This just came out on Steam

Thoughts on it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

looks shit and boring

estrogen and soipilled

People only pretended to care when it was PS4 Exclusive*

literally just more cringe

Looks annoying. Not gonna play it.

R e d d i t

cmons stop memeing real thoughts please?


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It's fucking rick and morty reskinned. Do you like that show? Yes? Then you'll probably like this.

That's fucking it.

Looks like one of those YouTuber bait games that's only fun for a little while.


morty im gonna improv some stupid random shit morty goblob dob dob dooby poopy morty

It's made by the creators of Rick and Morty? Wow, I love Rick and Morty. PICKLE RICK!!! Remember when they played Fallout 76 with Ninja? That was lit!!!

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>another "controversial" game


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God this was embarrassing

Is this game a proper 3D platformer? Fuck politics, and fuck reddit memes.

looks like zoomer shit desu

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It's a really good walking simulator with plenty of offensive humor that R&M wouldn't normally touch on because of Dan Harmon and the other shitty writers that shackle Justin from being himself. It's really good at making you have an uncomfortable laugh.
I'd actually argue that this game would piss off most R&M fans and just hit the niche that liked the show before reddit ruined it with 3smart5u sperging.

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Why does that guy have two mics?

is vr required?

Wasn't this trash PS4 exclusive?

Yea Forums: the game
edgy unfunny humor for 14 year olds that think they are breaking the rules.

only good new game is spicy vulf vr

It's got some decent basic platforming for as short of a game that it is, though you don't get any powers beyond gliding and pounding. Doesn't have that problem that Yooka Laylee had where the worlds are too big since they had to keep in mind that you warp with Trover and he has a limited range. Maybe 2 platforming puzzles and the rest is combat and other types of puzzles.

After R&M and Accounting+ VR I think Roiland has hit his peak

Even Accounting got really old really fast after the updated version. What's left for him to do outside of random profanity and absurd situations?

Roiland should be relegated to second banana for a more competent studio where he would be allowed to inject a handful of his style of character into an existing franchise like a garnish instead of the entire meal being the garnish. Yes I used a food analogy, you eat a meal once and you play these kinds of games once, fuck you.

Nope, you can play it completely without VR and just look at a regular screen. The motion tracking is only if you want to actually nod or shake your head when you get asked questions.

>in a time where edgy humor is getting censored out for da kiddos bc advertiser money

you reek of pretentiousness, faggot.


>Rick and Morty

Two days ago, yeah. Today it's no longer so.


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When the hell did Yea Forums become a goddamn hivemind? I guarantee none of you have actually played this and won't because you want to hate it.

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Give one reason for anyone to care about this beyond it being voiced and written by Roiland.


Do you find it funny to have to decide to kill a tutorial guy OR a guy who eats fetuses which he incubate in women who he puts into labor when he is hungry?

Because if you watched the trailer for rick and morty and then played rick and morty and did the same for accounting you would realize you've seen 90% of the content for a game with no replay value.

Once you play this game (which will probably be a barely 1 hour experience, maybe 3) you will never pick it up again.

It's $30 you could spend on literally anything else.

Self-aware forced diversity hire joke

>Let's advertise this game by loling and XDing

It's like 8 hours long

you can kill both if you pick the tutoriap guy first

>VR memeground
lol no thanks

I watched a playthrough of it. There's definitely some cringy moments and a lot of "ahah fucking le profanity" but there's some parts where the voice actors go off-script and it's hilarious.

I really doubt this

They recorded 11 hours of Justin talking, then boiled it down to 8 hours for the entire game. They recorded his audio and then built an entire game around it. If there's any other game you know that's done that, you tell me.

>implying anything was written down

You can play it without VR, it's optional.

Yes they recorded a lot of him talking for previous games but it was always shit where you had to sit still and wait for a character to exhaust their dialogue. If that's true for this game I'm not even going to bother.

If the selling point is hours of Justin talking this should have been a podcast.

