Despite Yea Forums's best efforts to destroy Sony, PlayStation continues to remain King

Despite Yea Forums's best efforts to destroy Sony, PlayStation continues to remain King.

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Well I mean, Xbox has just about released more variations of its controllers and Xbox One than its total amount of games library, so that isn't very surprising.

>IGN readers

can't spell nigger with an I an G and an N


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Well no shit, look at the fucking specs
This is literally a high end PC, mix it with Sony exclusives and voilà

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>IGN readers

So niggers and 3rd worlders. Sheesh

IGNorant NIGerrs

Looks pretty weak, compared to THE POWER OF THE CELL

The PS3 was so incredibly strong that there's is still no upgrade

There are only 2 companies releasing a new system soon.
That just means it's pretty much 50-50

>Sony exclusives
Wow amazing.
Capeshit QTE game
VR shit
VR shit 2

>ign readers
Figures a bunch of little kids whose mommies won't let them have a real PC yet want more fucking consoles.


why is this happening to us brehs???

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the best part is people telling for so long the ps4pro was there to stay 10 years

Noooooo! They are paid by Sony to say that aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

P$4 can't do 4k, now they advertise that P$5 will be able to do 8k.

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>only half
the king is dead

Butthole boy I think you’re forgetting a little special someone called persona 5

>IGN readers
wow, also you're going to tell me next IGN reviews are based?

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8K* HD
10 FPS

definition of cope

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i wonder what games they'll be buying

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This. I don't think the power of CELL will be bypassed on our lifetime. When ayyy lmaos come to earth. They'll adopt cell technology instantly

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what the fuck?
troll or real guys, these numbers are not reassuring me to buy for death stranding

Whats an acceptable news source for video game happenings?


I only read siliconera and gematsu because they write about weebshit.
Also gameinformer when they shill upcoming games with exclusive info.

Brother, fucking 1-2 Switch is in the top 10 for you know who’s console

>high end

They won't in the next gen.

i honestly just want it to play bloodborne with faster loading times

That's still one game though. As shit as it is, people only bought it because there literally was nothing on the Switch.

Will we be able to finally play Bloodborne in 60fps?

Yea Forums is just a small, almost insignificant, internet community that has no bearing on anything.

>"That's not true! Yea Forums is one of the most powerful gamer factions and it controls the industry!"
If that's true, then why non-Nintendo consoles still exist? Why Playstation exclusives are always the best selling games every year? Why Overwatch still exists?

Normalfags chose the PS4 as the defacto platform for their games and it shows in sales charts.

>b-b-but nintendooo

nobody truly thinks Yea Forums has any say in videogames
however if it wasnt for Yea Forums fnaf wouldnt be popular,people wouldnt have heard of undertale,lisa,god hand and so on if it wasnt for Yea Forums i would have never played all those great games

who in the fuck even thinks they got their moneys worth with this generation?

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Nice deflection, snoynegro.

Tell me, which was your favorite game, was it FIFA 15, FIFA 16 or FIFA 17 ?

Well here in Mexico everybody's that I know owns a PS3-PS4, and they only own Fifa or game like COD, free to play games.
I'm the odd one because I own PS4/Xbox/& Switch.

No matter how shit it is, Yea Forums remains the best vidya forum.

We know this... fuck I love autists you guys are something else

Why does that image list the same game four times?

>god hand
Oh come the fuck on. God Hand was very well known without Yea Forums.

>PlayStation continues to remain King

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I'll never understand the sales of GTA. It's one of the worst games I've ever played and I've played a lot

well fuck me i never heard of it
iam only 22 when it came out i must have been like 10

honestly if gta is one of the worst games youve ever played you havent really played any bad games

Normies buying the same game every year and spending money on FUT.

I dont get why anyone wants any console when PC still exists and is getting more "exclusive* to X" where * is merely a limited time exclusive. I use to like consoles but this constant baiting shit is scumbag as fuck, I wouldnt have bought half the shit I did for playstation if I knew it would come to PC, still waiting for EDF5 to get announced, I know its going to, its just a matter of waiting for it.

It's already confirmed to be 8K for DVDs only

>jews: diversity is important! open borders! race mix!
>also jews: stay out of israel niggers! we need to keep the jewish race pure!

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Reminder that 1 2 Switch and Labo outsold Xenoblade 2

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>It's one of the worst games I've ever played and I've played a lot
No you didnt. You just picked all your games out Yea Forums top 20 list.

