Tell me about Little Red! Why does she wear the lobotomy corp thread
Tell me about Little Red! Why does she wear the lobotomy corp thread
how do i cheat
just b urself :D
Press the big red button
I've seen dozens of threads, but I still have no idea what the game is about except it being some form of SCP-like management sim. What gives?
Fondle abnormalities to please the energy jew and feel the despair of your employees dying.
Fun things are fun.
Give it a try.
Who wants to walk my dog?
For my boy Dexter who didn't make it
Fallout Shelter but with SCPs and a lot of micromanagement where everyone dies if don't follow everyone's conflicting needs
I think your dog has autism.
Lobotomy Corp is a FPS game. Your job is to shoot useless people and keep the day going.
What a cute boy! Wanna walk our dogs together?
Not!scp but now youre on the management side instead of the D boys. Make one mistake and every agent that youve cared for so much for the past months dies like it a daily occurance.
Here before Binahfaggots
Big Bird fights for your safety
I cannot believe it took people 30+ days to realise that lobotomy isn't about exploration
Imagine the birds' despair when they realize that they were the monster all along
Previous thread
Fuck off.
Big Bird should be kept out of the loop and just told "it's okay now, monster's dead" because of the three, he's the one who is earnestly trying to do good, he just does it in a way that ends in a horrible death
Judgement Bird did feel regret in the legacy version, and having purposefully altered his scales to always hang the judged is guilty of using justice in a bad way for a good purpose
Punishing Bird is just little birb satan
Fuck Hod*
Be g-gentle...
Hod wouldn't duck the likes of you, you double clerk
I mean I would because she'd do whatever I say, but don't try and hijack my post.
I know it's you, Carmen.
She could hold my punishing bird
if you know what I mean
I'm going to end both of you
I could imagine a break-up between the birds in LoR. Would be sad, but rich lore-wise
Is this a legit thread or false flag thread?
Justice fags on the loose, damn.
You will not stop us!
Imagine if phoenix bird joined the group and becomes fire enhanced apocalypse bird
You wish you had this, angelafag.
Binah is extremely old and also not cute!
More like half-assed pheonix+big bird. Long bird and punishment bird are on their own
>extremely old
35 is not extremely old.
>not cute
I've got bad news for you user. You're suffering from the "shit taste" disease.
Falseflag thread, but we've turned it around every time
Angela did nothing wrong.
Angela did everything wrong.
What gifts do i have to give to get the most justice?
yeah maybe if she wasn't a box lmao
It's red!
Both wings + going full samurai is good starting point
Great taste.
bros where do i put the mods in?
Right here bro!
Little Red
Knight of Despair
Der Fre
I wanna grope her!
Lot of loyalty for a hired abnormality!
How do I stop getting attracted to my workers? I feel really guilty when one of them dies, and restart whenever this happens. Just started playing
>getting attached to pixels on a screen
He didn’t fly so good !
holy shit malkuth suppression was so intense
i got lucky and got red noon instead of timers on level 5
learn how to not fuck up abnos' QCs and how to suppress ordeals/abnos with little to no casualties (using ranged weapons, microing, abusing the fuck out of room intersections, etc.)
I think you need help
>malkuth suppression was so intense
oh user.
To make this thread even more like a /vg/ one
Which abnormality would you fuck?
Melting Love
Who I still have never rolled. What's her snippet of information/unidentified code? And how bad is she without execution bullets? I have magic bullet and could probably manage to take care of clerks that way.
I hate falseflags so goddamn much
Something about wearing a gasmask I think.
Also you really want execution bullets for her, without them you have a giant risk of getting fucked.
Without lube.
Get more attached to the abnormalities.
Pastebins... please... give me... your pastebins...
Everyone did everything wrong
Except Netzach and B
Okay so this big red button
I can't learn anything about it or interact with it in any way, right? It's just going to sit there as basically a blank space in my department? Will it ever melt down or anything?
oh my fucking god
Is it ok to talk about other SCP games too on this thread?
You unlock it's information by clicking it in the deployment screen a couple times
Otherwise yeah it just kinda sits there
Wait, are getting gifts bound to work type? I thought it was just any interaction with a certain chance?
If you really want to know:
Take off all ego gear from your dudes. This is because they will die, and it will memory repo their deaths, even when they return to life, costing you any gear they have equipped. Then, when you start the day, fuck around with it until it crashes your game. When you reload, you will have its information. Then don't EVER touch it again.
Sure man, it IS a falseflag thread after all
Here's your information bro.
No, I believe that image just tells you what it improves
>Except Netzach
Thanks, got the info then repo'd it away. This is in the second area and I need that for training new boys.
>farming aleph gear by buying it and going back to memo day
>my best employee actually gets the 1% gift from melty
>its gonna be gone when I memo
it hurts to live
Great! I just played public server for few hours and that was hortible. user server at least has playerbase who know the basics and put the general fluidity above cowardice and tryhardiness.
>try to do 3 ALEPH mission
>Big Bird keeps letting himself out long after the ALEPH has died
>Red keeps attention-whoring because of this
>2nd trumpet never stops playing
>sephiras bow to the birds
>in contact with the administrator
>rumoured to possess psychic abilities
>control central command with an iron fist
>own castles and banks all over the black forest
>direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>will bankroll the first Wings on Mars (Birdangrad will be be the first wing)
>own basically every avian abnormality on Earth
>first designer abnormalities will be birds
>all three brothers said to have 200+ IQ
>ancient Indian scriptures tell of three angels who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>they own abnormalities around the world
>you likely have a bird inside your facility right now
>The birds are in regular communication with One Sin and a Hundred Good Deeds, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church
>they learned fluent French in under a week
>Angela trusts her gold reserves with the birds. There's no gold in Lobotomy Corporation, only Lobirdotomy Corporation
>the twins are WAW-class, from the space-time reference point of the base human.
