The great debate

The great debate

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TP is my personal favourite but I get that it has problems and isn't the best
BotW is worst out of all of them

Are you me

>no majora

It is either oot or botw. The other two are not that good

Exactly this for me as well

>standalone expansion better than the main game

What's the debate here?

OOT > WW > BotW > TP
Btw Majora's Mask would rank behind TP because it's bad.

Twilight Princess > Breath of the Wild > Majora's Mask > Skyward Sword > Ocarina of Time > Wind Waker

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A Link to the Past > Link's Awakening > Ocarina

You're missing two of the top three there.

Fpbp but I'd tie TP with WW

>muh pixels
no, they were good at the time of release but now they are obsolete

Please for the love of all that is holy do NOT summon you know who

WW would be top of the overworld was more interesting
TP goes in the same list as SS

BotW > WW = Oot(remake) > TP

Breddy gud taste, though Ocarina should be at the top. And WW deserves more >>>s between it and whatever's above it because it's such a mess.

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MM ALTTP best 2d.

Twilight Princess>Skyward Sword>Wind Waker>Breath of the Wild>Majora's Mask>Ocarina of time
Yeah i know, it's a pretty fucking awful taste

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My niggas.

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A tier:
A Link to the Past
Ocarina of Time
Breath of the Wild

B tier:
Zelda 1
Zelda 2
Link's Awakening
Majora's Mask
Twilight Princess

C tier:
Wind Waker
Skyward Sword

Based on many factors including how they shook things up at the time. For example, I'd say Majora's Mask is as good as Breath of the Wild, but it was a rehash.

Alltp artwork alone is better than every single other thing from this series
I may have to get out of bed to post some

does anyone have an opposite image for jeice?

Make way for the actual best Zelda game ever made.

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TP has some of the better dungeons
Wind Waker has the best atmosphere
Ocarina of Time is the most solidly paced and doesn't really have any of the major shortcomings of the other games

BotW is catered to an entirely different audience. It's robust combat mechanics are boring because the basic way to play which is encouraged is terrible and the world feels empty, with no rewarding exploration

I like wind waker but you do you

Don't remember TP well enough. Where's Majora's Mask?

best post.

OOT > the rest

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This is the debate for the second best 3D Zelda


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Exactly in reverse order

>poorly balanced difficulty
>underwhelming dungeons/bosses

>too linear
>too reliant on N64 nostalgia

> too much water
> feels empty

> Navi stfu
> Water Temple

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so majora's mask is the best

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>Nintendo have yet to re-release a version of this that isn't completely ass-backwards retarded to play in multiplayer

Playing this with my bros was some of the tightest shit, god tier taste user

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Navi isn't nearly as bad as companions in the later games, and I prefer her short outbursts to BOTW Zelda's voice acting

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I'd love to see this get a modern port

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OoT > WW > BotW >>>> TP

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TP=best dungeons
OoT=90s evolutionary 3D action adventure game
BoW=introduce a new standard for open world games: open air philosophy game style
WW=beta game with 3-4 less dungeons, boring water "exploration", ridiculous boss/mini boss fights, just 4 main island, 49 piece of map with 49 bastard fish to feed, useless items and ideas, etc. In general the worst 3d home zelda.

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OoT needs mods to remove (or allow to skip) a lot of the cutscenes in the game. It would also be better if it stopped taking control of the player when they open a chest, flip a lever for a door, etc.
WW's problem is that the water gimmick eventually becomes insanely obnoxious and the triforce shards don't help.
TP's main weakness is really the actual dog sections.It has some really fun ideas it should have spent more time with like the top.
BotW feels like its 75% of the way to a great game. The durability system needs to be replaced completely and more emphasis should have been on dungeon design. The open world needs to made smaller if there isn't that much to do in it.
The 2D Zeldas tend to be better.

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Yeah, it's funny because it's true

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>complaints about 5 second cutscenes in OoT
>TPs main weakness are the wolf sections
are you literally retarded?