>from the co-creator of rick and morty

Yeah strong opening you got there. Game must have real credentials if you're opening your description with that.
I'll give it a wide berth

>I watched a playthrough of it

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I don't support racists.

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>amerilard humor
>amerilard animation
>amerilard platformers

There's always something to do while you listen. Even if you rush through everything, knowing damn well with your attitude that you're only going to play it once, it's still at least 3+ hours of game.

Just know I swallowed gum because of your post.

>now 3+hrs

It's a 1 hour game, isn't it. If you just do the immediate action in accounting the whole game is maybe 15 minutes and if you do the same for the rick and morty game it's ~30 but only because of the shooting sequence.

Guys, sitting and listening to Roiland do voices is not gameplay. He's funny but this is not the way to do a game.

>actual crime rate statistics are racist
>apologize for being offensive
It's all so tiresome.

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>8 hours of audio = 8 hours of gameplay
are you retarded?

>speedrunning comedy game

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It's ok Roiland, I'm sure reddit will still buy your game.

Don't cry

nice reddit spacing

appeasement doesn't work

That looks stupidly bad. I don't care who the maker is. It looks bad.

Did they also get mad at the flextape people for endorsing jontron?

i just saw some gameplay

Literally rick and morty, if you say otherwise you should at least own your own 10inches black pickle rick dildo cause this is exactly the same burger humor as rick and morty. Even the fucking voice is the same all the way to the stuttering

>i just saw some gameplay

>When the hell did Yea Forums become a goddamn hivemind
We had a vote on it just the other day. Don't you check your Yea Forums email account?

i know right, should've ordered 5 first or just talked like if i knew the game was shit beforehand before even seeing it.

Yes, they are hopeless.

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Yea Forums doesn't actually play video games, that's why e-celeb threads keep popping up

What did he even say?


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Just know I swallowed cum because of your post.


>anti-immigration sentiments because his parents were immigrants and he apparently had a rough childhood, but nobody talks about this because it's easier rage about CIS WHITE MALE saying BIGOTED THING
>"rich blacks commit more crimes than poor whites"
If you take out the rich/poor thing, he is 100% correct.

literally read facts out loud about blacks being more niggers than whites

>Doesn't like Rick and Morty
>Buys the game
Do people really do this?

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le quirky

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jontron was the only good thing about this commercial

The creator can only do that one style of comedy, its the same exact shit. hell, they even use the same fucking font.

This is what happens when the only VR game is VR chat

I thought this game has been out for a long time?
I remember it being some rick and morty type of shit

how is it new?

I thought it was a PS4 exclusive.
Anyway, I don't care about this shit.

Apparently some people got sponsored to play it.

Gamersets my dude!

It's a different VR game, people are memeing that it's a R&M game because it's all made by Roiland.

Well, the humour IS similar

Thread's more repetitive than the game's humor because nobody likes reading

But the story is different and separate from R&M.

accounting was so fucking awful this looks like more of the same

who really cares about a story in a game in which the humour is supposed to be the selling point?
And it's mostly just rehashed shit from R&M, people like Roiland really aren't geniuses in creating "original content"

I care.

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but the story in deltatune wasn't good either

I need something to watch is ricky n martin a good tv show or pure cringe?

It's not a finished game either, but that won't stop people from liking it anyway.

Season 1 is good, don't bother after that.
>t. not a faggot reddit meme parrot

It's a good show from which you can get good laughs from. Don't let other people's opinions waver what you can or can not enjoy. I like watching family guy from time to time and that show has very bad reputation on image boards, even though it can be funny as hell
Just check out few episodes and if it suits you, keep watching more

Just don't watch Season 3, the writing is done by a hack of a woman and the entire tone of the show changes at that point in the worst way possible.

Rick and Morty's garbage so this probably will be too.

Season was is a decent back to the future parody but it devolved into 2deep4u tryhard drama garbage later on because that's what the Reddit r/nihilism audience wanted. Almost the entire writing team fucked off after season 2 also because of strikes and they tried covering it up with diversity hires with barely any actual background. The love potion episode was a mistake and that and Harmon ruined everything

This. They both have issues in latter seasons but there are good episodes earlier on. Give it a watch and form your own opinions though.
Even season 2 was kind of shakey honestly, though you're absolutely correct.