>in reality, they are almighty beings existing in all points of time and space from the Big Bird to the end of the universe
>the birds will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and love
Try looking at the players before a round starts, if there are people making jokes and stuff, you're on the right track. Dead silent ones are filled to the brim with tryhard faggots with no sense of humor or fun
>2nd trumpet never stops playing
the obvious solution is to fuck up some more and enjoy the superior 3rd trumpet track :^)
What does fruit of understanding even do?
I want to be held like that
That's Violet Dawn right?
Just let em be for a while see what happens
Gebura is cooking today.
Yeah. My main gripe with pubs is the kids. user server seems so much smoother and funnier because there's no squealers thinking locking themselves up in a room where enemy cant touch them and waiting for possible reinforcements is a valid strategy. Anons, even with tkilling and elevator nades, seem to uphold some sort of honor.
user rounds tend to last around 5-15 mins but pubs full of shitters easily hit 20-30 mins.
>Everyone even all the workers are already dead
>The energy your facility produces doesn't even actually go anywhere
Angela's just been fucking with everyone from the start
Wrong on all accounts
>doesn't even actually go anywhere
This isn't actually an SCP game (completely unaffiliated and just "inspired" by it and a bunch of other series like Warehouse 13) and I don't want that one janitor on our ass so no.
Melting love
Me too user.
Do you have to ask?
>Nothing There meat with Melting love a sauce and little prince as side dish
>mushrooms by themselves as a side
Just chop it and put it in the sauce.
If you eat Little Prince won't you get turned into one of his gonad monster slaves
That's where the new Beauty and the Beast comes from
They're sitting on her
I would assume because QoH and KoD are freely moving but KoG is sealed in an egg and only her twisted, giraffe necked head comes out when she's hungry
>antiyuri fag
How does it feel to be double gay?
Censored, no one can call me out if we don’t know what it is
oh no
That’s a long bird..
The gift kinda sux anyway
>work speed/succ-5
Doesn't have any cool effects either, but it cute so maybe it's worth it depending on what you can combo it with
>Early game
>Grinding a little
>Everyone is Temp fag
>One guy goes crazy
>Snowball effect
>Lose 1 hour of progress
fuck off niggers
Threadly reminder to read the manual.
I miss you guys
Have an alternate version.
here you go, friend
>disliking yuri makes me double gay
>disliking dykefaggots makes me double gay
Nice mental gymnastics, carpet-muncher.
>obsessed, rent free, etc
Do it. You won't.
every suppression can be intense if you invest yourself in the game, which is why it is so much fun. let's be honest, the upper levels are fairly straightforward but it still blew my mind
and let's not pretend that chesed for example is really that much harder or more novel
the whole game is a blast if you play it blind and are okay with losses
So Zayin isn't actually the least dangerous then? It just means it's not dangerous until you fuck up royally?
I want to tie her tongue with my tongue.
army in black is zayin, so it's completely safe :^)
No, theyre just danger designations
Zayin is the least dangerous
the backer abnormality thats a zayin is le epic meme abbo that tried to copy a cooler abbos gimmick
at least its rifle is somewhat good
I wonder how possible the game would be without backer abnos when the end-game suppressions are considered, I can't imagine fighting Binah without the clock to save my ass
at the same time, you wouldn't have to fuck around with army.
I had both, but yes the clock is a fucking blessing, which is why I keep telling everyone to use it in phase 2
Yeah exactly, I don't know what the fuck happens in phase 2 but literally everyone, even abnos with specific conditions, start breaking out. The clock doing everything for me in that phase is a blessing.
the exact same happens as it did before in her suppression.
you get 3 types of meltdowns: dark, white and waves. stun, resist, and getting rid of the "wave attack" of hers. if you clear all 3 at once it just saves so much time and trouble
I never use the item abnos. Maybe I should start.
OwO what is this? Your worker entered whitenight's lair when Chesed just amplified Pale dmg? Better have some lube, my boy
Even if you dont have execution bullets just let some other abnos out so they can clean up the clerks. Or pay shooter. Or send bunnies. There's lots of roundabout options
Post your most fashionable employee
because fuck minmaxing stats
Great Love For Us
Purple one is probably the worst, but otherwise, you're fine !
>Bald is Awesome
>Don't Touch Me
>Plague Doctor
All those thrilling choices.
What did you even do, get melty on day 6? dont be a moron
Having bald is awesome GIFT makes any employee based
She's not feeling it guys...
God bless this adorable little shit, made every single one of my agents strong.
>Finally get longboi
>his weapon and armor are fucking Aleph despite him being WAW
>Pale fucking damage
Holy shit. This birb's amazing.
precious gift of spiders
How many employees do you usually keep in a department? My go to is 3 then a new hire to "prove themselves" to dangerous abnos
How the fuck I deal with Censored? I send people in waw armor and they go nuts the moment they get inside. There is a trick to this cunt I dont know about it? I dont check the wiki but this cunt is the first to stump me
I always choose her if she comes up. Probably the most useful HE.
>pretty much nothing except end-game bosses resist pale
It's a shame it took me three runs to find the guy, but that weapon is nice/10
only the most experienced of agents can look at CENSORED and not go crazy
I had trouble with that shit too. Make sure the person you send in has maxed SP (EX on the dispatch screen) and give him Big Bird's armor (I know its only WAW, but it works better than some ALEPH for that cunt). You'll cut it close sometimes, but you'll succeed far more often than not. And if that fails, use the Portrait, that way you split the immediate shock damage and the constant damage between two doods.
