"What's going on everyone. Jeremy here from TheQuartering"

"What's going on everyone. Jeremy here from TheQuartering"

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>Be TheQuartering
>Piss off trannies and leftist
WOah, based.

Why do you keep making these threads you're the only one talking about him you use the same picture every time I don't even need to check the archive to know it's been posted hundreds of times

My guess he wants Yea Forums to actively hate him because he makes more than most by cashing on a outrage culture cash cow


video games


>shits on journos
>threatens them with legal actions if they say false bullshit about him
Based, can't wait until journalist heads will finally roll. I don't feel sorry for them, if you act like a retard you should suffer for it

"The Quartering" sounds like something you would use to describe America's genetic destiny.

Jeremy I know youre reading this. If dubs include me in your next video

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Why would you ever take advice or news from a fat person?

why trannies have such hateboner for daddy for Jeremy?

Youre a gayfag doublenigger and coach redpill makes more money than you LOL

"The Quartering" sounds like something you would use to describe America's genetic destiny.

Hes 1/4th-ing everything. That name is so fucking stupid... Like him.

Yeah but I'm not fat and ugly.

Based Jeremy working the trannies.

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He looks like he enjoys looking at BLACK men fucking his wife

bro pewdiepie has really gone downhill

Thanks for confirming its you making these threads. Also, you are both fat AND ugly. You look like a fag and your shits all retarded.

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I don't make any threads, I'm way too lazy. I just don't respect fat people in any way shape or form.

Weird that he has prime Italian pussy next to him and just goes for porn instead. Speaks volumes about the guy.


I've figured it out. Fucker really like quarter pounders with cheese.

Such an unappealing human.
Why do people let themselves go like this or worse think it looks good?

this dude looks like a fuckin slob, get a haircut, trim your beard, wear better fitting shirts.

I thought he was the quartering? Why is he "from" it?

He speaks so fucking slow, makes him sound like a low iq retard. Have to set speed to 1.5 to make his videos tolerable.

if you think he speaks slow try to sit through a Diversity & Comics video without putting it on AT LEAST 1.5x

That happens when you have a minute of things to say, but must drag the video to 10:01. It's pure grift, always was.

"The Quartering" sounds like something you would use to describe America's genetic destiny.

Have you considered the fact that you may in fact be the retard?

He looks so earnest and stupid.


>thread was dead for 10 minutes
>based retards bump it all the way to 1st page

I liked that time he almost pussied out of a debate with destiny, and conceded every point he made when he actually went on the stream

>umm actually sky isn't blue it can be orange and black too
Every destiny "debate"

fuck off billy

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Like most, I like laughing at sjw retards, but the quartering has to be one of the most unlikable youtube personalities I'm aware of.
Ultimate low IQ self important, atheist neckbeard type.

I hate him because I could be him if i weren't so devilishly handsome and intelligent.

Fucking off yourself you retarded wojak posting faggot

What a crybaby. Not bumping this shitty thread.