Lowly dps and tank players should always thank and commend their healer

Lowly dps and tank players should always thank and commend their healer.

Attached: 777799.jpg (669x1193, 120K)

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kill yourself


Sweeeeet, I look forward to the porn!

how come I win more games when team goes 3 tanks/3 healers than any other comp?


No, ill just take a long rest instead

Can mods ban the image MD5 yet fuck this autistic OP that spams this trash daily

More porn, less talking, slut

> mfw i blow the guy a healtranny was healing into smithereens
> mfw they start running away from me like a protagonist running away from the killer in a slasher movie
God, is there a more satisfying feeling?

Attached: sdfsdf.jpg (152x254, 12K)

ERP faggots finna boutta get dabbed on

Attached: this kills the healsut.png (137x244, 3K)

My local potion seller refuses to sell me any of his stock.

Only good healer is a healer that deals enough damage to compete with DPS classes.

maybe his potions are too strong for you

Means he needs an incentive in order to sell to you. What can you offer him?

Try going to a potion seller more....your speed.

>is there a more satisfying feeling?
yes. embracing your true nature (you're posting on Yea Forums, this is in your blood) and worshipping BIG tank health bars.

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financial compensation in exchange for goods like how basic economics work
how the fuck you gonna stay in business hocking your +5 potions of cockslurping if you don't sell shit to anyone until they do 20 fetch quests and bring you a shipment of 50 bear asses

How should I commend my healers?

spam the "thanks" emote or voice command while rapidly crouching and/or jumping

Fuck that, he could be selling potions to someone that'll actually secure either his shipping routes or his ingredients through quests.
Fuck selling potions to some rando that could get killed in the next cave for all he knows, when it could have gone to someone that's actually doing something in his benefit.

>Lowly dps and tank players
wrong. healers are way at the bottom of the hierarchy. get on your knees and replenish my hitpoints slut

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Should I be spinning around in a circle as well?

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I looked up this artist and his art is terrible. That was about the only decent thing he's ever produced.

oh good i'm not the only one who thinks so

>blow the healtranny
Makes sense

>I'm sorry user, but you have been diagnosed with SDC (Small Dick Syndrome). While there's no cure, you can mitigate the symptoms by becoming a HealSlut.


Remember to listen do your Doctor's orders!

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I didn't play OW very long, but in my experience Zenyatta was much more fun than Mercy.

Attached: Experience Tranquility.png (1024x1027, 790K)