What games are there where the good guy and bad guy team up to defeat a bigger more dangerous foe?

What games are there where the good guy and bad guy team up to defeat a bigger more dangerous foe?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-04 Niche Gamer on Twitter US and Japan Reject United Nations Proposal to Ban Vari (572x598, 433K)

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>Anime and Manga at the cost of games

I'm okay with this.

Ace Combat 5

is it good

it's that VN good?

Does this officially mean loli is legal?

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Those laws never really did anything except get the FBI to add you to a watch list.

I don't know any artists who live in America who went to jail for drawings.

>i-it'll pass, just you wait!
anti-lolifags seething

proof that it's about icky poo-poos and not protecting children

Our world is ended.
Yes I know, it sholuld be "has" but this is the title

>Sexual-abuse of ANYTHING non-existent

Can we just dissolve the UN? It's not like they do shit anymore


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Are there any laws passed since like 1900 that claim to be about protecting children that aren't just power grabs by corrupt governments?

Delete this.

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You forgot to mention Austria you fucking NicheGamer shill.

Literally the only purpose of anti-loli laws is so that they can claim that they're doing successful work against child pornography by declaring drawings to be under the same category.

Trump knows his online base well.

Finally the dumb fucks at the UN are doing something good.

why do jews hate anime and Japan so much?

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>Doing something good
>Proposal gets rejected
Yea, imma say no

It got rejected, retard

The jew fears the samurai.

It seems that there is still some hope left on this earth

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relevant quote
>In the United States, federal law provides that it is illegal to create, possess, or distribute a visual depiction of any kind, including a drawing, cartoon, sculpture or painting, that depicts a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct and is obscene. However, visual depictions (CGI, anime, etc.) where there is not a “real” child are typically protected by the First Amendment (unless the visual depictions are obscene) and the United States’ obligations under the ICCPR.

Maybe you are misinterpreting the title and it is using it in the adjective form as if to say "the world has ends. It is ended"
IDK anything about the game thought I'm just bullshiting here

Because that's something they cannot control despite how retarded they are about the US which itself is controlled by the Jews ?
Can't control it ? Make sure it's destroyed

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>un tells you anime tiddies is bad
>btw, saudi arabia, you can be on the un human rights council with china
Why do we fund them again?


>scumfuck bureaucrats try to make animoo a scapegoat to distract people from all the sex abuse they cover up

The world’s alright sometimes.

Did nips win again?

2D cunny bad
Also libs:
3D cunny okay

This, it's a waste of money and everyone involved should be fired for wasting resources and time that could be spent on fighting actual child exploitation. They will burn in hell for their self-righteous circle-jerking.

it's more of an avenue for them to build a case against you than anything else. the emotional retards that make up the majority don't care to have a rational debate about this and the control freaks within government use this to their advantage

I don't get how someone reaches this point, how can you get THIS mad at something?

> while diddling real children themselves
Fixed that for you user

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There's that upcoming game adapting the first arc of dbz

Don't forget that they hyporcritically horde real CP and actually fuck real children.

Because something is better than nothing. Isolationism does not work, and it will never work again.

It's the thought that counts. At lest they are finally trying to fix this shitty world.

>In the example above, Berserk features a character who was sexually abused as a child. While not intended to be for primarily sexual purposes, the JSSCC argues the proposed law as it stands would be banned under the new law- despite it not being intended to do so.

Is Berserk good?

diddling kids is privilege of jews in high ranks
japan makes that idea available to everyone and are free from jews influence in media

>Try to fix shitty world by making it shittier

Yes but stick to the early work. Not the cgi trash.


autism, not kidding

you have no idea how many problems just a small handful of autistic people can cause a website, especially one like Yea Forums
these people have no jobs, have no life, have no one to talk to or interact with, and they spend their days on the internet just fucking things up for the rest of us, it's really tiring

Do you have proof?

This should have been a thing to begin with

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>Rrrrreeeeeeee, stop giving characters important backstories by implying sexual abuse
>They should all have happy childhoods that involve rainbows and lollipops

>US being based for once
I honestly didn't expect this, what is this bizzarro world?

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Yes. Guts got BLACKED
Read the Manga and watch the 1997 anime

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not anymore.

Yes, but you HAVE to read the manga. It's perfect and all of the anime adaptations fail to fully capture it's beautiful artwork to one extent or another.

>it's a UN actually believe their "laws" are somehow enforcable globally rerun
Imagine being that pathetic.

Anthony Weiner
Jeffrey Epstein
Tony and John Podesta

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get fucked


(((united nations))).