The infamous IGN review was infamous for a reason: Clover Studio fans were livid with it, and that was back in 2006.
All the "hidden gems" Yea Forums talk about so much are well knows by everyone; there is nothing Yea Forums has discovered on its own.

Which is your favorite Nintendo gimmick toy, Labo, 1 2 Switch or Wii Fit?

Well XC2 is as trash as those two so it makes sense.

i just love Yea Forums to be honest its a great community

Death Stranding is proof Sony isn't all bad. Stop being so buttmad that PS4 is outselling your favorite console, Yea Forums. It's beneath you.

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The thing is neither of those are the best sellers. So your post is pretty dumb.

>55 years
>no children
>reviews toys on the internet


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I’m just saying that you can’t judge a console by its user base. Normies like fifa idk. I guess Nintendofags like playing around with a joystick and pointing it at eachother. I don’t care man..

Right, the best selling Switch game is a literal full priced Wii U port, which is a karting game for toddlers.

How is that any better, you fat hypocrite?

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Sony has to fuck up hugely to lose Nintendo hasn't been a direct competitor for like 2 decades and Xbox has no good exclusives

>but nintendo

People that aren't fit to have children shouldn't have them; that woman did the right thing.
Imagine the suffering her hypothetical children would have to endure under the hands of a lunatic womanchild who reviews toys for a living. Just because your parents treated you like a piece of shit because you were unwanted doesn't mean that other people deserve the same fate.

wow a 55 year old irish feminist
that's exactly my type

ANyone who actually believe any of that trash really need to get his brain checked. Reminder that the OS4 was supposed to give 1080P 60FPS minimum. How often did that happen this gen?

I'm not a casual, Yea Forums wouldn't even think about playing games with such a high skill ceiling

Considering Mario Kart is more video game than all of the sony exclusives combined that's fine.

Don't throw rocks in glass house, nincel. Didn't your mother teach you that?

I'm sure if you keep deflecting the fact that you got 4 soccer titles in your top 10 will stop obliterating your ass.

This better GTA, CoD and FIFA than shit like 1-2 Switch, Wii Sports, Wii Fit etc.

>It's ok when Nintendo sells casualized party games in the millions

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>but nintendo

Exactly. I'd much rather play GTA and Fortnite than Nintendo non-games such as Wii Fit and Labo and all other useless shit they pump out yearly to lure soccer moms in.

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Backwards compatibility is pretty neat.
If it gets on sale, I'd pick up a PS5. I have no interest in their exclusives but most Playstation get dirt cheap as year passes, at least the first revisions. If I can get something to play all the other old PS titles, that's good enough for me, and I'm a Nintenfag, but I do like a bunch of PS titles like the platformers, ZOE, Shinobido, Mon Hun and so on.

Persona 5
Both of these games are objectively better than a Mario kart port. Look inside yourself. You know it to be true

Your console is five years old

and it has two games

He won't admit it. Nintendofags are so far up Iwata's cancer ass they'll never admit that their party games for toddlers are less than perfect.

Your console is two years old

And it has just Wii U ports.

That wasn’t your point.

Imagine how many ninceldos have reported this thread already

>but nintendo

GTA and Fortnite are actual games and sports games are fun with friends. Wii Fit is just fucking exercising no real game.

The Irish are honestly subhuman.

>snoygroids losing their minds

PS4 gets every game that matters all you have is botw and smash with no third party support like every Nintendo system

Except it also has 2 of the best game ever. Unlike the PS4, obviously

>muh multiplats

story of the PS4's life

Ohhhh hell yeah here it comes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LETS HEAR IT!!!!

What are games that matter, snoygroid ?
And, additionnal question, from those ''game that matter'' how many are not better played on a PC ?

>even on the eve of E3, an event we opted out of, Yea Forums can't stop thinking about us
why are y'all so tsundere?

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NES roms

This thread has been an embarrassing display by Nintendofags. We could've laughed at Xbox together but you chose this path.

You realize that 8K is a meme and will always be a meme, right? 8K will not become a standard. It offers no improvement to the human eye, unless you sit six inches away from the screen, which not even deskfags do.

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you are welcome, snoygroid

>only Wii U party games sold for full prices count as games
Arguing with mental illness.

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Not him but
Are two of the best games of the last five years imo

Is that the score for Red Dead 2, a game exclusively not on Switch?

