>90% of the cast is black, as well as 90% of the civilian NPCs
>First missions involve stealing bikes and robbing fried chicken joints
>Nobody, right or left, ever complained
90% of the cast is black, as well as 90% of the civilian NPCs
But they sure as shit complained about a cut sex scene.
Its fun once you embrace the nigger that lurks inside all of us.
>nobody ever complained
hey zoomer
Everything was a lot less polarised back then
Nowadays, someone's gonna get pissed no matter what you do
>have one black person in a game
>don't have any black people in a game
>"um where's the diversity? sweetie it's 2019"
>Nobody, right or left, ever complained
You literal child, there was a huge uproar over these games and the government made a serious push to get them banned. Hillary Clinton was the most outspoken opponent of Grand Theft Auto so they put her face in the game to mock her
Grove Street n Sweet ruined Carl
I was 12 when san andreas released so I don't remember any politics about it.
Sweet was a fucking nigger. The moment Sweet declined CJ's offer to live somewhere else and told him to murder more niggers "for da hood" was the moment CJ should've dumped his ass.
Back on our days, we didn't had to deal with SJWs, feminists, politically correctness or forced diversity
both of those are sjws
That was because of the violence.
What I mean is:
>WTF I don't wanna play as niggers. Fuck Rockstar, SJW Jews
>San Andreas is a Toxic, Racist, Stereotypical Portrayal of Basketball Americans And Here's Why...
>t. underage b&
Some white guys complained about the main character being black.
nobody complained about the character being black
you can stop now
This. Sweet has been, is, and will always be wrong. He bitches at Carl for not staying true to the hood, even though it was the damn hood that lead the death of their brother, their mother, Carl’s exile, and damn near Sweets own demise. Sweet’s a fool, and I were Carl, saving the hood would be my last freebie for Sweet before ditching Los Santos entirely.
People used the internet and online games to escape from everything being politicized back then. MSM attacked the game from both left and right, but they were mostly ignored online. I miss the simpler days when trannies and MAGApedes weren't hell bent on destroying any online discussion.
You can fuck off back to r*ddit now, kiddo.
GTA created a unique space for itself. The gameplay for the most part progressed for the better and GTA V made god knows how much money in retail sales and virtual currency. As long as the game is good/fun people will defend it and as long as R* is raking in money they're going to drop another game no matter how loud twitter cries.
Anyone ever play SAMP? I used to spend hours a day with friends on the roleplay servers they had.
Can you explain how Roleplay works? Is there an objective or is it just make believe through a video game?
>>Nobody, right or left, ever complained
Sjws would complain about it if it were released today. Muh stereotypes are racist yadda yadda yadda, you know the usual bullshit. The only reason they don't is cause a) they didn't play games till like 5 years ago anyway so don't know jack shit about it and b) it was successful and popular, which is not what they want, they want to hate everything people like and push everything people hate
>Some white guys
On the internet? I'm an eskimo btw.
It was a simpler time.
ancient v meme coming through
You basically just act out as a character. You can be a gang member or a mafioso or a cop or an EMT or a bum or yakuza or whatever. The san Andreas engine didn't allow for a lot of things to be be done with it but the server I played on had some pretty neat shit. There were official factions you could join that got special headquarters and warehouses and commands they could use as well as being able to control the server's gun and drug supply. There's an economy although byt hat point it was a little screwed because of all the old money that was floating around. It was just fun to play with friends and go around getting into police chases or setting up a big heist or shooting shit up.
I miss when this guy was one of our few problems