Between this and giving the big dicking to EA I can actually be proud of those clowns in office for once.

based fucking Japan

I mean, that's literally what the un was trying to do, yes

I wish the united states would either go full on isolationism or imperialist
fuck everyone

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Chrono trigger

>Your tax money are paying for these child ring molesters to dictate what you will watch and think.


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Yes. Read it. Watch the first series for the soundtrack and PUT YOUR GRASSES ON.


>Implying sexual abuse

I was actually looking into it earlier today, one of the negative reviews was complaining about it using words like 'brainlet'. And apparently it's absolutely full of sexual jokes. So it might be an amusing read at the very least.

It's because they're all pedos

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This kills the liberal.

amazing post, proud of you, keep it up.

Trust me, under that law, even implied would get banned

Why is everyone trying to dictate what I should think?

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-20 social credit score

Because it's one of the last based countries on the planet. America is close but it's too corrupted by California and money obsessed jews

based, now the big guys can continue diddling real ones

Because its literally a power struggle.

They don't control it

Not hating Israel is a social suicide therefore you're a normie

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I thought this was about the Olympics.

They're protected by the 1A regardless of obscenity, as they would have to prove that the fictional girls are in fact real, and that never flies in court, so they never charge people on it unless they have legitimate CP on their devices.

>full of sexual jokes

OK, that sounds made for me

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Celebration time!
U.N. got BTFo!
Now it's time for is to shine!
You can join too!

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SJW-occupied Sony's example is what other SJW-occupied businesses and sectors of business are going to try and do if traditional methods of attack against 'problematic' Japanese media don't yield results.

If you can't force them to change, you simply block their ability to do business until they do. It's proven effective in Sony's case, it remains to be seen whether or not their tactic can be applied to other markets, and no doubt there are people thinking seriously about it right now.

>tfw you'll live to see this system getting implemented into western countries

The US has never given a fuck about the UN or its proposals unless it 100% benefited them

The Wonderful 101

>U.N. got BTFo!
When is that not the case?

Does this mean Steam will stop being fags now?

I'd like that officer to arrest my spermies!

Why the fuck does the UN even exist?
They haven't done anything worthwhile ever
It's just a huge sinkhole of tax money

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Phone posting and the effortless ban evasion it enables is why this shit is so rampant

Hiro is a greedy faggot though, and would never allow phone users to be banned no matter how many long-running and persistent problems they cause sitewide because of his ad revenue and how much they contribute to it due the average idiot not using mobile adblocking

This pretty much. Any case where the accused had child porn, it's almost always open-and-shut case, and the prosecutors just use loli/shota as extra fuel for the fire. But any time anyone just had loli or shota, the case became more contentious, but the lawyer of the accused recommends taking the plea deal. In exchange they get a slap on the wrist with just an obscenity charge, and only a couple months or years in prison, and no requirement to register on sex offender lists.

First amendment doesn’t apply to obscene material (the landmark “I know it when I see it” ruling), but I believe you’re correct in that loli can’t count as CP without setting the dumbest precedent ever.

Hurray for the safety of anime lolis in video games!

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So this timeline isn't so fucked after all.

I won't because I would probably go postal and go out in a blaze of glory out of principle

No, see If you can't stop something legally, just say it goes against your business practices. Same laws that protect loli in the US also protect businesses from being forced to uphold said laws

technically anybody with enough time, autism and money could easily reverse that obscenity ruling, since it's blatantly unconstitutional and the only reason no one has done it is because nobody wants to discuss naked people of any caliber or age.

loli/shota of fictional characters has always been legal. It's when you're drawings depict real living minors that they become grey area/illegal. You would have a very hard time arguing that loli/shota depicts real living people as they don't look anything like a living person.

This is the 2nd time in just a few years that Japan has had to repeat themselves that going after fictional depictions of minors, women, or any others, takes away from real victims and issues. Also banning such harms working class individuals who are also often minors (16+) and women who create such content.

Shit i forgot my image

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It's that way for all the top UN countries because the UN only benefits small and developing nations. That's why the UN is powerless because any relevant country doesn't care

Beautiful fertility is something (((they))) want to destroy for the goym.


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Doesn't it only become obscene only when it's displayed publicly? Like, how you can't build your sex shop or strip club in the middle of the "well-to-do" parts of town?


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Remember when that mod from neogaf (which would later spawn the spinoff we all know as RetardEra) got caught being an absolute shit stain? Hmm I wonder why people care about protecting fictional people as opposed to real, living, breathing ones

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Surprised the US actually rejected that

One world government.

this is a very nice image


Why to manufacture justification for whatever it is US feels like doing to the world of course.

