Tfw I realize the guy leading you in 'All Ghllied Up' wasn't Price

>tfw I realize the guy leading you in 'All Ghllied Up' wasn't Price.
What are some other cases of mandela effect in gaming?

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Balrog actually says


And not


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whenever i watch chernobyl i think about this game and that mission

what was the context in the game i can't remember

assassinating zakhaev

>all ghillied up

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Try paying attention.

Assassinate the main bad guy in 1996 during an arms trade...I think.
Set before the main story.

thanks i remember that when you sit in the apartment and wait, it's such a based mission

was the area they were in REALLY irradiated or was the chernobyl power plant more than a few miles away? i remember the evac area with the ferris wheel but don't remember actually seeing the plant

You didn't attention at all playing the game, did you.

sry zoomers i played it 12 years ago when it came out. Unlike when I was 13 years old in 2019 like you.

dino crisis 3 exists. doesnt the cover just look wrong?

Attached: 250px-Dinocrisis3box.jpg (250x356, 28K)

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It isn't. Everyone who played the game that wasn't fucking retarded knew that.

>tfw Noah is actually still alive out there and became the skinwalker for real because of user's terrifying appearance

Nigga your memory is just bad. There's no point you could ever confuse the two and even now I remember that this singular chapter writes in Macmillan and then immediately writes him into retirement.

No. I deny any existense of Dino Crisis 3. Only second game is real.


>mandela effect
about bloodborne being good

Cope more behind your ironic shitposts


Thats not mandela effect youre just from another dimension

Oh so this is where that Mandela effect shit comes from, legit mongoloids.

In The Lost Age I could swear you fight Isaacs party while in Jupiter Lighthouse to the point I could almost visualize the fight itself, but then I snap out of it and remember it never happens.

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Imagine having ADHD so severe that you fabricate false memories because you weren't paying attention

There is no context in which it makes sense for Price to lead a literally who player character in All Ghillied Up.
I have an example of my own though. There's a mission in Silent Assassin where you have to get into a basement to assassinate a hacker and the room is filled with crunchy potato crisps and you need to be very slow and quiet and watch your step. I remember playing that mission at a friend's house. In Splinter Cell, not Hitman.

Attached: Hitman_2.jpg (220x315, 14K)

You play AS Price in the mission you fucking brainlet.
It's a flashback


My friend loaned both Splinter Cell and Hitman. We played both. My memories stuck together but were left largely ignored. The false memory wasn't triggered until years later when I got Splinter Cell on PC, it didn't have a hacker assassination mission, and on top of that, the console version of Splinter Cell has in fact a console-exclusive hacker assassination mission. It wasn't until a few years after that when I got Silent Assassin on my PC when I finally ran into the mission I thought had been in a different game.
But I suppose with this theory it's no longer Mandela Effect at all.

thats why i called it mandela effect. I literally remember the helicopter crashing in that mission and almost chopping up 'Price'. Its what my 12 year old memory says.

Brainlet Effect

Bruh i literally remember price's voice in that scene.

Negro it's not the Mandella effect if you're the only idiot who didn't pay attention to the mission's briefing

Collective psychosis.
Same thing that creates communists.
Get yourself checked.

Who was the mute player character then and why didn't you immediately dismiss your memory as faulty after discovering you have no answer?

We gamers are too smart to be effected by the Mandela effect.

But if I had to pick I'd go with always looking back and thinking Mass Effect 1 was a good game when infact it's shite, and Skyrim's famous arrow quote is always said wrong.

"You are gonna have to carry me soap."


>thinking Mass Effect 1 was a good game when infact it's shite
GOOD post

Aye. Cool story and characters, shit game.

So your problem isn't really the inability to pay attention, but the inability to connect any piece of contextual information with another. You instantly forget that it's Price narrating a flashback about something he experienced to Soap and Gaz, and after that you even forget that Price is not Scottish, and after the mission you forget that you thought he is Scottish. Everything is a self-contained piece of trivia that evaporates instantly when out of scope, just like all of the level design in Call of Duty. It's just a linear progression from setpiece to setpiece, and you stop thinking about what's going on around you because you literally never have to. There is only one thing you can do, so no decisions need to be formulated. No information needs to be absorbed or processed. You just go, and it doesn't even matter where because you can only go one way.

"pick up the soap, whiteboi"

be truthful. tell me what year you played this game in.

I replayed it last year, it's still just as good as I remembered.

I played it on release and I can remember basic story stuff like who MacMillan is. It being a long time ago isn't a valid excuse for being an idiot.

false. you are 15 years old. Just admit it and I will let you go.

Probably 2014 or something. If Windows had a feature that tracks "last time this file was accessed" I could tell exactly. I don't use a crack, I have the DVD image copied onto an external HD.

frick off 2001 zoomer faggot

>name your retardation after people who are so stupid that they think Mandela died in prison
Mandela effect indeed.

Nigger I replayed it the year the story takes place for shits and giggles.

Attached: cod4.png (424x22, 2K)

mandela effect is a real thing zoomie
more like played it first time in 2013

It's not brainlet. Kys.

>did I misremember something?
>obviously not, my memory is perfect. Dimensions are merging
Imagine thinking like this.

reply to this reply and mention your age. Unless you wanna lie (or get banned ofc),

I wonder from which country this mandela effect nonsense came from

Must have been a really shitty game then to sit on a hard drive for 6 years before I even bothered to try it.

It's a real term sure, but the "effect" it describes is just people being retarded

implying you dont remember getting lost in the mall as a 5 year old and a tall stranger with a hat helping you get back to her

that's not a mandela effect that's just you being a complete brainlet fuckstick not paying attention to the story

kek this has to be real. you can't make this kind of shit up

It literally says MacMillan right there you idiot

You can see the nuclear plant in the background when you are sniping.

The fuck are you going on about?
The dude that leads you stands out because of his thick Scottish accent, while Price was voiced by Bill Murray.

It's literally said Cpt. MacMillan right there, in the subtitle. And correct me if I'm wrong, but in COD4 the subtitle is on by default. You're a fucking idiot m8.

It will also say Cpt. MacMillan every time you look at him, which is often in this mission. OP is a retard.

i remember price having a scottish accent. hence the mandela eeffect!


dont worry zoomer you will think 9s said 2b's likes in 12 years then some other zoomer will call you retard

I bet he doesn't realize how transparently he concedes being a retard by accusing others of being zoomers just so that he'd maintain his perception of superiority in comparison. "I'm retarded but you're a zoomer, and that's worse so joke's on you haha"

I can't even tell when people are trolling or ironic shitposting or not anymore since it turns out most of the people here are just genuinely stupid.

wojak not hving ears

Your case makes sense. I dont think its Mandela effect (even though the whole concept is retarded), since you were in a specific situation that would make that confusion easier to happen (2 stealth Ames borrowed at the same time, you probably played them one after the other, you were younger...) its easy to mix up that

a literary masterpiece

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