Oh, and make sure their overall level is V. I think anyone with a level below that automagically panics.
Another thing that won't apply until after you finish up everything with CENSORED, give your designated CENSORED babysitter his weapon, unless he has 2.0 weakness to black damage, he'll never go insane dealing with it. Also has the added bonus of keeping phase 3 Mountain at bay since you heal 40% of that barf damage.
>Dimensional Refraction and Laetitia in one department
Huh, talk about easy training
who's Roland
an ordinary fixer, and totally not another one of A's incarnations
Don't worry, there's subtitles.
Did they ever expand on Secret Lab or did it just fade away?
Post your characters
Rolands face literally reminds me of your average employee when they're ordered to suppress something
No uodates since december when thet readded the AI skip back and whopping new handgun.
Hubert still makes 3000+ a month from donations
>Wolf and Red side by side
This won't end well
>Tiphereth suppression
>need to get to stage 10
>purple midnight in my way to stage 9
>have never done a midnight ordeal before
what do to not get raped
So the icons are the logos for other wings?
from what i understood of the trailer they are supposed to be the books and what they are about
Just avoid the tentacles bruh
As you would with most hard events that you know are coming, separate your damages.
Though if possible, may want to just rush the final meltdown instead of fighting it. I forget what effect that suppression in particular has on your guys though.
line literally all your employees up outside the container doors
trigger midnight and immediately get everyone working
get one bar away from midnight, then assign EVERYONE to work at once. It ends when you reach 10 so if you're fast enough you don't even have to deal with midnight.
New and improved from last thread
Ok I've had it, gonna cheat through this one because I'm fucking tired of needing ages to get back to midnight if I fail.
>1 meltdown to go for midnight
>WhiteNight moved next to fetus
>fetus (who had previously been moved around by WhiteNight) gets a meltdown
>send in someone to work, very high success rate
>neutral result, 1 short of good
>starts crying
>send someone as sacrifice
>picks one of my best
>by the time the guy has gotten there fetus lets out WhiteNight anyway
>violet midnight
>eye RNGs onto my employee group in the middle of a hallway
>slow + massive DoT + long distance to cover to exit the hallway kills them all
>WhiteNight ends up next to fetus again
>fetus gets a meltdown again
>very high success rate fails AGAIN this time by 2
>same exact result
I'm done. I'd gladly do midnight if it didn't take so long to get there, but I've wasted too much time doing tedious as fuck repetitive tasks (because that's what it is really, jacking up the meltdowns mindlessly since you already have everything researched) until some RNG decides to fuck me over.
>Hubert still makes 3000+ a month from donations
God damn. I regret not pushing forward in that project I was working on.
>trying to advance late game with fetus
There's a reason mem repo exists you know
Unless if you were the moron who posted "lol just don't piss it off bro" then you deserve it
so you're inviting guests to the library to reach the top and along the way you're trying to stop them with your librarians and wear the guests down enough they become books?
>I wish I could see something
>keeping fetus
Almost as bad as keeping Melting Love or Zayin in Pink
Welcome to Extraction, enjoy your stay. We got GILFS and pain
She would set the bar so high if she didn't have trust in your skills.
What's wrong with keeping melting love?
how the fuck do I beat nothing there
he just turns into a tanky egg before I can beat his weak form and then he murders everyone
She's a THOT.
Micro your heart out
>having to cheat in a game beaten by literal youtubers
Lotta micro, or simple placement
Have ranged bois behind him while your melee tank is on the other side of him, keep the melee alive while the ranged chip him down
>already making a sequel
I'll pass on this buzz game.
Don't let him breach in the first place
Farm his gear and then give it to your strongest employee
Now he can solo any form of Nothing There
>immune to red
>mimicry deals red damage
It's a sequel in story only, the gameplay isn't alike
Game was finished like a year ago, how long should they wait for a sequel, 5 years?
no he can't
and I'm doing this for the 3 Aleph mission
its implied that you're gonna give your employee another weapon
actually that was me and i still haven't pissed it off ever since, enjoying my white defense and justice boost without any worries
it's really easy, it's like taking cady from a baby
First form isnt
I guess if you do repression, you won't have to make the entire department commit sudoku if you're only working on her for the sake of meltdowns, so disregard that one
But still, fuck Zayin in Pink and the dumb baby. Maybe the Mountain too because of Zayin.
Alright, i will play your game, but first answer the most important question, who is the best AI wife?
>AI wife
I want Gebura to train my martial-art skills.
There's total of 1 AIs in the game dude
Do you even have to ask?
Wait what, i was told there is like dosen of them
That's the problem, didn't seem too bad at the start, now it's been well over 15 days so I can't memrepo, and retrying means 40 days of tedium to get back to things actually happening.
Yeah but those Youtubers get paid for it so it's not wasted time for them, I love the game and all but lets not kid ourselves that most of the PE box generation is anything but boring once you start getting later into the game. You know all the abnos, all your dudes can tank whatever they do, you ignore the few instakill ones (like teddy. not like they produce many boxes), and just repeat the same job with the same employee on the same abno until you hit the quota (or in my case, spam innocuous abnos like wellcheers and skull Jesus to jack up the qlipoth).
>and I'm doing this for the 3 Aleph mission
I can actually help there, did that yesterday. For Nothing There:
>get all your dudes (ALL of them)
>breach the cunt
>run away from him
>when he targets clerks or something else, attack him
>as soon as he targets your employee swarm, run away again
>stay close to him like this, you need to be as close as possible when he goes into egg form
>soon he'll go into egg form
>immediately attack him with all you've got
>pray to RNGesus that you kill it in time
The other two for me were Mountain and Blue Star. I breached Blue Star, got all my guys in an elevator (except one tht was waiting to solo Mountain outside his room), put white shield on them (1 bullet is enough for all since they overlap), then called the rabbits on Blue Star while my guy beat Mountain up when he breaches due to all the dead clerks.
