Monster hunter Iceborne

Story trailer is out.

Attached: MHWI.png (1920x1080, 1.95M)

Oh boy can't wait to see how hard they neuter my boy Tigrex. Fuck World.

How don't you own a PC or PS4?

seething nintenbabbie

is this magala at the end?

I'm surprised but I'm also not surprised because it's a skeleton they have working
I love him

Was that Glavenus at the end of the trailer?

Attached: fvlglnyzxeh01.jpg (655x441, 46K)

>Even more generic looking dragons
>Still not a single fanged beast

You do realize that the Behemoth fight was basically a giant Tigrex that stood still for a moment to cast spells right?

fucking sweet as hell.

Tigrex was introduced on PSP, newfag.

He no longer has his damaging roar

Please have skippable cutscenes this time

Yes it was

The only way World can be fixed is if the Handler dies

Yeah, and the old monster models are all being reused in modern Nin10yearold consoles, hence you're likely a seething nintenbabby.

B!NG B!NGs on damage control

There's no controlling the damage at this point, they're just crying and screaming.

As some who played MH1 in PS2 and skipped bing bing mhs im pretty much happy. Hopefully thei fix pachinko monsters and the internet problems in PC.

on* PC, Pablo.

Zinogre is in


WAHOOS in suicide watch

>Bring back Glavenus before Zinogre
What the FUCK

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Check it

on* suicide watch

N i c e

I hope all Fated Four are there. Gammoth seems like an obvious one for iceborn but
>unique skeleton
Although I really wouldn't mind if she wasn't in because Gammoth is the worst one of the FF


I and O are literally RIGHT next to each other on the keyboard. Stop sperging over typos, nerd. English being the primary language in New Africa is nothing to be proud of.

> Handler is still fucking everywhere
> she's still the useless damsel in distress fucking up every goddamn time

Didn't they get the memo that people hate her?

Attached: I AM MAD.jpg (1552x668, 441K)

Popos are in, so Popodrome should be too. Perfect setting, on top of that. And at that point you may as well add all four. And at that point you may as well add Lagi. And at that point you may as well add all the flagships.