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Not sure why I love this so much, it's like a long forgotten era of fantasy, it kinda takes me to Hyborian age feel

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No, debate its ALTTP

Didn't explicitly state but all of the 3D zeldas suffer from it. Control taken from the player for story cutscenes (typically unskippable), hitting door triggers, setting up boss fights, setting up mini boss fights, opening chests, grabbing items, playing the baton/ocarina/howling/whatever (and then again to play it out automatically), changing regions, hitting objectives/killing enemies to proceed, etc. All of these things are minor but they add up and really dull replay value for these games. The recent mods/emulators for OoT have shown how removing a lot of that garbage immediately improves how fun the game is to replay. And it is symptomatic of the 3D zeldas. The 2D don't bother with it nearly as much.

Every non-NES Zelda is crap. End of fucking discussion.

but muh dungeons in any order!!!

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TP babies unironically disgust me.


I've never played twilight princess. Is that for the better?

Purple Master Race. Fuck Triforce Heroes.

It's a solid Zelda. Biggest knock against it is the slow ass introduction but it has a lot of good shit. Play the gamecube version. I dunno how the HD remake is but avoid wagglin


BotW > OoT > WW > TP

But all 3D Zeldas are shit.

I don't really play the series or nintendo stuff no more, but I thought it was fine as soon as you got through the OG temple and the wolf shit

>The best open world zelda is somehow worse then the worse open world zelda
Have people even played windwaker? is an unfinished mess

Yeah I fucking love the only thing on the map being shrines and ubisoft towers it's excellent
Oh also only 4 shit dungeons that all feel and look the same and all use the same gimmick for puzzle solving with the bosses all being the same shit too

and botw is a bland mess

>The great debate
But how good is SS now?

talk shit about BoTW shrines all fucking day but saying WW boring, empty, painfully slow to travel world is better then the detailed, beautiful, varied landscapes of BoTW that is fun to travel through is fucking retarded
Also WW has some of the worse dungeons in the fucking series with the same gimmick used for three out of the FIVE dungeons
Also also, WW has some of the worse main story content in any game ever with the Triforce quest
You most be blind to think this world is bland

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not that user but BOTW really only has visuals and setpieces to prop up its world compared to past titles letting you actually enter various ruins and get a better understanding of the world they're set in. OOT and MM are my favorite 3D games as despite their small overworlds (compared to later games at least) they still make the most of what's presented and go further than just being visually interesting. BOTW may have interesting structures and ruins like Akkala Citadel but there's not much to it beyond looking nice and having a few enemies dotted around it

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For me? It's Link's Awakening

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I've played WW but haven't finished it.
Sure BotW looks pretty but that's the problem, anytime you find any cool landmark or area the only thing to it is a shrine or korok seed.
The coolest thing I found after searching through that whole world was the lord of the mountain and that's about it
Sure they can go with the open world meme and use ubisoft towers but shrines were fucking shit and if they want to do the open world meme again they need to go back to traditional dungeons because the beasts sucked ass

I loved botw on my first playthrough but on my second I just realised how shit the world was when the only fucking thing you can find is shrines, I didn't find them all on my first but I found most of them, going through them all again and finding more on the second playthrough was so shit. They all look and feel the same and having to do them over and over gets so fucking tedious and boring

Big fucking whoop, foliage!
That makes up for the lack of NPCs and world building, my empty sandbox is purdy!

it looks pretty and nice to explore but there's no substance to it
If they want to do another open world thing next game they need to step it up

>not that user but BOTW really only has visuals and setpieces to prop up its world compared to past titles letting you actually enter various ruins and get a better understanding of the world they're set in
Without examples to back this up your just saying buzzwords
What about OOT's hyrule field gives you a better understanding of the world?
What about any place in OOT tells you anything about the world that doesn't also happen in BOTW?
>Sure BotW looks pretty but that's the problem, anytime you find any cool landmark or area the only thing to it is a shrine or korok seed
I said BOTW was the best open world zelda, not the best zelda
We could have a long talk about shrines and korok seed seeing how there are 120 shrines which each do something different and 900 korok seeds, some of which have puzzle only seen twice in the world
But non of that matters because the shrines and korok seeds are infinitely better then anything you get from exploring WW's world
Add to that fact that WW's world isn't fun to move through and everyplace looks the fucking same, WW is the worst open world zelda
And WW doesn't stand a chance at being better then any of the normal zelda games, seeing how it has 5 shitty dungeons
>the lack of NPCs and world building
I think BOTW has the most intractable NPCs in the series and world build is just a fucking buzzworld that means nothing unless defined