I think those are the easiest to beat, if you have CENSORED, I think a guy with WhiteNight's armor, a good weapon (Justitia?) and some help from you via bullets will solo him too.
The others aren't "true" AI.
What day does shit really kick in?
So is it just scarecrow and tinman or are there more?
You can stretch it and count the Red Shoes as Dorothy
no Lion though
day 51
Typically around Day 21 its not holding your hand anymore.
Then when you start doing Core Suppressions you're gonna have a bad time.
Then there's days 46+...
>dream of a black swan
Jesus Christ, if I read that correctly then doing literally anything besides getting a good result reduces its counter. What a pain in the ass, at least it starts at 5.
you need to do 5 different bad things
It's deceptive. It works as a check list. One trigger for one of the brothers. You would have to get everything in the tips to happen to make it zero, they can't happen twice. But the counter can still decrease via shit like clowns.
Good thing is that it needs to meet all of those conditions at least once to reach 0 in the first place. Exceptions are meltdowns/clowns.
there are bees fucking everywhere why does it even like insight level 5 its a fucking monster
I'm not getting paid.
It also shouldn't take you longer than 15-20 minutes to reach midnight
You need five insight to understand the complicated beekeeping manual
>I love when you visit me user. It gets so lonely in this nursing home.
That can be managed, but the fact that having an agent in the control department get infected just because you put him in the bee department at the start of the day is bullshit.
I have played the game and gotten all the endings and not a single second of it was boring
Welcome to the Yellow Brick Gym, how rank 2 are you?
When you think about it Lobotomy Corp is just a nursing home for SCPs
They just sit in one place all day and get fed, talked to and punished by employees who don't want to be in the same room as them, and those that don't throw tantrums just get ignored altogether
These guys are going to be very annoying soon
Pastebin -> skeptic_writefag
Request some faggotry
Do they interact somehow? Both are great for shooting a new employee up to V in their stat.
Who else?
Do you have red shoes too?
Its supposed to be annoying when you dont have those agents anymore, but by then you can bully any of them with your agents.
Take your pick
Pick one. Day 14 start. I can put this in Hod's place next to yeti dog, Freikugel, and shrimp soda - or throw it as first abno in green stoner dude's zone as the unlock starter.
>Day 13
>doing pretty good
>survive Violet Noon
>survive Crimson Noon
>no casualties
>no breaches except Punished Birb (easy) and Scorched Girl (only twice, both times easy)
>no problems at all
>survive to two bars before Qliphoth Meldown X
>do Der Frankfurter as the next to last one
>he has 1 QC left
>Normal result
>he does an animation to fire
>End Day
>clear BOTH Hod's "promote one rank 3 employee" AND Yesod's "get no Bad results in the whole day" missions
So far, I have not had any panic problems at all. Only bad shit that happens is fucking up Shy Look's timing and getting baited into one of the two bad faces. Only Ordeal I have had to reset with has been Green Noon that one time.
They don't interact, but since you're 1 mission away from core suppressions they can be irritating to deal with, starting out they're pretty easy, mid game they're hella annoying, and late game you can smash them back into their rooms with a few chads
go with whatever, stop asking the thread to decide for you
No, I fucking hate red shoes.
Oh ya once you do cores don't you start only being able to hire rank 3s? That would be rough. I'll hire a bunch of rank 1s and just keep them around in waiting for when I unlock that. For now I'm using them as a strong boy pipeline.
I wanted to keep enjoying that game but the increasing ration of kids per public server was making me question who SCP is for now
But that's part of the fun, faggot
1>3>4>7>9>the rest
I want to [CENSORED] Chesed!!!
This time for sure
>Asking for help on a fucking tool day
Just pick one user, the only one that will ever just completely bone you is the train
Is there any benefit to equipping both EGO weapon/armor from the same abnormality? Or can you mix and match without losing anything?
Just stack your whole facility outside Nothing There's room and kill him in doggo mode
these are all non-escapables i.e. ignorable abbos, pick whatever you want broski
is this like a common rendering issue or is there a fucking Anomaly that fucks up your UI?
There are a handful that give buffs if you wear both, but it'll say as such in the details box of the weapon/suit
For example, Magic Bullet gives a damage bonus if you wear the suit and use the gun on the same guy
generally, just mix and match
What you are seeing is intentional
>employee randomly gets killed after finishing Nothing There work
it was a level 5 with Aleph Gear
Play the game, it's a fairly early thing
several sephirah suppressions alter your screen, two do it to the extent of making it hard to see on purpose
Just because he's level 5 doesn't mean he has a level 5 in all stats
Backward Clock is awfully similar to the divergence meter.
yeah, and playing the game yourself and blind is more fun you double clerk
I'll visit you any time.
Was Nothing There at -18% and you got 16 or less boxes?
>sending your best agents to an unkown aleph
Read the manual, manager.
It would be fun if we were watching a stream of you playing or something but what's the point of asking in the thread when some clerk is going to come along and spoil huge parts of the game w/o using a spoiler tag
I'd love to watch someone stream this playing blind
yes he does
why would I give a scrub top tier gears
no, I stop at 12
I literally have everything unlocked, I even have his gears
how many E boxes did you get, sometimes things with a good success rate have a slight chance to roll a lot of damage (one of the difficulties of CENSORED)
Can someone explain to me why they like this game so much? I love SCP kind of stuff but the gameplay here seems extremely bare bones and repetitive. The stories around the anomalies are short poorly translated blurbs. On top of that the game is more expensive than one would expect. I really want to like this game but I just dont get it. Is it just the novelty?
