Please kill retail already

Please kill retail already.

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faggot, kys

t.Fat man who doesn't make games but still wants lots of money

nice meme shitlord go back to pol

Who are those people?

I don't give a fuck about the retarded story I just want the game to go back to have a class design not made for special kids and a reward system that isn't trying to mimic a slot machine. Is that asking too much of Actiblizzard? I guess so.

you greekanon sure spend a lot of time in twitter.
anyway, yes christie golden will kill retail by herself. which is funny, because vanilla developers said that the story was shit because it didnt need to be good when you had all those gameplay elements and a little sense of mistery and the feel of a really big world.
even warcraft ii story, which is just a few pages in the game manual and a few texts in the game, is better than the whole bfa story.

>Who are those people?

The man is the project director for the in game cinematics (not the CG ones) the woman is the lead writer for that diarrhea that is BfA story. They're both very excited about the upcoming July big patch. And nobody else gives a shit.

>christie golden will kill retail by herself

Nah Blizzard killed retail. Golden's writing is just the shit cherry on the giant turd that this expansion has been.
>hurr Thrall's back guys!!! He's going to kick Sylvanas ass so we can have SoO electric bogaloo!!!
Who cares? The game has still shit design, shit drop system with shit tianshitting.

Rift feels more like WoW than retail.

that ugly chick no one wanted to hang around with in school
you know that one who read Harry Potter and probably wrote smutty fanfic about him
poor grooming habits, poor hygiene and lacking social skills not to mention a complete lack of traditional feminine traits

Christie Golden is exactly what happens when those chicks grow up
they deem themselves "creative" because they surrounded themselves with fanatsy worlds and cringy clichees and somehow end up being "writers"
look up some female "writers" and they will always feature that ugly slightly chubby disgusting look and you know exactly where they came from
this whole profession is a big joke when the only people doing it are rejects who lack social maturity to actually be critical of their own work and use input from others to grow out of their clichee writing

it also doesnt help, that male rejects constantly enable these disgusting creatures
balding, fat, bearded with glasses.. it is actually sad how easy it is to describe these people because they are so similar in appearance as they are in behaviour and background

fuck is that image supposed to mean? someone translate this for an autist who can't read wacky faces

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>lead blizzard writer
>literal who
get out from under that rock dumbfuck

Blizz somehow hires the worst writer in the industry.
Knaak was as terrible as Golden. They both only write about cringy stuff and self-inserts.

Let me reiterate: literally fucking who?
Your thread looks like twitter bait from some random internet retards.

ok retard
feel free to hide thread and go back to your HE'S IN and /pol/ "stealth" threads

unironically have sex

Everything is Ion's fault

absolute cringepost

looks like i hit a nerve

i'm wow'fappin as i read this thread lmao
you guys are steamed