>going into the well and seeing all the torture devices supposedly linked to the hyrule royal family
>learning about things like the gerudo through the mask stones
>actually having dungeons that look and feel different
>actually having bosses that don't feel like glorified copy pastes
>a main antagonist that actually goes around doing things throughout the story and doesn't just sit at hyrule castle waiting to die
>minigames in settlements actually give valuable rewards

In comparison, in Breath of the Wild all you get is a giant overworld with nothing but ruins, korok seeds, the occasional setpiece, and the occasional settlement with barely anything worthwhile inside it. Not to mention that side quests are all worthless because link can get more money from farming rocks. Even Wind Waker, the game you ridiculed, has better world building than BotW does.

Too bad the actual game looks like garbage.

What are you expecting fucktard?

Something that doesn’t look like dogshit when the SNES was clearly capable of handling better looking games.

world building happens in breath of the wild by talking to the NPC's
And the ruins also tell story's
the only thing you said that is actually world building is the bottom of the well shit
The gerudo also get explain in Breath of the wild, the dungeon looking different has nothing to so with world building and neither do the bosses for that matter
Ganon having a more active role also has nothing to do with world building and the same can be a said about settlements giving rewards (which also happens in BoTW)
Also why does world building make BoTW a worse game the WW?
The was my main point from the beginning

>link can get more money from farming rocks
What the fucking are you talking about?
I have over 300 hours in BoTW and the biggest ruppee I got from picking up a rock was a purple
and that only happened once

all i know is that TP is fucking trash

Sometimes Yea Forums can be alright.

Especially you.

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>3 giant brothers shrine quest
>it actually refers to the gigantic rib cages in which the hinox are located
>there were actually giants of that size in an ancient past

that was fucking based when i find out. better than anything in previous zelda games

i miss the era of gaming. I'm not sure why but it's really really comfy

Who the fuck are you kidding? TP has like two NPC sidequests in the entire game and they involved NPCs you meet at the start of the game. You don't find a single NPC in hyrule field.

>TP has like two NPC sidequests in the entire game and they involved NPCs you meet at the start of the game. You don't find a single NPC in hyrule field.
And what is that trying to tell me, that your faggot shitty BOTW is comparable to the worst LoZ


I don't care what anyone says, Zelda is best at exploration and everything else is supplementary to it.

I like my Zelda games with a side of edge.

i mean we could have had more than four dungeons

my favorite is windwaker and i hate BotW so much

Skyward Sword
Anyone who leaves SS iout is a faggot that just wants to look trendy and has shit taste in art and gaming

More like the great de-bait, because the objective truth is

OOT = BOTW > Link's Awakening > A Link to the Past > Majora's Mask > Windwaker >>>>>>>>> Twilight Princess > Skyward Sword

Place the remaining titles in between WW and TP as you wish.

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I don't care what anyone says, Zelda is best at dungeons and everything else is supplementary to it.

he means mining the rocks and selling the gems that come out

>he means mining the rocks and selling the gems that come out
oh ok, I guess I'm kinda retarded for that getting that
mining the rocks is not even the fastest way to get money (I don't even think it's that fast) and it still involves exploring
But what ever, there are much bigger problems with his post

OoT & MM > WW & TP
Haven't played a Zelda title since then.

The only one I beat was BOTW.
WInd Waker was pretty fun though

Absolutely based. I need to see if there's a way to play it over netplay now.

i liked and beat all of them :)

>village of the blue maiden

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they're all great games. oot only has the upper hand in my opinion cuz it was magical to me when i played it at the age of six.


Zoomers are just being nostalgic for that turd of game. By far it’s the worse 3D Zelda game even worse than Skyward sword

>By far it’s the worse 3D Zelda game
Is there a worse 2D Zelda?
Also SS is not that bad

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Amazing, shit, ok, shit

Phantom hourglass and spirit tracks, mining cap isn’t that great either as the kinstone mechanic really dampers the experience

Swap BotW and OoT and this is me.