It worked, took a while though
Thats even worse, read its tips.
If they got 16 or less boxes, that'll do it. Or your person got while the other person was working on another abnormality
They're """"A""""I.
it wasn't a bad/low result though
For a bunch of Koreans I said the skips are way, way better that SCP, even the classics
Its an OCD simulator and everyone here is an obsessive.
what was his justice and fortitude?
>Just did all of the upper Sephirah suppression in a row
>The gimmicks
>The text that appears on the screen
>The music
This is fucking awesome
>The scenes that appear after you beat them
>All these horrible things that happened to them
This is horrifying and I'm scared what the others will show me.
Still the rewards are nice, especially Hod's.
max this guy is from my A team and I was already having him work on nothing there for a while for the gift
You dtsrt with zero knowledge and you get to know different abs. It gives good feeling when you learn to manage the facility and each ab's quirks. You geel accomplishment advancing to more dangerous abs, completing missions and suppressing cores. Your abilities and choices grow as you progress.
Yeah. It's a really shit way to deal with the issue they're attempting to handle.
>not EX
I spotted the problem
I personally pirated the game but bought it (and the artbook) a few days later. I enjoy grinding and the surprise factor and I was invested in the story to keep playing and see what happens with the characters. Don't feel bad or wrong if you don't like it, it's definitely not for people who dislike grinding/repetitiveness/ games that punish you severely for not paying attention to literally every single thing, not to be demeaning. It gets really ridiculous in the later stages. What day did you stop at?
Tell me about Susan. Why doesn't she properly wear that mask?
>Energy collected
>Curtains appear on the screen
>Panic click on the button [end of the day]
(Blue Star, Melting Love, and the Parasyte Tree should be loaded into a rocket and shot into the sun.)
That's why Lobotomy Corporation should've been a zoo
>Still the rewards are nice, especially Hod's.
Easily one of the best rewards, next to Geburah's
How many workers per team are optimal? I feel like only two or three people in each room do something useful and the rest just stands there.
>hating blue star
One of the biggest mistakes is filling a department up before you do the training team core suppression (boss battle). Don't do it again Manager. 2-3 per department is fine enough until late-game where you can afford to waste LOB on new recruits.
why do you fags keep saying that my dude has shit stats
it's literally all base 120+ except for justice
Once you done First floor suppressions, it doesnt matter because you easily keep full rosters
Dunno, that keeps happening after BS suppression
гдe тpeд нa /vg/ двaчa для лoбoтoмии cyкa
i have 2 per team usually
but i guess you ideally have 3, one for each abno, since tools are gay, and i strive for that
Do Hokmas core supression and it's 130+
i'm jealous of you russians, the russian LC wiki is amazing while the english one is shit and has been unfinished for months
Because you keep saying they are at max when they clearly arent
pretty sure blue star would just come back
I havent played that much to be honest, I stopped before day 20. Maybe it gets better. I died repeatedly to some of the random events and stopped. I had the cola anomaly, the cute dog, the small evil bird, and a couple others I cant recall.
>tfw we ruskies have better taste in games
Blue Star isn't blue. It's black. It's a black hole. What's blue is what's being sucked into it. What does the color blue signify in Lobotomy Corp?
They're all way over whatever stats nothing there wants to not instagib and that's what matters
because nothing there is still instakilling him
I am getting bored of grinding and thinking on just kind of rushing the days, will I fuck myself up?
The intensity ramps from Day 20 as you get two skips per day and they will be higher tier. I take you mean Ordeals as random events? You need to learn to clear them easily because later you get lot of other shit you need to do while fighting ordeals and ordeals diffuculty ramps up too.
Too bad, any localization into Russian has cropped text or "too many letters - go for a magnifying glass"
Why did my heart marked employee get turned into a slime when Melty breached? I can't find anything about the marked employee turning in her info.
>d-03-109-1 yadda yadda gets heart if he doesnt do repression. heals mental and health.
>qlipoth counter decreases when d-03-109-1 does repression
>same area as d-03-109-1 has low chance to turn
>qlipoth counter reached 0 when the number of d-03-109-2 took up half of the department while d-03-109-1 was still alive
>qlipoth counter reached 0 when d-03-109-1 dies
>if d-03-109-1 does insight and gets 24box yadda yadda nothing happens
None of this alludes to d-03-109-1 himself turning into a slime upon Melty breach. What gives?
That's probably why you got bored, you rolled a bunch of innocuous abnormalities. Past Day 21 is when shit starts getting real and there's less time to mindlessly grind since you're going to have a lot of difficult ordeals to deal with if you do (if by random events you mean the clowns, worms, giant obelisks smashing everyone, etc, those are not random, but fixed, and the game tells you they're coming and what difficulty they are) If you want to give it a few more tries I encourage it, but also don't force yourself to play a game you don't enjoy just because everyone else does, that's silly.
Fuck it. It's a soul-devouring black hole and the attraction to it is the call of the void.
>If D-03-109-1 is alive and Melting Love escapes, the 'blessed' employee will be eaten by the heart and turn into a WAW class slime minion, with a slightly larger size compared to other HE class slimes
thats why youll never be with a woman
you cant even give attention to a tree
But why? None of her in-game boxes mention that.
I just took so long setting up to clear my 3x Aleph kill quests and then my actual Aleph killer got turned into a fucking slime.
Having at least an A team ready should make things better.
