
Thank you... /v

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Other urls found in this thread:


I picked the genocide route first.


Attached: liar.jpg (582x468, 20K)

Stupid goat.

toby stop being a hack
deltarune when

Goat willy

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You can’t please everyone user, how about now?

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When does Deltarune come out?
It feels like forever since the demo.

Attached: patron_reward___neon_goth_by_bedbendersinc_dd6zl1y-pre_1.jpg (264x240, 20K)

maybe we'll get more info on it on halloween

Go back to Tumblr

it took undertale 3~4 years. deltarune is said to be bigger than undertale so i'd imagine the dev times will also be larger. or about the same, if the rumors of him getting together a bigger crew are actually true, since then he could split the work with the crew.

I want a thicc Asriel boyfriend

Attached: 1557468338943.png (1280x1324, 943K)

I said the REAL Asriel

Attached: 1550323799035.png (602x800, 86K)

Post FAT goat

One platonic hug, best I can do.

>no Undertale on Yea Forums

Nice to know people like you are still outing yourselves as newfags

I need this cute shota in my bed

Attached: Asriel Semi.jpg (917x1184, 200K)


Attached: fjVpkqe.png (328x328, 6K)

who is the best toriel r34 artist and why is it chelodoy?

Fuck off h.bomberguy

Yep, LISAfags are here like always, they don't even make threads about their own game, they just come into Undertale threads to shit in them.

It's because Lisa threads die with 3 posts and one unique ip. No one actually likes that game.

>going into the game with prior knowledge of routes

God fucking damn it
I don’t even care about the goat, I just love susie so fucking much

Fuck off furry.

You don't need prior knowledge to hit attack instead of act you stupid fuck.

Based. Susie is the ultimate girl in the franchise.

>You don't need prior knowledge to hit attack instead of act you stupid fuck.
You do if you do genocide first, though. The amount of grinding needed to do that route is not normal enough that first-time players will ignore story progression to do it.


Undertale has always been shit on here on Yea Forums
You would know if you didnt accuse people of being newfags (which is what newfags actually do)

Am I the only one who felt the goat was forced and didn't really care for his plight?

Imagine not being able to enjoy something because of 16 year olds

Imagine how amazing it would feel to penetrate this cute little goat

Attached: 1541425610405.png (457x364, 95K)

Fuck off pedo
You'll never get rights unless Islam wins

WTF I love Islam now

>doesn't remember when Yea Forums was hyped about the demo
newfag please

Don't fuck the goat

Attached: 1541430294688.gif (1000x1400, 387K)

Have fun being stoned to death faggot

You can't stop me. This goat was made to be penetrated.

Attached: Asriel in bed.jpg (736x791, 71K)

It's OK if it's underage.
Also in the bible, because bible only forbids sex with an adult man.

I admit it would feel like heaven user, but we must always put a shota's feelings before our own. This is the shotacon's code. Worship and protect shotas, never hurt them.

Then I'll sit him on my lap and make out with him while playing with his butt until he's ready to take my dick or prematurely ejaculates

Attached: Asriel Semi 2.jpg (587x800, 126K)

It's his mom

lurk more

um again, the important thing is to make sure he is okay with it and don't rush things. Do you think Chara rushed things with him to get to the closeness of their relationship?

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don't do this to me so early

Once this little shota sees how good I am at making him cum hands-free he will be all over me. Chara has no grasp of what consent is, when she has her mind on goat dick she always pushes Asriel to give it to her.

Attached: Asriel cute.png (811x1202, 296K)

>forcing yourself on a pure shota
You sick baka ass motherfucker.

Someone told me the goat makes you her slave, i.e. you have to live with her forever but she takes care of you.

Is this true?

No, but you can stop playing and pretend it is.

You want to fuck the shota, don't you?

>truly like both Asriel and Flowey as characters
>probably one of my favorite characters ever
>all discussion that I have ever seen about Asriel around here can be summarized in "I WANT TO FUCK SHOTA GOAT"
>will never be able to have a polite disscussion regarding his character, without furries ruining and derailing everything
man, is it exausting.

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I agree user, if not simply because edge goat is better in every way.

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I think I've seen you post the same thing on a different thread where I also said I wanted to fuck the shota goat. Isn't there a general on /vg/ you can discuss undertale or deltarune things in?

i still haven't played undertale

waiting for switch version to go on sale

>Isn't there a general on /vg/ you can discuss undertale or deltarune things in?
Imagine an entire thread made of people who want to fuck various goats. Now make a lot of those people attention whores who don't want to talk about the game, only their IRL shit and fucking goats.
That's /utg/.

you can't fuck a multiverse entity.

Attached: 660.png (1200x900, 1.47M)

Why the fuck do you think you have the right to discuss this garbage game?
Fuck off.


Not with that attitude.

neither your argument.

What do ya think Edgelord Hypergod Ralsei will look like?

Attached: ralsei-minigun.gif (200x200, 18K)

I actually checked, it says it's an Alphys edition. There was some shota goat pictures near the bottom but I don't see anyone wanting to fuck Asriel. I feel terribly mislead.

>Tobyfox decides to make another game
>Reuses all the characters from Undertale
>It's not the same story, he just took the characters that were already proven to be liked and stuck them in a different game
Why no one is shitting on him for this I'll never know

It's just homestuck but with furries, you kinda expect reused characters at this point.

Because the characters were the strongest part in Undertale

>tfw never played undershite
feels good man

>>Tobyfox decides to make another game
>>Reuses all the characters from Undertale
>>It's not the same story, he just took the characters that were already proven to be liked and stuck them in a different game
Wait a minute... Holy shit, Toby's not even hiding it anymore, he's straight up just taking ideas from Monster Girl Quest.

2020 at the earliest, and I wouldn't hold my breath.

Sometimes they'll fuck a human too, but regardless I'm a bit partial to gotes.

you just described basically every /vg/ thread

I need this cute shota in my bed, naked

Attached: Asriel cute.jpg (640x640, 49K)

He made new characters.
The old characters and now background characters.

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but would you smooch a ghost?

heck yeah

/rlg/ wasn't like that last time I checked.
Apart from a plague of /pol/ subhumans, it was pretty OK.


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>not enjoying the three of them

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For some reason Yea Forums is full of niggers who think they can gain points for not enjoying things that others enjoy.
Console wars, /pol/tards who whine at muh LGBT, VTMB clan wars, anti-UT
Weird mindset

Time to add Hat Kid in there

Hipster mentality.

But I thought 4ch hated hipsters

OFF is an excellent game, but it's not like someone cant enjoy all the games mentioned in this thread. I personally have played and enjoyed everyone except LISA because I didn't get to that one yet.

That doesn't really help it.
Hipsters are a broader demo than assholes with handlebars and plaid shirts, but the average user only avoids looking and talking like a hipster. That makes it hard to mock them, but they're still contemptable.

It's a meme among hipsters that hipsters hate hipsters.
If you identify as hipster, you aren't one.

Thank you for your service

Man, shit's confusing

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