>Phantom hourglass and spirit tracks
Yeaaa I kinda forgot about these cause they were so bad
and I thought people loved minish cap? it one of the few zelda games i have played much of

PH and MC are better than WW and ST would be if it was judged solely by its dungeons, completely independent of its tire fire overworld.

Take this however you like, but at least give sound and detailed reasoning if you disagree.

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Some people love minish cap but it mostly removed incentives to explore as all secrets are found through the kinstone system, the oracle games are definitely capcoms best Zelda games
Stylus controls made PH/ST borderline unplayable for me along with the tedium of the temple of the ocean king. But you are correct that it’s not as bad as WW now that I’m thinking about it

List of good Zelda games

>NES original
>Minish Cap, sort of
>Oracle games, sort of

That's it for me. I just can't appreciate the 3D ones. They are too linear, too much forced talking to NPCs, they lose that sense of exploration. TBF I haven't played BOTW and want to because ti seems the only one to try to get that feeling back.

Move spirit tracks and minish cap down to D tier. They’re both gimmick games, spirit tracks has no overworld just train tracks and minish cap has no incentive to explore.
Move botw to A tier, while it has shitty dungeons it’s still a good game overall any saying otherwise is just contrarianism
Links awakening needs to move up and ages needs to move down simply because of that dungeon where you need to do a whole slew of annoying mini games to get both mermaid keys.
Move both NES zelda’s Down to C tier neither has aged well

Links awakening is very linear though, you are very limited where you can go until you get the appropriate items to access those areas

The real objective truth is seasons/ages > minish cap > ALL

>AoL in S tier
More like a B tier. It has unique, standout qualities for sure like its difficulty and magic system but the occasionally obscure progression system and severe punishment for getting a game over bring it down despite its best qualities.

>ST in A tier
ST has S tier dungeons but F tier gimmicks and overworld. It's a delight in dungeons and Ghost Zelds is best girl but the train and flute are 2 of the worst ideas ever implemented in the series between tedious setpieces, literally railroaded movement and barely functional mic controls.

>TP worse than SS
Everything bad about TP was doubled down on in SS, from the tear hunts to the story railroading to the underwhelming overworld exploration. It does have better sidequests, though. Even then, its dungeons also aren't as memorable on average despite some excellent highs like Sandship and Ancient Cistern. TP isn't an ambitious Zelda but it is a solidly executed one and is overall a more balanced game than SS, whose experimentation hurts as much as it helps. I'd say switch the placement on them personally.

Well that's most zeldas, but it was still easy to get lost in the world and go exploring and find secrets, lots of cool little things to find


>looking like garbage
get the fuck out zoomer.

BotW pissed off some people that don't like modern open world shenanigans. It's honestly fair to say it's the worst though I do believe it builds meaningfully enough upon WW's concepts to at least be better than that game.

>spirit tracks has no overworld just train tracks
It works fine for what it is and the meat of the game is with the story and dungeons anyway.
> it’s still a good game overall any saying otherwise is just contrarianism
Fuck no, it's mediocre at best since you've seen everything in a dozen hours, puzzles get recycled too much, and combat is a braindead chore.
>because of that dungeon where you need to do a whole slew of annoying mini games to get both mermaid keys
It was easy as hell and an extremely small portion of the larger game.
>Move both NES zelda’s Down to C tier neither has aged well
"Age" is a meaningless buzzword and Zelda 2 has the best combat in the series.
>the occasionally obscure progression system and severe punishment for getting a game over bring it down despite its best qualities.
I'll give you the obscure progression, but that can be mitigated by listening to villagers. The punishment for dying gives your lives meaning, and therefore, enhances the game.
>the train and flute are 2 of the worst ideas ever implemented in the series between tedious setpieces
The train was definitely full of flaws, but the only problem with the flute was the finicky controls tied to it and that was never an issue until later. I could see it in B, but nothing lower.
>from the tear hunts to the story railroading to the underwhelming overworld exploration
The tear hunts were handled very well in SS. It required thought and precision rather than just being a mindless fetchquest.
> its dungeons also aren't as memorable on average despite some excellent highs like Sandship and Ancient Cistern
Their aesthetic isn't as good, but the puzzles are the best in 3D Zelda.
>TP isn't an ambitious Zelda but it is a solidly executed one and is overall a more balanced game than SS, whose experimentation hurts as much as it helps.
I agree, but I value SS higher because it has highs and lows, while TP is just all around mediocre.