Season 2 was tolerable enough. I've heard people say there are one or two good episodes in Season 3, but I can't be bothered to watch it to find said episodes. I'd rather not sit through a whole plot about family abuse.

Dan Harmon is legitimately autistic, everything he touches is incredibly bland. At least Roiland has a sense of humor. Yea Forums even memed that Dan was Justin's tard wrangler years ago even though it turned out to be the opposite and Justin had a good grip.

Eh.. saw some gameplay.
If the meta-style comedy of the game was handled by someone alot more edgier it would be excellent.

Could've been very good if there was way more R-rated shit going on

Finally a game for high IQ people such as myself.

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Wait that was real? I thought that was a joke.

Torrent anywhere?

I thought it was PSVR exclusive? Neat, I'll give it a try then. I enjoyed Accounting

While I agree, there are also people like in this pic who think the game is spoiled because JonTron was part of an ad for it, for a comment in the past they deem as "racist".
Nevermind that Roiland had done extremely offensive humor in the past like full-blown child rape jokes, they only know him as the Rick and Morty man.
oh wow

It had Jontron in the commercial.

>things cant be funny unless its R-rated

What a R-etarded opinion.

R-tarded fits that joke better

>I'd rather not sit through a whole plot about family abuse.
why not, it's rick and morty so you know it's just going to be over the top dark humor anyway

>Uhmm, geez Rick, I don't think you can say that word!

Shill thread, my best advice, kys

>Did you even ask Adult Swim if you could do this clip?
>No I didn't


>expecting real opinions from the peanut gallery

>if you're not contrarian you're part of the peanut gallery

The humor is so fucking bad.

Pretty sure I've seen statistics about rich nogs commiting more crimes than white trailer trash.

>If you take out the rich/poor thing, he is 100% correct.

Rich blacks DO commit more crime than poor whites.

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Its a free game so I'll check it out. Big fan of R&M.


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fake/outdated statistics

do you have new statistics? link?

How can it be both fake AND outdated? Saying it's outdated implies the data is real, and you really think the rates have changed much since then? You have nothing to back up what you're saying and are just spewing shit 'cause you dislike what you see.

The fact is that rich black neighborhoods still have higher crime than poor white neighborhoods.

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I didn't say that.
I said that this game would be better with r-rating.
You should go back to elementary school with that kind of reading comprehension.

mmm grayons

Why do you care?

How much of that money doesn't account for blood and drug money?

Why would someone play an adventure game in 2019? They are just what people do when they have a short story since books don't sell for as much

Do these statistic account for real work earnings? I kinda find it hard to believe that blacks who earn this much annually would have such high homicide rates unless their money was earned through rap music or illicit means

It's because race is a greater indicator of murder rate than poverty. The highest crime cities/towns aren't the poorest, they're the ones with the highest percentage of blacks.

Just because some are rich doesn't mean they won't still chimp out (pic related).

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Can I play it without VR? Also, is it cracked yet?

I thought it looked like shit when the trailer ran for the 20th time at the last E3 and I still think it looks like shit.

Yes and unknown

Lets face, the were never going to forgive him anyway unless he becomes subservient to one of the queen bees.

>he thinks demographic data significantly changes within ~10 years

Squanchers crying at the replies they received in this market thread lol. Noone want to play your shitty games

Ooh, is it back to House of Cosby's/Doc n Marty Justin?

Don't even feel like pirating it.

every fucking time

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>Resetera is butthurt that a guy who stated statistics about race and crime did a commercial for a dude who made a video where Garfield calls people niggers

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>plebeian buyers fight over opinions
>Patrician pirates explore and decide for themselves

>the selling point of a videogame now is that the game was designed around a podcast
you should really kill yourselves at this point, this stopped being funny

Thats cringe as fuck