Attached: 70PFMmu.png (964x750, 707K)

Rimworld is already playable and it's already a fun game.

big wait

>Wanting to buy a free game


For you

all these years of fun well deserve a buy

Why in the world would you play rimworld when you have dwarf fortress?
And think before you embarrass yourself

Dwarf Fortress is already playable you dumbass. And it's free.

Rimworld is fun tho

Why not both?

Your helping them to pay for medical bills, have a heart user.

Game isn't fun to play, nice you made a lava forge, good for you.

Those graphics still mindfuck me even tho I know what it's supposed to look like now.

Villains is about 2-3 months out, then they work on steam version. It could be 4 months, maybe even half a year away.

Attached: kbh87.png (661x310, 803K)

isn't this the game with the transexual dwarves?

Is he still talking about procedural magic. How long it's been

He was only putting it on steam to pay his brothers medical costs, since his brother died he no longer has any reason to release it.

>Time is subjectlive
Well they aren't wrong. It has been, subjectively, too fucking long.

I want to support the dev without sending him shekels directly

All the steamfolks out of the loop will be super pissed when they find out the patches only drop after months or years of waiting

It says time is subjective right there
Just go into a coma OP

He made up some bullshit on the spot to get some tyranny to shut up.
I believe it does have gay dwarves though.

since when does Dwarf Fortress have graphics?

Attached: 1523012659309.jpg (487x543, 45K)

since the trannies took over


He ain't dead tho

If it looks like that why would you want it? How can you even tell what is going on in that pic OP? Looks like the grass goes into a ditch.

Attached: i'll never have a fort this cool.jpg (3400x2450, 1.11M)

Name one good thing dwarf Fortress does that is more interesting than RimWorld.

Adventure mode.


>turns game into a shitty rpg
You know, you're right. Dwarf Fortress does do that better.

he said one good thing

here's your tranny Fortress fampai

Ruins the game.

z-levels ruined DF

Only if you're a brainlet who can't understand 3 dimensions

People probably thing it'll have GUI and shit
naive bastards

Was getting pirated part of your plan?


Are you making fun of yourself? Because dwarf Fortress is a 2d game.

desu, the only thing that I think DF has over RW is Z levels, which would be comfy as shit in rimworld's setting because you could make apartments

an officially sanctioned tileset lmao

Huge caverns

Attached: 1505929348130.png (1091x544, 246K)

Transgender dwarves

I never played Dwarf Fortress, the graphics are too off-putting for me to care enough to try, but if it was rereleased with graphics like this, I'd give it a go.

So I approve the idea of this remake. There are games that could use a visual uplift and DF is one of them.

>We just might not have a lot of time left by the time we get there.

Does he think that he may die before its finished?

Heh, you're pretty retarded