>blue star
nigga did you just let it out
it's easily the best aleph in the game
>backer abnormality is a weed reference
>everybody infected by the vector aka Melty's waifu turns into slime
>yeah my guy who got direct contact with Melting Love is going to be alright
>cant be wrong right? Its foolproof!
Cmon user
What's the highest a stat can be improved through work?
Her tips tell you twice that Patient Zero can transform.
Tip #2
>Melting Love gave a lump of slime to the first employee (D-03-109-1) who conducted any other work than repression work. The lump healed D-03-109-1’s mental health and increased the chance of success in work. However, further observation is required to decide how the effect of the lump changes accordingly to the state of Melting Love.
Tip #4
>the infected employees’ turned into (redacted)
Her husbando counts as infected.
Tip #4 is talking about D-03-109-2 though. I already know those turn into slime.
If you are having that much troubke with melting keep some gimp employees on standby to use as cannon fodder to do repression work on here when she is targeted for meltdown
>SCP with waifus
all I ever wanted in a vidya
Ok but it says the infected employees turn into monsters. Why do you not think that the carrier of the infection is not infected? I thought it was pretty obvious and she isn't the first infection based abnormality to transform employees at all
maybe because that's what the backer had in mind and it's a direct reference to S;G
there are a few blind youtube playthroughs. I don't think streaming this works, too many spoiler fags in chat
I can see a stream working if the player didn't have access to chat and let people choose abnormalities via voting
Alright I'm at the start of day 45 and I still need to do midnight ordeal and Binah's 3rd and 4th mission along with all suppressions apart from upper and Tiphereth, so I'm definitely gonna memrepo. Should I just do it now or go as far as I can in day 45 to keep the extra boxes?
Because the other employees turn into slimes right upon infection, they don't wait for her to breach.
>letting others choose for you
absolute cuck thing to do. choose yourself, go with your gut reading the flavour text, and live with your choices
honestly, if you choose the most dangerous sounding shit you end up with a manageable facility 99% of the time
>played malkuth suppression
>had to retire to a notebook to memorize jobs
>someone says:
>"you have to play with a notebook, that's to feel yourself in malkuth's place"
>play with a notebook to feel yourself in malkuth's place
>day 45 and haven't done all of the upper sephirah suppressions yet
dude you're playing on hard mode
you won't get the good end if you continue
why did you delay the missions and suppressions this much? afraid? not enough people, gear, etc?
I just don't understand, most of the time I did them immediately after I unlocked them and didn't stop until I beat them
Being real, none of them are waifus. The closest would probably be KoD. The things that tend to get attached to you are parasites that engage in psychological manipulation.
There's a substantial amount of people in these threads who enjoy that kind of waifu for some reason.
Alriune is a Waw? She's annoying to deal with but easy as fuck to suppress
I didn't get my 3rd Aleph until very recently and wanted to get its gear first before doing the suppressions. I'm done with all the other missions, just missing Gebura and Binah due to a lack of Aleph.
>malkuth suppession
>have to use a notebook like her
>yesod suppression
>your vision is altered just like his
>hod suppression
>your employees are compromised just like the goal of whoever sent her to do spy work
>netzach suppression
>bit of a stretch here, but everyone is throwing their lives to dangerous abnos without healing just like he threw his life away for carmen's research
Oh, I know the appeal of it. It's the idea of being wanted in one way or another. Loneliness is a miserable thing, and as a species we've totally fucked up in that regard. Our isolation breeds desperation which perverts the desire for companionship.
honestly you can do almost all suppressions without alephs and most of the time it's even better if you don't have them. the only thing stumping you is progress on geburas mission though
Grinding early is stupid, cause low tier abnos give low amounts of stat. It's not till you get waws that you should bother with grind
holy fuck based
Start grinding when you get easy HE/WAWs, don't bother with TETH/ZAYIN
>finish tripeth suppression
>see the cutscenes after
>get the rewards
>hit retry, NOT memo, on the following day after fucking it up
>it rolls back the suppression that I finished
What? Is this intended? A bug?
I know for a fact I did not hit memo by accident because I'm still on day 38 and memo would take me to day 36.
Why the fuck did it reset my suppression?
Did melting love user ever post his repression chapter ?
Who wins?
Knight fof thginK.
Faceless is my fetish.
lobotomy threads are the best threads on the entire Yea Forums
top is immeasurably more powerful, but blind
bottom can only win if she exploits top's blindness
Can you find what's wrong with this image?
now think about the department looks and style
>record team
>literally heaven because hokma collects the souls/bodies of the ones not turned into cogito (see: extraction department, hell) and turns back time for them/you
>central command
>people bitch about big corridors and four floors but don't realise that you'd need more space for the ever expanding bodycount of tiphereth B and the looks are gaudy and victorian because that's what the kids believed the facility would be - their own little paradise, a safe haven from the outskirts/backalleys
>information team
>futuristic, clean and sterile, just like yesod wants it to be
it's funny since the departments are actually constructed by A's subconcious, so he seems to remember the sephirah and their characters at least this much
KnighthfinK has formiddable defense and will tank anything DespairiapseD throws at her
I don't know, You tell me.
>Justice 1
>Justice 1
>Justice 2
Holy shit dude, grind that up.
violet noon a bitch
>to be continued
>that security room
Please post more
>All my abs hate justice
Jesus christ grinding justice is suffering.
I don't like the abos I got. I just want to get So gear and reset to day1. And how to you get 100% on plague doctor? If he gathers all apostles will he kill them and break out? I am kinda scared out it.
[spoilers]Send help and any tips[/spoilers]
Working on it, only have a few options for it right now.
