war 3 one with the Marcus statue. Pretty good quality statue. Pre-ordered Death Stranding's. Got Halo Reach's one with the booklets and stuff. Not the statue one. Got Fallout 3's with the bobblehead and lunch box.

>please validate my shitty opinion

What if that fetus is actually Kojima and he's telling us his bizarre life story through this game?

More than I can count, pic related is my most favourite; shout out to Ni No Kuni Wizard Edition (NA).

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>paper and a keychain

Am I missing something or are the standards for these things really low?

Halo 4.
Never again.

Are you Legendia user? I'm surprised to see you again so soon.

The standards are worse than that.

I mean standards as in widely accepted level of quality.

bought the skyrim collectors edition. the art book was pretty fucking baller, and the dragon statue wasn't half bad either.

Yes and I regret every one

>paper and keychain
is that really all you see?

yeah. i was just about to go to bed. figured i'd post in one last thread.


Yes, and I asked if that was an incorrect assessment. You have yet to correct me.

Yeah, the collector's edition of Arkham Asylum for PC was actually cheaper than the regular one when I bought it.

Oh, and Fatal Frame 5, since that was the only retail version.

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Sturdy box with beautiful artwork on the inside and outside. Premiere DVD that has a bunch of interviews, trailers, etc; character artwork posted on rice paper, metallic key chain, 2 silver plated keychains, 1 gold plated key chain, game with unique disc art and a suede journal filled with character artwork and bios.

What more do you want?

no unless Deluxe editions count

A fetus in a jar in 1:1 scale with a lamp built in

Like physical? Yeah, but not anymore.
Last ones I got where the Zoe and mgs HD, for the big art book.
I always bought them purely for the art book, never really cared for the other stuff.
Hate those tiny art books in special editions

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I have no faith in those types of collectors editions that try to offer replicas of in game items.

Only the Hotline Miami 2 collector's edition
I have the Skullgirls 2nd Encore one for Switch ordered even though I don't own a switch, I just want the vinyl of the soundtrack

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>coloured vinyl
my weakness.

Yoji art will always be worth it

Only downside was having to wait about 3 months past the original promised shipping date because they needed to find someone who could press as many colored vinyls as they needed

sucks, but at least you were able to get the item in the end.

tell me about it

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>Have you ever bought a Collector's edition?
A bunch.

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This doesn't count since it didn't come with the game but I got the re4 ps2 chainsaw controller, it was a lot of fun to use, it even had some kind of motion detector where you could activate your chainsaw with it, and could work as button by shaking it in other games, you could pull the string and rev up the controller, pretty sweet.

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beautiful user. i recently got the Dustforce vinyl and it's a neat 'dirty' smoke colour and a Power Rangers vinyl that is clear with red, yellow, black, pink and blue paint splatter.

Is it possible they could have made it rusty?

You seem upset.

Oh okay, so paper and keychains. Thanks

This. That shitty left alive game can release an artbook for the game and I'll instantly buy it.

Only for nip games 'cause they sometimes come with stuff actually worth having, and even then only sparingly. I think the last thing I got off PlayAsia was Bullet Girls Phantasia

Bravely Second
KH3 because they were out of regular editions
Arkham Knight
And I guess that's it.

No. It's waste of money.

I'll take the Sam jacket.

bought the monster hunter world CE; sold it and i probably wont buy one ever again, its just not worth it

I bought the $150 Dragon Quest XI Collector's Edition. The artbook was really nice, but the soundtrack was one of the worst that Sugiyama ever put out. That said, I mainly bought it to support the series getting more love in the West, so I wasn't terribly upset.

>will get it for free today in ps+
Thanks for beta testing boys

I have, I will never do it again

yes. they're a great way to make extra cash and if i dont end up selling them for more than what i paid+ebay fees after 60 days i just return them.

Mass Effect 3

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