Own a Switch

> Own a Switch
> game seems appealing
> obviously downgraded version
> Price is 60 bucks everywhere


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Been ages, am waiting for it ro go for 20 bucks at least but CHRIST, fuck Nintendo and FUCK NISA


Bought it for 20 bucks on PS4. Fuck Switch pricing policy.

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>own a Vita
>the version every other version based on
>pirate it
>looks good but runs so so
>overclocking irons out the issues

Good game. Would have bought it if the physical release came to where I live.

The thing is.

How do Yakuza games get so cheap in retail after, like, a month of release? Even the ports/remakes in the new engine [which is objectively shittier, but there's some effort in them.]

Switch can't do 60fps- at least not without heavy compromises. Switch ports will always be inferior.

It will only get worse when next gen begins.

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the vita version has huge amounts of cut content idiot.

How long does your battery run in overclocked mode? You running a slim? I can't imagine it lasting for too long in the fat model.

Sometimes I heavily regret buying a Switch due to all of those overpriced games that aren't dropping in price.

Holy shit why are snoyboys so fucking poor? If that's honestly unironically expensive to you please reevaluate your life choices. This is actually pathetic lol

that's the compromise you make for having it handheld, if you want the top specs get it on PC

Shouldn't have bought the Switch as your only platform then.
>Paying 40$ additional Nintendo tax because you can
That's poor people way of thinking, nigger.

My PC is shit.

I played it on my fat Vita. 500 mhz nets me around 2 -2.5 hours while running on 444 mhz nets me half an hour or so more play time.

> Paying for an overpriced downgraded port while the price has dropped on other consoles.

No thanks.

>go on Amazon
>search Ys 8 PS4
>160 claps plus tip for the English version


>Paying full price for a shitty port
You're the cancer consumerism. You can go reply SOI and shit because bantz have gone to shit.

>Paying 40$ additional Nintendo tax because you can
It's 60 dollars on PS Store, too.

And before you start with
>muh price drop
this price drop has been on eShop, too. I know you will call me Nincel and I don't care, but if you guys really want to shitpost why don't you use facts for a change? You always start this ''Nintendo has no sales'' threads when big sales on eShop are over. Always.

Sorry? I bought the game at full price for my PS4pro.

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It was $40 on e-shop and $20 on PSN during the big in japan sale and whatever sale on the e-shop.
There's no need to support awful pricing policies of Nintendo if you can.

This console has good exclusives buy yeah, the price of the ports is the worst thing about that console, I mean, Skyrim is like 7 years old and it still costs 40 bucks on Switch.

why would anyone pay $60 for a downgraded version when they can pay $20 for a version that looks and runs better? are you really that much of a nintendo shill?

Ok, how can you justify that downgraded ports are sold as the same price as the other consoles and that when sales happen on eshop, the price only drop a little bit ?

>Holy shit why are snoyboys so fucking poor?

Yes, if only they bought the right console then their jobs would pay more. I guess this is how retarded you have to be to be into console war bullshit.

>downgraded ports
Compared to what? PC, maybe, where the game crashes way too often?

To be fair some people really value portability. I don't play games outside the house but to each their own.

The Switch is the only dedicated handheld left.

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