>No MM and SS
I applaud you for only posting the 3D Zeldas worth discussing
That said, BotW > OoT > WW > TP

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> We will never get a Zelda game faithful to Terada's artwork.

OOT because I'm biased and that was the one I played when I was a 10 year old retard
the rest are pretty good too but they won't feel that way

Was this Terada as well? I'd love to see a Zelda that captured this well.

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Majora is better than all of those and SS is infinitely better than WW


>no Zelda 2 remake with fully animated 2d art, none of that flash game shit, with classic fantasy elements, pantsless big hair adult link, and no master sword

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Official 3D Zelda ranking
Official 2D Zelda ranking
I haven’t play triforce heroes or four swords

>The punishment for dying gives your lives meaning, and therefore, enhances the game.
Yes, but as the game goes on being sent back to the starting room for losing all your lives becomes increasingly discouraging. It does give lives value and instill caution within the player but even that doesn't fully mitigate how ball bustingly hard Zelda II can be in spots.

>The tear hunts were handled very well in SS. It required thought and precision rather than just being a mindless fetchquest.
I've beaten SS twice and not once did a Guardian come close to touching me. Far as I'm concerned it's the same thing as TP's but with an extraneous layer of nuance that didn't really add anything.

>but the puzzles are the best in 3D Zelda.
I'll grant that Sky Keep's gimmick and anything pertaining to Timeshift Stones really stood out but otherwise I felt SS was kinda simple in the puzzle department, or at least no more complex than any other 3D Zelda not named Wind Waker.

>WW that high
Shit taste

how come everyone in this thread hates on windwaker?
best zelda game imo

Non contrarian here who is aware of the Zelda cycle

WW HD>Botw>TP>Oot

All great games in their own right, but this is personal preference
If we could take elements from each one into one game we'd have the perfect zelda

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>BotW in first
>TP and SS at the bottom

He's an adventurefag, the logic checks out.

Despite its ambitions none of its novel ideas really pan out properly and it's also VERY mediocre as a conventional Zelda. The only things very good about it are aesthetic elements and its implementation of non-sword items in combat. Dungeons, sidequests, and general pacing are all pretty ass though.

maybe tie WW and TP but yes

80% of the game is staring at water and the other parts are pretty meh or just as tedious as the sailing and the triforce hunt is just shameless padding and adds nothing to the experience.


>even that doesn't fully mitigate how ball bustingly hard Zelda II can be in spots
I found it hard as a kid in a few places, but going back to it, the only unfair spot was Death Mountain since you have no idea where to go. Even the valley of death isn't so bad because you can cheese fairy and regain all your magic when you lose a life.
>I've beaten SS twice and not once did a Guardian come close to touching me. Far as I'm concerned it's the same thing as TP's but with an extraneous layer of nuance that didn't really add anything.
>I felt SS was kinda simple in the puzzle department, or at least no more complex than any other 3D Zelda not named Wind Waker.
I'd have to go back and replay SS then. I beat it at least 3 times, but that was years ago by now.

>Link to the Past at the bottom of the C tier.

While I don't understand the fandom's nostalgiaboner for that game, I do think it should be higher than the original.

It's only value is being an improvement on that mess of a game after all.

The progression in Zelda 1 has a satisfying feel to it, but travel in ALttP just feels like a chore with all the world switching just to open up new areas.
The only thing I can really see better about it is the bosses.

I love the music and setting of WW, the game play mechanics and plot of botw. I've never liked OoT as much, even as a kid and I've always despised the very existence of TP.

>plot of botw
Lmao you have shit taste

If you don't care much for OoT then yeah, you probably wouldn't like TP. For me, they're the 2 best games in the series.

Even the shitty version tacked on with the GBA version of A Link to the Past was pretty great.

>Majora is better than all of those

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Majora's Mask is better than pictured
and skyward sword is one of the best zeldas ever

>SS is infinitely better than WW
The absolute state of Majorafags.