1-2 switch
Mario tennis

Fuck you snoygroid

exclusives count as games

but since your console doesn't have any i can understand why it upsets you

>cites critic scores as good games
fucking lol

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Backwards Compatibility sells it for me.
Even if I have no interest in boring open world, overly cinematographically commited titles and shooting games, I can go back, buy all the cheap PS2 titles ( as long as it's not something like Rule of Rose ) and enjoy myself.
Didn't they say the games would receive some kind of improvement as well? So that'd be nice
I'd be all over Nintendo too if they provided a better VC or backwards compatibility, but they don't.

I think it’s my fault because I mentioned the 1-2 switch. I should’ve known how sensitive that topic can be.. and now they’ve become deranged...

How are Wii U ports you can also emulate for free on PC exclusives again?

Persona 5
Nier Automata
God of War
Yakuza 0
Monster Hunter

Just a reminder that Yea Forums correctly voted Nier Automata as GOTY over that reddit piece of shit Zelda.

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Underrated post

Those are movie games.

Nintendo Labo, now THAT's a game!

makes sense

t. ign reader

what are some good switch exclusives
and dont say botw, since it's not exclusive

Everything that isn't Yea ForumstendoGAF is Sony-biased to you. You'll just have to accept reality sooner or later.

go and read the one from last gen and the next xbox had the most interest because of the success of the 360. in reality this doesn't mean anything till the consoles actually come out and when people weigh up their options. if sony prices their console above $399 is DOA (like the ps3) and if MS has a more expensive console with worse performance it'll be DOA (like this gen).

>hating on sony
It's the biggest redflag to indicate you're not only a hypocrite, but also fat and constantly angry LOL

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1-2 switch isn’t on any other platform

God tendies are pathetic, imagine only having a switch to play.

>look at my virtue, I can't devend the system with facts, but DAMN you are a NAZI if you hate it

Why are there 4 FIFAs on PS4?

Why did the fat guy buy a PS4 if he hates it?

Just stop, you sound like a lunatic.

>amd shit
>high end
in 2013 maybe

Because ninceldos always cave in, in the end
Imagine how many of the 100mil ps4 are owned by people who hate sony


wow it's like the sony fanbase are funding microsofts next gen consoles and these 14 games they're going to show.

25.6m * $30 = 768,000,000

nearly a billion dollars for minecraft on ps4 alone fucking yikes. no wonder MS are putting games on PC they'll make an absolute fortune.

Finally. Take a seat over there Xbox

Hell no.
Outside of GTA V, Nier Automa, and COD Zombies I wish I didn’t waste my money

I got my money's worth in terms of every game I wanted this gen is out and I've enjoyed but now I'm at that "I wanna try out stuff that I passed up over the years that didn't initially catch my attention" phase

>see, if this asian is 2.3 meter tall( 7.8 feet), that mean all the asians are the same height

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>half of ign readers
All three of them?

You have 4 fucking soccer games as best sellers
4 games that are 99% the same

You're right user, every game on ps4 is actually a movie and the switch has the best games of all time.
Please get help.

I don't get console wars between Sony & Nintendo. It was dumb but maybe somewhat understandable with Nintendo & Sega, and maybe for Sony & Microsoft nowadays, and even then it's kind of shaky.
But Nintendo & Sony's demographic are for the most part pretty different from one another. The arguments always seem to rely on games that don't sell, or around exclusives, which I don't think either side show the strongest interest for on a wide scale: Maybe exceptions like Mario/Zelda from sheer brand recognition, and Persona 5 for its recent Smash Bros involvment, but those are exceptions.

If you bought a PS4 you probably did. We had a nice run. Sorry to, uh, the others

>Se fifica weno illo ira ira ira Cristiano... Goooooool! Que golaco shur!
Murricans, next time you go to war drop a few fat ones on Spain

Xbots aren’t shitting up the board.

Yea Forums

All the news sites come here to shill anyways so you never have to even go to their sites

Maybe 1 out 1,000,000

Xbots still exist we literally get 99% of the exact same game but at higher specs

>ninceldo pretends he's spent even a minute of his life in the gym
gains goblin LOL

This, I don't have a gaming PC so I played all the multiplats and loved most exclusives, not a fan of HZD and GoW tho.

because the shitposting is made by some cunts from Australia or some SÖYBOYS from Canada, that prank from 1 april few years ago, confirm this.

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I remember that. A lot of canadians and south americans. Quite disgusting.

If ps5 is backwards compatible than its worth it if you have ps4 already.

They wanted both Nintendo to go 3rd party and TORtanic Zelda
When basically neither happened they lost their minds.
Then again unless Miyamoto goes completely senile Zelda refuses to sink

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filtered :)