>122 LOB day 20
I already did HOD suppression
So then an agent reaches V means he capped out of that stat?
alright, have a few more
>control team department
>the main rooms are surrounded by screens and have a few in them aswell
side fun fact about them:
>remember malkuth crawling on the ground? the control team bonus is movement speed lol
>security team
>again, a load of screens but also what appears to be a big ass tank of pure enkephalin in the back of the main room and a barrel with a radioactive sign just standing there without anyone thinking about it
>obviously a nod to netzach and his selfdestructive hopeless behaviour
it's all just theories, but I think they put some serious thought into the design of the rooms and the themes of their sephirah. they even fit their kabalah counterpart descriptions, most of the time
Don't worry he's a nice doctor trying to help you.
If you don't count department buffs and ego gifts
then, yeah
>jullikas and the now dead scp general still spamming their garbage general multiple times a day on Yea Forums
EX is a level above V and can only be obtained via grinding, you can't spend LOB to reach EX
and then there are core suppressions that raise the stat cap
When the clock is complete, all of his data is unlocked automagically so you don't get screwed out of his information. But that clock is spooky, so maybe hold off on that.
As for SO, as long as he isn't in a department with meltdowns you can just ignore him. Even then, you should hopefully have really powerful pale/black weapons to trivialize him if he breeches
yes for now
>Don't have bullets yet
>Have to kill 3 employees with meat flower every meltdown to keep QoH in check
>Mountain keeps getting pissed off
>Trying to complete dusk at the same time
I should just restart at this point because mountain breaks out every time dusk triggers, sometimes twice.
>As for SO, as long as he isn't in a department with meltdowns you can just ignore him
That's tricky with doctor
just use the work rollover method for QoH
Here's your Angela bro!
you could also the method everyone does before they get execution bullets, for Queenie.
>work her second to last before a meltdown, wait until you get 15-16 PE boxes
>send someone somewhere else to trigger meltdown
>she goes into hysteria and immediately snaps out of it again
Imagine being this in the closet.
OH GOD user
The collar bone and fact that I know she wears a lab coat makes it seem like the tits are an image on her clothes and it's strange
The best and the fluffiest and the cutest little doggy.
I didn't know that was even a thing, I'll try it.
No, they cap around 100.
waw lad
Just this once
how the fuck do you contain mountain
what do you do if mass killings or GREAT LOVE happens
Here is your Angela
Very funny user
But how do you grind low level employees with higher abs? Buy them stats to like 2 or 3?
Move your agents to the narrow corridors before the GREAT LOVE arrives user.
For me, it's the Big Bird.
Exec bullet your clerks, mainly in Mountain's department. As long as you don't let him get to bodies, a single employee with Aleph gear will take care of him.
Designated wrangler
His base form isn't all that strong and only deals red damage
>there's still no option to not deploy clerks in departments
>still no option to make the game easier and customize difficulty
this is what you sound like btw
delete this
So late game how many agents you will be managing? Including the bench.
All the clerks being smashed will still trigger him
His base form isn't a big deal but he literally ignores all my employees and beelines towards the main rooms and eats everything before my employees catch up.
>comparing option to remove clerks and stop facility functions to a literal difficulty change button
stop using shit like pause button or restart button then, it makes the game easier and allows to customize difficulty
customize difficulty
he cute!
usually about 3 per department
A waste, that cock should be going somewhere else.
>allows to customize difficulty customize difficulty
Is this the work of an abnormality?
That few? I was expecting like all deparments full plus like 20 more in the bench in case someone dies.
>he doesn't know what the TT2 is
clerk. cleeeerk!
get removed
That's true
It should be going into blood bath
Is there anything more disgusting and pathetic than a clerk?
Two clerks
Do not bully clerks, they're doing their best.
Do you think you could coax her into something while angry? Just imagine.
beat me to it. also, hod.
your management skills
You're not going to get it, Angela
So when one of my employees gets capped out I am supposed to bench him and train a newbie or is it fine if I just let him sit in? Is the game that unforgiving?
before Hod 3 is fine, after Hod's suppresion you can fill the departments out but it's not really necessary. 3 per department is enough for meltdowns and breaches plus the amount of WAW and ALEPH gear is limited even with Geburah's suppression. Even with good stats agents are more of a liability than benefit if they're equipped with shit gear.
chances are you need that maxed out agent in case something gets wrong or to handle your hardest abnormalities in your day-to-day play.
>Is the game that unforgiving?
you don't even fucking know man
You can definitely rotate him to a less demanding department so your other dudes get a chance to grind on the tough abnormalities, but later on in the game having a small amount of absolute ass-kickers is more valuable than just having a lot of decent guys, so you definitely want to keep your maxed-out guys around.
Bench him? That capped out guy will be super beneficial for battles. You cannot play this game without going into battle every day. It will only get harder from here.
If by bench you mean sit in a main room until you need them for something then yeah.
There's no point in taking people off deployment though
>same resolution
I would watch an anime about Red.
blame it on the one faggot wiki admin who refuses to let anyone put any fucking useful info on it, and throws a fit anyone edits anything without permission and going through a bunch of hoops
You should never save a master
>is the game that unforgiving
Once you start witnessing the hard stuff, yes, yes it is.
She tried to save millions....
He did fucking dab on some troglodyte trying to say the Knight of Despair was a reference to SU.
i do blame the admin, hokma and binah STILL don't have pages and i don't understand why
But instead killed billions...
>Knight of Despair was a reference to SU.
U wot m8?
John Wick meets Fables.
Following writing that I looked up how Little Red Riding Hood was handled in Fables. I am amused.