The US government of late dislikes the UN in general and probably only did it out of spite

Every single time. Of course the kike pedophile was projecting.

Every single fucking time. These faggots need to stay in their glass houses.

Kill the UN
Bomb China
Bomb Palestine
Bomb Israel
Save the world

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>America cuts a bit of the funds to the UN
>everyone shits themselves
Free loading nations should pick up the slack.


At least post Yea Forums related ones.

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Reminder that the same people wanting to push this ban are also the one who go through the mental gymnastics that they are protecting women by getting women fired from their jobs that are demeaning to women and that said women should thank them for that protection

>US protecting anime

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Don't forget that one anti-loli UN rep who was caught molesting kids.

Why even exist

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I'm an artist myself, and honestly nothing of value was lost.
There is only 1 reason for stuff like that to exist. And it shouldn't

UNIST is Yea Forums

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imagine not living in the US or Japan

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It exists so unelected bureaucrats can have fancy parties and be pretentious old men playing at running the world. Look at what the EU is, that's what they want the UN to be.

US is the bad guy right?

Jews hate what they can't control, their last ditch effort of forcing "declining birthrates" in Japan so that they accept more immigrants isn't doing too well, and that's a good thing, the west is already ruined by such tactics, "multiculturism" is the downfall of european countries and they hate on the fact that Japan publicly denies rapefugees from getting in their country.

You're also apparently an illiterate retard.

Isolationism only doesn’t work because the EU refuses to do their own military spending and Russia would take a leisurely stroll through their collective backyards without them banding together.

>I'm an artist myself

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Anyone feel like loli shit is just a mood too? Like I can go from enjoying it to not liking it in a span of a nanosecond. Anyone else?

US are the good guys? What the fuck? Based.

This post is Khloe from ffxiv

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Stupid UN doing useless shit again, when was the last time they suggested something useful?

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Even when they had influence they still managed to fuck things up. It's still not as useless as the league of nations though.

It does actually, otherwise you wouldn't be able to carry signs that have curse words on them (because curses are obscene under US law).

Well, just like food, somedays you want something, others you want another thing. Porn is like that too.

But it is

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Yeah, so basically loli is okay in the US if the loli is cartoon-looking right?

I don’t think you could. You’d have to get that past a jury. As dumb as the Miller Test is, it’s just another refresh on the Supreme Court tip-toeing around the definition of obscene for a hundred years.

No, now the UN thinks they actually matter outside the whims of the US. Their absolute impotence over the past 3 years has been very amusing.

Also the fact that Japan is homogenous and still retain a healthy modicum of xenophobia means they can't ASSUME DIRECT CONTROL and pull the age old trick of playing at being white and blending in while installing themselves at all levels of government and society like they can in Europe and the US.


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>Why even exist
Dunno, ask Bob Page.

When will the UN be disassembled? It's fucking useless at this point, just a circlejerk of high rank power hungry fags. Name 1 (ONE) possitive thing they made.

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Literally (not figuratively) every single time.
The FBI don't even need honeypots, just track whoever is the most adamant about "saving" the fictional children on twitter

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That's not a jew, that's clearly an asian male

The UN came into existence as result of WWII. One of their first resolutions was the establishment of the State of Israel. So never

I enjoy loli more than most other genres, but I also enjoy big tiddy moms and fit tan girls.

It's not unheard of. I always find it odd how hard some people focus on policing art instead of something that actually affects people like human trafficking.

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Good luck proving that your picture isn't realistic enough to count


yup, I fucked up.
it's early as fuck and im having my coffee rn.
Still stand by my statement. You know it's true.

Trust me, the child sexual abuse in Berserk is anything but implied, magical mentor black man is very explicit.

Palestine is Israel itself you retarded mutt

>shitpost and ruin a board
>airplane mode on/off
>shitpost again
Phone service providers should be range banned

It depends on where you live

Believe it or not, we do still have a 1st amendment.
The SCOTUS just recently unanimously reaffirmed that hate speech is free speech (and by unanimously, I mean 9-0).
The constitution exists for a reason.

This but also bomb America and India

A lot are range banned. My services IP pool is range banned

>the UN
>even less elected than the European council
>making laws, ever

Hallo whar are vidyagames??? Lellllll 4channel=reddit, no off topix!!!!!!

>check the source
>fucking huge areola and inverted nipples
My dick is confused.


>You know it's true.
Nope, because I'm not a retard that thinks drawings make someone a pedophile. Just as I don't believe violent games make someone a murderer.