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Well let's not pretend that Zelda as a whole is the pinnacle of writing. Perhaps I saw a little more in the game, but the characters were likeable and I loved this game picks up right after Ganon won.
Which is weird, because I've given both plenty of chances. I was just thinking about re-playing OoT on Citra and see if my opinion changes.

>4 dungeons
>Time limit
>Better than anything

R8 B8 H8

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Consider suicide by immolation/10

WW has no content, it’s just a sailing simulator

quality > quantity
besides there was more like 6

>muh time limit

>WW has no content
Confirmed for being a zoomer who haven't played the game. At least bring up Tingle or something, but even then, Rupees are plentiful enough so it doesn't really matter.

Spending 10-15 minutes to cross the map is just boring. Windwaker is boring and filled with filler, even the well in Majora isn’t anywhere as tedious as the triforce piece quest or just crossing the map.

How can people like Minish Cap? It's shortas hell, encourages grinding with it's retarded kinstone system and has some of the most boring dungeons I've seen. It was 6/10 at most.

The only boring thing in that game is collecting the miniature figurines. Rest of the game is GOAT.

>Ganon having a more active role also has nothing to do with world building

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>mining the rocks is not even the fastest way to get money
Yes it is.

>finding out that one of the dungeons in the game is a living creature that the Zora worship as a diety isn't world building
>finding out about the Kokiri and their connection to the forest isn't world building
>the Farm changing owners between past and present and the circumstances around this shift in ownership isn't world building
>learning about the sages isn't world building
This is how fucking stupid you sound. The dumbest part is that you think Ganondorf actively having a presence int he games plot doesn't count as worldbuilding when certain things only happen int he games overworld because of his actions between past and present. You are just a blind BotW cock sucker with terrible English.
>these thing sin BotW do tell stories!
Okay, then list them.

SS is better than WW. Every 3D Zelda is better than WW. All of the others are either better traditional Zeldas (OoT, TP) or realize their experimental ambitions in a more satisfying fashion (MM, SS, BotW). WW tried to work with a great concept but between item gating on islands and story gating for the first half it never truly feels like you're mastering a great sea until the Triforce quest and it's way too damn late by then, and this is on top of having trash dungeons and sidequests by Zelda standards so it's not a good Zelda either. Even SS, flawed as it is, saw more tangible returns for its swordplay fuckery and turning the overworld into extended dungeons, it got more solid mileage out of those concepts than WW did with its sea, and when WW's ambitions fell short in execution all that was left was a subpar OoT clone.

>whole zora domain back story with the East Reservoir Lake story
>the one story about the fucking zora scale
>The whole of the Gerudo tribe, with them telling you a tribe of all woman would even work
>The story of the Seven Heroines
>Yoga clans killing someones wife for disobeying
>the Leviathan bones
>Learning about the sheikah technology
>Setting up terry towns
I don't think I have even seen someone talk with such confidence about something they know nothing about
You have done such a poor job defining "world build" that have an antagonist in your story is counted as fucking world building

I'd also like to point out that I never once said OOT was worse the BoTW you bone smuggling, pipe smoking faggot

it has, you just didnt find them, think it has at least 10, including the DLC and excluding the 120 shrines

>specifies ruins and dungeons
>"but what about Hyrule Field"

Attached: 5647.jpg (600x656, 48K)

the problem with WW is that you have ocean overworld, but you cant dive or get any look underwater, i love water in videogames but WW dont even do anything about it, just a blue boring surface, pretty sure sea of theives and other games have done much better job.

>The books laid all around hyrule like the rumor mill and the cooking recipes
>The journal of various worries in Kakariko village
>The battle field on ash swamp
>The goddess statue that no one uses in Gerudo town, that has been abandoned
>GSC being a thing
>The story of Lover's pond and how Muava wasted her life away looking for it
>Finding the eighth heroine
Do I need to keep going?
Your dumb fuck buzzword is meaningless, just fucking say you don't like open world zelda game you mouth breathing inbred faggot

>>Learning about the sheikah technology
not that user but the sheikah tech never made any sense when you consider the time frames and what we know of the Zelda universe

OoT > TP = WW >>>> BotW

>a cookbook is world building but ganondorf fucking things up isn't
Kek, the absolute state of your grasping.