A broken clock is still right twice a day. If he "dabs" on everyone indiscriminately, he's bound to catch a couple of actual shitters sooner or later.
anyone retarded enough could try to say a magical girl is a "reference" to su since it's vaguely a magical girl show
he nazi admins the wiki and the fucking discord like crazy and it's insane. there's so many good people with info that have been playing the game forever who suggest helpful pages/information being added to the wiki and he throws a fit nearly every time saying "no its a bad fucking idea, never ask it again" how can adding to the barebones wiki be a bad thing? how retarded do you have to be?
Fuck him
Let's make /our wiki/ and dab on him
wait nevermind it wasn't the admin oops
And by "our" I assume you mean please let someone else do it?
Because if not, there's nothing stopping you from starting right now.
>got asked whether I want to join the LC discord
well, guess that's a definitive no then, I don't even like discord in the first place.
>wolf and red side to side
manager has been sleeping on cell managment lessons
the discord is comfy if you stay in the actual discussion channel, the admin sits in the RP/OC channels and does nothing but RP and pop out and REEEEE occasionally if someone does something he doesnt like, he stays out of the discussion/nsfw channels
>master1200 has lower filesize thus lower quality
>go to the LC wiki
>Hokma and Binah don't even have pages
what the fuck
I probably shouldn't have opened that one being only 37 days in, huh
can you tell the faggot admin to finish the sephirah pages then, i don't care if it's google translated from the russian or japanese wiki since they're already copying its entire layout
retard admin niggering everying and throwing a shitfit everytime someone wants to make an addition to the wiki
im all for making a new wiki, but how would we differentiate it from the already established one?
and how do we make sure it doesn't involve into shit like the other one?
>getting spoiled by looking at spoilers
You only have yourself to blame
I'm not gonna talk to the faggot, but I'm gonna grab some of the shit that he's said in the discord so you can see how fucking retarded he is
>clicking on spoilers without atleast beating day 46
I have a spoiler just for (You)
there's no point in being in a discord with a faggot admin
there's actually no point to be in any discord ever
How's an Admin like that still allowed? Fuck, seems like the wiki is a lost cause if no one bothers to get anything done because the admin gets pissy over work being done.
at least it's an actual wiki
the officially-sanctioned wiki of a game I play is literally not even a wiki, only the admin and his friend can make changes
god fucking knows why
Apologize to Russiabros right now
Hey man, 97% of spoilered pictures on this site are just memes or porn, its easy to forget
And the dude's post was literally "killed billions..." which is a line specifically associated with pornposting because the attached picture is something people usually jerk off to
as much as i want the english wiki to be finished it would be an even stupider idea to make a new one, use the russian wiki for grabbing images, at least the english one has all abbo information
So why doesn't Angela just create an artificial A like how A created an artificial Carmen
>If you find me attractive, I'm working as intended
Literally what did she mean by this?
russians are pretty fucking cool, I like how they actually put effort into it and provide all abnormalities in high def transparency pngs
wish I had known earlier instead of trying to export/edit them out myself
>which is a line specifically associated with pornposting because the attached picture is something people usually jerk off to
I only see it on OPs with a character from X game
at least you have something resembling a wiki
the closest thing to a wiki a game I play has is a program that decompiles the game's data files and extracts the relevant information
god fucking knows why
She's created to be the perfect waifu just for you and you should appreciate her more.
the "creators" first thought was
I want the future manager to get hard looking at her. really, really hard
she's missing two core components
a friend to help her
a usable host body
is that sunless seas or whatever the new game from them is? i remember hearing something about the wiki for that being trash
>even risking running into spoilers or going into threads for a spoiler heavy game
You only have yourself to blame
They are also very based regarding /t/orrents
>user suggests a helpful tip be added for abnorms below ALEPH level
>would be useful for several WAW/HE abnorms for newer players
>admin says no because bullshit thats happened in the past
this is only the tip top of the iceberg of the bullshit
Dominions 5.
The wiki is completely useless (which seems to be a tradition since the one for Dom4 was even worse) and the only useful tool for finding ingame data is the mod inspector which literally runs on decomplied game files.
Nope, still not getting it. Can you explain further?
Is it possible to get the admin demoted if there's evidence of him actively keeping the wiki in the stone age? Or is that only a thing for admins that literally dropped the account the day the wiki was made? I don't use wiki websites enough to know if that's possible
why is this garbage still spamed nonstop on Yea Forums?
lol dunno
I have no idea, he doesn't do anything really on his own asides from RP in the fucking discord, there's a few actually decent people in the 'cord that have to basically beg for any big changes to be made
Because it's still a fun game.
Go back to one of the five Smash threads on the front page.
Ok i'll get this game but only if you get to romance a girl or if some girl is interested in you, even if it's not for your own good.
>the 'cord
Honestly if the admin's being that much of a turd why not just make a new wiki.
It's not exactly difficult to do so and what the hell can he do to stop people.
tons of romance. also tons of despair and suffering
Oh don't worry the best girl has a lady boner for you.
something something stars
go back to one of your smash threads faglord
>best girl
why not just learn russian and use the russian wiki
or translate it and just keep using it
I don't get the whole hype for smash...
Didn't "we" used to make fun of people for using Nintendo products?
The main villain is absolutely thirsty for the Manager (the player character).
We will meet again as stars
I wouldn't call her that. There's the head and the world itself
Sure. You do it.
threds dead but whatever
You don't really deal with those, though.
One, I think one user mentioned russian doesn't translate over well.
Two, seeing someone autistically controlling a community site to the detriment of everyone else genuinely rubs me the wrong way, as edgy as that sounds.
I'd need to look up how to do it before I get started. I'm not really experienced in wiki management.
you are actively fighting the world, the sickness, and somehow even succeed in one of the endings
>only rank threes
you can reduce stats when hiring new agents.
Ability to mod in new abbos when?
Last for best abno